Fortune Teller

Chapter 1422 Descendants of confusion


Countless flying insects smacked their mouths and bit at the six heavenly kings. The layers of Taoist secrets were of no use at all. In just an instant, they completely penetrated the Nine-Bend and Bagua formation of Taoist Duhe.


Tianjun Zuhen reminded urgently, the power of cause and effect surged like a wave, blocking the flying insects that covered the sky and the earth.

"What kind of formation is this that can penetrate even my Nine-Bend and Bagua formation?" Duhe looked surprised.

"Array? You haven't seen it yet. These flying insects are not formations at all, but an unfathomable Heavenly Lord-level being," Tianjun Zuhen said anxiously, "The Origin Beast Heavenly Lord has arranged a defensive formation. In order to mislead us and make us think that the black sand storm comes from the divine formation, in fact, those formations are just a cover."

"This Heavenly Lord is hidden very deep, please be careful." Gu Xiuyun said.

What he and Can Hen cultivated were fate and cause and effect, and they were best able to discern the essence of life. The moment the flying insect showed its fangs, he already understood the reason.

The blow just now seemed to be one against three by the Cold Whale Heavenly Lord, blocking the joint bombardment of everyone. In fact, only the secret pattern entered its body.

Taoist Qian Ming's Yin Fire Divine Sword and Luo Fang Tianjun's Life and Death Fist were both blocked by the wind and sand, so Han Whale Tianjun was hardly harmed.

"I realize now that it's too late."

Leiwuyuan Beast sneered, "In front of the master, you are just ants, just wait to die!"


Invisible fluctuations filled the void.

An indescribable aura descended from the illusion and poured directly into everyone's bodies, impacting the minds and wills of the six heavenly kings.

"not good."

Gu Xiuyun's expression changed slightly, and the power of destiny surged like a frenzy, sweeping across the six people around him. At the same time, the secret technique of cause and effect of Tianjun Zuhen also unfolded, constantly resisting the will impact of invisible forces.

"Conversion between virtual and real, it is indeed it!"

Luo Fang looked around, his expression extremely solemn, "Hurry up, get out of here quickly, this is a descendant of chaos who has stepped into the semi-supreme realm, let alone a few of us, even if twenty heavenly kings join forces, it is not necessarily possible is its opponent."

"Descendants of confusion??"

Gu Xiuyun frowned and kept scanning the surrounding flying insects.

Looking at the swarm of insects in front of him, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. The auras of countless flying insects were the same, and the life fluctuations were integrated into one. If one of them did not die, all the flying insects would not perish.

Isn't this the alien life in the holy world of reincarnation?

Of course, the strength of the alien beings in the Holy Realm is extremely weak, and the highest level does not exceed the early stage of the ninth level. However, this alien has reached an unprecedented level. Each flying insect is no less than the Eight Difficulties Realm Lord. It is difficult to imagine that its true body What situation has been reached.

"It is indeed it!"

Deep in the void, the faces of the three supreme beings Luo Shen, Zhuhai, and Timing were extremely solemn.

"I should have thought of it earlier," Zhuhai took a deep breath, "Except for the descendants of Hun Ming, who can build void passages out of thin air to transport the Origin Beast Heavenly Lord to various places, and who can silently control the flesh and blood fragments to form Space teleportation array.”

"With its innate magical power, combined with space Taoism and soul secret techniques, I am afraid that not a single practitioner in the Three Realms will be able to leave alive."

"The descendants of Hunming have all appeared, what else is there to do?" Supreme Timin raised his eyebrows, "Sister Luo, Brother Zhuhai, let's do it!"


Luo Shen shook his head slightly, "No matter how powerful this descendant of chaos is, he is only half-step supreme, and has not become a true supreme. Lord Xihuang must have discovered his magical powers a long time ago, but since the old man has not spoken, we cannot act without authorization."

"Miss Luo Shen is right. Now we are at the cusp of the battle between the Origin Beast forces and the Qingxiao Palace. We cannot give the other side any excuses for the sake of small things."

Zhuhai Supreme said.

Compared with the cultivation world, the source beasts are undoubtedly much more powerful, but the world is vast, and many peaceful source beasts are unwilling to participate in the war. Even if the remaining ones want to destroy the cultivation world, they are powerless.

Moreover, there are constant disputes within the source beasts, and they restrict each other, which restricts a large part of the combat power.

Only in this way can the current situation be maintained.

Therefore, they cannot take action easily, lest they fall into the trap of others and give the other side a reason to start a war.

"Compared to the Origin Beast, cultivators grow much faster. The longer time passes, the stronger the cultivation world becomes," Zhuhai Supreme said solemnly, "Luofang, Canhen, Duhe, Qianming... are for the entire If they sacrifice themselves in the spiritual world, I will try my best to let them re-enter reincarnation.”

"It's a pity that I died at the hands of chaos, and I don't know how much memory of my predecessor I can retain." Supreme Timin shook his head and sighed.


Luo Shen suddenly spoke, "This Hun Ming seems to be trapped by Wulang Reef. Except for flying insect clones and soul secret techniques, it cannot use any other magical powers."


The two supreme beings quickly observed through their soul thoughts. After a moment, their eyes lit up, "This idiot actually dares to use his natural talent to pry into the deepest secrets of Waveless Reef!!"

"Even the Supreme Lord Qiankun dare not touch the thing inside there. What kind of thing is it and dare to covet it? It seems that the true body of this animal is trapped in the very depths and can only maintain a state of nothingness at all times. Once it condenses into a solid state, it will Torn to pieces.”

"Based on its cultivation level, it should not have reached the level of escaping in nothingness."

The three of them looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Click! Click!

Flying insects bitten madly in the sky, but they could not break through the defensive restrictions set up by Tianjun Zuanhen, Taoist Duhe and Tianjun Luofang.

As for the soul impact, it was blocked by Gu Xiuyun and Canhen Tianjun.

The two of them are strong men in the fate and causal systems respectively. They are proficient in soul methods. Together, it is not difficult to resist the descendants of Chaos.

"We are pretty lucky," Luo Fangtianjun looked at the flying insects in the sky from a distance, with a touch of relief on his face, "This descendant of Hunming has reached the half-step supreme realm, and its strength is no less than that of the peak Tianjun. Fortunately, it doesn't know how high the sky is. He dared to trespass into the core area of ​​Wulang Reef and was trapped in the deepest part.”

"With our strength, even if we can't kill the Source Beast Heavenly Lord, there is no problem in saving our lives."

Smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

Just a few breaths ago, they received a message from the Supreme Qiankun, and most of the despair in their hearts disappeared.

A descendant of Hun Ming with only a clone left, no matter how powerful he is, cannot kill six heavenly kings.

"Brother Qian Ming, what are the descendants of Hun Ming?" Gu Xiuyun asked in confusion.

"Have you ever seen the descendant of Hunming?"

Taoist Qian Ming raised his eyebrows, and then suddenly said, "That's right, your cultivation years are relatively short, and you haven't been to battlefields outside the territory, so naturally you have never seen this thing."

"This is an extremely powerful and terrifying life with extraordinary talents!"

"If the beasts from outside the world are the highest-level creatures, comparable to a world, the descendants of Hunming are the emperors among the beasts from outside the world!! The absolute emperor, and the only emperor!"

"Did you know that they are born with the ability to master the magical powers of virtuality and reality, and their life breath is always changing between illusion and reality. Except for the secret killing techniques that directly point to the line of fate and causality, material attacks can never kill them."

"Because no matter how much you kill it, part of its life will always remain in nothingness. Only by cutting off the line of fate and destroying the line of cause and effect can it completely fall."

Sure enough, the descendants of Hun Ming are alien beings from the realm of the heavens... Gu Xiuyun's brows trembled slightly.

As early as in the world of Tianjipan, he had already discovered the strangeness of Heiyun's life - the transformation of reality and reality, immortality, even with the overwhelming power of the gods, he could not kill any alien ethnic group.

The only way is to suppress the seal so that it can never absorb spiritual power.

"The descendants of Hun Ming are equivalent to those who practice superior Taoism."

Luo Fang Tianjun explained, "As long as you step into the Nine Difficulties, you will be a virtual and real Tianjun, and this descendant of Hunming is already half-step supreme. You should understand how powerful it is."

"Only those who practice the superior Taoism in the state of mind!!"

Gu Xiuyun couldn't help but take a breath.

No wonder everyone is so panicked!

The four realms of life: concentration, refining the mind, following the law, and idealizing the mind.

The Witch Gu Heavenly Lord, the Slaughter Lian Heavenly Lord, the Luofang Heavenly Lord, and the Canhen Heavenly Lord are all in the Dharma Sui Realm, while Half-Step Supreme is already in the Mind-Only Realm.

There is a whole level of difference between the two.

Only those who practice low-level Taoism can compete with the Lord of Heaven. You can imagine how big the difference in level is. This descendant of confusion has reached the mind-only state. In a sense... it is already the supreme, but it has not broken through in cultivation.

"The higher the level of Taoism, the more difficult it is to comprehend the Weixin state. At our level, it is really difficult to break through the bottleneck of the Dharma state and reach the sky in one step."

Tianjun Luo Fang shook his head and said, "But there are always people who break through the realm. Those people are the ultimate in transcendence, the pinnacle of Tianjun, and invincible under the Supreme Being. If the descendants of Hunming were not trapped by Wulang Reef, let alone Even if there are three times more of us, we will die."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Indeed, in front of the Half-Step Supreme Lord, the Nine Difficulties Realm Masters are no different from chickens and dogs. Even if there are more of them, they can kill them one by one.

In the same way, ordinary heavenly kings can only wait for death in front of the descendants of Hun Ming.

Just as he was talking, Gu Xiuyun's expression suddenly changed.

"No, the fate lines of the three Origin Beast Heavenly Lords have disappeared. They probably went outside."

"Damn it!"

Tianjun Canhen said angrily, "How could I have forgotten this matter? They must want to take advantage of our being trapped to deal with the cultivators of the three realms first. With the strength of Huajing and Hedu... I'm afraid they can't stop them."

Huajing and Hedu are the two weakest among the eight Heavenly Lord-level practitioners, and they are also the newly broken through half-step supremes.

"Luo Fang, how long will it take to get out of here?" Duhe asked urgently.

"At least half a month," Luo Fang shook his head. "Those flying insect clones are too powerful. They are protected by virtual and real supernatural powers. The damage caused by the life and death fist to them is only 30%. Unless Gu Daoyou can use the secret pattern diagram, otherwise..."

"Wilang Reef is too far from the edge of the Kuroshio Sea, and the practitioners from the Xi Imperial Palace have no time to rush to help." Qian Ming's face was extremely solemn.

With the strength of the Origin Beast Heavenly Lord, he could separate two to contain Hua Jing and Hedu, while the remaining one would kill the other realm masters.

After all, not everyone can stop two Heavenly Lords at the same time like Gu Xiuyun.

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