Fortune Teller

Chapter 1288 Two possibilities

Moro Realm.

The guardian gradually recovered from his weakness, his fingers moved, and the rules of cause and effect filled the heavens.

"Disappeared again?"

"Has this junior's causal line changed again?"

"Impossible. The real human body left and the second real body stayed in the holy world. There may be abnormal changes. But now that I have pinpointed his causal line, how can I not feel anything?"

The golden-painted figure frowned, "Cherish your life... As long as the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect remains in the world, my cause and effect will be incomplete. This cause and effect must be completely eradicated."

Based on the Taoist realm of a Zen protector, a mere promise is not a big deal to him.

But it's different now.

He wants to establish a Buddhist kingdom in the palm of his hand, based on cause and effect, and turn all Zen disciples into believers, thereby borrowing their soul thoughts to condense the souls of the Six Difficulties.

The most critical point is that cause and effect are perfect and flawless.

However, back then, Gu Xiuyun entered the Moro Realm, stole the original relics, and later forced the Zen guardians to make an oath: throughout his life, he would not use the secret curse-killing technique on the disciples of the Eight-Eyed Sect.

As long as the Eight-Eyed God Sect is alive for one day, this promise will not disappear.

Cause and effect cannot be perfect.

To the protector, this was originally just a small matter. Who would have thought that the fight between the ten thousand beetles and the powerful men in the heavens would reveal their true realm. In a million years at most, this beast would understand the rules of cause and effect and step into the realm of beings. territory.

The Zen protector suddenly felt the urgency, but due to Gu Xiuyun's strength, he had to endure it until now.

"It will take at least a hundred thousand years to build the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm of My Hand, including practice... I don't have much time left."

"The power of the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect is getting bigger and bigger, covering almost half of the endless void, and the influence of karma is getting stronger and stronger. Under such circumstances, there is almost no hope of establishing a Buddha Kingdom in the Palm."

"Gu Ximing, why are you not dead? You are in charge of the rules of fate, and you are a weapon spirit. Are the world blind? You are actually allowed to live to this day!"

The golden figure's gaze was like a sharp sword, crossing the endless void and landing in the distant Langhuan realm.

Shenhuan Continent.

It is as prosperous as ever, except for the area where the Ancient Temple of Samsara is located.

There were roars all around the ancient palace, as if a giant beast holding the sky was breathing.

As the Taoist crystals were refined, the aura of the Ten Thousand Bearded Insects became more and more powerful, and the fluctuations of cause and effect almost condensed into substance, filling the void for hundreds of millions of miles.

This astonishing fluctuation even attracted the attention of the venerables from all walks of life.

"Such a strong causal fluctuation... What on earth is Wan Gu'er doing? In just a few thousand years, his aura has reached such an extent. Is he really going to become the first world master in history?"

"There are Tianji and Eight Eyes in front of us, and there are Eternal Ages and Dao Protectors behind us, plus a person who cares about life. What on earth is going on in this era?"

"World Master, are you finally coming??"

Each of the venerables and true venerables whispered in their hearts.

Deep in the ancient palace.

The Ten Thousand Bearded Insect's eyes were cold, and countless venomous snakes and beasts were entangled around his side like hair.

"Gu Ximing, if it weren't for you, why would I have to spend millions of years slowly accumulating? With the True Master-level insect beast, my clone can go there... absorb the power of the mixed source, for up to thirty to fifty thousand years, You can step into the Realm of Realm.”

"Thirty to fifty thousand years ago, even if the Zen sect's human bastard noticed it, it would be too late to deal with it. But now, after a million years, I'm afraid he already has a countermeasure."

"You damn human junior, you actually escaped from the Holy World of Samsara with an insect beast. Are you afraid that I will control it with the rules of cause and effect? ​​Damn it, damn it..."

Chessboard realm.

In front of the Shanshui hut, Zhenzun Baize looked leisurely at the cloudy sky.

"The sky is getting darker and darker."

"Chaofeng, Bamu, Tianji, and Cherishing Life are just the interludes in this big scene. The real show has just begun."

"Everyone in the world is paying attention to Ten Thousand Beards, but who has seen the most dangerous you...Zhu Yan."

The white-bearded old man lowered his head and looked towards the deepest part of the chessboard realm.

There is a scorching sun star covering hundreds of millions of miles of void. Deep in the star, a red tomb is burning, and there is a faint breath of life.

The ancient ferocious beast-Zhu Yan, the world has long forgotten its name, and even very few people know it.

Baize Zhenzun happens to be one of them.

True dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, black turtles, and Bai Ze are all called mythical beasts, but Zhu Yan... is a ferocious beast.

Taking a bad name as a name is naturally not a good person.

No one even knew that the ancient ferocious beast Zhu Yan cultivated the path of killing.

"You are also from the body-refining lineage, and warriors are on the path to reach the sky. What path did you take? When you gave up everything and built the Fire Tomb, you must have got a great opportunity."

"Maybe I can find an opportunity to go further from you."

There was expectation on Zhenzun Baize's face.

To him, the creatures in the realm of heaven are just passers-by, and it doesn't matter even if the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect is destroyed, the realm of Langhuan collapses, and all the Taoism between heaven and earth turns into dust.

Over the course of hundreds of millions of years, Zhenzun Bai Ze has seen too much.

Another meaning of being detached from things... is to regard all things as stupid dogs.

Baize Zhenzun will not be contaminated with karma, nor will he take action for anyone, unless it is a favor he owes, such as Bamu Zhenzun.

"Fire, burn harder."

The white-bearded old man waved his sleeves, and the spiritual energy from the chessboard realm poured into the deepest part of the chessboard.

After a while, the scorching sun and stars became bigger again.

Floating sea area.

In the depths of the Black Rock Valley, the sounds of fighting were heard one after another. Two demonic beasts hundreds of millions of feet in height looked up to the sky and howled. Wherever they went, there was a sound of wailing.

"We, the Kuyu Sect, never do evil to others, but that doesn't mean we can be bullied by others." Jia Shu stood in the depths of the sea, with divine power surging around her body. "Practitioners of Hongbo Mountain, I will let you live today. After today, who will Anyone who dares to invade the Kuyu Sect’s mineral veins will be killed without mercy.”


The hedgehog-like spherical monster jumped up and crashed into the depths of the sea like a star, forming a tsunami that reached the sky and knocked all the Hongbo Mountain disciples away.


The thunderous roar frightened the disciples of Hongbo Mountain and fled one after another, not daring to look back.

The six difficulties in the outer world are completely different from the six difficulties in the realm of heavens.

Practitioners outside the heavens all practice perfect techniques. Every time they take a step, the path of life and the path of matter improve at the same time, and the difference in strength is much larger than in the realm of heaven.

But at the same time, there are certain is extremely time-consuming.

The True Master of Six Difficulties has understood most of the nine origins, and has even deduced the ultimate Taoism of the True Immortal. The Tao of Life is also close to the level of rules.

The fusion of the two Taoist methods is nearly ten times the difference with the Five Difficulties True Master.

Ten times, what is the concept? ? It's just crushing.

In front of the Six Difficulties monsters, the disciples of Hongbo Mountain were like chickens and dogs. They were swept away in just a short moment.


One after another, the escaping light fled into the distance.

"Didn't you say that the Kuyu Sect only has one Five Difficulties Realm? How come there are two Six Difficulty Monsters that appear out of nowhere, and they both cultivate two meridians, and both the Taoist realm and the physical body have reached the Six Difficulties Level?"

"The message can't be wrong."

"These two monsters should be the demon servants of the Kuyu Realm Lord. When they were fighting, I took a few glances. Their eyes were lifeless and their breath was stagnant. Most likely, they were sacrificed by the Shexin Hall. "

Shexintang is the most famous slave chamber of commerce in the entire Wuyang sea world.

Whether it is a practitioner or a source beast, as long as it falls into their hands, it will become a well-behaved and docile slave.

Only by understanding the rules of life can one survive.

When Gu Xiuyun, Mrs. Yu, Gu Xiushu and others entered Fuling Island for the first time, the first thing they saw was the shops of Shexintang.

Located at the entrance of Fuling Island, it can be seen how powerful Shexintang is.

"As far as I know, the price of the Six Difficulties True Master is around 70 million cubic divine crystals, and it can cultivate both veins. The price is slightly higher, almost 100 million divine crystals. This Kuyu Patriarch has just made a breakthrough, how could he? Have such strong financial resources?”

"Who knows? Maybe he bought two monsters specifically to establish a sect."

The disciples of Hongbo Mountain were talking while escaping.

Two hundred million cubic meters of divine crystal is not a small amount even for the World Master.

The Seven Difficulties Realm Master's daily practice requires various spiritual materials, elixirs, rare treasures, and reading of classics and secrets... all of which cost money.

For example, the Wanfa Tower on Fuling Island requires three million cubic divine crystals per day.

Ancestor Kuyu is just a newly promoted Realm Master, but he actually bought two Six Dilemma Realm monsters. How can it not surprise people?

A few days later.

The news spread to Luojian Island.

"Bitter Jade Sect, there are two slaves of the Six Difficulties Demonic Beasts??" The Lord of the Cold Sword Realm looked slightly confused.

"Ancestor, the Kuyu Sect has almost no requirements for its disciples, and there is no need to pay for ores or divine crystals. From this, it can be seen that the Kuyu ancestor is not short of money, but he is also a newly promoted world leader——"

The Zhenzun elder kneeling below was full of doubts.

This is so unreasonable.

Newly promoted realm masters are generally very poor, and their wealth is not much more than that of a real master. Therefore, once a practitioner breaks through to the realm of realm masters, the surrounding sea areas will be plundered.

But even so, their wealth is still pitiful.

The total amount of spiritual treasures, elixirs, and divine crystals possessed by the Six Difficulties True Master would not exceed one million, because most of them were given to the ancestor of the World Master and exchanged for sect contribution.

The sect's contribution is just a number, meaningless to outsiders.

"A newly promoted Realm Master wanted to establish a sect, and he did not collect the money of his disciples. He even took the initiative to take out two slaves of the Six Difficulties Demonic Beasts... Why do you think this is?" The corners of Hanjian Realm Master's lips curled up slightly. .

"Disciple doesn't understand." Elder Zhenzun shook his head.

"There are two possibilities."

Hanjian Realm Master Youyou said: "The first type is that he cultivates superior Taoism and needs to use the power of sentient beings to understand the changes in Taoism."

"Excellent practitioners are much stronger than their peers, and generally don't care too much about money. For example, if a practitioner of destiny helps others to deduce just once, the reward they get will be worth the accumulation of hundreds of millions of years by ordinary world masters."

"Another example is the practitioners of karma. They search for traces, curse powerful enemies, and track murderers. Who can't rely on them?? These are all money."

"The second type is that he got a big opportunity. It may be the inheritance of the Eight Difficulties Realm Lord, or it may be a more precious treasure, so he has a rich wealth and doesn't care about these."

"Which one do you think it is?"

"Disciple thinks it is the second type," Elder Zhenzun thought for a moment and said respectfully, "If this person is a practitioner of superior Taoism, he should have been famous throughout the world as early as the Six Difficulties Period, and his background is astonishing. There is at least one veteran in the world behind him. Your Majesty, it’s impossible to stay in a small floating spirit sea area!”

It is extremely difficult to comprehend the superior Taoism.

If there is no background, let alone understanding the rules, there is no hope even for the Six Difficulties.

Such a person will never pretend to be unknown.

"You are right," the corners of Hanjian Realm Master's lips curled up slightly, "There is at least a 90% chance that he will get a great opportunity, but no matter what, you still have to be careful. Pass the order and send a few True Masters to various states. The Zhishi Tower in the area will investigate the information. If he is really a practitioner of superior Taoism, the Zhishi Tower will definitely pay attention. "

"As you command!"

The true elder bowed and left.

A few days later, a group of Jiandao Zhenzun entered Fuling Island and traveled to various states along the cross-region teleportation array.

Zhishilou, one of the major forces in Wuyang Sea Realm, is extremely knowledgeable about the world's intelligence, especially the top experts in the cultivation world.

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