Fortune Teller

Chapter 1421 Unscathed?

"Lord Zuhen, there is news!"

An Eight-Difficulty Realm Master said urgently, "There are three Origin Beast Heavenly Lords in that direction. They are the thunder clouds, the purple lake water and the narwhal that we encountered before. They are hidden deep in a crack space, surrounded by dark gravel. It seems to be setting up a defensive formation."

"Set up the formation? Set up the formation in Waveless Reef?"

Tianjun Canhen sneered, "The void inside is twisted and changing everywhere. What formation can withstand it? It seems that they are really at their wits' end."

"Are there only three?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

"Probably three."

Ba Nanjie Zun responded quickly, "The Origin Beast Heavenly Lord has a huge body and is naturally integrated with the inner world. It is impossible to hide in the body of the same kind. Although the villain only survived for a moment, there are only three of them that can be seen clearly. "

"how so?"

Gu Xiuyun frowned.

This is the last place in the southern region, but the mastermind behind the scenes still hasn't appeared. Has the other party left this place, or is he just a dispensable clone like him, who has long since dispersed?

"This matter is a bit strange. I think it's better to be careful," Gu Xiuyun said in a deep voice, "Why don't you all stay for a while longer, wait for my clone to be out of danger, and I will go ahead and find out the details before taking action. Not too late.”

"Dare to ask my friend, when will your clone be out of danger??"

"It could be as short as a few days, as long as several months, or it could be three to five years." Gu Xiuyun said.

With the terrifying power of the Supreme Qiankun, no one can tell how long it will continue to wreak havoc. Anyway, those source beasts have not stopped since the last fight.

It has been more than four months now.

"If it lasts for a few months, it doesn't matter, but if it lasts for three to five years -"

The Canhen Heavenly Lord shook his head slightly, "We can afford to wait, but the people in the Xi Palace cannot afford to wait. They have been waiting outside the Black Tide Sea for too long, and they will definitely disperse on their own. Which Origin Beast Heavenly Lord will be let go by then? , we all have to be punished.”

"Forget it, just do it. Be careful and don't be too aggressive."

Everyone looked at each other and made a decision.

Among these heavenly kings, only Gu Xiuyun is a warrior.

The rest are mainly based on bloodline cultivation and micro-formation systems.

After all, compared to martial arts, the threshold of the micro-formation system is slightly lower, and its life-saving ability is stronger, and the physical strength is much stronger.

Not everyone is like Gu Xiuyun, who has an insanely strong mind and will. He can break through the martial arts cultivation to the fifth level of transcendence in just the Eight Difficulties Realm, and has the true form of ancient beasts and the twisted rules of fate.

But even so, his physical body is only comparable to that of an ordinary Heavenly King.

Those heavenly kings do not have the rules of twisting fate, but their strength is several times stronger than that of Gu Xiuyun who has the same mind and will. They rely on the micro-formation system.

Of course, there is another most important is too difficult to calculate martial arts methods. After transcending the realm, just asking the Lord of Destiny to deduce will have to pay a staggering price.

Who would?

"Hua Jing, He Du, you two stay outside."

Can Hen said, "The southern area has been swept clean, but no one can say whether there will be a source beast Tianjun hiding in the dark, and you will be on guard to be prepared."


The Flower Crystal Demon Lord nodded slightly.

Gu Xiuyun glanced around, walked to the body of the Qiankun Divine Beast where Chongshan Realm Master was, separated a section of his body, and left the Sky of Destiny behind.

In his current situation, he definitely wouldn't be able to cast two secret patterns at the same time. The presence or absence of the Destiny Sky Vault would have little impact.

The time it takes to refine the Qi alone is enough for him to regain his mind and will.

But once the Destiny Sky falls into the depths of Waveless Reef and even the Supreme Supreme Being cannot get it out, that will be real trouble.

"Let's go, be careful in what you do." Tianjun Zuhen reminded again.

Everyone nodded slightly and took a dozen or so clones of the Realm Master Warrior towards the depths of the reef.

Waveless Reef looks like a reef, but it is actually a special secret realm formed by countless void vortices. The deeper you go, the stronger the tearing power of the vortex becomes, and the devouring power becomes even more amazing.

The Master of the Seven Difficulties Realm is here and cannot move at all.

As for the Eight Difficulties Realm Master, he can only go deep into the depth of two million miles. Going further in, there is only one possibility of physical collapse.

In comparison, the endurance of Tianjun-level experts is undoubtedly much stronger.

Everyone walked in the direction where Ba Nan Jie Zun explored the path, and soon saw a small crack. Deep in the crack, black gravel was flying all over the sky, and thunder and lightning clouds, purple lake water and narwhals could be vaguely seen.

"Sure enough, there are only three of them. If nothing else, they are the only Tianjun-level source beasts." Tianjun Zuhen looked into the distance, his eyes flashing with coldness.

"It's strange to say that the thunder cloud has always been wary of narwhals, and now it actually got together with them." Taoist Qian Ming shook his head slightly.

"What's so strange about this? In the face of a life-and-death crisis, any hatred is a joke. If you are scattered in different places, you will definitely die. If the three of them join forces, they might be able to save their lives with the help of the natural danger of Wulang Reef."


Gu Xiuyun remained silent.

At this moment, he is trying his best to deduce. Although the sky of destiny is not in his hands, it is also in another clone body. They are connected to each other mentally, so the calculations are not much different.

The only difference is that you can't sense a crisis and warn you in advance.

"Is there really any difference between one and three?" Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart, "We have eight heavenly kings here, and there are two who are good at killing. No matter Luo Fang or Pindao, they can kill by force. Destroying the Heavenly Lord level source beast.”

"With three against eight, where do they get the confidence?"

Gu Xiuyun looked around, and then looked at the secret realm deep in the crack. There seemed to be nothing special about that place.

There is nothing unusual about the calculation of heavenly secrets.

Soon, everyone came to the edge of the secret space. The wind roared and endless black sand swept across the earth. A rather complex divine formation could be vaguely seen.

These black storms should be the defensive formations evolved by the divine formation.

"A mere formation wants to stop us. I really don't know what the heavens and the earth are!"

Luo Fang Tianjun raised his fist, and the rules of life and death permeated his whole body. In conjunction with the miniature formation body, his power was raised to the extreme.

Poof! !

With one punch, the void shattered inch by inch, the secret space was torn open by a million feet, strong winds surged, and the black sofa roared.

Facing Tianjun Luo Fang's almost terrifying fist power, no matter how powerful the divine formation was, it was of no use at all. The wind and sand were rolled back, and a wide avenue was swept out by the fist power.

Deep in the black wind and sand, the three-headed Origin Beast Heavenly Lord was full of fear and looked extremely panicked.

"Let's go and destroy these source beasts!"

Luo Fang Tianjun stepped forward.

Everyone followed closely behind, but they didn't just watch. When they entered this place, they all started to perform secret techniques.

Gu Xiuyun's whole body's true energy surged, and a secret pattern quietly took shape.

Taoist Qian Ming waved his hands, and the blue Yin Fire continued to condense, and finally turned into a ten thousand-foot sword, hanging above his head.

The Taoist who crossed the river held a jade-colored wooden staff and tapped the void beneath his feet. Countless Tianhe water spread out, forming a Nine-Bend and Bagua array - this was also his unique skill, forming an array with just one thought.

Tianjun Zhenhen's whole body was entangled with the power of cause and effect, even permeating everyone's body. Countless cause and effect fluctuations blended with each other to form heavy protection.

The cause and effect method of Tianjun Zuhen is definitely a first-class soul defense secret technique, and it also has a great weakening effect on material attacks.

The six Heavenly Lord-level experts used their secret techniques one after another, almost completely covering the entire secret space. Not to mention that there were only three Origin Beast Heavenly Lords here, even if there were seven or eight, they could still compete on a par.

"Practitioners, do you have to kill them all?" the Cold Whale Heavenly Lord roared.

"Kill them all?"

Canhen Tianjun sneered, "Don't you think this is ridiculous? Xihuang Heavenly Domain is the territory of practitioners. You build nests here and kidnap practitioners everywhere. Over the past hundreds of millions of years, how many practitioners have died in the Black Tide Sea nearby?"

"Besides, you often leave the Kuroshio Sea and wreak havoc and kill. Who in the surrounding Qiankun Realm has not been deeply affected by this, and yet you dare to claim innocence?"

"They're just low-level ants, so what's the harm in eating a few??" The Cold Whale Heavenly Lord raised his head, "Don't you often kill origin beasts, what's the difference?"

"Zihen, don't waste your saliva with them."

Luo Fang Tianjun said softly, "Origin beasts and practitioners are naturally opposed to each other. They only live life and death between each other. What is there to say??"

"Hmph, if you want to kill us, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Han Whale Tianjun sneered, endless divine power burst out from his body, and the world domain enveloped hundreds of millions of miles of void. In the depths of this extremely twisted reef void, the range that the world domain could cover was very limited, nearly smaller than the normal space. hundred times.

Even the world realm is a little shaky.

The extremely twisted void power continues to tear apart the world projection, causing countless cracks to appear deep in the mountains and rivers.


Everyone fell down with a sound, and the rules of the world broke out at the same time, crushing most of the Origin Beast Heavenly Lord's domain.

Immediately afterwards, the secret pattern diagram fell first.

Then came Taoist Qian Ming's blue Yin Fire sword light, one a soul attack and the other a material attack, both filled with ultimate power.

At the same time, Luo Fangtianjun raised his hand and punched.


The fist force was like a divine pillar that opened the sky, hitting Han Whale Tianjun's body. Narwhal, who was already covered in secret patterns and Yin Fire sword light, fell into a daze and was directly penetrated by the fist force.

However, this violent power did not tear its body apart. Even after the punch dissipated, the narwhal recovered without any damage.

"How can it be?"

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed. With the strength of the narwhal, it was able to withstand the bombardment of three heavenly kings at the same time without being hurt.

At this time, the black sand between heaven and earth trembled, and countless gravels turned into flying insects, revealing their ferocious fangs.

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