Fortune Teller

Chapter 1267 The middle stage of mind refining

In endless pain——

Even Gu Xiuyun himself didn't notice that his mind and will were slowly condensing, just like water mist condensed into water droplets, and the water droplets gradually melted into ice.

Finally, the pain reached its extreme.

A sudden change of mind and will condensed into tough ice stones, and every smoothie shone with sparkle.

The will is like ice... This is the state in the middle stage of the artistic conception.

In just one hundred and eighty years, from having no foundation to the middle stage of refining the artistic conception, if it were spread, countless people would be stunned.

But it actually happened.

If we say that we were entangled in karma back then, it was just the threshold for refining the artistic conception.

These one hundred and eighty years have been the real ultimate torture, staying awake at all times and resisting endless pain.

Let me ask, how many people can do it?

Gu Xiuyun did it.

Because he has experienced too many hardships - starting from the shackles of the Destiny Clan, every step he takes is on thin ice and cautious.

The four sects of Changli, the legacy of heaven, karma, the realm of demons and gods... This world has never been kind to him, but he managed to get out of it with a tough heart.

Immortality, for the creatures in the outer world, may just mean practicing hard.

For Gu Xiuyun, it was a desire from life after life, and it was only in this lifetime that he finally got the opportunity.

Only when it is hard-won will you cherish it more.

"My pain...diminished?"

Gu Xiuyun, who was on the verge of collapse, suddenly felt that his body relaxed, and every part of his body and mind was filled with a comfortable feeling.

"No, it's not that the pain has weakened, but that my mind and will have changed."

"By the way, it's about refining one's mind."

"Among the upper four realms, the second realm of mind refining is to sharpen the mind and will. It is recorded in the three chapters of Guizang: when the rules of destiny reach a certain level, the mind and will will no longer grow, because it has reached the limit and if you want to continue to improve, You can only rely on external forces to temper your mind.”

"Isn't the torture the red-scaled ghost used on me just to refine my will?"

Gu Xiuyun maintained the appearance of peak madness and gradually calmed down.

The transformation of his mind and will has greatly increased his will power. He even has a feeling that he can already try to break through the early stage of the Venerable Realm and upgrade his martial arts body to the first level or even the second level.

Of course, now is not the time to break through.

Regardless of whether he is in the early stage of the Venerable Realm, or in the second or third level, he is still an ant in front of the Red Scale Ancestor.

"It's been one hundred and eighty years. The red-scaled old ghost must have his reasons for doing this."

"He doesn't want my life. Otherwise, he would have killed me a hundred years ago. How could he have spent his divine power time and time again to help me restore my body and soul?"

"He wants me to break down and turn into a walking zombie, but what good will it do to him? A walking zombie can't use the secrets of heaven at all."

Gu Xiuyun thought secretly in his heart.

It's not that he hasn't thought about this problem for more than a hundred years, but every time the thought flashes past him, the extreme pain makes it difficult for him to think calmly.

"Three years is enough time to take another route, but he didn't do it, which shows that he knows exactly where the signature is... the weapons rack must be on the weapons rack."

"Besides, he hasn't got it yet...otherwise, why would he bother to torture me here?"

Thoughts flashed.

Gu Xiuyun gradually realized that the Red Scale Ancestor must have encountered some difficulty that even he himself could not overcome and could only rely on Gu Xiuyun.

"But how did he figure out that I'm still alive? Could it be... Kun's signature?"

"It must be the case. Only Emperor Ziyang's Kun sign can break through the rules of fate and find my whereabouts."

"If that's the case, did Kun Zi Zhuan point out how to deal with me?"

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun's heart trembled.

Based on the power of the "Kun" sign, the calculated result is not just ten, but eighty or nine. If the calculation of the "Kun" sign is correct, the Red Scale Ancestor will be tortured like crazy.

Doesn't that mean... that he is destined to become a walking zombie?

"Try it and you will know!"

Gu Xiuyun continued to look like he was in pain and madness, his face was distorted and his facial features were broken...

Time passes slowly, and the painful days are endless.

Before I knew it, another two hundred years had passed.

The Scarlet Scale Ancestor still maintained his original methods. Hundreds of punishments were applied in turn. Under the seal of the Soul-Locking Heart Devouring Technique, he continued to destroy Gu Xiuyun's mind.

Facing this scene, Gu Xiuyun breathed a sigh of relief.

The Red Scale Ancestor did not change his methods. This shows that he did not know that he had transformed, and his mind and will were much stronger than before.

This also means that the other party did not deal with Gu Xiuyun according to the guidance of Kun Zi Zhuan, or... Kun Zi Zhuan did not deduce it to this point.

No matter which one it is, the hope of survival is much higher.

"Eight thousand times the flow rate, twenty-four thousand years, the red-scaled old ghost will discover my secret sooner or later. Before that, try to sharpen your mind."

Gu Xiuyun secretly took a breath and continued to endure the painful torture.

Unknowingly, more than a thousand years have passed.

The Red Scale Ancestor finally noticed something was wrong.

"What's going on? With the power of the Soul-Locking Heart Devouring Technique and the many punishments, this junior should have suffered a mental breakdown long ago. How can he persist for more than a thousand years?"

"Has he been pretending?"

The blood-robed old man's eyes flashed coldly. It was impossible for anyone to survive in extreme pain and on the verge of collapse for more than a thousand years.

If so, it must be fake.

"Okay, very good, I've been tricked by you again."

"I thought that when I reached the peak of the realm of refining the spirit, I only relied on the second level of the Soul-Locking and Heart-Eating Technique. To deal with you, I actually had to comprehend the third level of the technique?"

The Scarlet Scale Ancestor closed his eyes and continued to torture while comprehending the Soul-Securing Heart-Eating Technique.

This method originated from the Wuyang Sect. It has the miraculous power of locking the soul and refining the soul. It is also a top secret technique that sharpens the mind and will.

As a top secret technique, it takes a lot of effort to understand.

With the level of Taoism of the ancestor of Chilin, he has only comprehended the second level, which shows how difficult it is.

After a long time.

The old man in blood robe opened his eyes again.


The invisible fluctuations turned into bloodshot threads all over the sky and merged into Gu Xiuyun's body.


Every soul thought, every particle, and every piece of flesh and blood trembled.

The will, soul, and body are tightly connected. Not only that, but even the sensitivity to pain has been increased by more than ten times.

"No, the red-scaled old dog found out!" Gu Xiuyun's heart trembled.

In an instant, the pain increased tenfold.

The unprecedented pain caused him to lose all his calmness in an instant, and he fell into madness.

"Old red-scaled dog, wait..."

Gu Xiuyun roared.

"Junior, aren't you pretending?" The old man in blood-robed sneered. "I really didn't expect that you, a junior who has not even broken through the realm of realm master, have already started to refine your mind, but it doesn't matter, I have always been full of means."

"There are four levels in the Soul-Locking Heart-Eating Technique. It only took me five months to master the first two levels, and it took me 170 years to master the third level."

"It may take hundreds of thousands of years to comprehend the fourth level. Fortunately, I have plenty of time."

As he spoke, the rules of time and space filled the void.

The flow speed in the vast space accelerated again, from eight thousand times to one hundred thousand times.

Relative to before, it increased by about twelve times.

Don't underestimate this twelve-fold improvement. It distorts time and space, consumes a lot of divine power, and also affects the stability of the space itself.

At a flow rate of 100,000 times, the divine power in the Red Scale Ancestor's body surged out like a tide, and every moment, a river was lost.

"If the third level can't kill you, then use the fourth level. I don't believe that you, a small true master, can still block the most peak of the Soul Locking Heart Devouring Technique."

The ancestor of Red Scale closed his eyes and buried his head in comprehending the magic formula.

In the twisted void, only Gu Xiuyun's painful roars were left, one after another, his voice was hoarse, his body was cracked, and his muscles and bones were shattered, only to be repaired by divine power to continue the new torture.

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