Fortune Teller

Chapter 1286 Digging your own grave?

Kuyu Sect.

There are many palaces and attics, and practitioners come and go, almost all of them are venerables, and there are only a dozen or so of the true sages.

Over the past hundred years, the reputation of the Kuyu Sect has spread throughout the Fuling Sea, and almost all living groups have heard of it.

The most famous thing is that Patriarch Kuyu allowed his sect disciples to observe and read world-level secrets. Although there were only three days in a hundred years, it was also a big benefit to speed up the time.

Unfortunately, even so, there are still very few true masters who are willing to become the disciples of the Kuyu Sect.

Inside a majestic temple.

Jia Shu was sitting high on the silver throne, overlooking the bottom. On both sides stood many Three-Difficulty Venerables, and even a few Four-Difficulty True Venerables.

For some reason, everyone's expressions were gloomy.

"Junior brother Ji Dun, please tell me first, what should we do about this matter?" Jia Shu said coldly.

"Deputy sect leader, in terms of true master-level combat power, we are far inferior to Hongbo Mountain. The masters are even more uneven and do not have enough spiritual veins. Apart from comprehending Taoism, the disciples have almost no other means. If they want to follow Hongbo It’s almost impossible to fight against mountains!”

Zhenzun Ji Dun looked troubled.

"Junior Brother Yin Fang, what do you think?" Jia Shu looked at the other person.

"Deputy Sect Master, in my opinion, this matter must not be retreated. There are only three ore veins near Kuyu Sect, and the other two are on the verge of collapse. There is not much ore left. Only the ore veins in Heishigou remain intact. We have to supply Luo Jian every year 50% of the island, if another 40% is given to Hongbo Mountain, how can the disciples practice? "

Zhenzun Yin Fang responded in a deep voice.

"Can't you practice without spiritual materials?" Ji Dun retorted, "Don't forget, now is the beginning of the Kuyu Sect, and the strength of the disciples is not as good as other sects. For us, the most important thing is What we want is stability, not fighting around and provoking powerful enemies.”

"Fart, what is needed most in the cultivation of immortality, the wealthy couple!" Yin Fang said angrily, "Resources are the foundation of all cultivation. If there are not even ores, how can we refine weapons? How can we refine elixirs? How can we temper our blood and improve ourselves?" Does it all depend on hard work?"

"If you can't even maintain the most basic resources, who is still willing to join the sect? I'm afraid if you can't pass, the Kuyu Sect will be completely disbanded."

"According to what you say, those groups of creatures would not be able to survive long ago," Ji Dun continued to retort with disdain on his face, "..."


After a while, not only Ji Dun and Yin Fang, but also other venerables spoke up one after another, each holding their own opinions, forming two distinct factions.

Jia Shu shook her head and sighed.

Over the past hundred years, this kind of thing has happened countless times.

Apart from attracting people with its books on martial arts, the Kuyu Sect is not very good in other aspects. The land of wealthy couples has only one method... How can it attract truly strong people?

What’s more, this Fa is still an incomplete Fa.

You must know that no matter which sect they are, they all practice the same way of living beings. From the ancestors of the world to the ordinary sages, there are no exceptions... except for the guest.

For example, in Qingmo Library, the whole sect is mainly engaged in painting. No matter what difficulties you encounter, you can discuss it with your fellow disciples, or ask your teachers, uncles, or even the ancestors of the world.

On Luojian Island, the entire sect is mainly focused on swordsmanship.

What about Kuyu Sect?

There are all kinds of Taoisms. Jia Shu practices Painting Dao, Ji Dun practices Sea Dao, and Yin Fang practices Shadow Dao. There are also sages in the sect who practice Sword Dao, Lie Sun Dao, and Ripple Dao. It’s a mess.

As for what kind of path the ancestor Jie Zun cultivated... it is still a mystery.

"If this continues, the Kuyu Sect will probably always be the weakest sect in the Floating Sea, and no one will dare to step on it."

Jia Shu coughed twice, drove everyone away from the palace, and then walked along the corridor to the back hall.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of footsteps is clear.

The corridor became wider and wider, and a paradise-like valley appeared in front of them. Thirty-six stars were embedded in the sky, illuminating the entire valley.

Spiritual energy surged in the valley, and there were many scattered formations on the ground.

At the edge of the formation pattern, a woman in palace attire is holding a purple jade stick and is carefully carving and polishing it.

"Miss Yan, are you here, senior?" Jia Shu bowed and asked.

"Practice in the house, go in by yourself!"

Yan Suqing pointed behind her without raising her head.

Jia Shu bowed again and walked towards the only blue brick house in the valley. She stopped just outside the door.

"Senior, I have something to report."

"Say it!" A voice came from inside the house.

"A few days ago, news came back from Heishigou that the disciples of Hongbo Mountain attacked the ore veins and forced the sect to hand over 40% of the ore. If the 50% from Luojian Island is also included, the disciples of the sect may even make refining weapons and elixirs a troublesome task. "

"Hongbo Mountain? How strong is the opponent?"

"There are more than 600 true sages in Hongbo Mountain, including 37 true venerables from the Five Difficulties, two true venerables from the Six Difficulties, and countless ordinary venerables. With the current strength of the sect, we may not be able to fight against them." Jia Shu His face looked bitter.

Fights over mineral veins and medicine mountains generally do not attract world masters.

After all, the ancestor of the world respects face too. If he participates in every little thing, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud?

If you have this skill, you might as well go to Hunyuan Void and collect some magical medicines and rare treasures, or directly give them divine crystals.

"Hongbo Mountain is considered an old force. It should have many medicine mountains and mineral veins under its command, and more than 600 true disciples. It is impossible to send all of them to Heishigou." Gu Xiuyun said lightly.

"Senior, Hongbo Mountain has sent three Five-Difficulty True Masters, twenty Four-Difficulty True Masters, and a large number of Venerables this time. These alone are enough to overwhelm the Kuyu Sect." Jia Shu replied sadly.

Today, the Kuyu Sect has only one Five Difficulties True Master, who escaped from the destroyed sect and joined the sect just to seek refuge.

In addition, Jia Shu herself is equivalent to a Five Difficulties True Master, who can cultivate both meridians, and her strength is not weak.

"Hongbo Mountain... well, these two Zhenzun-level monsters are left to you. With their help, it should be enough."

Two strange-looking monsters flew out of the blue brick house.

One was covered in spikes and round, like a hedgehog.

The other had a triangular head and a body similar to that of a gecko.

"Six Difficulties True Master??" Jia Shu's eyes suddenly lit up, "Thank you, senior. I will definitely go all out for the battle in Heishigou."

She quickly grabbed the two monsters and retreated out of the valley.

"Husband, you have been unwilling to help before, how can you send two six-dilemma monsters now?" Yan Suqing asked doubtfully.

"Over the past hundred years, I have clearly deduced the changes in the fate of the Kuyu Sect, and it is time to take a step further."

Gu Xiuyun walked out of the tiled house, "The Kuyu Sect only occupies a corner of the land. It does not compete for spiritual veins or medicinal mountains. Apart from Heishigou, there are no mineral veins under its command. It is much easier to deduce. Now all changes are in my heart, even if If Hong Boshan doesn’t take action, I will let Jia Shu expand the sect’s power.”

"Will this cause dissatisfaction on Luojian Island?" Yan Suqing frowned slightly.

In the entire floating spirit sea area, the most dangerous ones are the six peaks of the Concentration Realm. As a swordsman practitioner, the Cold Sword Realm Master is also the strongest among them.

"Don't worry, Luojian Island controls the surrounding 350 billion miles of sea area, and there are nine sects under its command. As long as we maintain the surface respect and continue to pay tribute, they will not take action easily," Gu Xiuyun smiled, "Besides, each The forces on the other side don’t know my methods yet, so how can they risk provoking me?”

"If my guess is correct, Luo Jian Dao was behind Hong Bo Shan's action to observe my strength."

"Luo Jian Dao is behind it?" Yan Suqing's expression suddenly changed, "So, they really intend to take action??"

"It is rumored that the Lord of the Cold Sword Realm is extremely domineering. Such a person will never allow any instability under his command. It is only a matter of time before he tests me."

Gu Xiuyun looked calm and his eyes were indifferent, "It doesn't matter if he doesn't come. If he comes, there is no need to go back."

Waning Moon Pond.

The cyan figure is sitting cross-legged and practicing with his eyes closed.

At a flow rate of ten thousand times, this clone has been practicing in the Waning Moon Pond for millions of years. The origin of the five elements and the origin of wind and thunder have been perfectly integrated, and the power of the true immortal Taoism has been pushed to the extreme.

The next step is to integrate the three avenues.

"After millions of years of practice, I have understood the three ultimate Taoist techniques of true immortals, namely Five Elements Space, Five Elements Wind and Thunder, and Wind and Thunder Space."

"The three Taoist techniques are already compatible with each other. The next step is to fuse the three to form a Taoist technique that truly belongs to the World Master."

"But this step is easy to say but too difficult to do."

Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes and sighed slightly.

Understanding the nine origins is only the beginning of immortal cultivation, and integrating the nine origins is the most difficult.

First, one must deduce the various origins to the ultimate level of Yuanxian, and then merge them with each other.

Theoretically, the fusion of any two ultimate Taoist arts of Yuanxian can form a true immortal Taoism, but in fact, only the original rules that span the avenue can explode with amazing power.

For example, the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The five original rules have me in you, and you in me. After the fusion, it only makes the Taoism more perfect, and it does not exceed its own level.

"Among the three avenues, time is the most mysterious. Until now, I have not been able to deduce the ultimate Yuanxian Taoism of the time line, let alone integrate it with other Taoisms. The Five Elements, Wind and Thunder, and Space are my only direction."

Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself.

He had determined this direction long before he left the Holy World of Reincarnation.

The human race's true form is based on the five elements, wind and thunder, and space, while Bai Kongze is based on wind and thunder and time. With the many opportunities of the Black Jade Platform and the Black Lock Mountain, it is not without hope.

In addition to Black Jade Terrace, Black Suo Mountain also has two great opportunities.

One is the creation space, and the other is the half-step supreme inheritance in the deepest part of the black lock channel.

"The flow rate of the Holy World of Samsara is a thousand times slower than that of the outer world. It has only been more than a month since Bai Kongze started to react with me, but the vicious fluctuations in the dark have become much weaker."

The cyan figure talked to himself for a moment and continued to practice.

The clone of Waning Moon Pond is dominated by the material path.

The avatars in the floating sea area are mainly based on the path of life. Compared with the rapid advancement of the material path, the improvement of the path of life is obviously much slower.

There is nothing we can do about it. The path of living beings has always been time-consuming and it is the superior path. It is normal that there has been no progress for hundreds of millions of years.

It is already rare for Gu Xiuyun to make a breakthrough within a hundred years.

This was due to Emperor Ziyang's Taoist books and his tyrannical will.

The holy world of reincarnation, Black Suo Mountain.

Deep in the palace, Bai Kongze was sitting cross-legged, exhaling the turbid air in his body.


A breath of turbid air was exhaled, forming a crimson storm, but it was bound by the power of the void for three feet, making it difficult to break free.

Then, he inhaled again.

The red turbid air returned to the physical body, and a large number of impurities were removed, leaving only the pure killing air.

"The blood-colored thought is after all a trace of the Heavenly Monarch of Killing and Refining. He only focused on letting Bai Kongze increase his killing energy. He never thought of laying a solid foundation and practicing seriously."

After hesitating for a long time, Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes and shook his head slightly.

Also at the seventh level, Bai Kongze's mysterious power is far inferior to others, and he cannot even use the secret techniques of the killing lineage.

Slaughter Lian Tianjun cultivated Bai Kongze just to absorb enough killing energy and form the rules of killing to carry Tianjun's thoughts. As for whether Bai Kongze itself is strong or not, it doesn't matter at all.

"Fortunately, if it was pure killing energy, how could I have sustained it for so long?"

"Not to mention waiting for the human true body to break through and let me regain my mind and will."

Gu Xiuyun laughed softly.

In just one month, he was completely different from before. In addition to the Taoist secrets, his character had also become aligned with the mystery of killing. As for his destiny, only useless memory fragments remained.

The way of life is the heart of the way.

It can only carry one way forever, and cannot support two ways, unless... there are two people.

Today, Gu Xiuyun no longer knows whether he and the real human being are the same person. They share the same source of thoughts, but have completely different personalities.

At this moment, the voice of Zhenzun Long Yang came from outside the hall, "My dear friend, are you okay?"

"Thank you, Senior Long Yang, for your concern. This junior is very good."

Gu Xiuyun responded casually, but before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

He almost forgot that he had been immersed in the mystery of killing not long ago, how could he be fine?

According to what was said before, at least seven days and at most a month, the mystery of killing will completely affect him. Before that, he will choose to commit suicide.

"No, seniors Dong Yan and Long Yang must have misunderstood!"

Just as he was talking, two violent auras completely enveloped the entire palace.

The roar of the dragon sounded, and the fluctuations of life and death and destiny filled the void. The two peak true masters had already taken action.

More than a month has passed since Gu Xiuyun entered the palace. No matter how you calculate it, he has completely fallen.

At this moment, who can tell whether he is controlled by Slaughter Lian Tianjun or not? Even he couldn't explain it himself.

After all, at this moment, his mind and will are completely in tune with the mystery of killing, and he can easily perform killing techniques.

Isn't this a manifestation of being controlled? ?

hold head high!

The huge dragon head opened its mouth, revealing its sharp fangs, and bit towards Bai Kongze.

Every fang is filled with fluctuations of life and death. Once bitten off, no matter what Gu Xiuyun's body is, whether it is void or flesh and blood, it will be affected by the death energy and annihilated very quickly.

The Mystery of Life and Death is one of the systems that is very good at fighting, second only to the Mystery of Killing.

Facing the bite of the golden dragon.

Gu Xiuyun waved out his palm, and the rules of the five elements formed Yuanxian Taoism. In conjunction with the mystery of killing, he barely blocked the dragon's head, and at the same time, his body retreated rapidly.

"Killing Mystery... He is indeed under control. Dong Yan, take action quickly. We must not let him escape from the palace and enter the city above." The golden dragon roared sharply.

"rest assured."

A force of destiny filled the void.

call! !

The violent aura completely enveloped Gu Xiuyun, and no matter which direction he fled, he could not escape the Taoist bombardment.

Dongyan Zhenzun, a seventh-level destiny practitioner, is proficient in heavenly calculations.

In front of the strong man of destiny, every move was discovered in advance, how could he escape?

"I never thought that one day, I would be able to experience the pain of being a practitioner of destiny." Gu Xiuyun sighed secretly.

So what if your mind and will are strong?

The power of the material Tao is limited, and the mystery of killing has not been understood for a few days. The Tao methods such as the Wushou Tu are based on the line of destiny and cannot be used at all.

As for the Lingbao, he had already given it to the two True Masters Dong Yan and Long Yang, and even told them about their own Taoist skills and shortcomings.


A ray of red flame fell, seriously injuring Bai Kongze.

Immediately afterwards, the golden dragon opened its mouth and bit, and the mystery of life and death combined with the tough body, plus the true immortal Taoist skills, wiped out most of the breath.

"If I had known this, it would be better to hide in a deserted place and wait for death quietly." Gu Xiuyun smiled bitterly in his heart.

It was really embarrassing and embarrassing to be killed by the arrangements I left behind.

"No, I have another method, the source of killing."

Gu Xiuyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

The previous Bai Kongze could not use this secret technique because the killing energy was not pure enough and the mind and will were weak. After all, it was controlled by blood-colored thoughts and was not as good as the human true body.

But now, this life-saving secret technique can be used reluctantly.

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