Fortune Teller

Chapter 1262 Compensation

The edge of Moro Realm.

The True Master of Zen Heart appeared quietly, but stood inside the realm, not daring to step out of the envelope of the Samsara Heart Array.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming has misunderstood. The four previous Demon Lords had old grudges with our sect, so the ancestor took action to kill them."

"The first Jiluo Demon Lord once killed thousands of Zen disciples in Beili Realm, including a branch of our sect."

"The second Xing Lu Demon Lord was once..."

"The third Qinggu Demon Lord once lived in..."

"The fourth place..."

The Zen Heart Master explained continuously, his expression extremely sincere, for fear of arousing the other party's anger.

"According to your opinion, the Zen sect's actions are all because of old grudges and have nothing to do with the Eight-Eyed God Sect?" Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes, "Save these words to coax others. I only want to ask you, do you want to die or live?"

Zang Xiang, Ling Yun and others suddenly turned pale.

Back then, Gu Xiuyun was able to curse and kill the venerable across the distant void. Now he understood the rules of fate and survived the yin and yang tribulation, and his strength was a hundred times greater.

If he takes action, how many people can stop him?

"Brother Zenxin!"

Everyone looked at Zen Heart Zhenzun.

"The grievances between the Venerable Demon Clan and the Zen Sect have nothing to do with the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect. Logically speaking, Your Excellency should not be involved in this matter," Zen Heart True Venerable said bravely, "But since my fellow Taoist has spoken, this sect is willing to How about making some compensation with forty source relics?"

"Forty... second-level relics," Gu Xiuyun said quietly, "In addition, add four hundred first-level relics."

"Are you crazy?"

"Taoist Xi Ming, do you know how difficult it is for our sect to condense an original relic? You actually want so many, why not give you the entire Moro Realm!"

"No way, don't even think about it."

All the venerables spoke one after another.

How many strong men can be created with 440 original relics? ? Especially the relics on the second level and above contain a complete original rule. Each relic represents a founder of the Heavenly Wheel Realm.

"I don't like bargaining. I'll give you thirty breaths to think about it. After thirty breaths, the Zen Sect will disappear from the world!"

Gu Xiuyun waved with one hand.

The dragon roar sounded!

The golden dragon rushed from the void in the distance, its huge body standing in the sky, overlooking the Moro Realm.

"I heard that there is a Taoist protector in Zen sect. He has profound cultivation and outstanding Taoism. I have always wanted to see him. Today I can finally try his hand."

"Long Yang, what are you in a hurry? Zen Sect hasn't rejected him yet!" Another voice sounded, and Dongyan Zhenzun came from a distance.

"Dong Yan, Long Yang!" Zhenxin Zhenzhen's pupils shrank sharply.

Others don't understand these two pinnacle true masters tens of millions of years ago, but Zen Sect knows everything about them.

Long Yang Zhenzun is physically powerful, proficient in the mysteries of life and death, and his cultivation has reached the Five Difficulties Realm.

Dongyan Zhenzun is proficient in the mystery of fate, and his cultivation level is also in the Five Difficulties Realm. These two people alone can sweep away a realm, not to mention there is a more terrifying life-loving Taoist.

"440 relics, not much, you still have twenty breaths left." Gu Xiuyun said quietly.

Zen Heart True Master's expression changed.

The opponent's timing was perfect. The protector had just killed a demon lord with a curse, his soul was almost collapsed, and his body had suffered some damage. In addition, the end of the soul's body was approaching, so it was really not suitable to fight.

"Okay, I promise you, the relics will be presented to you later." Zhenxin Zhenzhen gritted his teeth and spit out a few words.

A few days later, a piece of news spread throughout the heavens.

The second true form of Taoist Xi Ming came to the Moro Realm and took away hundreds of original relics from the hands of Zen.

As soon as this incident came out, the powerful men in the world were immediately in an uproar.

"Taoist Ximing dares to stay in this world, isn't he afraid of punishment by the rules of heaven and earth??" The true master of the Spirit Clan in the Six Realms of the West was full of doubts.

To understand the rules of life is to touch the taboos of heaven and earth. Unless you are protected by the samsara heart formation like a Zen protector, or perhaps like the founder of Tianji, you are far away in the void and cannot even find the rules of heaven and earth.

But Gu Xiuyun was walking blatantly in the realm of the heavens, which was incredible.

"Junior Xi Ming, you still stay in this world?"

After learning about this, Zhenzun Daowao and Zhenxing Tianxing hurried to Shanshui Thatched Cottage.

"Brother Bai Ze, have you heard about the rumors about the Moro Realm?"

"Taoist Xi Ming took the two peak true masters Dong Yan and Long Yang to go to the army to investigate the crime, and finally took away hundreds of original relics."

The two true sages said urgently.

"I've heard that," Zhenzun Bai Ze nodded slightly, "I'm also a little curious, how dare he walk under the eyes of the rules of heaven and earth? He is in charge of the way of living beings, and heaven and earth will not tolerate it. No one can be an exception to this."

"But what I'm more curious about is...why is the Zen sect so eager to take action? With the methods of the guardian, can't it be considered that this junior is still alive?"

The three true masters looked at each other with some doubts.

Black Lock Mountain, cave space.

As soon as Gu Xiuyun entered the island, his face suddenly turned blue-black, and his aura was much weaker than before.

"My dear friend, are you okay?" Dong Yan and Long Yang asked quickly.


Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Since the true form of the human race left, the mystery of killing has begun to affect the mind and will. I just confronted the Zen Sect. I have been suppressing the killing wave in my body. It has consumed a lot. I just need to rest for a while."

"Affecting the mind and will??"

The two true masters were a little puzzled.

It doesn't matter if they are others, Gu Xiuyun is a strong person in the Rules Realm of Destiny Dao. Looking at the entire endless void, there can't be three people.

How could such a being be affected by the Seventh Grade Mystery?

"Maybe it's because the real body of the human race has left, and Bai Kongze has the Taoist imprint of the Heavenly Lord Killing Lian left in his body, so this situation occurs."

Gu Xiuyun took a strong breath and said, "After this incident, the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect should be calm for a period of time. The two seniors will wait for a while. When I recover some of my power, I will send you two back to the passage space."

"Don't worry, your body has changed now, and someone must stay here. Long Yang and I have grown much longer, no less than a year or two apart."

Dongyan Zhenzun smiled and said, "Speaking of which, I was really shocked by you just now. With 440 original relics, are you not afraid of the Zen sect's rebellion?? Besides, how do you know that the protector will not show up? With his ability , it is possible to discover your disguise.”

"He didn't dare."

Gu Xiuyun said, "Using the secret curse-killing technique will cause great harm to the soul and body, and his soul body is also approaching its end... he will not show up easily."

Dong Yan and Long Yang nodded slightly.

Gu Xiuyun once told them about the secrets of Zen guardians... Before going through the tribulation, he told Dong Yan and Long Yang everything he could.

He was also prepared for the complete destruction of the Eight-Eyed Sect.

Fortunately, everything was safe. The awakening of the Eight-Eyed Master completely shattered all the plans of Master Tianji and the Master Chaofeng, and also brought Gu Xiuyun back from the edge of death.

In the eastern void, there is a withered realm at the end.

There is no life in this world, not even the ninth-grade ancestors and venerables can be found. Turbulence surges in the void, and desolation and decay are the only scenes here.

Suddenly, a white-haired old man covered in tatters tore open the void and appeared at the edge of the realm.

"After traveling for so many years, I finally returned to the Dongling realm."

Looking at the withered world in front of him, a smile appeared on the face of the white-haired old man, "It has been almost three hundred thousand years since I killed the true form of the human race and fled to the East Extreme Sea!"

"Three hundred thousand years is really short. I wonder what the realm of the heavens has become now?"

"And my real weapon spirit seems to have completely dissipated, and even the cause and effect of the past have disappeared... I, Peng Zu, am finally truly free."

The white-haired old man took one step forward and fled towards the realm of the heavens.

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