Fortune Teller

Chapter 1263 Illusion Test

Ziyang Courtyard, inside the stone slab in front of the weapons rack.

Three figures are fighting with all their strength against the Ten Thousand Zhang Origin Beast.

"How can this be the Nine Difficulties Origin Beast? It is clearly a half-step supreme, and its physical body is simply ridiculously strong!" The Red Scale Ancestor panted as he looked at the alien beast in the distance.

Unknowingly, the three of them had reached the last stone slab and the last dangerous level that could not be deduced.

After entering the dangerous pass, before going very far, they encountered a Nine Difficulties Origin Beast.

Compared with before, the source beast here is not huge, only about ten thousand feet, but its physical strength is almost ridiculous. Every piece of flesh is like a world-level spiritual treasure. No matter how many secret arts it is subjected to, it can't be hurt at all.

"The physical body of this origin beast is no less than that of a warrior who has transcended the seventh level or above. I really don't know how it cultivated, and its mind and will have reached such a level?" Cang Hong's face turned pale and uncertain.

The physical body of an ordinary Nine Dilemma Origin Beast is equivalent to that of a bloodline practitioner at the same level. As long as the mind and will reach the Dhamma Sui Realm, it can be cultivated.

As for this source beast, its physical body has exceeded the scope of its bloodline.

At this moment, the Wan Zhang Origin Beast swayed slightly, crossed a million miles, and came to Cang Yue.


The sharp claws forcibly tore Cang Yue's flesh apart, blood flew out, and the violent impact turned large pieces of flesh into flying smoke.

You must know that Cang Hong and Cang Yue are both elders of the Cang Yan clan and the Eight Difficulties Realm Masters, and their physical bodies have already reached the Eight Difficulties level.

However, in the Wan Zhang Yuan Beast, she was like a fragile rag doll, unable to resist a single chop.

Cang Yue quickly ran away, with the Ten Thousand Zhang Origin Beast following closely behind her, completely ignoring the siege from the other two Realm Masters.

The physical body that has surpassed the Nine Difficulties level has become so strong that even if the Red Scale Ancestor and Canghong Realm Master bombard it hundreds of times, they cannot break through the skin.

"The difficulty of this level is much higher than before," Cang Yue shouted urgently, "Brother, think of a way quickly, this source beast keeps staring at me, I can't hold on for long."

"At this point, there is no other way." Cang Hong turned to look at the old man in blood robe, "Chilin, I know your thoughts very well, and Tianjun also knows it very well, but don't forget that you are always Tianjun's disciple. There are still restrictions left by Tianjun in your body, do you really want to anger Tianjun for a chance that may not exist? "

The blood-robed old man frowned slightly.

After a moment of silence, he said, "This Origin Beast is too strong. His body has exceeded the bloodline system. I can't kill him. I can suppress him for a moment at most."

"A moment is enough."

Cang Hong nodded slightly, "This time when I entered Ziyang Courtyard, Tianjun gave me a Universe Destruction Talisman."

"The World-Destroying Talisman of the Universe?" The Red Scale Ancestor was horrified.

This is a killing talisman from the Qiankun Realm. You can't even buy it. Looking at the infinite world, only a few Talisman Supremes can refine it.

Cangyan Tianjun actually gave this thing to deal with him?

"Fortunately, this Origin Beast has been staring at Cang Yue and chasing him. Cang Hong had no choice but to use the Universe Destruction Talisman, otherwise I would really die here."

The Scarlet Scale Ancestor secretly rejoiced, with a smile on his face, "How powerful is the Lord of Heaven, how dare I betray you? Fellow Daoist Cang Hong, don't worry, I will do my best to suppress this beast."

As he spoke, the Red Scale Ancestor swayed and turned into the body of a billion-foot-tall fish and dragon.


The huge ichthyosaur stretched out its tail and entangled the Wan Zhang Origin Beast layer by layer. Coupled with the Dao Talisman Spirit Treasure and secret techniques, the Wan Zhang Origin Beast couldn't get rid of it for a while.

"Fellow Taoist, I can't hold on for long, so take action quickly."


Cang Hong took out a special ball from his arms that was filled with Yin and Yang energy. The ball was covered with Taoist patterns, and each pattern seemed to have its own spirituality and will.

The Qiankun World-Destroying Talisman... is not only a Taoist Talisman, but also a small world.

In the whole world, only the strong men of the Talisman lineage can refine the Realm-level Taoist Talisman, while only a few people can refine the Qiankun Realm Talisman, and each piece is of infinite value.

"Unlock the power of the Qiankun Realm!"

Cang Hong waved lightly.


The World-Destroying Talisman collapsed and formed countless threads, spreading towards the Ten Thousand-foot Origin Beast.

At the same time, the Red Scale Ancestor scattered his body and fled to the edge of the stone space. Even a trace of the power of the Qiankun Realm could make him lose half his life.

"You can walk fast!"

Cang Hong glanced at the old man in blood robe, "If the space here hadn't been completely sealed and Junior Sister Cang Yue had encountered a life-and-death crisis, how could I have used this thing?"

"Forget it, I'll spare your life first."


Countless silk threads are pierced into the body of the Wan Zhangyuan Beast. The dense threads are like steel needles, and each one is extremely sharp. No matter how powerful you are, it will be difficult to resist.

The Nine Difficulties Realm and the Qiankun Realm seem to be only one step apart, but they are worlds apart.

Although the Ten Thousand Zhang Origin Beast has broken through the limits of its bloodline and reached an unprecedented level, it is still a Nine Difficulties Origin Beast, not a Half-Step Supreme.

I saw countless silk threads piercing into the source beast's body, forming a huge ball covering millions of miles of void. Then, the ball shrank violently - Peng!

There was a muffled sound.

The Universe Destruction Talisman was completely annihilated, and the Ten Thousand Zhang Origin Beast disappeared without a trace.

"do you died??"

Cang Yue Jie Zun gasped slightly.

"Under the Qiankun World-Destroying Talisman, except for the Half-Step Supreme and Tianjun, no one can survive, and the Nine Difficulties Origin Beast is no exception. It will definitely be dead." Cang Hong said.

At this moment, the Crimson Scale Ancestor's escaping light flashed away, and he rushed towards the other end of the stone space.

"Want to leave!"

Cang Hong quickly chased after him, followed closely by Cang Yue.

The three of them flew one after another and soon flew to the end of the stone space.

Before they could tear open the void barrier, three figures exactly like them appeared in front, even their auras were exactly the same.

"Emperor Ziyang's treasure is not so easy to obtain."

"If you want to enter the weapons rack, you must pass our level first."

"You can choose to join forces, or you can fight separately. As long as you kill the corresponding person, you can go there."

The three figures spoke indifferently.

"Emperor Ziyang, you can actually copy our divine passage method?" Chi Lin, Cang Hong, and Cang Yue looked shocked.

Before reaching the Venerable Realm, this type of copying of divine passage methods was very common as a means of testing.

Because the material way exists forever, everyone's perceptions are similar.

But after becoming a Venerable, he began to understand the path of life, from fate, life and death, cause and effect... to the way of sword, painting, sun path, ripple path... Each path of life is different.

Even in the same sect and with the same method, the Tao of living beings that are understood are very different. That is the power of the soul. No one's thoughts are the same as others.

Emperor Ziyang can actually copy the path of life?

"No, this is the method of the Middle Vehicle, the way of lust and illusion," Cang Hong's eyes lit up, "What we saw was an illusion, not a real existence."

"You are right, we are indeed made up of illusions," the other 'Cang Hong' nodded slightly, "But you have to know that even illusions... after reaching the Qiankun realm, we also have the magical power to condense the void into reality. , Qiankun Supreme can open up the space of thoughts, and naturally can turn the imaginary into reality.”

"You mean... there is a Supreme Master of the Universe in Ziyang Courtyard?"

The Red Scale Ancestor quickly raised his head and looked around, seeing nothing but the vast void.

"Senior brother, what should we do now??" Cang Yue asked quietly, "The illusions condensed by the Supreme Lord of Heaven and Earth have the same magical powers as ours. It is almost impossible to kill them."

If you are in the Douxiao realm and your body's spiritual power is limited, you may still be victorious in close combat.

At the realms of Cang Hong and Cang Yue, the inner world is vast and majestic, the divine power is endless, and the physical body is extremely tough. Unless there is a crushing gap, there will be no winner even if the fight lasts for thousands of years.

"The Qiankun World-Destroying Talisman has been used up. We don't have any treasures that threaten our lives, and the other party certainly doesn't have any either," Cang Hong said via voice transmission. "It seems that as the other party said, the only way is for the three of us to join forces and kill One of those phantom figures, nothing else.”

"Will Red Scale join forces with us?"

"Of course not, so none of us can go in."

The three top experts across Wuyang Sea Realm looked at each other with incomprehensible expressions.

at the same time.

In another stone space, Chiguang and the other three received a message, 'Follow the initial route and rush to the last stone space immediately without making any mistakes. ’

"Following the original route?"

"What should we do if we meet someone from the Cang Yan clan?"

When the Crimson Light Realm Master hesitated, a dark frenzy crashed down like a rainstorm. The rainstorm was accompanied by sharp sinister laughter, "Three juniors, suffer death!"


The three Realm Masters quickly raised their heads.

I saw a gigantic giant turtle standing on the edge of the space, surrounded by black clouds, like a giant beast overlooking the three people.

"Ancestor Gui Ao? When did he come here??"


The dark tide has arrived.

Faced with the crisis of life and death, the Red Light Realm Master activated the Tao Talisman without hesitation. The other two Realm Masters also took out a defensive Tao Talisman and activated it.

Peng! !

The dark frenzy was like the power of heaven, instantly destroying two layers of aura, and the last layer of defense trembled violently, barely holding on.

"Let's go!"

The Red Light Realm Master took out another escape talisman.

The three of them merged into the depths of the escape light and disappeared in place.

"Escape, can you escape?"

Ancestor Gui Ao sneered, "I want to see how many Talisman Spirit Treasures you have?"

At the same time that Chi Guang and others received the message, Patriarch Gui Ao also received the message.

The difference is that Cang Hong ordered him to kill the Crimson Scale Palace Realm Master first, and then rush to the last stone slab.

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