Fortune Teller

Chapter 1410 Black Tide Sea

Time passes slowly.

Before you know it, thousands of years have passed.

The long bells sounded from the deepest part of Xihuang's heavenly domain, and the worlds of Qiankun and Kunming began to tremble. Countless world masters walked out of the worlds and gathered in various places in the void.

One of them.

Densely packed figures stand in the air, wearing different clothes. From the armors and shirts alone, it can be seen that these practitioners come from three different worlds.

"This time to sweep away the source beasts, the Luoshen Realm, the Bamboo Sea Realm, and the Timing Realm will work together to sweep the Kuroshio Sea clean."

Supreme Qiankun stood in the sky, looking at the practitioners in front of him, "The Luoshen Realm attacked the northern part of the Kuroshio Sea, the Bamboo Sea Realm attacked the western part of the Kuroshio Sea, and the Timing Realm attacked the eastern part of the Kuroshio Sea, and finally we jointly solved the southern lair."

"Remember, there are a large number of source beasts in the Kuroshio Sea, and all of them are proficient in Taoist magic and magical powers. They have laid many formation traps. You must be careful."

"As you command!"

Practitioners all over the sky roared.

Deep in the crowd, Gu Xiuyun secretly marveled.

Compared with the Wuyang Sea Realm, the practitioners in the Luoshen Realm, the Bamboo Sea Realm, and the Timing Realm are full of fighting spirit, and each of them seems to have stepped out of the sea of ​​blood.

It can be seen from this that Xihuang Tianyu's raids on the source beast's lair were on the one hand to solve the source beast's troubles, and on the other hand, they also had the intention of training the younger generations.

"In just three Qiankun Realms, there are more than 100,000 Realm Masters. There are nearly 4,000 Eight Dilemma Realm Realm Masters, and there are fifty-six Nine Difficulty Realm Realm Masters. Among them, there are seven Tianjun and Half-Step Supreme Masters. It can be seen from this that , How powerful is Xihuang Tianyu.”

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart, "But even so, it is still impossible to fight against the source beasts from outside the sky. How many source beasts are there in the mixed source void..."

While he was thinking about it, a Nine Dilemma Realm Master came over and said, "Friend Xi Ming, after entering the Black Tide Sea, you must always follow me and never leave even half a step. The Black Tide Sea is extremely dangerous, and there are endless Nine Difficulties Origin Beasts. , if you don’t pay attention, you will be in danger of death.”

"Lord Tianjun Luo Fang and Master Qian Ming both have to fight with the source beast, so they will definitely not care about you. I am good at life-saving magical powers. I can protect your life, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

"It's a pity that you didn't bring the inner world with you. You can't display much strength just by relying on the martial arts energy and the rules of destiny. Otherwise, if you have a destiny practitioner who is comparable to me, the trip to the Kuroshio Sea will be much easier." The Nine Difficulties World Venerable He said helplessly.

"After all, he is not a practitioner of the Luo God Realm. It is normal for him to be greedy for life and afraid of death."

Another Realm Master sneered, "As early as seven thousand years ago, Lord Luo Shen had already told this matter. If he had had the intention, his true form would have come from the Wuyang Sea Realm long ago. How could it be delayed until today?"

"Fuck gold, don't talk nonsense," the Nine Difficulties Realm Master shouted repeatedly, "The war is about to begin, how dare you slander your companions. Fellow Taoist Xi Ming is the Destiny Realm Master, so he will naturally be more cautious in his actions. As long as he does not die, there will be more Luo Shen Realm sooner or later. Only then can a Nine Difficulties Heavenly Lord appear and truly help us.”

"Really? You're not afraid of death."

The corners of Fujin Realm Master's mouth were slightly raised, and he was about to say something, but was locked by a violent power.

Everyone looked up and saw a purple-eyed Taoist with scales all over his body staring at him, "The war is about to begin. Please say a few words to me. Chongshan, you must do your best to protect Taoist Taoist Xi Ming."

"Yes." The Nine Difficulties Realm Master bowed and clasped his fists.

"Fu Jin, you and Han Zhu are best at fighting head-on. If the Nine Difficulties Source Beasts show up, it's up to you to deal with them. Remember, they must not be allowed to destroy the Qiankun Divine Formation."


Fujin Realm Master and Hanzhu Realm Master nodded in response.

Taoist Zimu is one of the two most powerful people in the Luo Shen Realm, and is also the top powerhouse after Luo Shen - Luo Fang Tianjun.

His words would make even the Qian Ming Half-Step Supreme afraid of him.

After all, if a Half-Step Supreme wants to become a true Supreme, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Even if he can succeed, he will only be an ordinary Supreme at the lowest level and will never be able to go further.

As for Luo Fang Tianjun, as long as he understands the second perfect rule, or further reaches the mind-only state, he will steadily surpass the half-step supreme.

"Let's go, it's urgent to wipe out the source beasts, we must not delay the opportunity."

Tianjun Luo Fang waved his right hand, and countless world masters held the spirit treasure formation flags, and their divine power turned into silk threads all over the sky, forming one after another of weird-looking beasts.

Each divine beast is made up of nearly a thousand World Masters, and the aura it exudes is almost comparable to that of the Nine Difficulties World Masters.

"Is this the Qiankun Divine Formation in the Luoshen Realm?" Gu Xiuyun's eyes widened.

The Seventh Difficulty Realm Master is no different from an ant in front of the Nine Difficulty Realm Masters, but when a thousand Realm Realm Masters form a formation, it is completely different.

At this moment, the divine beasts of the universe they have gathered together are no less than those of the Red Scale Ancestor, Lian Tu, Skeleton Beast and others.

"In terms of formation methods, Qingxiao Palace is much more powerful than Xihuang Heavenly Domain," Chongshan Realm Master said, "I once heard Tianjun say that fellow Taoist is the core disciple of Qingxiao Palace, how come he has never seen the Qiankun Divine Formation? ?”

"To be honest, I have never been to a foreign battlefield, so I don't know many things clearly." Gu Xiuyun explained quickly.

The other party said "core disciple" on the left and "core disciple" on the right. He didn't know how to answer.

Does one have to be a core disciple of Qingxiao Palace to be born in the Holy World of Reincarnation? ?

Who stipulated it? Is this the founder of Tianji? Is that the Eight-Eyed True Master?

"I see."

Chongshan Realm Master nodded slightly, "The Black Tide Sea is very dangerous. My fellow Taoist has never been to an outside battlefield, so he must not know much about the methods of the beasts from outside the world..."

In the void.

One after another, the divine beasts of the universe ran toward the Black Tide Sea, as fast as lightning, and their whole bodies exuded turbid but extremely powerful aura fluctuations.

Within each divine beast, there is the Eight Difficulties Realm Lord as the core, which cooperates with a large number of Seven Difficulties Realm Deities to form the foundation of the divine formation. The beast's body looks rough, but in fact every part of it is extremely delicate. The formations and patterns are as if they were made in heaven, faintly emitting fluctuations of the rules of the world.

On the back of one of the divine beasts, Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged, with Chongshan, Fujin, Hanzhu and others sitting beside it.

In attacking the Black Tide Sea, apart from the divine beasts of the universe, the ordinary realm masters have no use, except for Gu Xiuyun. He is a practitioner of destiny, and he only needs to be responsible for deducing changes in the destiny and discerning the surrounding dangers in advance.

The divine beast of the universe ran for a long time and finally came to the edge of the dark mixed void.

"Further forward is the scope of the Kuroshio Sea. There is a special energy permeating here, which is of great benefit to the growth of source beasts. Therefore, every billions of years, a large number of source beasts will reside here," Chongshan Jie Zun said, "The Luoshen Realm is responsible for the northern area, which is also the most dangerous of the three areas. Dear fellow Taoist, you must be cautious."

"The most dangerous place?"

Gu Xiuyun frowned, "There are three powerful men in the Bamboo Sea Realm who are comparable to Tianjun. Why let the Luoshen Realm be responsible for the northern area??"

"Compared to the other two realms, the divine beasts of the Luoshen Realm are the most stable and the most powerful," Chongshan said. "In the world of Incense, everyone is a believer of Lord Luoshen. They share the same thoughts with each other, and it is easy to set up battle formations." many."

"No matter how powerful the divine beast of heaven and earth is, it can't compare to the Lord of Heaven, right?" Gu Xiuyun said.

"Even an outsider has seen it, Chongshan, what else do you have to hide?" Fujin sneered, "Zhuhai and Timing are both direct disciples of Emperor Xi, but Master Luo Shen is just a guest of Emperor Xi's palace, and he will not bully you. Who are we bullying?"


Gu Xiuyun raised his eyebrows.

It turns out there is a secret behind it.

"Actually, it's not a big deal," Chongshan shook his head slightly, "The source beasts in the northern region are generally much stronger, but no one can tell until we attack. What if a few source beasts run to other areas? Things that can’t be said for sure.”

"I have participated in sixteen wars and never encountered the situation you mentioned." Han Zhu responded quietly.

Just as he said this, Gu Xiuyun gathered his breath and said, "Everyone, we have searched hundreds of millions of miles ahead. There are no Nine Difficulties Origin Beasts, and there are no formation restrictions. There are only some scattered Seven Difficulties Realm Origin Beasts and many True Venerable Level cubs."


"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, didn't you make a miscalculation? Every time they attack the Black Tide Sea, those Origin Beasts will set up heavy bans. How come there is no arrangement this time??"

"Taoist Xi Ming, please don't play tricks on us?"

One by one, the Nine Difficulties Realm Masters raised their voices and spoke.

The surrounding divine beasts also raised their heads and looked at Gu Xiuyun.

"Indeed not. As for the reason, I don't know," Gu Xiuyun said, "If you don't believe it, you can send a Nine Dilemma Realm Master to explore the way ahead."

Everyone looked at each other and looked at Fujin Realm Master with doubt.

Tianjun Luo Fang and Master Qian Ming are hiding in the dark and will not take action until the critical moment. After all, there are terrifying source beasts of the same level in the Black Tide Sea. If one party takes action first, the other party may take the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

Such a strong person, the Eight Difficulties Realm Destiny Realm Master can never be counted.

Apart from this, Floating Gold Realm Master is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate to explore the path.

"I'm going to take a look in front," Fujin bravely walked into the Black Tide Sea and said at the same time, "Taoist Ximing, if what you said is wrong, the first thing I will do when I come back is to kill you."

"I am waiting here."

Gu Xiuyun looked calm.

Whoosh! !

The Floating Gold Realm Master turned into an escaping light, rushed into the depths of the Black Tide Sea, and disappeared without a trace.

The dark void ocean has an invisible power that always blocks the exploration of soul thoughts. Even regular and secret techniques such as the ripple path that are good at exploration are difficult to use.

Except for the Lord of Destiny and the Lord of Cause and Effect, ordinary secret techniques have no effect.

After a while, Fujin Realm Master flew back with a look of astonishment.

"How is the situation?" Chongshan asked quickly.

"There are no formation traps. There are only some rotten fish and shrimps from the Seven Difficulties, which I solved easily." Fujin Jiezun said.

"Is this weird?"

"Could it be that those source beasts want to lure the enemy deeper and then set traps elsewhere?"

Everyone looked at each other with some confusion.

"Go in first," Chongshan Realm Master shook his head slightly, "We have Taoist friends who cherish our lives to help us. Even if those Origin Beasts have great abilities, they can't even think of plotting against us."

"It's true that the Eight Difficulties Realm Destiny Realm Master is rare in the Xihuang Heavenly Realm."

Everyone was smiling.

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