Fortune Teller

Chapter 1413 Can’t remember the time

"Running so fast."

"Do you dare not to run? If you continue to stay here, the overwhelming power of Luo Fang Tianjun and Lord Qian Ming will be enough to kill all these origin beasts."

"I'm afraid they themselves didn't expect that the two adults would return so quickly."

Everyone looked into the distance with murderous intent on their faces.


The Lianmang Realm Master suddenly said, "This Heavenly Lord-level source beast has no rules of life and death in its body, and its body is intact. It doesn't look like it died in the hands of Master Luo Fang."

"How is it possible? Apart from Lord Luo Fang, who can easily kill the Heavenly Lord-level source beast?"

The surrounding realm masters all looked over.

The huge source beast corpse had almost no scars on the surface of the body, and even the inner world that was integrated with the physical body was intact. It just lost the breath fluctuations and fell into complete silence.

Obviously, this is not the work of the Lord of Life and Death.

The system of life and death has always been dominated by material fighting, and it is a pure lineage of body refining.

For example, Longyang Zhenzun and Bamu Zhenzun, although they followed the micro-formation route, their physical level was extremely low, and they relied entirely on the mysteries of life and death to reach higher levels.

And Luo Fang Tianjun is a top expert in the body refining lineage. His physical level is far beyond the limit that the World Master can achieve.

"It does not hurt the physical body, but can destroy the essence of life. It should be a means of the two major systems of fate and cause and effect." Fujin Realm Master frowned, "Do we have a destiny god and a cause and effect god here?"

"There are three Destiny Realm Masters, but except for Taoist Xi Ming, the others are all in the Seven Difficulties Realm, and Tao Xi Ming doesn't even carry the inner world..."

Lian Mang glanced at the Qiankun beast beside him and said softly.

"He doesn't need to talk about it," Fu Jin's eyes flashed with disdain, "Perhaps the Luo Shen Supreme invited a Destiny and Karma Heavenly Lord from elsewhere to hide in the dark, or maybe the Zhenhen Heavenly Lord Gang from the Bamboo Sea Realm "

"There are only two possibilities."

Everyone nodded slightly.

The Bamboo Sea Realm's Remnant Heavenly Lord is proficient in the path of cause and effect, and his strength is unfathomable. Although he has never killed a Heavenly Lord-level source beast with one move in the past, who can be sure that he has not made any progress?

"Zhuhai, is this really what your sect did?"

Luo Shen looked at the green man on one side.

"How is it possible?" Zhuhai Supreme shook his head, "The traces have always been left near the team. Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to cross trillions of miles of void in just a few dozen breaths, and it is still like the Black Tide Sea. Weird place."

"Besides, he majors in causal entanglement and is not good at fighting."

"But apart from Tianjun Zhenhen, where else in the three universes are there strong people who are proficient in fate and cause and effect?? We have quite a few Half-Step Supremes here, but there are only two Tianjuns," Supreme Timing said repeatedly, "General Could it be that the Tianjun-level origin beast had a backlash and killed himself?"

The three supreme beings looked at each other with some doubts.

Regarding the situation in the depths of the Kuroshio Sea, the three supreme beings were no more clear than others. They could only rely on the soul imprints in Chongshan, Fujin and others to spy on the surrounding scene.

If the Qiankun Supreme could see through the entire Black Tide Sea at a glance, it would not become the lair of the alien beast.

"No matter what the reason is, the death of a Tianjun-level source beast will be beneficial to us. It will make it much easier to sweep the Black Tide Sea." Zhuhai Supreme said.

"Not one," a smile suddenly appeared on Luo Shen's face, "but two. Luo Fang and Qian Ming have successfully killed the Tianjun Origin Beast and are on their way back."


Zhuhai and Timing's eyes lit up.

The back of the beast of heaven and earth.

Chongshan Jie Zun and Bai Tong Jie Zun have newly condensed flesh and blood souls, but their auras are much weaker than before.

Both of their bodies and souls were completely destroyed by the Tianjun-level source beast, and even the inner world was severely damaged. Fortunately, the foundation of Taoism was strong enough and the inner world did not collapse, so they barely managed to save their lives.

"Fellow Daoist Cherish your life, I am too seriously injured. I'm afraid I won't be able to participate in the next fight. Bai Tong and I will reorganize the two divine beasts of the universe. As for protecting you... I can only rely on fellow Taoists such as Fu Jin and Han Zhu." Chongshan said. .

"Senior, don't worry. This junior is just a clone. Even if he dies, it won't be a big deal." Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly.

"That's true," Fu Jin sneered, "When the alien beast attacked and killed everyone present, everyone present was panicked. Only Taoist Xi Ming looked calm, but don't forget that among the origin beast forces There may also be beings who are proficient in fate and cause and effect. If you fall into their hands... you may not survive."

"Floating Gold, Fellow Taoist Xi Ming is not one of Luo Shen's subordinates. His ability to take risks to help us is already very valuable. Don't talk nonsense."

Chongshan scolded sharply.

"What, did I say something wrong?" Fu Jin sneered, "If he didn't ask for the Supreme Luo Shen, why would he take the risk of coming here? He wants to ask for help, but he still behaves like this. It's really making people laugh."


In the void, a voice came.

Everyone raised their heads and saw Luo Fang and Qian Ming standing high in the void, with the remains of a source beast riddled with holes behind them.

It is unimaginable how many bombardments this Origin Beast experienced before it died.

Luo Fang Tianjun's rules of life and death, coupled with his powerful body, and the impact of Qian Ming's will, it is not impossible to kill a Tianjun level source beast.

"I have met two adults."

The Nine Difficulties Realm Masters bowed and saluted.

"I heard that you were attacked and killed a Tianjun-level source beast?"

Luo Fang Tianjun looked around, and his eyes fell on the corpse of the Origin Beast on the left, "Sure enough, there is no trace. The only way to do this is to be able to do this. Apart from the fate and cause and effect Tianjun, there is only the Killing Dao Tian who understands the two rules of killing souls and killing hearts." Sir, there is no killing spirit in this beast...Have you found out who did it?"

"Reporting to your lord, we guess it is the Canhen Heavenly Lord from the Bamboo Sea Realm." Fujin said quickly.

"not him."

Luo Fang shook his head slightly, "The Supreme Lord has informed me that Canhen Tianjun has been staying near the team in the Bamboo Sea Realm and has never left."

If it’s not the Tianjun of Zuhen, then who else could it be?

Everyone looked at each other, a little confused.

"Forget it, this happened out of the blue. Maybe the source beast did something on its own and lost its life, so it continued to sweep away."

Luo Fangtianjun waved his hand and stopped asking.

The next journey is obviously much more difficult than before. Every few million miles, beasts from the Eighth Difficulty Realm will appear, and occasionally there will be beasts from the Nine Difficulties Realm.

Facing the siege from the Luoshen Realm, those Origin Beasts struggled hard, but there was no point other than waiting to die.

"I thought that all the source beasts from outside the world had gathered together. Looking at the situation, not every source beast is willing to obey the orders of the Heavenly Lord." The Lord of Lianmang Realm smiled, "There are always some unruly people. It's just right. It saved us a lot of time.”

"If the beasts from outside the world were so easy to tame, there would be no cultivators in the world."

Hanzhu Realm Lord hummed, "The Hunyuan Void is vast and endless. Even beings like Taiyi Immortal Emperor and Xihuang cannot explore the end. The endless void is full of Origin Beasts. Do you dare to imagine how many Origin Beasts there are?" ?”

"With so many source beasts...if they can be tamed, is there any room for practitioners to survive?"

"Since the Hunyuan Void is endless, why do the Origin Beast forces attack the Qingxiao Heavenly Domain?" Gu Xiuyun asked curiously.

Isn’t the endless void enough to live in? ? Do you have to occupy this little bit of Qingxiao Tianyu?

"Not sure."

Lord Lianmang shook his head slightly, "I have been practicing for sixty-five years now. It seems that Qingxiao Tianyu has been fighting with the Origin Beast since my lifetime. As for the reason, no one knows."

"No, why do I remember that the war between the Origin Beast forces and the Qingxiao Palace was more than 20 years ago?" said another Nine Difficulties Realm Master.

"How is that possible? Do you think I'm so old that I can't even remember such a small thing?"

"It must have been thirty years later. I vaguely remember that at that time, the Soul Refining Heaven Realm had not yet been destroyed, and I went there to collect the Nine Nether Ghost Qi." Hanzhujie Zun said.

Listening to the divergent conversations, Gu Xiuyun couldn't help but frown.

The war between Qingxiao Tianyu and the Origin Beast forces should not be considered a secret, but what these Nine Difficulties Realm Masters said is completely different?

It's so weird.

There are no specific records about this matter in Wanfa Tower, only a few words.

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