Fortune Teller

Chapter 1409 Wushan Courtyard

Compared with Wuyang Sea Realm, the scene of Luoshen Realm is completely different.

The place is surrounded by steaming clouds and mist, like a vast fairyland, and practitioners can be seen everywhere. But what is interesting is that the robes worn by the practitioners are very similar, divided into five colors: red, orange, blue, and purple.

"Fellow Taoist, how come the robes and costumes of the Luoshen Realm are so similar? Are there any rules?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

"You don't even know this?"

One of the armor cultivators showed disdain, "Luoshen Realm is the world of incense. The creatures here are all followers of Luoshen Supreme. They are divided into five levels according to their status."

"The ranking does not depend on cultivation, but on whether each person's belief is pure," another person said. "The purer the incense, the higher the status, and the easier it is to be taken seriously. Of course, you are already a venerable, so you don't need to subject to this restriction.”

"I see."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

The five-color robes represent different levels of believers. The higher the level, the purer the faith and thoughts, and it is easier to obtain resources.

But this is only true.

After entering the realm of the Venerable, you have broken the shackles of heaven and earth and have your own inner world. No matter who you believe in, you will not form thoughts, because in a sense... the Venerable has a world of incense of his own.

Soon, the three of them took Gu Xiuyun to a majestic temple.

"As long as you bow in front of the Luo God statue and you are not rejected in any way, you can prove your origin."

The armor practitioner pointed to the statue of Goddess Luo in the depths of the temple, "Remember, worshiping Goddess Luo must be sincere and you must not have any thoughts of slander. The supreme power is endless. No matter what you are thinking, Master Luoshen knows it clearly."

Who are you bluffing with? Gu Xiuyun cursed secretly in his heart.

With his current cultivation level, even Emperor Ziyang cannot see through the thoughts in his heart, let alone Luo Shen?

Thoughts flashed.

Gu Xiuyun walked to the statue of Luo Shen and knelt down.

The moment he kowtowed, invisible waves descended from the void. Vaguely, he seemed to see a goddess with a vague face, but an otherworldly appearance appearing between heaven and earth.

"Lo God..."

Gu Xiuyun murmured.

The legendary Supreme Lord of the Universe once gave him a secret that allowed him to successfully survive three disasters and nine disasters, and also gave him enough time to deal with the Patriarch Tianji.

If it weren't for Luo Shen, he would have been completely wiped out by Master Tianji long before the first three difficulties came.

Gu Xiuyun always remembers this kindness in his heart.


The breeze stirred.

A voice came into my ears, "In just ten million years, you can enter the Eight Difficulties Realm. It seems that you are already a core disciple of Qingxiao Palace. What are you doing here?"

"Supreme Luo Shen, this junior has a grudge against others, and is worried that the other party will use the Karma Killing Technique to deal with my relatives, friends and clansmen," Gu Xiuyun said respectfully, "So I want to keep my clansmen here, please allow me, senior."

"What does your enmity have to do with me?" the goddess said coldly, "Besides, the Luoshen Realm is not a safe place. If you want my permission, you can, but you have to help me do something."

"Senior, please speak." Gu Xiuyun looked respectful.

As long as Luo Shen nods, don't say one thing, even if it is ten things, he will do it.

After all, no one knows when Tianjun Slaughter Lian will pay attention to his mother and clan members, and it will be easy to curse and kill several true deities with the methods of Tianjun Karma.

Apart from the Luoshen Realm, Gu Xiuyun could no longer think of any safe place.

"Not long from now, it will be the day when the Xihuang Heavenly Domain will join forces to sweep away the origin beast's lair," Luo Shen told in a low voice, "According to the rules, each Qiankun Realm must send strong men to participate in the war. Although you did not bring the inner world with you, as the Destiny Realm Lord, It’s the Eight Dilemmas again, it should be able to play some role.”


Gu Xiuyun bowed and nodded.

at the same time.

Deep in the Luoshen Realm.

A golden-robed Realm Master exuding terrifying power opened his eyes, "The Eight Difficulties Realm Master of the Destiny System? Unfortunately, he did not carry the inner world, and his combat power is too limited. He can only help deduce the changes in the heavens."

"Hopefully the damage will be less this time."

The Jinpao Realm Master shook his head slightly and closed his eyes.

Every time the Xihuang Heavenly Territory sweeps the source beast's nest, a large number of practitioners will fall, but there is no way, there are too many source beasts outside the sky, and the Xihuang Heavenly Territory is far less powerful than the Qingxiao Heavenly Territory, so they dare not send the Qiankun Supreme to sweep it directly .

After all, there is also the Qiankun realm among the source beasts.

You send the Supreme, and I also send the Supreme. When we are at odds with each other, the practice world is far inferior to the beasts from outside the world.

In front of the temple, Gu Xiuyun stood up.

The three armor practitioners nodded slightly, "Since you have received permission from Luo Shen, you don't need to stay here. You can find a cave to live in, or you can go to Luo Temple to compete for the position of envoy. With your cultivation, you may be able to become Yuanlang envoy."

"Thank you three for reminding me. If I have some free time, I will take a trip." Gu Xiuyun said with a smile.


The three of them turned and left.

Gu Xiuyun raised his hand, and Yan Suqing, Mrs. Yu, Gu Xiushu and others walked out of the Zijin Palace.

"Husband, how is the situation?" Yan Suqing asked quickly.

"The Supreme Luoshen has allowed us to live here. The Luoshen Realm is vast and vast, and it is much more stable and peaceful than the Wuyang Sea Realm. There should be no danger in living here."

Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly, "Eldest sister, second sister, you can walk around in the future without having to hide your identity carefully."

"Really?" Gu Xiushu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Since arriving in the outer world, everyone has been walking on thin ice. They don't even dare to take a step out of the cave, let alone travel anywhere.

Later, I went to Binglan Sect and was trapped in the Keqing Hall.

Even the Venerable, who has been trapped in one place for hundreds of thousands of years, can no longer hold it in any longer.

"Let's find a cave first."

Gu Xiuyun smiled and said, "If nothing happens, we will all live here for hundreds of millions of years to come."

Luoshen Realm, Baishi Prefecture.

The sand and stones here are like white jade, and the heaven and earth are filled with rich spiritual energy, so it is called Baishizhou.

Compared to the Wuyang Sea Realm, power struggles in the Luoshen Realm are extremely rare.

After all, every practitioner living in the Qiankun Realm is a believer of Luo Shen, and there is only one sect behind it - Luo Shen Sect.

One day, a low hill suddenly appeared on Baishizhou.

The mountain is not high, but for some reason, no one can climb it. Even Zhenzun can only walk halfway up the mountain and cannot reach the top of the mountain.

Some people have also tried to fly in from the clouds, but in the end they appeared at the foot of the mountain inexplicably.

The world gradually understood that there was an unfathomable immortal master here.

The rumors are getting wider and wider, attracting many practitioners to go to the hill, trying to climb to the top of the mountain to learn from the master. However, no matter what they do, they can't reach the top of the mountain, and they don't know what is hidden in the mountain.

The top of the hill.

A slightly rough house stood quietly, with only two people sitting in the courtyard, hugging each other.

"Mother, eldest sister, they are really depressed. They have not been able to take a step out of the guest palace for hundreds of thousands of years. After leaving, they did not come back for a full seven hundred years."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled.

"Madam and Sister Shu are both True Venerables, and the two Great Elders are also True Venerables," Yan Suqing looked indifferently, "and they have World Venerable Taoist Talismans in their hands, so walking outside for hundreds of years is nothing."

"That's true."

Practitioners cannot stay in one place forever. Whether it is to understand the rules of Taoism or to comprehend the mysteries of living beings, they must travel around the world and observe different scenes in order to continuously improve their realm.

When Gu Xiuyun walked around the mountains and rivers with Yan Suqing, it was to observe different divine formation methods, gain insights from them, and improve his realm step by step.

If you only rely on a few classics and a few manuscripts, you will never be able to become a formation master.

"Suqing, you once said that you want a home that truly belongs to us." Gu Xiuyun suddenly lowered his head, "A home with just the two of us would be too lonely."

"Husband, what do you want to say?" Yan Suqing's face turned red.

"Not long ago, I went to Wanfa Pavilion and accidentally saw a book that allows warriors to have blood descendants..."

As he spoke, he gently held up Yan Suqing's jade-lotus-like little hand, "The hill below our feet does not look like the Wushan Mountain in the poem, but it lacks clouds and rain."

The words just fell.

The sky was covered with clouds, and light rain fell.

The two of them looked at each other, the affection in their eyes flowing like spring water...

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