Fortune Teller

Chapter 1429 Reincarnation

In the void, the cyan figure stepped forward, each step being hundreds of millions of miles away.

"This white deer demon has a bad temper, but it's okay. Without its help, I'm afraid I would have to stay in the underground city for hundreds of millions of years, and I would still be working for free."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, with a smile on his face.

Restoring the Divine City is definitely a job of great merit, not to mention risking one's life. Just the tedious deductions over and over again will consume a lot of effort, and can only be done by the Lord of Destiny.

Think about it, just one city head consumes as much spiritual material as the entire net worth of the Supreme Qiankun. How much more will be lost when the entire underground city is added up?

Even the emperor couldn't bear it.

With such a huge amount of spiritual materials, even saving just 1% is enough to scare people to death.

While he was thinking about it, a message came from his clone. Taoist Luo Lang held a banquet and invited him to taste the newly picked spiritual tea.

"Thank you for your kind words, fellow Taoist. I'm busy practicing and have no time to be around, so I can only accept it from my heart!"

Gu Xiuyun replied and ignored it.

"Sir, we have been invited several times, but he has turned them down." Luo Lang looked at the robed Taoist in front of him and shook his head helplessly, "Speaking of which, he is not a disciple of the Devil's Palace. He only participated in this matter by chance. , many rules are of no use to him.”

The Dangmo Palace is one of the palaces in Qingxiao and is subordinate to the Dangmo Emperor.

Qing Ling, Luo Lang, and Lie Jun are all under the command of Dang Mo Palace, and are branches of Qing Xiao Palace. Naturally, they must follow the laws of Qing Xiao Palace in their actions.

Gu Xiuyun made no mistake, and was recognized by Supreme Qingling. He left the underground city with justifiable authority. It would not be easy to call him back again.

"I didn't expect that this junior's calculation of heaven and earth has reached such an extent," Qing Ling Supreme said with emotion, "The cultivation level is only eight difficulties, but the calculation ability is no less than that of Qian Kun Supreme of the destiny system. If he helps, it will be much easier to repair the divine city. , and can save a batch of spiritual materials.”

"Everyone has weaknesses," Lie Jun narrowed his eyes, "Junior Xianyun has committed so many wrong things before, just for a few true masters, otherwise we..."

"Absolutely not!"

Luo Lang shook his head, "He has always been soft-spoken but not tough. If you dare to threaten him with this matter, I'm sure you won't survive more than three days."

"Threatening a Destiny Realm Master who is proficient in deduction, you can't think of it!"

"Persuasion won't work, and coercion won't work either. Are we just going to let Bai Lu do what he wants? You've also seen how much spiritual materials it has wasted over hundreds of thousands of years. The formations in the core area are already extremely complicated. Repairing just one spot is enough. It took 40,000 to 50,000 years, and nearly half of it collapsed."

The White Deer Demon Lord was a last resort.

How mysterious is the ancient divine city? At least the Qiankun Supreme of the Destiny lineage can try to repair it, but those powerful people... each one is being stared at by the source beast forces, and they want to kill them all, so how can they venture into danger lightly?

The Nine Difficulties Heavenly Lords are rare in number and it is extremely difficult to use one, let alone in such a precarious place.

Who is willing to risk his or her life to go to the Evil Spirit Ruins to gain credit?

"In that case, let me go there myself!" Qing Ling Supreme glanced at both sides, his expression calm and calm.

The results of Luo Lang and Lie Jun had long been expected by him.

Wanting Gu Xiuyun to help them repair the underground divine city without any benefit was undoubtedly a wishful thinking. They originally thought that this person's cultivation was too weak to withstand the causal bombardment of the Nine Difficulties Source Beast and even the Qiankun Level Source Beast.

But now it seems that Gu Xiuyun's strength is much more powerful than expected. Even if those source beasts can destroy the Qiankun Realm, whether they can kill him or not is a matter of two minds.


A breeze blew by, and Supreme Qingling disappeared without a trace.

Inside the stone palace.

The cyan figure sits cross-legged, emitting weak fluctuations. This body is not the main combat clone, and its combat power is only about half of its peak state.

But for Gu Xiuyun, it was enough.

Half of the combat power is enough to support all the mind and will, and can also push the power of the universe to the extreme. Compared with the martial arts true energy, the power of the universe itself is countless times stronger. There is not much difference in whether the physical combat power is strong or weak. .


Gu Xiuyun suddenly raised his head and looked outside the stone palace.

The power of the universe is like a tidal wave, turning into layers of space barriers, isolating the stone palace from normal space.

At this moment, there was a figure standing deep in the wave.

"Fellow Taoist Xianyun, can you tell me something?" The robed Taoist was surrounded by mountains and rivers, with exotic flowers and plants swaying gently.

"Supreme Qingling?!" Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes.

He is worthy of being a veteran Supreme Being who has been practicing for an extremely long time. Even for low-level Taoist practitioners, his realm is ridiculously high.

Gu Xiuyun never told others where he lived, but the other party was able to rely on his profound Taoist realm to forcibly break through the power of the universe and find his way outside the stone palace.

It can be seen from this that this Qingling Supreme is no ordinary Supreme, and has probably reached the threshold of the Dharma Acting Realm.

"Senior came to this mansion personally, how dare I refuse?" Gu Xiuyun quickly dispersed the power of the universe and opened up a wide waterway.

"You and I have met a few times, and we have some friendship, so there is no need to be so alienated." Qingling Supreme smiled and came to the stone hall, "You must understand my purpose of coming. In this case, I will get straight to the point. As long as you are willing Help repair the divine city, and I can make a mark on the reincarnation monument in Qingxiao Palace. When the time comes, even if you encounter something unexpected and die, you can still be reincarnated."

"With my Taoist realm, can I reincarnate?" Gu Xiuyun looked surprised.

There are many records of reincarnation in Wanfa Tower.

Reincarnation has very strict requirements, time, place, object...each of them has extremely high restrictions.

Back then, the unruly young master Cang Yan was preparing to go to another world of heaven and earth to be reincarnated. Because he cultivated the Tianfeng Dao, if he wanted to be reincarnated, he had to ask the supreme master of the world of the same system to take action, and he had to do it while he was still alive. Reincarnation.

Once it falls, no ordinary supreme being can help.

Cang Yan Jie Ao is just a True Master in the Four Difficulties Realm, yet he is so troublesome.

What's more, Gu Xiuyun... The Destiny System is also the Master of the Eight Difficulties Realm. He is proficient in many rules. If you want to resurrect him, you must be in the same system and know all the rules he has understood before you can try to resurrect him.

Even so, the probability of success is not more than 30%.

Because his level is too high! !

Everyone's living rules are different. The higher the realm, the greater the difference. Even if Emperor Ziyang personally takes action, there is no guarantee of resurrecting a Eight Difficulties Realm Lord.

"Of course," Qingling Supreme smiled slightly, "Qingxiao Palace is undoubtedly the number one force in all the heavens. There are countless strong men under its command. Why do you think they want to take refuge in Qingxiao Palace?"

"To survive?" Gu Xiuyun asked in surprise.

Reincarnation may be a new life for the true realm, but for the true master and above, even the world master and the supreme master, it is resurrection.

No matter how much you practice in your new body, it will never be able to outshine your previous life. The Supreme Being of the Universe, how terrifying is your mind and will, how can you possibly be able to defeat him?


Supreme Qingling nodded slightly, "Supreme Qiankun can send living beings to reincarnation, but only the same system can keep the true spirit intact and the consciousness of the previous body undamaged."

"Beyond the Qiankun Realm, there is an even more terrifying realm, which is a great level that you cannot imagine, and even the emperors must look up to. Taiyi Immortal Emperor, Xi Emperor, Ming Zun, and Ancient Ancestor are all such beings. "

"They can forcibly reverse the operating rules of the Hunyuan Void and resurrect the fallen creatures."

"Of course, it must be the same system to keep the true spirit intact and the memory of the past life not to be damaged. In addition to Taiyi Immortal Emperor, Qingxiao Palace also has several great beings above the universe. Naturally, there are many more practitioners who have taken refuge than other forces. "

Gu Xiuyun blinked.

It turns out that reincarnation has so many secrets.

Ordinary world masters may not be able to know about it in their lifetime. Only those who have reached an extremely high level are qualified to contact it.

"Senior, according to your opinion, there is a great being with a destiny system in Qingxiao Palace?" Gu Xiuyun's eyes suddenly lit up.


Supreme Qing Ling said softly, "Even if not, the major realms in the cultivation world are on good terms with each other, and they can also ask other forces to help, and it will be easy to resurrect a junior like you."

"That's true."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

He is only in the Eighth Difficulty Stage. According to the records of Wanfa Pavilion, the lower the cultivation level, the lower the difficulty of reincarnation. For existences such as Taiyi Immortal Emperor, Xihuang, Ming Zun, etc., it is probably just a matter of thought.


Gu Xiuyun frowned suddenly. According to the Wanfa Pavilion, the limit of cultivating inferior Taoism to the early stage of Qiankun Realm is reached.

How could a strong man above the universe appear?

Without that kind of existence, who would resurrect the ordinary supreme being? ? Moreover, there are tens of thousands of inferior dharma and they are countless. Could it be that there are tens of thousands of great beings of the same system in this world?

so funny.

"Senior, are you kidding me?"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes, "If they must be of the same system, who can resurrect those ordinary supreme beings who practice the inferior path? If I remember correctly, the end of practicing the inferior path will only be in the early stage of the Qiankun realm."

Supreme Qingling shook his head and smiled, "Why should I lie to you about something that everyone knows? As for why they were resurrected... this matter involves a secret. Since you have opened up the world of heaven and earth, I will tell you! "

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