Fortune Teller

Chapter 1442 Juekong and Mustard Palace

A vast land.

The cyan figure crashed to the ground like an arrow from a string. Before he could see the surrounding scene clearly, the void suddenly split open, and countless green-light daggers were seen coming from all directions.


Gu Xiuyun's body swayed, and when he turned his hands, the rules of fate were unfolded, and the dark palm prints turned into millstones, blocking all the sword light.

Logically speaking, there is no inner world, and in the depths of this secret realm of dead space, there is absolutely no way to exert physical rules.

But Gu Xiuyun is the Destiny Realm Master and is proficient in the rules of destiny twisting. He can borrow secret techniques from the past and the future.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The sword light in the sky was crushed to pieces by the palm print.

Gu Xiuyun looked around and saw jagged bones on the vast land. Countless broken skeletons formed a majestic beast. From the beast's head to its feet, it was all made of broken bones.

"This beast's name is Juekong."

A faint voice came from the sky.

"The broken bones all over its body are from the origin beast of the Universe Realm. There is a broken bone of a god and demon in the deepest part of the skeleton. The power of the god and demon makes it come back to life, and it has a terrifying divine power that is no less than that of the Nine Difficulties Realm Lord."

"If you want to take away the dry calligraphy stick, the first step is to kill this beast."

"Is this the beginning?" Gu Xiuyun blinked.

Qi Ling was so direct. He didn't even see what the Emperor's dojo looked like before the test began.


Pieces of broken bones emitted a faint light, and the sword light in the sky condensed from the depths of the broken bones, striking at Gu Xiuyun along different trajectories.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The sword light in the sky turned into a rain of swords, which collided with the black millstone, making a violent sound.

At the same time, the magnificent beast trembled slightly, and its huge body seemed to want to emerge from the depths of the ground.

"What a powerful sword light," Gu Xiuyun looked forward, his eyes slightly focused, "A piece of broken bone condensed sword light is no less powerful than the Seven Difficulties Realm Lord. It can be seen that its physical level is definitely not comparable to the transcendent realm."

According to Xu Miao's voice, this giant white-bone beast named Juekong is comparable to the Nine Difficulties Realm Lord. However, you must know that the giant white-bone beast, like Gu Xiuyun, cannot perform Taoist secrets and relies entirely on its white bones for its strength.

It is like a pure warrior.

Just relying on his martial arts energy and flesh and blood body, he can compete with the Nine Difficulties Realm Master.

Even Gu Xiuyun couldn't do this.

"It's a pity that it is made of bones after all, and the mind, will and fate are too fragile!"

Looking at the majestic beast in front of him, Gu Xiuyun looked indifferent. As he turned his palm over, the secret pattern condensed and took shape.

call out!

The secret pattern map suddenly descended.

The power of fate is like the scorching sun, instantly evaporating all the aura of the white-bone beast. The fluctuations in soul thoughts, mind and will, as well as the fate line, all collapse.

The giant white-bone beast fell completely without even a chance to use its magical powers.

"How can it be?"

In the majestic palace, the weapon spirit of the other courtyard widened his eyes and his face was full of disbelief. The giant white-bone beast was comparable to the Nine Difficulties World Master... He died with just one move?

To the side, a young man wearing a purple robe opened his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face, "What a powerful secret art of destiny. Although I have never seen it clearly, this secret art combines at least three rules. He started from Where did you learn it?”

"This junior comes from the Holy World of Reincarnation, and may be related to Qingxiao Palace." Qi Ling explained.

"Qingxiao Palace...that's it."

The young man in purple robe nodded slightly, "Of all the major realms in the cultivation world, the Qingxiao Heaven Realm and the Ancient Ancestor Heaven Realm are the most powerful. The Taiyi Immortal Emperor and the Ancient Ancestor are the pinnacles in the cultivation world. Unfortunately, Master is too aloof and arrogant. I don’t want to surrender to them.”

"The master is gifted, and his cultivation is the result of his creation. How can he take refuge in them?" The weapon spirit looked proud, "With the master's talent, sooner or later he will be able to surpass everyone in the world and become the greatest being in the Hunyuan Void." "

The young man in purple robe shook his head and did not argue.

If it were before the great changes in the world, these words would be correct, but now, the source beast forces are aggressively attacking, and there are descendants of Chaos and Ming who are watching eagerly.

Who dares to claim to be aloof and isolated? ?

Those Origin Beasts would not let the remaining practitioners go just because they did not seek refuge in Qingxiao Palace, Xi Palace, or Ancient Ancestral Platform.

The power of the cultivation world has long made the source beast forces feel threatened. As long as there is an opportunity, they will definitely kill them all.

"Although Master has great plans, he is not the Infinite Saint after all," the young man sighed in a low voice, "Back then, if he had been willing to bow his head and seek refuge in Qingxiao Palace, he would not have been trapped until today."

Qi Ling frowned and was about to retort.

But he was stopped by the young man with a wave of his hand, "Forget it, don't fight over these useless things, first let's see what this junior is capable of."

On the vast land.

The giant white-bone beast slowly disintegrated, and deep inside the bones, there was a fragment that was completely blue and looked like ancient jade.

"The power of gods and demons...this thing should be the broken bones of gods and demons!"

Gu Xiuyun waved his hand, and his true energy turned into a ribbon, digging out the ancient blue jade from the body of the white-bone beast.

The moment the jade piece touched the palm of his hand, the true form of the ancient beast inside his body began to tremble violently.

An endless stream of divine and demonic power poured out from the jade piece and merged into the surface of the black hole particles. In just a moment, the three-eyed toad image became much more condensed, and its aura became purer.

"Could this piece of jade be the broken bones of a three-eyed toad?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes brightened slightly, he glanced at both sides calmly, and put the jade piece into his palm.

Seeing this scene, the purple-robed young man in the palace shook his head and laughed.

"This junior is quite knowledgeable. Fragments of gods and demons are extremely rare. Except for those ancient worlds that have long since collapsed, there are no world-suppressing gods and demons in the world. The broken bones of gods and demons are also used one less, so he just put them away. "

"A broken bone, what's the big deal," Qi Ling curled his lips, "As long as he can save his master, it doesn't matter no matter how high the price is."

"Having said that, you must be punished."

The young man in purple robe held his chin, thoughtfully, "According to what you said before, this person is quite weak, so the difficulty of the test should be as low as possible. But since he can kill Juekong with one move, he should be able to try the real test." "

"Xia Feng, don't be ridiculous," Qi Ling quickly persuaded, "This junior has sworn a solemn oath to take away the dry signature within a million years. If he can't do it, I'm afraid he won't be able to go any further in this life. "

"Don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion."

The young man in purple robe waved his hand, and the vast land suddenly disappeared. What appeared in front of Gu Xiuyun was a vast maze.

"The Mustard Palace? How could he get through?" Qi Lin suddenly became anxious.

"If he really can't get through, I'll put some water in it and give some guidance secretly," the young man in purple robe said with a smile, "Don't worry, the dry sign will definitely fall into his hands."

"That's good."

Qi Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

The so-called test is actually nonsense made by Qi Ling from other courtyards.

The Emperor's Dojo is completely under the control of Supreme Xia Feng. If you want someone to take away the dry sign, Master Sannan can succeed.

If you don’t want others to take it away, Qiankun Supreme will also fail.

The reason why he did this was just to give Gu Xiuyun enough sense of urgency to use all his mind to understand Taoism and improve his performance.

Now it seems that he succeeded.

In just a million years, Gu Xiuyun went from the early stage of the Concentrating Soul Realm to the middle stage of the Mental Refining Realm, crossing an entire realm, and his strength was completely different.

"Cherish your life, the second level is called the Mustard Palace. The so-called mustard seeds hide Xumi. The maze in front of you is vast, but its essence is three thousand six hundred and fifty mustard seeds."

"Only by finding all the mustard seeds and breaking through the Xumi Formation can we reach the end of the maze and enter the third level."

"This level tests your deduction ability. As a practitioner of destiny, how can your deduction skills be bad??"

"There are only more than ten thousand years left before the million-year deadline. You don't have much time. It's up to you."

The sound in the void dispersed.

"Mustard uterus?"

Gu Xiuyun squinted his eyes and stepped into the depths of the maze. In front of his eyes, countless spaces were layered on top of each other, as if there were thousands of roads. The changes were so many that even the Nine Difficulties World Master would be dazzled.

"It seems that the only way to do this is with the help of heavenly calculations!"

Gu Xiuyun stopped and began to deduce secretly.

At the same time, in the Evil Spirit Ruins Universe Realm, another clone was also deducing the changes in the Mustard Palace. With the help of the Destiny Sky, he made a discovery in just a moment.

"These lights and shadows are both illusions and reality. Only by following the laws of light movement can we find the location of the mustard seeds."

"It's not that difficult. It just requires strong enough deduction ability. And the further you go, the more mustards are involved and the higher the deduction requirements become."

Gu Xiuyun understood in his heart, but he was not in a hurry to take action.

It's nothing to expose the secret pattern.

After all, this method must be used sooner or later. Without the secret pattern map, it is almost impossible to defeat the giant beast in the sky.

Moreover, a unique skill will not arouse the covetousness of others.

Qingxiao Palace and Xi Palace have many secrets of destiny, and the exchange price is not high, but how many people can master them? Understanding the secret of destiny relies on talent and understanding. This is a talent, who can take it away? Even if someone knew about it, they would only give a few compliments.

Deduction abilities are different. Once the Destiny Supreme of the Emperor's Dojo discovers that he has deduced the changes in the mustard uterus in a very short period of time, he will definitely have doubts.

Supreme Xia Feng is not Supreme Qingling. They are both fate practitioners. No one can say whether the other party will be greedy.

Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged and looked ahead silently. It was not until several months later that he took the first step.

"In just two months, he was able to find the operating rules of the first mustard seed. Judging from his deduction skills, he is probably already in the middle stage of mind refining, or even close to the late stage." The purple-robed young man looked down and praised.

"This person is very talented, and his deduction ability is better than his peers. It's not surprising," Qi Ling said, "But this is just the first step, and it only took two months. If he wants to pass through the mustard palace within ten thousand years, I'm afraid it won't be possible." An easy thing.”

"Let's take a look first."

The young man in purple robe looked calm.

Time passes slowly.

Gu Xiuyun kept walking along the floating light, one step, two steps, three took hundreds of years before he finally found the first mustard seed.

In this regard, the young man in purple robe was slightly disappointed, but said nothing.

The weapon spirits of other courtyards did not speak either.

One thousand two hundred years later, Gu Xiuyun found the second mustard seed, and then two thousand four hundred years later, he found the third mustard seed.

"A little too slow," the purple-robed young man frowned, "With his deduction methods, it shouldn't be like this."

"You overestimated him!"

Qi Ling hummed, "To understand the secret art of destiny, one should have strong deduction ability? There are nine rules in the path of destiny. He is good at twisting destiny and reading destiny. He is not just a celestial calculation."

"Forget it, I'll just lower the difficulty!!"

The young man in purple robe shook his head.

In the fleeting light, Gu Xiuyun moved forward step by step, his expression vaguely changed, and a strange light shone from the corners of his eyebrows.

"The difficulty of Mustard Palace has been reduced? How could this happen??"

"Could it be that...the difficulty of the test can be adjusted at any time? Is it the handiwork of Supreme Xia Feng or the weapon spirit of another courtyard?"

Gu Xiuyun began to guess in his mind.

As early as hundreds of years ago, he had already deduced all the previous twenty-five mustard seeds. He originally wanted to pretend to be enlightened once, and then speed up and pass through the mustard palace. Unexpectedly, the difficulty of this maze has actually been reduced!

"That's definitely the case. What kind of test is just to fool me."

Gu Xiuyun suddenly had the answer in his heart.

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