Fortune Teller

Chapter 1285 Reactions from all parties

Deep in the spiritual veins.

The two figures were shrouded in the power of space, walking among the earth and rocks. The green-robed Taoist on the left occasionally used a divine power to form a restriction and continuously strengthen the spiritual veins.

"Husband, how come there are so many cracks in this spiritual vein?" Yan Suqing asked curiously, "And every crack forms a wormhole, connecting to the void of the chaotic source. No wonder no sect is willing to stay."

"I don't know," Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Maybe it has something to do with the space itself. Maybe there were top experts fighting here, and the remaining traces have not dissipated to this day, so they continue to tear open the void and form wormholes."

The two of them only walked for a moment before they saw dozens of cracks, and there was a vague source of turbid air surging in the cracks.

It can be seen that this is no ordinary space crack.

A normal space crack should be a dead void inside, with no rules of time and space, and no spiritual power, just a completely dead space.

For example, Ziyang Villa is deep in the space crack.

The dead space has infinite dimensions, just like a thousand-layer cake. Ordinary world masters can only enter the lowest level of dead space, while Ziyang Villa is located in a high-level void. Unless a passage is formed, only the Supreme Master of Universe can find it.

The Hunyuan Void is actually a normal space, outside the Wuyang Sea.

The space cracks deep in the spiritual veins... connect the dead space with the chaotic void, forming small passages. Therefore, the turbid air from the chaotic source constantly pours into this sea area and turns into spiritual veins.

At the same time, some extraterrestrial beasts came in along the passage.


A hundred-foot source beast emerged from the depths of the earth and rocks and rushed towards Gu Xiuyun.

Before he even got close, he was completely annihilated by the power of the world.

"There are so many extraterrestrial beasts here," Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Fortunately, they are all small passages, which can only carry four-dilemma realm beasts. If they are large passages, there will probably be realm masters!"

Different channels have different tolerances.

The realm-level source beasts have majestic power and powerful aura, and can only be carried by large-scale passages. Ordinary passages can withstand the six-difficulty true deity at most.

Thoughts flashed.

Gu Xiuyun's fingertips fell off and formed a three-inch clone, walking along the crack in space and deeper into the passage.

He wanted to see what was happening on the other side of the passage.


The wind is surging, and the cloudy air is churning.

A three-inch figure appeared at the other end of the crack. Before he could stretch out his head, a majestic force suddenly pressed down, completely annihilating Gu Xiuyun.

But even so, he could still see the scene around him clearly.

"It turned out to be a Origin Beast lair," Gu Xiuyun took a breath and turned slightly pale. "The fluctuation just now... was at least the Eighth Difficulty Realm Master, even close to the Nine Difficulties level."

"Husband, are you okay?" Yan Suqing asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just that I was shocked by the opponent's magical power." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Fortunately, I am in the lineage of destiny and have practiced the artistic conception to perfection, otherwise I would have been seriously injured."

As he spoke, the energy and blood in his body surged, and the sea of ​​soul consciousness trembled violently.

The unknown alien beast, whose strength has reached the point of reaching the sky and the earth, struck down with its power, following the cause and effect, and attacked Gu Xiuyun's other two clones at the same time.

There is no problem with the clone in Ziyang Villa. It is protected by the Emperor's prohibition and cannot be invaded by the Qiankun Realm.

This clone has no cover and can only attack head-on.

"Let's go, seal these cracks first to prevent any more source beasts from emerging."

The two of them continued on their way.

Soon after, a piece of news spread in the surrounding waters.

A new sect appeared above the cracked spiritual vein, calling itself the Kuyu Sect. It is said that the ancestor of the Kuyu clan returned from a long journey and decided to establish a sect.

In just a few months, the news spread to all major sects, including those bloodline groups, who also received the message.

On Luojian Island, the Lord of the Cold Sword Realm sat on the majestic golden throne, his eyes as cold as ice.

The two Six Difficulties True Masters bowed and knelt down.

"Old Ancestor, regarding the news about the Kuyu Sect, this disciple has only collected this. If your guess is correct, the opponent should be in the early stage of the Concentration Realm and has just broken through." A true master said.

"Bitter Jade Sect? You came at the right time," the corners of Hanjian Realm's lips curled up slightly, "Red Scale Palace and Gui'ao Island were destroyed, and the major sects were fighting each other to compete for resources. He established a sect at this juncture. Did he want to get a share of it? soup?"

"Ancestor, according to the agreement, after the destruction of Qingmo Library and Jiang Yu Pavilion, the surrounding 350 billion miles will be the territory of Luojian Island," another True Venerable of Six Difficulties said respectfully, "Although the Kuyu Sect is It’s in a remote place, but it’s within 350 billion miles. Should we issue an edict?”

"Not in a hurry."

The Lord of the Cold Sword Realm shook his head slightly, "In addition to the seventy sects, Mo Tu and Jiang Lu, there are still many hard bones. Let's gnaw at them one by one. Sooner or later it will be the turn of the Kuyu Sect."

"Furthermore, this person appeared out of thin air. It is still unclear what his methods are. If he is a practitioner of the Middle Way, it will be much more troublesome to deal with him."

"Ancestor is wise." The two true sages nodded quickly.

"Back off!"

The Cold Sword Realm Master waved his hand, closed his eyes, and continued to practice.

Deep in Jinshi Island.

The ancestor of Jie Zun stood in front of the cliff with his hands behind his back. Behind him were several elders of Zhen Zun, whose cultivation levels ranged from five to six difficulties.

"Ancestor, this is the news about the Kuyu Sect. Apart from sealing the underground spiritual veins, the Kuyu Realm Master has almost never done anything, and the information found is very limited."

A true master said cautiously.

"It doesn't matter."

Ancestor Jinshi smiled slightly, "With the Kuyu Sect's sphere of influence on Luojian Island, even if it gives us a headache, it's not our turn. Hanjian has always been domineering and we won't be able to endure it for long."

"What's more, the Kuyu Sect is located above the spiritual veins of the crack. Sooner or later, it will encounter a world-level celestial beast. When the time comes, it will be clear whether it is a dragon or a snake."

"Another Kuyu Sect appears?"

"The newly promoted Realm Master has nothing to see. He continues to pay attention to the remnants of Scarlet Scale Palace and Guiao Island, especially the disciples of the Cangyan clan. I want to see what they are doing?"

On the top of the sacred mountain, Junshan Realm Master sat cross-legged and looked at the people in front of him:

"Since Supreme Wuyang retired from the world, the heavenly kings from all sides have become more and more arrogant, and they don't take Wuyang Sect seriously at all."

"The destruction of the Scarlet Scale Palace and the death of the Gui Ao Ancestor must be related to Cang Yan Tianjun. This is our most important thing at the moment. Go ahead and track down the remnants of Gui Ao Island and the Scarlet Scale Palace and find Chi He and Chi Lin. Guang, Chishu and others find out the reason."

"Disciple accepts the order."

More than a dozen True Masters of the Six Difficulties bowed and left.

Regarding the emergence of the Kuyu Sect, all the major forces took a wait-and-see attitude, and some weaker sects had already sent congratulatory gifts.

As for the three sects of Luojian Island, Jinshi Island and Qilian, they ignored them and seemed not to care.

At the same time, the battles between the major sects became increasingly fierce.

The three masters of Hanjian Realm, Jinshi Realm, and Qilian took action one after another, leading their true masters to sweep away various sects.

Just a hundred years.

Half of the entire sect in the Floating Sea Territory disappeared.

Almost all of those spiritual veins, medicine mountains, and mineral veins are occupied by the three parties. Some of them are not occupied, and half of the resources are required.

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