Fortune Teller

Chapter 1428 Leaving

"Bailu, what grudge do you and I have," Gu Xiuyun said coldly, "I have repaired a lot of formation restrictions in the thousands of years I have been here, and now I have only been away for three or five years. Is it worth your yelling? What more? "Sir to the Supreme Qingling?"

"I'm just doing things impartially." Taoist Lutou looked arrogant.

"Sir, the White Deer Demon Lord is the ruler of the underground divine city, and all realm masters entering and exiting the divine city must obtain its approval," a formation realm master whispered, "You may not have told it before you were Deliberately targeted.”

So that's it... Gu Xiuyun suddenly realized.

In the final analysis, it is a matter of face.

But you must know that Gu Xiuyun was only invited to the underground city by Lie Jun and Luo Lang because of his previous mistakes. He was not a disciple of the Demon Dang Temple, nor did he belong to Qing Xiao's command, so why should he listen to the White Deer Demon? Your order?

"Junior, you will have to wait for the Supreme Qingling to arrive."

Taoist Lutou looked cold and stern, "If you two don't hurry up and repair the formation, what are you doing here watching?"


The two Formation Dao Realm Masters turned to leave, but were stopped by a burst of true energy.

"Don't leave. Restore the formation ban here first," Gu Xiuyun said. "I have spent so much effort and don't want to be ruined by some idiot."


Demon Lord White Deer was furious, "A junior dares to commit such a crime. I must deal with you today."


Divine power surged, and the rules of fate turned into a rain of swords from the sky, striking at Gu Xiuyun.

Gu Xiuyun's clone is not the main battle clone. It contains less than one thousandth of the true energy, and the black hole particles are extremely rare. How can it withstand the bombardment of the Eight Difficulties World Master?

Just as the sword light was about to approach, the sky suddenly darkened, hot fluctuations filled the void, and countless sword lights were completely annihilated by the flames.

"Bai Lu, what are you doing?"

Taoist Liejun's roar came from afar.

Everyone raised their heads and saw a red figure rushing towards him. His speed was several times faster than thunder and lightning.

"Lord Liejun!"

The White Deer Demon Lord quickly put away the power of fate and said respectfully, "Xianyun made rude remarks and left his post without permission. This subordinate just wants to teach him a lesson to serve as a warning to others."


Taoist Liejun was furious, "You are all Destiny Realm Masters, and you are also in the Eight Difficulties Realm. Even if someone makes a mistake, you should ask Lord Qingling to punish him. When will it be your turn?"

"Sir, he has been here for thousands of years and has wasted a large amount of spiritual materials in the Qingxiao Palace. Only then did his subordinates take action in anger. Please show me a clear lesson." The White Deer Demon Lord said urgently.

"Huh? Xianyun, is this possible?" Lie Jun's face suddenly became more serious.

Repairing the ancient divine city requires a large amount of spiritual materials, and they are all extremely precious. If Gu Xiuyun is really wasting the spiritual materials of Qingxiao Palace, his guilt will be huge.

"Bad talk."

Gu Xiuyun curled his lips slightly, "The poor Taoist has been in the underground city for thousands of years. When has anything gone wrong? Which of the repaired formation restrictions has gone wrong?"

"The formation prohibition under your feet is the most serious problem," White Deer Demon Lord said sternly, "There are three hundred and twenty-one formation prohibitions, superimposed layer by layer, with two changes of Yin and Yang, but you have modified them randomly, and now Yin It’s neither yin nor yang, if I hadn’t checked it carefully, I don’t know how much spiritual material you would have wasted.”

"Lord Liejun, in order to make up for the losses, my subordinates have been calculating for several months before they finally came up with a countermeasure. I never thought that Taoist Xianyun would let them recover again. It was really harboring evil intentions."

"Really..." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

For the first time in his life, he felt hard to explain. What should I say? ? The realm of the White Deer Demon Lord is too low to be considered a higher-level change?

But don’t forget, Gu Xiuyun is only in the early stage of practicing artistic conception.

But the White Deer Demon Lord is in the middle stage of refining the artistic conception, and has stayed in the underground divine city for nearly a million years. His understanding of the divine city is far superior to his, and it stands to reason that his method of deducing the changes in the formation ban is also superior.

"Xianyun, how do you explain it?" Taoist Liejun asked with a frown.

"No need to explain," Gu Xiuyun shook his head, "right and wrong can be clearly seen as long as the formation is repaired. Qishan, Mokan, you first restore the modified formation, and then repair the core formation according to my calculation method. By then, everything will be revealed."


Demon Lord White Deer shouted loudly, "Lord Liejun, if you do that, all three hundred and twenty-one formations and the core formations will collapse. The loss of Qingxiao Palace will be too great. The destroyed spiritual materials alone will be too great." No less than the wealth of a Supreme Being."

"so much?"

Liejun hesitated.

If there were only one or two forbidden formations, they would be destroyed if they were destroyed. However, this is a chain formation, with 321 forbidden formations linked together, and the amount of spiritual materials consumed is almost terrifying.

Even if he is half-step supreme, he does not dare to make a decision.

"Senior Liejun, I am willing to shoulder the responsibility," Gu Xiuyun said seriously, "If the array is destroyed, I will compensate for the lost spiritual materials according to the price. But if there is no problem with the array here, please forgive me. Pindao doesn’t want to be in the same place as this person when he has the burden of repairing the city of God.”


A voice came from outside.

The next moment, Supreme Qing Ling appeared at the top of the Divine City with Luo Lang, "Since you boasted about Haikou and are willing to bear the responsibility yourself, then do as you say and summon the Formation Realm Masters from the Divine City to quickly repair the formation ban. "


The two Taoist Realm Masters left in a hurry.

When they returned a moment later, they were followed by nearly a hundred people, all of whom were Seven Dilemma Realm Masters who were good at formations and spells.

With so many Formation Dao and Fu Dao Realm Masters joining forces, the speed of repairing the Formation Restriction was extremely fast. In just half a day, 90% of the core Formation Restriction had been completed.

"Junior, you'd better think clearly. There are 321 formations here, and they are a series of formations. It is extremely difficult to arrange them. Once they are destroyed, you may not be able to bear the consequences."

Demon Lord White Deer had a sneer on his face, "I know all about the changes in the divine city. According to your repair method, this chain of formations will definitely collapse."

"Know everything? Just you?"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "If a Supreme Master of the Universe of Destiny said this, I would still believe it three points. You... don't know what to say."


The eyes of the White Deer Demon Lord burst out with cold light, "I am afraid that you will make a mistake on your errand, so I kindly remind you. In this case, I will see what happens to you."

After a while, the core formation was completely repaired.

Gu Xiuyun walked around the city and made sure that all the formations were intact, then nodded and said, "Inject divine power and activate the formations."


Sixteen Realm Masters stood at various nodes, and an endless stream of divine power poured into them. Soon, the formations at the edge began to light up, and then on both sides, the formations trembled violently, as if they could not support the formations. Power.

"Idiot, have you seen that?" White Deer Demon Lord sneered repeatedly, "You put the formation restrictions together randomly and destroyed the changes between the restrictions. There are signs of collapse as soon as you activate it. If you don't last a hundred breaths, it will all melt. Make powder."

Gu Xiuyun remained silent.

Qing Ling Supreme's face darkened, but he didn't say much. At this moment, the formations had begun to operate, and countless divine powers were permeating them. If they were forced to stop, the formations would collapse in advance.

It may even damage the foundation of the city wall.

"Fellow Daoist Xianyun, you are too reckless!" Luo Lang shook his head slightly.

Each of the three hundred and twenty-one formations was trembling violently, but as the divine power moved faster and faster, those formations actually stabilized, and the two qi of yin and yang continued to escape, and the two breaths merged into the depths of the formation. , causing all the forbidden lines to appear with a pale golden light.

"what happened??"

The White Deer Demon Lord suddenly widened his eyes.

"The ancient divine city is so mysterious. Those formations not only echo each other, but also have special abilities to repair themselves," Gu Xiuyun said. "The formations repaired by the Seven Difficulties World Masters are relatively fragile, so they cannot withstand the full power of the chain formations." , but as the yin and yang qi condensed and formed, each formation began to repair itself, so it gradually stabilized. "

"The current serial array ban can be called a divine array ban, and it has the ability to resist powerful enemies."

Gu Xiuyun bowed and said, "According to the previous agreement, as long as there is no problem with the formation ban, I can be relieved of the burden of repairing the divine city. Lord Qingling, my two Taoist friends Lie Jun and Luo Lang, please say goodbye!"

The cyan figure turned into flying smoke and disappeared without a trace.

"How is it possible?? How is it possible?"

The White Deer Demon Lord looked at the scene in front of him, his face full of confusion and disbelief.

The chain of formations in the ancient divine city was actually able to be completely repaired by a junior in the early stage of refining the artistic conception and regain its former power.

Those pale golden rays of light will only appear in the original divine city array. The newly repaired arrays are far behind, and they need to be repaired every time they run for a period of time.

How powerful is the ancient divine city? Countless formations operate on their own without needing to be repaired for hundreds of millions of years. How can the current formations compare?

It stands to reason that the Qiankun Supreme should be asked to personally take action to repair this city, but this place is located behind the source beast forces. Once the Qiankun Supreme of the destiny system appears, it will attract more terrifying and powerful enemies, so it will ask the White Deer Demon Lord to do something Temporary fix.

"This junior...I really underestimate him."

A gleam flashed in the eyes of Supreme Qingling, "Recreating the peak power of the ancient divine city shows that his deduction ability is extremely strong, almost comparable to Supreme Supreme Qiankun. This ability is even better than his secret knowledge of destiny."

"Sir, what should we do now?" Lie Jun and Luo Lang frowned.

Gu Xiuyun ran away justifiably, but it was not easy to call him back.

"Don't worry, I have my own way." Supreme Qingling smiled slightly.

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