Fortune Teller

Chapter 1289 Coveting

"It is quite beneficial to establish a sect and cultivate the sect to others, especially in terms of heavenly calculations. You can observe the actions of each disciple and understand the mysteries... No wonder the fate practitioners mainly focus on heavenly calculations."

In front of the blue brick house, Gu Xiuyun's fingertips kept swiping, outlining a complete numerology pattern.

In the veins, one can vaguely see the changes in the disciples of Kuyu Sect.

After a hundred years of practice, the rules of destiny distortion and the rules of destiny and mind have not made much progress. On the contrary, the shadow of destiny and the calculation of heaven and earth have improved a lot.

In addition, the other two external cultivation methods are also briefly discussed.

"After all, the scope of the Kuyu Sect's influence is a bit small. It's okay to understand the mysteries, but the rules of fate... are very limited."

"Especially Twist of Fate, which focuses on killing and killing, and is more difficult."

"According to the current situation, it will take at least 300,000 years to reach the late stage of the Concentration Realm."

Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself.

This speed is already amazing.

The rules of destiny are a hundred times more difficult to practice than ordinary Taoism. Even if it takes several Taoist years, let alone hundreds of thousands of years, you may not be able to break through. But Gu Xiuyun was different. He had the Waning Moon Pool, the Taoist books left by Emperor Ziyang, and various numerology patterns.

A Waning Moon Pond is enough to make the world go crazy.

What does a flow rate of ten thousand times count? The most precious thing is the water in the pool. Every drop of water in the pool continuously blends into his mind, making his understanding of the path of life increase tenfold and a hundredfold.

If not, how could the weapon spirit of Ziyang Villa make Gu Xiuyun swear an oath?

It knew very well that the Waning Moon Pond and the Taoist books would make it possible for Gu Xiuyun to enter the Dharma Sui Realm within a million years.

Only the Lord of Nine Difficulties can hope to get the dry sign.

"The two beasts from the Six Difficulties Realm should give Luojian Island some thoughts. Changes in the situation will come soon."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled.


The edge of his finger is like a sword, leaving lines on the ground, forming another numerology pattern.

Each numerology picture is very similar, but completely different, because it is based on the changes in the sect's disciples and the time and place. The one second before is completely different from the next second.


Yan Suqing raised her head and glanced at the pattern in front of Gu Xiuyun, feeling dizzy and dizzy.

She quickly looked away.

It is also a Tao method pattern, the formation Tao is a hundred times more complicated than the numerology pattern diagram, but the power is much inferior.

Time passes slowly.

Unconsciously, hundreds of years have passed.

The emergence of the Six Dilemma monsters greatly increased the reputation of the Kuyu Sect, and a large number of casual cultivators joined the sect.

In any case, the Kuyu Sect is, after all, the only sect among all the sects that can read and read classics for free.

This point is still very tempting.

At the same time, the battles between the Kuyu Sect and several surrounding sects became more and more frequent, especially Hongbo Mountain, which took action every few months and seemed to be at odds with them.

"Deputy Sect Master, news just came from Nanchi. Hongbo Mountain sent a Six-Difficulties True Master, eight Five-Difficulties True Masters, plus two hundred Four-Difficulties True Masters, to attack and kill the branch sect's station. Fortunately, there was a divine formation to protect them. I managed to hold it off, but it won’t last long. Please ask the deputy sect leader to send someone to support immediately.”

Yin Fang Zhenzun said respectfully.

"Deputy Sect Master, this must not be done. This is obviously a show of encirclement and support. Didn't we suffer a big loss last time?" Zhenzun Ji Dun said repeatedly.

A few years ago, Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island suddenly joined forces.

One besieged the branch sect's headquarters, while the other was hiding nearby, secretly attacked, and killed four true sages of the Kuyu sect, and nearly a hundred sages died.

"How did you know someone was ambushing you?"

Yin Fang snorted, "Hongbo Mountain attacks and kills every few months. In the past ten years, it has attacked and killed thirty-two times, and only once joined forces with Kuri Island. If we don't go to support, the branch sect will be destroyed, and Yao The garden was looted, and the losses may be even greater.”

"Can the previous times be compared with this one??" Ji Dun said angrily, "In the previous attacks, when did they send Six Difficulties? There are only two Six Difficulties True Masters in Hongbo Mountain. Since they sent one, they must There is a big move, either to wipe out the branch sect's station, or to surround the area to provide reinforcements, and to kill a group of true masters. "


Jia Shu coughed twice, interrupting the quarrel between Ji Dun and Yin Fang.

I have to say, what both of them said makes sense.

Thirty-two attacks and killings, no one can be sure whether there is an ambush this time, but no one can say that there is no ambush.

"Junior Brother Ji Dun and Junior Brother Yin Fang, you are all right," Jia Shu said with a smile, "Since no one can be sure, let's not go!"

"Deputy sect leader, no," Yin Fang's face changed slightly, "If the other party attacks a place, we will lose another place. How can the sect maintain itself?"

"I only said that I would not split the sect, but I never said that I would allow anyone to bully me." Jia Shu said with a fierce look on her face, "Yin Fang, Ji Dun, you two immediately bring a Six Difficulties monster and attack Hongshitan in a flying boat. , the other party will do the first grade, and we will do the fifteenth to see who can beat the other."

"I see."

The eyes of the two true masters suddenly lit up.

That's right, why insist on clinging to the branch sect's station? ? Attack Hongshitan directly and see what they do?

Hongbo Mountain retreated, and the branch sect's headquarters was saved.

If you don't want to retreat and insist on seizing the branch sect's garrison, then exchange one thing for another. Hongshitan has many more elixirs and rare treasures than the branch sect's garrison.

"Go quickly!" Jia Shu waved her hand.

"My subordinates resign."

The two true masters turned and left.

"Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island are moving around so actively. It seems that Luojian Island can't bear it any longer."

In the valley, Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself.

The actions of Luo Jian Island cannot be hidden from others, not from the fate practitioner, not to mention that he has been staring at Luo Jian Island, counting several times from time to time.

For hundreds of years, disciples from Luojian Island have traveled to other states many times to inquire about information.

By now, Hanjian Realm Master is basically certain that Patriarch Kuyu is not a practitioner of superior Taoism. As for what methods he has, he still needs to test it out.

Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island are the pawns.

"Over hundreds of years, I have deduced the eight ultimate Taoist techniques of true immortals. I am getting closer and closer to integrating the three great ways, but I have never taken that step."

"The five elements, wind and thunder, and space are too difficult to integrate."

None of the Realm Masters in the Heaven Realm integrates the three avenues. Those false Realm Masters are actually at the lowest level of understanding the nine origins. In terms of Taoism... they are still at the extreme level of true immortals.

Integrating the three avenues is an essential leap.

It is also a sign of truly entering the Realm of Realm.

For example, Chifeng Jie Zun and Chihe Jie Zun, who didn't enter the Jie Zun realm and then worked hard for tens of billions of years before finally breaking through the bottleneck and integrating the three paths.

Although Gu Xiuyun is a practitioner of destiny and needs the help of Waning Moon Pool, it still takes a lot of time.

"Without the fusion of the three paths, facing the Lord of the Cold Sword Realm, there is never enough chance of winning. After all, this person is at the peak of the Concentration Realm, and rootless duckweed will not have much effect on him."

"If we can't kill him, and the news spreads, it is likely to attract the disciples of the Red Wolf Palace."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

With his current strength, facing the Concentration Realm, he is 100% sure of saving his life. The twisted rules of fate alone are enough to block most of the attacks.

But it is not easy to kill the Cold Sword Realm Master.

While he was thinking, the sound of footsteps came from the corridor.

"Senior, Hongbo Mountain made a surprise attack on the branch sect's headquarters. The disciples sent Ji Dun and Yin Fang to attack Hongshitan with the Six Difficulties monsters, forcing the opponent to retreat."

Jia Shu bowed and clasped her fists, "I never thought that they would exchange their lives for their lives and wipe out the entire branch sect station, and then join forces with the practitioners from Kuri Island to surround them. Fortunately, Ji Dun and Yin Fang left early and were not attacked. "


Gu Xiuyun raised his head, "Why should you tell me such a trivial matter?"

"Senior, the behavior of Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island is too weird. In the past, sects often fought with each other, but such fights without regard to injury were rare." Jia Shu paused for a few breaths before continuing, "I suspect , they want to destroy the Kuyu Sect.”

"Destroy the sect?"

The corner of Gu Xiuyun's mouth curled up slightly, "You have to think clearly, I am behind the Kuyu Sect, and there is also a Realm Master behind Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island. How could they start a war just for a little ore elixir?"

Jia Shu took a deep breath and said, "This junior has thought about it for a long time and feels that this possibility is the greatest. Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island are pressing forward step by step, just to make the senior leave the sect's base. Without the help of the formation, the two world masters will If we join forces to launch a siege, our seniors’ chances of winning... may not be too high.”


Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly and seemed not to care.

Yan Suqing on one side was still deducing the formation without even raising his head.

"Senior, you must be careful," Jia Shu repeatedly advised. "The people coming from Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island are not good. We would rather take a step back than confront them head-on. The future is long and there are many opportunities."

"Okay, please step back first!!"

Gu Xiuyun waved his hand.

Jia Shu walked out of the valley helplessly.

"Husband, no wonder you want to find this girl Jia to be the head of the sect. She is indeed very smart. She discovered the truth from just a few clues."

Yan Suqing spoke after seeing Jia Shu leave the corridor.

"When I was at Qingmo Library, I made good friends with Brother Chu Yuan, and also had brief contact with Jia Shu and Yang Lingzhi for a few days."

"Brother Chu Yuan is loyal and kind-hearted. Unfortunately, he is too easy to take advantage of. Yang Lingzhi is thoughtful, a little withdrawn, extremely aloof, and prone to extremes."

"Only Jia Shu, although she is a woman, has a beautiful heart. In terms of wisdom, she is not weaker than Yang Lingzhi, and in terms of character, she is much more cautious than Chu Yuan."

Gu Xiuyun said with a smile, "Jia Shu's background is not a good one, but even so, she has still reached the realm of true masters, so she certainly has some abilities."

"She's so good, why don't you ask her to be your Taoist companion!" Yan Suqing turned her head.

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled.

Falling sword island.

Three figures faced each other.

Sitting on the top seat is the Master of the Cold Sword Realm. He is dressed in purple and gold robes, with divine power surging around his body. His two gazes are like splitting heavenly swords. No matter where they fall, they give people a feeling of stimulating the heart.

On the left, Hongbo Jie Zun is sitting cross-legged, wearing a blue robe, and his round face gives people a sense of harmlessness.

But only those who know him well know that Hongbo Realm Master has always been synonymous with sinisterness and viciousness, and there are many instances of backstabbing.

On the right side, the Lord of the Dry Sun Realm has cold eyes, and his whole body is breathing hot breath, like a scorching sun.

But if you look carefully, you will find that the aura on his body is particularly desolate, like the setting sun reflecting the red clouds in the sky.

The Master of the Cold Sword Realm, the Master of the Hongbo Realm, and the Master of the Dry Sun Realm are discussing matters in the palace.

"Kuyu Sect, what do you think??" Hanjian Realm's eyes were indifferent.

"Senior Brother Hanjian, Patriarch Kuyu is just a newly promoted Realm Master, what should we care about? The three of us join forces and knock on the door. Are we afraid that he has some powerful means?" Kuri Realm Master said.

"To put it simply, we have been practicing for many years before we finally entered the realm of realm masters and became the pinnacle ancestor in the world of practice. Every step is like walking on thin ice. If we don't pay attention, we will die."

Hong Bo Jie Zun said coldly, "If you want to fight hard, it's up to you. I just want to keep this old life and enjoy my old age."

"Hmph, you rat." Kurijie Zun looked disdainful.

"Junior brother Hong Bo is right. Cultivation is not easy for us. We must be careful and make no mistakes in every step. If we make a mistake, our life will be lost."

The Lord of the Cold Sword Realm said softly, "You still have to be careful about this matter. Let's let others test it first! It's best to let him come out on his own and expose his strength. It's not too late to take action."

"Yes, senior brother."

The two of them bowed and clasped their fists.

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