Fortune Teller

Chapter 1266 Endless torture

"Junior, try the Ten Thousand Insects Bone-Eating Thousand Insects that I just created. It turns blood into insects and forms a hundred-knotted golden thread array. Every time the array is run, countless flying insects crawl along your bone marrow. It is itchy and painful, but But you can’t touch it, you must enjoy it.”

The blood-robed old man turned his palm over, and countless silk threads condensed into blood-colored flying insects and merged into Gu Xiuyun's body.

"Old immortal, your ancestor and I are very hungry, and I just happened to have a few flying insects to taste - ah!" Gu Xiuyun's face was already distorted into a human shape.

Sixty years!

For a full sixty years, the ancestor of the Red Scales was tortured again and again. Every day was like reincarnation in hell. The mountains of swords and oil pans were nothing. The pain Gu Xiuyun experienced was a hundred or a thousand times more painful than burning his body in fire. .

Over the decades, he cursed countless times.

Every part of the body was blocked, unable to resist, and he didn't even have the energy to think, only madness and madness remained.

If he hadn't experienced the torment of karma and his mind and will were much stronger than those of his peers, Gu Xiuyun at this moment might have collapsed and become a walking zombie.

No matter the rules of fate, in the face of extreme pain, any Taoism loses its meaning.

Refining the artistic conception is the most difficult step among the four upper realms. Some people can cross it in just a million years, but some people need to spend several Taoist years or even dozens of Taoist years.

One Dao year is one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred epochs... 16.9 billion years.

There are even many people who cannot cross it in their lifetime.

Because the further you go, the improvement of your mind and will becomes slower and slower. Reading and reading classics, fighting life and death, and understanding the world have no effect. There is only the last method left: extreme pain.

How many people can continue to try after experiencing endless pain?

Too little, too little.

In contrast, it is much easier to comprehend the rules of living beings. Anyone who can become a World Master can almost practice the rules to perfection. It is only a matter of time at most.

And the tempering of will requires long years of painful torture, not just a day or two, but years as a unit...

"Swear, keep scolding."

"The more you curse, the weaker your mind and will are. One day, you will completely collapse."

"Twenty-four thousand years...this is only sixty years. The more painful you are, the happier I will be."

The Red Scale Ancestor laughed hysterically, and the blood in his palm turned into endless ants and insects, burrowing into Gu Xiuyun's body.

In the vast space, there was only a mad roar.

Black Lock Mountain.

Bai Kongze sat cross-legged, his face pale and bloodless.

Every day that passed, the mystery of killing became more and more serious in his mind and will. He even had the feeling that one day, when the mystery of killing completely penetrated his entire mind, he would no longer be himself.

"At that time, will I become the puppet of Lord Killing Lian? Or will I be a demon?"

"Maybe a little bit of both."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled.

Despite all the calculations, he failed to calculate that the human race's true form leaving the Holy World of Samsara would put Bai Kongze into such a predicament.

In the final analysis, he still underestimated the power of the Killing Heavenly Lord and the influence of the Holy World of Reincarnation on the cause and effect of heaven and earth.

"No matter what, we cannot let Lord Slaughter Lian cause trouble to the world. The day will come when we can no longer hold on..."

Gu Xiuyun reluctantly stood up and walked out of the palace.

The two true masters Dongyan and Longyang are practicing outside the hall.

"Senior, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for a few more days!"

Gu Xiuyun gasped in a low voice. Just walking out of the palace caused him to lose half of his strength.

It's not that Bai Kongze is too weak, but because he has to suppress the mysterious impact of killing at all times. His mind, will, and all the power he can use are all resisting the killing energy.

In this case, walking has become a luxury.

"So fast? Didn't you say it could last for decades?" Long Yang frowned.

"Maybe it's because I went to the Moro Realm once and used too much power. The mystery of killing has more serious influence on the mind and will." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "The influence of the seventh-level peak mystery on me is really great, and there are The bloody mark of the Killing Heavenly Lord is exerting force in the dark, and I have a feeling that in as little as seven days or as slowly as three months, I will be completely controlled by the mystery of killing."

"Seven days?"

Dong Yan and Long Yang looked shocked.

"My dear friend, what are you going to do?" Zhenzun Dongyan asked.

"Before I am completely controlled, I will destroy this body including my soul. As for the oath I made to my two seniors -"

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and sent the demon scale flying insect to Zhenzun Long Yang, "Later, I will go to the black lock space alone and seal myself off."

"With the strength of the two seniors, it is almost impossible to become a disciple of Black Lock Mountain, but there is one person... maybe he can do it."

"Her name is Gu Yue, and she is also a disciple of the Eight-Eyed Sect."

"Senior, please give her the Demon Scale Flying Insect, and tell her not to fuse the wind and thunder source easily. Every forty thousand years, the Source World of Ten Thousand Dharmas will be opened. With her talent and understanding, two seniors guided her, Coupled with the opportunities within the source world, it should be successful."

Zhenzun Long Yang took the scales and frowned, "Is there really no hope?"

"Unless the human race returns in true form."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled, "Do you two think it is possible? In just a few years, even if the younger generation has the talent, it is impossible for him to become a Realm Master, let alone break the barriers of the Holy World of Reincarnation and return to this world."

"Besides, I can't be sure whether the human race's true form is dead or alive."

He turned and walked towards the palace, leaving his last words:

"Senior Dong Yan, Senior Long Yang, if I fail to commit suicide and escape from the palace before the mystery of killing is completely infiltrated, please don't hold back."

Ziyang Villa.


Gu Xiuyun's eyes were red with painful roars, and his whole mind was about to collapse.

too painful!

I was tortured every moment, one day, two days, three days... five years, ten years... Today, one hundred and eighty years have passed.

The extreme pain and crazy torture have made him gradually lose his human nature.

Gu Xiuyun's expression and appearance became like a wild beast.

Can't even speak.

"It's coming, it's coming, I will be able to completely control you soon. What about being a practitioner of destiny? What about the middle stage of the Concentrating Soul Realm? In front of the Soul Locking Heart Devouring Technique, you are just a beast!"

"Compared to Kun's signature, I'm still better."

The corners of the blood-robed old man's mouth were full of sneers.

According to the deduction from Kun's signature, after finding Gu Xiuyun, he first used brute force to suppress him, then threatened his life, and then promised benefits.

Twenty world-level Taoist talismans can make the other party willingly give away the dry sign.

But he didn't want to.

He is just a junior, why should he lower himself?

He directly wiped out his mind and made it into a puppet, even the world-level Taoist talisman was omitted.

"The derivation of Kun's signature is just a possibility in the future. Is he worthy of twenty world-level Taoist talismans?"

The blood-robed ancestor sneered, "Not to mention the danger of raising tigers. This person has understood the rules of fate. If one day he goes against me, wouldn't he be in big trouble!"

"Kill him directly and it will be over."

As he spoke, countless blood-colored steel needles pierced into Gu Xiuyun's internal organs and seven orifices.

Under the confinement of the Soul Locking and Heart Devouring Technique, the mind, will, soul, and body are integrated into one. One hurts, all three hurt, and the pain is increased a hundred times.

Just one or two lasted for one hundred and eighty years, and the pain was far beyond the imagination of the world.

"Hold on... I can't die... I went through so many hardships before I finally got rid of the shackles of heaven and earth and lived forever... I can't die here."

"No, that's not right. The red-scaled old ghost doesn't want to kill me. He wants to control me, make me collapse and turn me into a puppet."

Gu Xiuyun held on to the last bit of obsession in his heart.

The desire for immortality, the desire for freedom, the desire for the beauty of the world... and also the overwhelming resentment towards the ancestor of the Red Scale.

He has never hated someone as much as he does today.

Even the Patriarch of Tianji only had a confrontational stance and did not have much resentment.

As for the Scarlet Scale Ancestor... Gu Xiuyun wanted to eat his flesh, drink his blood, and repay the torture he had suffered over and over again.'s really painful.

"Hold on...Hold on..."

In the endless pain, the past memories became extremely clear, and every sight and picture came into my mind.

"Girl...Miss Yan...mother...I really can't hold on any longer..."

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