Fortune Teller

Chapter 1427 Dispute

Evil Spirit Ruins, the World of Heaven and Earth.

Gu Xiuyun sat deep in the stone palace, the power of the universe permeating his body, constantly repairing the damage caused by fate's backlash.

After a long time, the power of fate finally faded.

"It will take at least two to three hundred years to get from the Wuyang Sea Realm to the Luoshen Realm. Such a long distance cannot even be used as a messenger. I wonder if the descendant of Hun Ming is dead?"

Gu Xiuyun was filled with curiosity.

The main battle clone collapsed, the sky of destiny was no longer in his hands, his ability to calculate the secrets was much weaker, and he was far away, so even if he had the means to reach the sky, the outcome of the Descendants of Hun Ming could not be calculated.

"If I had known this, I should have gone to the Luoshen Temple to ask for the position of envoy, so that I could go to the Luoshen Supreme's mind space."

While he was thinking, the spiritual power of the world of heaven and earth poured into his body like a frenzy, and his martial arts true body returned to its peak. Before he could condense the true form of the ancient beast, the communication talisman on the side of the palace lit up.

‘Xianyun, why haven’t you been in the underground divine city recently? The White Deer has reported to Lord Qingling to punish you for slacking off work. ’

"This white deer."

Gu Xiuyun frowned, "I have only been in the Black Tide Sea for a year and a half, and you are so eager to cause trouble for me. It's really..."

The cyan figure split into two clones, one flew towards the void passage and the other flew towards the underground divine city.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the world of Qiankun has expanded a lot. It has reached 1400 billion miles, completely covering the entire whirlpool secret realm. The divine city is surrounded by dense formation restrictions. It is difficult for even the Supreme Lord of Qiankun to break in, let alone Others.

Therefore, those Origin Beasts still don’t know that the real goal of the Qingxiao Realm garrison is to repair the ancient divine city.

In fact, only a handful of the entire Dangmo Palace garrison knew about the existence of the divine city.

Gu Xiuyun walked all the way and soon arrived at the edge of the city.

Two Realm Masters stood at the top of the city, repairing the formation restrictions on the surface of the city wall. They muttered from time to time, seeming to be discussing something.

"The changes in the formation calculated by Lord Bailu and Master Xianyun are completely opposite. This city is the core of the 321 surrounding formations. Once a mistake is made, the previously repaired formations will collapse. Who is right? ?”

"Lord Bailu is proficient in the calculation of heavenly secrets. He has been in charge of the divine city for hundreds of thousands of years. He is well aware of the changes in all places. He will definitely not be wrong."

"But before, we followed Lord Xianyun's instructions and repaired it, and nothing went wrong. Now Lord Bailu intervenes. What should we do if something goes wrong?"

The two looked at each other with bitter expressions on their faces.

Repairing the Divine City requires a massive amount of spiritual materials and 321 formation restrictions. Once they all collapse, not only the spiritual materials of the past few thousand years will be lost, but also the original restrictions of the Divine City.

The sum of these losses is no less than the entire net worth of an ordinary Supreme Being.

"What changes are being deduced?" A voice suddenly sounded.

The two Formation Dao Realm Masters raised their heads and saw Gu Xiuyun flying down in the sky, with weak fluctuations of destiny exuding around him.

"Sir, you are back!"

One of them kept saying, "Not long ago, Master Bailu inspected the city and found that he was not there, so he asked me to check the repaired array and pointed out several problems. The most troublesome one is this core array. Forbidden, it said... there is something wrong with your calculation."

"Some? It almost puts you in the crevices of the rocks!" Another person pouted.

"Then what?"

Gu Xiuyun frowned.

"After that, we revised several of the issues pointed out by Mr. Bailu," one of them said respectfully, "Only here, the deductions of the two adults are completely opposite. If they are wrong, all these years of efforts will be in vain. "

"Sir, a total of 98,000 square meters of Purple Jade Divine Source Stone was used to repair the city. Together with other spiritual materials, it is equivalent to the entire net worth of a Supreme Lord of the Universe. If it is all in vain, the loss will be too great. So we are a little worried and have been Don’t dare to fix it.”

"First take me to see some of the problems Bailu pointed out." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.


The two people quickly led Gu Xiuyun to one of the formations.

at the same time.

The White Deer Demon Lord, who was far away in the core area of ​​the divine city, raised his brows and looked towards the edge of the city.

Gu Xiuyun did not deliberately restrain his aura. The power of fate stirred up the void and naturally attracted its attention.

"My cultivation level is not high, but I have a bad temper. I have only stayed here for a long time, and yet I dare to leave without authorization." A cold light flashed in Bailu Demon Lord's eyes. "The repaired formation is also full of mistakes. It is simply a waste of Qingxiao." Temple spiritual material.”

With that said, Taoist Lutou took one step forward and flew towards the edge of the city.

"This is the formation prohibition that Master Bailu asked us to modify." A formation master pointed to the corner in front and said respectfully.


Gu Xiuyun looked ahead and calculated secretly.

Without the Sky of Destiny, the calculation is much more difficult. Fortunately, the formations here were repaired and completed under his guidance. Many changes are lingering in my mind, so the deduction is not so difficult.

"It does make some sense, but it's a pity that it only focuses on the superficial changes and ignores the deep-seated response to the formation ban. According to this method, the formation ban on the top of the city can only activate the first two changes, and the deepest ban is in vain."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and said, "Restore the previously modified formation. The core formation will also be restored according to what I deduced before."

"Fart!" An angry shout came from the distant sky.

The two Realm Masters quickly raised their heads and saw the White Deer Demon Lord flying over menacingly, with a cold and stern face, "Junior, I'm giving you face so I didn't accuse you face to face. What are you calculating? You keep making mistakes. If I didn't feel sorry for the spiritual materials, I would have ordered these formations to be destroyed."

"Bailu, you and I are both practicing artistic conception!" Gu Xiuyun looked slightly cold.

If the other party is a Nine-Difficulty Realm Master, or a Half-Step Supreme, it's okay to call him a junior. They are both Eight Difficulties, but the other party calls him a junior. How can he bear it?

"Refining the artistic conception? Just you?"

The White Deer Demon Lord sneered, "What are these calculations? I have spent a lot of effort to keep it running, but you still dare to speak nonsense. It seems that this matter needs to be submitted to the Supreme Qingling for his decision. "

"It just so happens that you will also be punished for leaving your duty without permission."

As he spoke, Taoist Lutou crushed the talisman in his palm.

"White Deer!"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes.

The edge of the void channel.

Lie Jun was sitting cross-legged, practicing with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, the communication talisman on his waist trembled violently, 'Lie Jun, Bailu and Xianyun are having a quarrel. I am patrolling the surrounding area with Qingling Supreme. It will take some time to come back. You go and see what's going on. ’

"Both of them?"

Lie Jun frowned, "Bailu is lonely and arrogant, and his behavior is a little erratic, but Xianyun has always been low-key, how could they have a dispute? Forget it, let's go and see!"

Lie Jun stood up and walked towards the underground divine city.

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