Fortune Teller

Chapter 1264 Test of Will

Half a month later.

In a desolate mountain range.

Ancestor Gui Ao killed Chi He and Chi Guang, and then went to the stone space.

At this moment, the deadline is not far away, with only ten days left.

"Gui Ao is coming soon. With the strength of the three of us, it shouldn't be difficult to kill his corresponding illusion." Cang Hong looked excited.

"Senior brother, be careful of Chi Lin. All the practitioners of Chi Lin Palace have died. His plan has completely failed. He may jump over the wall and kill Gui Ao in advance." Cang Yue reminded.

"Don't worry, Gui Ao is also a Master of the Eight Difficulties Realm after all. He has been practicing for a long time, how can he fall so easily?" Cang Hong raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "What's more, Chi Lin has completely lost his chance. He doesn't dare to go against Tianjun."

"It's a pity that we didn't leave a Seventh Dilemma Realm Master, otherwise things would have been much easier to handle."

"Who would have thought that in the last test, in addition to the Nine Difficulties Source Beast, there would be an illusion. Ziyang Courtyard is obviously a separate courtyard, so how could the Supreme Lord of the Universe live there?"

The news about Qiankun Supreme really scared three people.

Looking at the entire infinite world, the Supreme Being of Qiankun is also the most peak existence. Each one has endless wealth and has many powerful men under his command.

For example, Cangyan Tianjun is the general under the command of Supreme Wuyang.

"Chiguang, Chihe, and Chishu have all fallen. I have worked hard to plan for so many years, but in the end it failed completely."

On the other side, the Red Scale Ancestor looked at Cang Hong and Cang Yue from afar, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

At this moment, he wanted to kill Cang Hong Cangyue so much, but he didn't dare.

As of now, everything is a foregone conclusion.

Whether or not the dry sign is in the weapon rack has nothing to do with the Chilin Ancestor, because only Gui Ao can enter it.

"I have spent so much effort to break through sixty-eight stone spaces. I have lost countless Taoist talismans and spiritual treasures. The wealth accumulated over countless years has been wiped out. The result... I actually got the advantage of Gui Ao."

"Why? Why is this happening? Where did I go wrong?"

"Canghong Cangyue only has a World-Destroying Talisman in her hand. Other than that, she has nothing else. She didn't even bring their most commonly used Ice and Moon swords. How can she still get the treasures on the weapon rack?"

"Changtian, are you kidding me?"

The ancestor of the Red Scales was filled with anger and hatred.

Suddenly, he remembered a treasure - the Kun character sign.

When I entered the pavilion before, I got a total of two Kun-character sticks. I used one when I passed the second dangerous level, and the other one was still on me.

"Kun's signature can make up for the shortcomings of Taoism, guide me to opportunities, and can also help me break through difficulties. If I don't use it now, when will I wait?"


The Kun sign emits a faint light.

The eyes of the Scarlet Scale Ancestor gradually widened, "It... turned out to be like this, good, very good. No wonder I have been planning for so long and still fell short."

The old man in blood-robed eyes flashed with cold light.

"Kun's signature has been wasted. This is my only chance."

"Without the signature, I would never be able to enter the mind-only state in my life. Instead of being the slave of Cangyan Heavenly Lord forever, I might as well fight to the death and fight!"

A few days later.

A figure appeared at the edge of the void. Before it could settle down, countless rays of light suddenly came down.

At that moment, the Red Scale Ancestor activated more than 30 world-level Taoist talismans, most of which were Nine Difficulties Talismans.

Each piece of the Nine Dilemma level talismans is extremely valuable and can buy half of the Floating Spirit Sea.

Such a precious treasure was consumed wantonly by the Red Scale Ancestor at this moment. In addition, Qingtian's palm print fell from the sky, trapping Cang Hong and Cang Yue respectively.

"Red Scale, are you crazy?"

Cang Hong roared angrily.

"I've gone crazy. I didn't sign my name. I will always be a slave in my life. Why has Cangyan Heavenly Lord ever cared about me? You two are the official disciples of Wuyang Sect and the legitimate disciples of Wuyang Sea Realm. The purple-robed elder.”

"And me?"

"Back then, I had already become a Realm Master, but I was still just a little deacon of the Wuyang Sect. Cangyan Tianjun treated me like a dog. When he was called, I would come and when he was waved, I would go away. Even if I left Ziyang Villa, I would still be there. It’s better to fight to the death than to die.”

The Scarlet Scale Ancestor looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "I'm not afraid to tell you that behind this stone space... there is a dry calligraphy sign. I already knew it countless years ago."

"As expected." Cang Hong and Cang Yue were secretly shocked.

The legendary dry calligraphy stick, one of the most precious treasures in the spiritual world, there really is one here.

"I think back then, it was the first time I entered this place. The weapon spirit had just woken up not long ago. He talked a lot, so he chatted with me for a while," the ancestor of the red scale said with a smile, "According to what it said, the weapon spirit There is a dry calligraphy stick in the shelf, which was refined before the death of Emperor Ziyang, so no one in the world knows about it. "

"Now you understand why I chose this area!"

Peng! ! Peng! Peng!

There was a constant roar.

The Red Scale Ancestor attacked with all his strength, used a large number of Dao Talisman Spirit Treasures, and even used some of his trump cards.

Finally, before Cang Hong and Cang Yue escaped from the trap, they completely killed Patriarch Gui Ao.

Ancestor Guiao, his body and soul disappeared.

"Chilin, what good will this do to you?" Cang Hong was almost crazy, "You can't enter the weapon rack at all. What does it have to do with you whether Gui Ao lives or dies?"

"Who said I can't get in??"

The ancestor of the Red Scales sneered coldly, "I'm not afraid to tell you. I used the Kun character to calculate a fortune. Apart from us, there is another living being in the Ziyang Courtyard. As for where he is... I won't bother you to worry about it. ”

"Is there another living creature?" Cang Hong and Cang Yue looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

So what?

There are less than two days left before the test of will. Let alone entering the weapons rack, it is already too late to catch that person now.

Unless...the Red Scale Ancestor can survive the test of will and stay for another three years.

But even so, can that person survive?

The test of will in Ziyang Villa is extremely difficult, how is it possible?

"Senior brother, Chi Lin is so confident, I'm afraid he really has a way to get into the weapon rack. What should we do?" Cang Yue said in a message.

"There is no other way. If he really gets the Qianzi, he will definitely refine it as soon as possible. We are outside the other courtyard, what else can we do except just watch?" Cang Hong shook his head slightly, "What the hell. , There is actually a dry calligraphy sign in the Ziyang Courtyard. The emperor is not even willing to give it to his own disciples, so how can it be left here? "

Two days later, the test of will came.

Invisible power enveloped the entire other courtyard, and the minds and wills of the Red Lin Ancestor, Cang Hong, and Cang Yue were instantly stripped away.

Rootless duckweed!

Destiny telepathy can forcibly integrate other people's mental memories into another person's fate line, or it can also strip away the fate line.

As the pinnacle of the Qiankun realm of the Destiny lineage, how could Emperor Ziyang not understand this method? ?

The perfection of a kind of rules is the realm of Qiankun.

So how should we practice after the Qiankun realm?

Naturally, it is necessary to understand other rules. There are nine rules in the path of destiny. If you understand them all, you will be the pinnacle of the legendary Qiankun realm and the emperor among the supreme.

There is only one rule for practitioners of inferior Taoism, and the early stage of the Qiankun realm is the ultimate.

While the three world sages were undergoing the test.

In the secret realm of time and space, Gu Xiuyun was also deprived of his mind and will.

"Rootless duckweed? It turns out that the so-called test of will is this method."

"On the Heart Refining Stage, Emperor Ziyang used the perfect destiny twisting rules, and now he has used the perfect destiny heart rules. It can be seen that this emperor has mastered at least two perfect rules."

As his thoughts flashed, Gu Xiuyun's mind and will began to exert force to resist the impact of the rootless duckweed.

Needless to say, the test of will is definitely to see how long it takes the practitioner to break free from the constraints and return to the physical body.

Different cultivation levels must have different time requirements.

After a moment, a voice came, "Martial Dao Venerable Realm, Four Difficulties True Venerable, you only have two sticks of incense. When the time is up, you will be expelled immediately."

"Two sticks of incense...that's enough."

Gu Xiuyun's mind and will surged rapidly. In the middle stage of the Concentration Realm, the intensity of his mind and will was particularly astonishing. His will was like a frenzy, constantly bombarding the power of fate.

Elsewhere, Ancestor Chilin, Cang Hong, and Cang Yue also heard the sound.

"Eight Difficulties Realm Bloodline Practitioner, Eight Difficulties Realm Lord, you only have half a stick of incense. When the time is up, you will be expelled immediately."

"Nine Difficulties Realm Bloodline Cultivator, Nine Difficulties Realm Lord, you only have half a cup of tea. When the time is up, you will be expelled immediately."

Different cultivation levels have completely different requirements on time.

Although the ancestor of the Red Scales is a Nine Dilemma Realm Master, he may not be able to break the shackles.

"This is my only chance. Kun Zi Zhuan gave me a way to deal with it. I must mobilize my mind and will to form a sword talisman of my mind. My mind will turn into a sword. Cut, cut, cut!"

The Red Scale Ancestor roared in his heart.

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