Fortune Teller

Chapter 1414 Falling into the trap

Deep in the void, the Goddess of Luo and the Sea of ​​Bamboo stood in the sky, looking calm and calm.

"The war between the Qingxiao Palace and the Origin Beast forces was probably around the twenty-fifth level!"

The Supreme Lord of the Bamboo Sea said softly, "At that time, the ancient worlds in all directions collapsed one after another, and the Holy World of Samsara was born amidst the destruction, which really shocked many people."


Luo Shen looked at the sky from a distance, "The Taiyi Immortal Emperor's cultivation is too terrible. Only he can succeed in that matter... It's a pity that the success fell short."

"Sister Luo, Brother Zhuhai, what happened at that time?" Supreme Timing asked curiously.

Twenty-five years ago, she had not yet entered the Qiankun Realm, and did not know much about many things.

"I don't know, and I don't dare to know."

Zhuhai shook his head slightly, "Why do you think those World Masters can't remember things? It's because the supreme rules of the Hunyuan Void are affecting them, causing their memories to become erroneous and even completely forgotten. It won't be long before these people even discuss what they have discussed today. Everything will be forgotten."

"Although we are the supreme beings of the universe, we cannot avoid the influence of the supreme rules. We can only barely retain some of them," Luo Shen said helplessly. "The road is vast. I am afraid that only existences like Taiyi Immortal Emperor and Xi Huang are qualified to explore the taboos of heaven and earth."

"Flower girl, there are some things you shouldn't know, so don't explore them."

Zhuhai gently stroked the back of Timing's head, "In that incident, too many people died. Even Emperor Ziyang and Emperor Jiuyou, who spanned the heavens, died, let alone us?"

Supreme Timin blinked.

Deep in the Kuroshio Sea.

The training team in Timming Realm moved forward slowly, their faces a little solemn.

Since the group of source beasts retreated from the northern area, they fled to their side. The strange thing is that every time these source beasts appear, they always use the void passage.

And silently.

You must know that the Kuroshio Sea is extremely unstable, and the space suppression is also very alarming. It stands to reason that even if a top expert who is proficient in space secrets opens a channel, it will cause violent fluctuations.

But in fact, every time the source beast team appeared, there was no sound at all, and even the Destiny World Master and the Karma World Master could not see anything abnormal.

"What the hell, where did these monsters come from? If Master Hua Jing hadn't been personally in charge, I would have suspected that there was a hidden folding space here, and they were hidden inside."

A Nine Dilemma Realm Master kept muttering.

"It's indeed a bit strange," the other person nodded slightly, "We have raided the Black Tide Sea more than ten times, and we have never seen so many Nine Difficulties Origin Beasts gather together. At most, two or three Heavenly Lord-level Origin Beasts join forces with each other."

"In my opinion, there may be a universe behind the Kuroshio Sea——"

The words are not finished yet.

A wave of frenzied fluctuations swept over, and then, nearly seventy Origin Beasts appeared in front, led by four Origin Beast Heavenly Lords.

"No, leave quickly!"

A cry came from the void, "I and Junior Sister Hua Jing are here to resist. You should leave quickly and go north. The team from Luoshen Realm is not far from here. If you can meet them, you can save your lives."

"hurry up!"

There was a frenzy in the void, and vaguely, two half-step supreme beings could be seen standing in the sky, their minds and wills cooperating with the rules of life, exerting the power of secret arts to the extreme.


Two collisions in succession.

Dozens of Origin Beasts flew out, including four Origin Beast Heavenly Lords.

"Go quickly."

The divine beasts of the universe turned around and ran towards the north, the World Master on their backs looked panicked.

Seventy Origin Beasts, plus four Origin Beast Heavenly Lords, can completely wipe out the team of Timing Realm. You must know that here are all the Realm Lords of Timing Qiankun Realm. If they all die... Qiankun Realm will only be An empty shell remains.

"How come there are so many source beasts?"

"It must be the Supreme One of Qiankun. Apart from the Supreme One, who can summon so many top-level source beasts? Even the Heavenly Lords dispatched four of them. Counting the one who died in the hands of Luo Shen Realm, there are five Heavenly Lords!!!"

The Nine Difficulties Realm Master of Timing Realm looked panicked.

From behind, one source beast after another followed closely, and the world domain pressed down like a frenzy, forming heavy constraints.

Fortunately, the two half-step supremes stopped all the Heavenly Lord-level source beasts, allowing everyone to have a chance to breathe.

"Quickly send a message to the team from the Luoshen Realm and ask them to come to the rescue as soon as possible." A Nine Difficulties Realm Master said urgently.

The three teams, Luoshen Realm stood in the middle, Zhuhai Realm and Timing Realm were located on the east and west sides, and they swept towards the southern area together.

Now that the Timing Realm is being attacked and killed, there is no other way but to ask for help from the team from the Luoshen Realm.

Two half-step supremes?

Facing the four Heavenly Lord-level source beasts, it would be good to be able to protect oneself. After all, compared with the Heavenly Lord of Life and Death and the Heavenly Lord of Slaughter, the Half-Step Supreme's methods are ultimately limited.

Another place.

The divine beasts of the universe in the Luoshen Realm are slowly moving forward.

With Luo Fang Tianjun and Qian Ming Banbu Supreme sitting in charge, everyone looked quite calm... No matter how powerful the Origin Beast was, he would still stay away from the Heavenly Lord of Life and Death.

Life, death and killing are the best ways to fight.

In terms of killing methods, Luo Fang Tianjun is definitely the most powerful of the three teams. This is also the real reason why Luo Shen Realm is in the middle to provide support every time.


Deep in the void, Luo Fang Tianjun's expression suddenly changed, "No, Timing Realm was ambushed, and the two Half-Step Supremes are in danger of death. I have to go over and help immediately. Qian Ming, I leave this place to you."


Taoist Qian Ming waved his hand.

Whoosh! !

Lightning flashed in the void, and the figure of Luo Fang Tianjun disappeared without a trace.

"The Timing Realm was ambushed, and you couldn't even stop the Supreme Being for half a step?"

All the Realm Masters showed surprise.

They have also encountered attacks before. Thirty source beasts, including two source beast heavenly kings. It stands to reason that with the strength of Timing Realm and the cooperation of the two half-step supremes, even if they cannot win, they can still sustain it for a long time. How could he be in danger of death?

"Turn around," Taoist Qian Ming ordered in a deep voice, "The team in Timming Realm is being chased by the Origin Beast. We must go to the rescue immediately. Dear Taoist, please pay attention to the changes in the surroundings and don't fall into the trap of the Origin Beast."


Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

"Sir, how many origin beasts are there?" Fujin Realm Master asked.

"Nearly seventy," Qian Ming's face was extremely gloomy, "and there are four Origin Beast Heavenly Lords. It seems that there is indeed a powerful figure behind the Black Tide Sea. Even if he is not the Supreme Lord of the Universe, he is not far behind."

"Seventy heads?"

"Four Heavenly Lords??"

Everyone looked shocked.

With so many Origin Beasts, it’s no wonder Luo Fang Tianjun wants to go there in a hurry. With half-step of supreme Taoist and magical powers, the Origin Beast Tianjun can still barely gain the upper hand in a one-on-one fight, but if it’s one versus two, it’s far behind.

Even the Witch Gu Heavenly Lord and others may not be able to fight against two Origin Beast Heavenly Lords at the same time.

"Seventy origin beasts... four heavenly kings... there is indeed a problem in the Black Tide Sea." Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes and kept urging the sky of destiny. "When the batch of origin beasts attacked and killed before, I felt strange. In the environment of the Kuroshio Sea, how could they appear silently, without even the slightest sign of the calculus?"

"Now it seems that there is an extremely powerful being behind these source beasts. If things go wrong, the teams from the three Qiankun Realms will have to deal with it here."

Gu Xiuyun's heart sank slightly.

It's not that he cares about the safety of other world masters, but if this matter is not handled well, Luo Shen Supreme will probably get angry at him and may drive out his relatives, friends and tribesmen.

Without the Luoshen Realm, it would not be easy to find a stable place to live.

At this moment, a sense of danger came to mind.

The sky of destiny also trembled violently.

"As expected, the other party's target is not only Di Ming Realm, but also us," Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart, "I just don't know how many source beasts and Tianjun they used? There will be no more than ten Tianjun-level source beasts in the Black Tide Sea. It’s impossible for everyone to submit to this person?”


Gu Xiuyun's mind flickered with thoughts.

The divine beast of the universe traveled through it at an extremely fast speed, constantly tearing apart the turbid currents of the turbid source, and pieces of clouds and waves were shattered by the impact of the huge beast's body.

With the power of the divine beasts of the universe, the void of the Black Tide Sea is as oppressive as the air, and has no effect at all. Even the world domain of the Nine Difficulties Realm source beasts cannot stop them in the slightest.

These divine beasts have reached an extremely terrifying level in terms of physical strength, almost comparable to warriors in the sixth level of transcendence.

Of course, it is just strength without the corresponding Taoist secrets and techniques, so it cannot exert much power.

The team from the Luoshen Realm moved forward for nearly half a stick of incense, and finally saw the silhouette of the giant beast in the distance - that was the team from the Timing Realm.

Behind the Qiankun Divine Beast, there are many huge Source Beasts like rivers of stars.

"There are nearly seventy origin beasts, be careful and try to protect yourself." Taoist Qian Ming warned, then stepped forward and killed them in the distance.

In front of the Half-Step Supreme, the Nine Dilemma Origin Beasts were like chickens and dogs.

I saw a ray of blue fire striking deep into the source beast group, and there was a sudden burst of roars. Taoist Qian Ming's cold flames burned directly through the source beast's body, and even the breath was much weaker.

"Get ready to take action."

The Lord of the Lianmang Realm shouted angrily, "These Origin Beasts are no small matter. Each one is at the Nine Difficulties Level, and their magical powers are extremely powerful. Once they get a chance, they won't even be able to save their lives."

"Taoist Xi Ming, I want to step forward to join the battle, but I can't help you." Fujin Jie Zun's lips curled up slightly, "Pay attention to self-protection. If you encounter a danger that is difficult to deal with, just find a Jie Zun to hide in the inner world, and you should be able to save your life. life."

"Thanks for the reminder." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

"Actually, I don't need to tell you. With your character, you should know what to do," Fu Jin Jie Zun sneered, "You have no inner world, only a clone. Those origin beasts may not like you, so find a place to hide by yourself. Just wait, don't be implicated by the source beast's magical power, and nothing will happen."

With that said, Fujin Realm Master took a step forward, his divine power surged around his body, and he headed towards the Nine Difficulties Origin Beast to kill.

There is no Heavenly Lord among these origin beasts, so naturally everyone is not afraid at all.

The divine beasts of the universe in the Timing Realm also turned around and attacked the group of source beasts, and the entire void became a mess.

"Just seventy Origin Beasts cannot make me feel a sense of crisis, nor can they cause fluctuations in the sky of destiny."

Gu Xiuyun retreated to a distance alone and looked around.

Just as Fujin Realm Master said, those Nine Difficulties Origin Beasts ignored him. As a warrior, and he did not bring the inner world with him, it would be useless no matter how he killed them.

Unless a strong person who is good at fate, cause and effect, or similar secret arts takes action, it is possible to destroy all the clones in one fell swoop.

While he was thinking, his eyes suddenly stopped.

A beast from the Nine Difficulties Origin was killed by Taoist Qian Ming, and its broken flesh and blood was scattered in the void, fluctuating with the frenzy. There are too many powerful people in the void, and everyone is trying their best to fight. The Taoist waves formed collide with each other, and no abnormality can be seen.

But Gu Xiuyun was different.

He is a practitioner of destiny, and he has a sky of destiny within his body. Wherever he looks, he can easily see through the past and future of the things in front of him.

The trajectory of those flesh and blood fragments is very unreasonable.

"No, the flesh and blood of these origin beasts are still alive," Gu Xiuyun frowned, "They are already dead, their bodies collapsed, and their life breath was completely annihilated. But why can the fragments of their bodies still travel through the void according to their own trajectory?"

"Could it be that... there is another controller behind those flesh and blood?"

"If that's the case, what is this person trying to do?"

Gu Xiuyun stared ahead, his whole body's true energy secretly circulating, and at the same time, he was deducing the secrets of heaven and earth again and again.

The sight in front of me was too weird.

The Nine Difficulties Source Beast can actually be controlled by people? Origin beasts fell one after another, and countless flesh fragments hung between the sky and the earth, fluctuating with the frenzy of Taoism.

In the eyes of others, there was nothing suspicious about these flesh and blood fragments, but in Gu Xiuyun's eyes, they vaguely formed a special formation...a space-like divine formation.

Taoist Qian Ming was extremely powerful, and he also majored in Yinhuo Mingyue. He was quite powerful in terms of killing methods. With each use of his Taoist techniques, more and more Origin Beasts fell.

The blood energy fluctuations in the void are becoming more and more violent.

Finally, countless fragments of flesh and blood burst open, forming dense threads. Those threads penetrated each other, completely covering the surrounding area for hundreds of millions of miles.

Immediately afterwards, the entire void collapsed.

All the Realm Masters, Universe Divine Beasts, Heavenly Origin Beasts and Gu Xiuyun who were inside were swallowed up by the dark space and disappeared in place.

This is a super large space teleportation array that teleports them to the extreme depths of the southern part of the Kuroshio Sea.

"not good!"

Luo Shen and Timing's expressions changed dramatically.

"What's wrong?" Zhuhai asked quickly.

"Falled into a trap," Luo Shen Supreme turned pale, "Those Nine Dilemma Origin Beasts are all bait. The purpose is to transport the team of practitioners to the southern part of the Kuroshio Sea. They are now very deep in the southern area, where Origin Beasts are everywhere. There is also a dark hand hidden in the dark.”

"Sister Luo, will all the realm masters under our command be lost?" Supreme Timin swallowed.

It is not easy to open up a world of heaven and earth, and it is even more difficult to cultivate a world master, especially above the Eight Difficulties Realm. If so many powerful people fall, it will be a great loss to the Supreme One himself.

"I don't know. Now I can only take one step at a time." Luo Shen shook his head slightly.

The two teams were all trapped in the southern area, and they were in an inaccessible position. Even if Luo Fang Tianjun was so powerful, it would be impossible to get there in a short time.

Within the Black Tide Sea... there are too many formation restrictions and traps formed by the corpses of source beasts.

It must be swept slowly so that there won't be any trouble.

Now the practitioners of both teams are trapped in the southern area, and the situation is too dangerous.

"Leave it to fate!!"

Luo Shen looked up to the sky and sighed.

"how so?"

In the void, Luofang Tianjun is joining forces with the Half-Step Supreme from Timing Realm to fight with the Tianjun-level source beast.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

The other two Half-Step Supremes also looked shocked.

Before the three of them could react, the four Heavenly Lord-level source beasts turned around, jumped, and disappeared along the gap in the void without a trace, making no sound at all.

"We're in big trouble!"

Luo Fang frowned, "We have fallen into the Origin Beast's scheme. Their target is not the Timing Realm, but the realm master teams of the two Qiankun Realms."

"There are nearly 70,000 Realm Masters in the two Qiankun Realms, as well as so many Nine Difficulties Realm Masters and fellow Daoist Qian Ming. If they all die in the southern region, sweeping the Kuroshio Sea will become a joke!"

"Hurry to the southern area. No matter how troublesome it is, we have to get there before something happens to the two teams."

Luo Fang Tianjun said anxiously.

"I hope it's not too late."

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