Fortune Teller

Chapter 1284 Fetching Water from Bamboo Basket

In front of the palace, Jia Shu stood in the sky.

Hundreds of venerables stood in the square with pious and respectful eyes, including three venerables from the Black Donkey Clan.

"You must have heard that the ancestor of our tribe has returned from a long journey and wants to establish a sect and inherit the Taoism." Jia Shu looked down at the venerables. "The ancestor, thinking of the friendship between the Kuyu tribe and the surrounding tribes, decided to Collect a group of disciples in advance.”

Sure enough... all the venerables in the square showed excitement.

"Those who practice in the True Venerable Realm can be disciples; those who practice the Three Difficult Times can be registered disciples; those who are below the Venerable Realm can be listed as sect candidates. As long as they pass the test in the future and step into the Venerable Realm, they can become registered disciples. disciple."

Jia Shu said loudly, "According to the rules of various sects, only true disciples can read world-level secrets for free, such as the Dongming Yinxu Sword Qi of Luojian Island and the Divine Book and Jade Code of Qingmo Library. But... …Old Ancestor is particularly gracious. As long as he is a registered disciple of this sect, he can observe and read the world-level secrets once every hundred years, for a limited time of three days.”

"Jie Zun level secret skill?" The venerable person in the square was suddenly shocked.

You must know that to master the secrets and techniques of this level, it takes at least five to six hundred sects to accumulate contributions. One contribution is equivalent to ten thousand cubic meters of divine crystals.

More than five million square meters of divine crystal is really not a small amount, and it is also the sect's largest source of wealth.

Patriarch Kuyu actually allows his disciples to watch and read for free?

"Fellow Daoist Jia Shu, can you speed up time by observing the world master's secret knowledge?" asked a Four Difficulties True Master at the front of the square.

This person's name is Ji Dun, and he is one of the only two true masters in the surrounding sea area. He has no family or sect.

A person like him, who can be called an overlord among the living beings, once he joins the sect, he can only be an ordinary disciple. The status of the two is very different, so many true masters are not willing to join the sect. I'd rather be a casual cultivator.

Ji Dun is one of them.

"Okay," Jia Shu nodded slightly, "Three days refers to the normal flow of time. As for how much you can understand, it depends on your own ability."


Ji Dun swallowed and his face suddenly turned red.

If you can speed up time, it won't be as simple as three days.

At a hundred times the flow rate, the three days were extended to 300 days. Nearly a year, coupled with some special elixirs and cultivation treasures, was enough to get started with the secret skill.

The venerable people behind him couldn't help but started talking quietly:

"It actually allows time to accelerate. How rare is the Jiezun-level secret knowledge? There are only a few volumes in Luojian Island, Qingmo Library, and Jinshi Island. If Patriarch Kuyu does this, who will work hard to accumulate contributions and pay the source in the future? Spiritual stone?"

"Maybe Patriarch Kuyu doesn't care about this."

"How could you not care? To maintain the operation of the sect requires a large amount of elixirs, spells, spiritual materials, arrays... Who will bear the costs?"

"Ancestor Jiezun has always said what he said, and since he has said it, it will definitely not be wrong."

"I still can't believe it. It's not strange to establish a sect and accept a group of disciples in advance. It's incredible to allow disciples to observe and read the world's supreme secrets."

As he spoke, a force of world power filled the air.

The majestic power completely enveloped the entire square, and hundreds of venerables trembled all over. Their divine power and soul thoughts were all stripped away, as if they had turned into mortals.

The power of the world of the ancestor of the world... Thoughts flashed in everyone's mind.

In an instant, the entire square fell silent.

Jia Shu smiled with satisfaction and continued, "..."

Qingmo Library.

The sound of fighting resounded in the sky, and thousands of escaping lights passed through the attic. Most of them were Venerable Sannan, and some True Venerables.

The more powerful the sect, the higher the threshold for recruiting disciples.

Behind the Qingmo Library is the Motu Realm Master, the Peak Realm Master of the Seven Difficulties. The threshold is naturally much higher. Ordinary venerables can't even get in. Only the Three Difficulties Masters can become registered disciples.

At this moment, there was a roar.

The disciples from Luojian Island and Jinshi Island gathered around and furiously bombarded the sect-protecting formation. There were also several Six Difficulties True Masters sitting at the back, each of them emitting astonishing fluctuations.

"Senior Brother Mo Lang, is there any news about our ancestor?" Several Five Difficulties True Masters looked at the leading black-robed elder in panic.

"No," Zhenzun Mo Lang shook his head sadly, "At this point, we have to prepare for the worst."

"Senior brother, what you mean is..." Mo Chengyu's face condensed slightly.

"Luojian Island and Jinshi Island jointly launched a siege. News of an attack also came from Jiang Yu Pavilion. Can't you see it?"

Zhenzun Mo Lang said in a deep voice:

"There are a total of eight peak Concentration Realm masters in the Fuling Sea. Junshan Realm Master is backed by the Wuyang Sect. He is aloof and rarely participates in the battles between various forces. Luo Jian and Jinshi are an alliance, and Qingmo Bookstore and Jiang Yuge are an alliance. , and the three Qilian sects in the south.”

"Now Qingmo Library is besieged by Luojian Island and Jinshi Island, and Jiang Yuge is besieged by the three Qilian Sects. It is obvious that the two parties have secretly joined forces. The Motu Ancestor is probably in danger."

"Then what should we do?" Several Zhenzun elders looked panicked.

Once the Qingmo Library is destroyed, these true masters will definitely die.

In the world-level sect, the venerable is only a registered disciple, and cannot learn any powerful skills, and is not valued, but the true sect is different.

The True Master of Four Difficulties is already a disciple, qualified to observe and read the secret knowledge of the World Master, and is also the core figure of a sect.

Further up, the Five Dilemma True Masters and the Six Dilemma True Masters have higher status, longer training years, and their loyalty to the sect is far beyond that of ordinary disciples.

When Qingmo Library was destroyed, they were the first targets to be eradicated.

"Once the ancestor falls, the Realm Masters from Luojian Island and Jinshi Island will take advantage of the situation and come. At that time, we will only have a dead end. Instead of not even having the power to resist at that time, it is better to leave early and maybe we can still fight out. A way to survive." Zhenzun Mo Lang said.

The expressions of the Zhenzun elders on both sides suddenly changed.

Escape from Qingmo Library?

Isn't it the same as running away from the battlefield? If the ancestor of the world comes back, these people will have their souls refined and undergo ninety-nine punishments before turning into flying smoke.

"Senior brother, you must not say such nonsense to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors." Mo Chengyu took a deep breath.

"Deceive the master and destroy the ancestors? The ancestors are almost dead, what else can be destroyed??" Mo Lang sneered slightly, "You think clearly, should you stay here and wait for death, or break out with me!"

"As for the treasures within the sect, I have already sorted them out just a moment ago. Without the Qingmo Library, we are still the pinnacle true masters and can join other sects at any time. At worst, we can spend some money to bribe the disciples of the Wuyang Sect and leave the Fuling Sea. "

"I'm still confident about this little thing."

Everyone looked at each other, remained silent for a moment, and nodded slightly.

Luojian Island and Jinshi Island jointly besieged Qingmo Library. There is no hope. Instead of staying here and waiting for death, it is better to save your life and wait for the future.


True Master Mo Lang waved his long sleeves, and his divine power rolled up several elders from the Five Difficulties Realm, heading towards the depths of the Qingmo Library.

There is a secret small teleportation array there, and except for core disciples such as Mo Lang and Mo Chengyu, no one else knows about it.

The space teleportation array is nothing in the realm of the heavens, but in the Wuyang sea realm, the rules are chaotic, and the power of mixed sources affects the void in the realm all the time. It is difficult for even the realm master to open a void passage, let alone the true master.

A teleporter is almost as good as half of a world-level spiritual treasure, and it is also the last trump card of Qingmo Library.


The light flashed away.

Mo Lang, Mo Chengyu and others left quietly.

At the same time, a faint power of the world swept through the void, passing the news to the disciples of Luojian Island and Jinshi Island who were attacking Qingmo Library.

"Mo Lang ran away and brought a few elders from the Five Difficulties Realm with him... There is actually a small teleportation array under the Qingmo Library?" The Six Difficulties True Master of Luojian Island sneered in a low voice, "I heard that this island has experienced three times. The four sects are probably all because of the small teleportation array."

"Hmph!! In front of the ancestor of the world, this kind of trick is useless."

"Let's go. They are already tens of billions of miles away. If we don't chase them, it will be too late!"

The Jinshidao disciples took out a shuttle-shaped flying boat, and three Six-Difficulties True Venerables and seven Five-Difficulties True Venerables sat on it.


The light disappeared in a flash.

The strong men from the two major sects rushed toward the other end of the teleportation array.

Tens of billions of miles away.

As soon as the outlines of several figures appeared, they fled towards the side of the sea at high speed.

"Hurry up, Luojian Island and Jinshi Island must know that we have left the island, and I'm afraid they have sent out pursuers now." Zhenzun Mo Lang said urgently.

Several other Zhenzun elders moved their fingertips to form strong winds, increasing everyone's speed again and again.

The two major sects joined forces to besiege, how could they not invite the ancestor of Jiezun to take charge?

But after all, the Jie Zun is a Jie Zun with a high status. They will never interfere in the fighting between sect disciples unless a heavy treasure is involved or other Jie Zun appears.

The most precious treasures in Qingmo Library are all in the hands of Mo Tu Jie Zun. What Mo Lang has on his body are only some Zhen Zun level elixirs and secret books for Zhen Zhen to practice.

These things are not enough to make the ancestor of Jiezun abandon his face and die personally.

Two days later.

The shuttle-shaped flying boat finally caught up with Mo Lang and others. After a fierce fight, most of the true masters of Qingmo Library fell, leaving only Mo Lang and Mo Chengyu.


The sword glowed like a rainbow, splitting the river's shield and wiping out most of Mo Chengyu's flesh and blood.

Immediately afterwards, several more sword lights combined with the golden rocks pressed heavily on Mo Lang's head, forming a huge cage.

"Mo Lang, Qingmo Library is destined to be destroyed, and you can't escape either. Just suffer death!" The True Master of Six Difficulties on Luojian Island waved his sword energy again.

"You forced me!"

Zhenzun Mo Lang reached out to reach for the storage spirit treasure on his waist. As soon as he touched the edge, his expression suddenly changed, "How is that possible??"


The extremely sharp sword energy penetrated the head and tore the sea of ​​divine soul consciousness into pieces. The other True Masters did not stop, their sword energy was like light, and the golden stone mountains turned into meteors.

Mo Lang and Mo Chengyu all died.

"Look, what treasures did they bring??" A real master of Luojian Island was full of excitement. "In the Qingmo Library, Mo Lang has the highest status. He must have the classics and elixirs."

Everyone hurriedly opened the broken inner world and found several stored spiritual treasures from Mo Lang and Mo Chengyu's bodies.

However, among the stored spiritual treasures there are only some things that are used for daily practice, and there are no ancient books, jade books, Taoist treasures, let alone world-level secrets.

"How is it possible? Are the Kung Fu books still in Qingmo Library?"

All the true masters looked at each other with blank expressions on their faces.

A few more days passed.

The sect-protecting divine formation in Qingmo Library finally collapsed. The two major sects swept through the entire island, but only found some low-level classics. All the truly useful venerable-level skills and secrets disappeared without a trace.

Not only Qingmo Library, but also Jiang Yuge and several other respected sects that were attacked and killed.

In this battle, the three sects of Luojian Island, Jinshi Island, and Qilian were completely victorious, but the disciples under their command were in vain and gained very little.

At the same time, a group of practitioners appeared near the spiritual veins in the north-central part of the Floating Spirit Sea.

The spiritual energy here is rich, but there is no real venerable resident there. Even ordinary venerables can't be seen. Faintly, a low roar can be heard coming from the depths of the spiritual veins.

"From today on, this is the headquarters of the Kuyu Sect," Jia Shu looked around, "The spiritual materials for setting up the mountain gate formation have been distributed to all of you, go!"

"Yes, Deputy Sect Master."

Hundreds of venerables flew into the depths of the spiritual veins and arranged basic formation patterns according to previous instructions.

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