Fortune Teller

Chapter 1443 The Law of Heaven’s Heart

Time passes slowly.

The further back he went, the faster Gu Xiuyun deduced the Mustard Seed Formation, and it even only took three to five months to walk through one place.

"The formations in the Mustard Palace are very similar. As long as you find the first 120 places, you can deduce the rest. It seems that this junior has mastered the rules."

The young man in purple robe said leisurely.

"There are only four thousand years left before the million-year deadline. Let him pass the test quickly and leave with the dry sign." The weapon spirit of the other courtyard urged.

After a long time, the difficulty of the Mustard Palace was reduced again, and Gu Xiuyun passed the 'test' easily.

The endless maze disappears, and a bridge appears in front of you.

The voice sounded again in the void:

"The third level is a test of your mind and will. If you want to be recognized by Emperor Ziyang, your will must be outstanding."

"The bridge in front of you is called Moxin Road. Every time you take a step, the pressure of will will increase by one point. You cannot use Taoist secrets or Lingbao Taoist talismans. You can only rely on your own mind and will to get through."

"Sure enough..." Looking at the bridge in front of him, Gu Xiuyun became more sure of his speculation.

In terms of mind and will, his self-confidence is not weaker than that of any Realm Master, even compared to the Nine Difficulties Heavenly Lord, he is slightly better.

The Emperor's Dojo uses this as a test. It seems to be extremely difficult, but it is actually letting it go.


A soft sound.

Gu Xiuyun walked into the bridge, and the violent impact of his will surged like a tide, hitting every part of his mind.

"There are still more than three thousand years before the deadline. If you pass the test too early, something might happen."

"In that case, do the whole show and walk slower."

The cyan figure walked towards the end of the bridge step by step, and every step seemed extremely heavy.

The holy world of reincarnation.

Deep underground, the bloody light was like the scorching sun, completely illuminating the abyss of hundreds of billions of miles.

In the desolate and vast land of the abyss, there was not a single demon to be found, not even a trace of the Infernal Corpse. There were only endless blood clouds filling the world.

"After nearly a thousand years, the underground abyss has finally been swept clean."

"I am the only one who will kill the whole world."

Gu Xiuyun looked at the vast abyss, with evil energy surging around his body.

At this moment, his aura rose upwards at an alarming speed. In the entire underground abyss, apart from special beings such as Ziyang Tomb and Yinling Tomb, he was the only living life left.

It is also the only life recognized by the abyss world.

Many practitioners have tried to prove the Tao through killing through the ages, but none of them have been like Gu Xiuyun...killing all the demons in the world and clearing the abyss of the earth.

Those people are Zhu Yan and his ilk, who only dare to attack the cultivation world and do not dare to go to the underground abyss.


The entire abyss world is fluctuating with Gu Xiuyun's breathing, killing all the world except me.

At this moment, he is the master of the underground abyss and the controller of all power.

The recognition of the abyss world caused the murderous aura to grow rapidly and spread along the vast void. All the fighting, battles, and madness in the past and present... have become the food for the murderous aura.

All dead souls are the foundation for his enlightenment.

"This is to prove the truth through killing."

Gu Xiuyun raised his head and opened his eyes slightly. His small movements made the entire abyss world tremble.

At this moment, he is the abyss world.

The abyss world is him.

Because he is the only one left between heaven and earth, and every inch of void contains dead souls that he has killed. Slaughtering the world is the process of refining heaven and earth.

Today, he succeeds.

The entire abyss world has been refined, and the origin of the abyss is under his control. In the dark, he senses a vast and endless supreme power.

At the same time, a message from an unknown source came into his mind, 'Prove the Tao through killing, and be recognized by the abyss world. You can control the Heaven's Heart for ten thousand years and feel the complete power of the Heaven's Heart. ’

"The power of Tianxin? What is it?"

Gu Xiuyun felt a little confused.

While he was thinking, the vast and endless supreme power poured into the depths of his mind. In an instant, he seemed to have become a real god, omnipotent and infinite in power.

The rules of matter and life that were invisible in the past are extremely simple now.

Deep in the power of Tianxin, a voice came:

"The five elements, wind and thunder, time and space are just the simplest physical rules."

"Destiny, killing, cause and effect, life and death...all these are just ordinary living rules."

"What are rules? In the final analysis, the rules and codes in the world are just gifts from heaven and earth, not one's own strength."

"Only by stepping out of the bottleneck of rules and understanding the laws of Heaven's Heart that belongs to you can you compete with the vast and endless void of mixed sources. At that time, you will be the immeasurable sage above the universe."

"The world of the Abyss is perfect. Mastering the Law of Heaven's Heart is the most rare opportunity even in Qingxiao Palace."


"Get over the bottleneck of rules and understand the laws of heaven's heart?" Gu Xiuyun murmured to himself, "It turns out that there is a higher level of power above the rules of matter and the rules of living beings."

"No, to be precise, the rules of matter and the rules of life are both part of the Law of Heaven's Heart."

Gu Xiuyun looked at the vast abyss, and countless thoughts came to his mind.

The material rules are the weapon in your hand, and the biological rules are your own body. The higher the material rules, the heavier the weapon, and you must have a strong enough body to support it.

However, the road to rules eventually ends...

"Above the universe, there is the Infinite Saint," Gu Xiuyun whispered, "I think that is the realm of the Taiyi Immortal Emperor. That level is too far away from me. Let alone the immeasurable, even the realm of the universe... I am far behind. "

"Proving the Tao through killing can control the laws of Heaven's Heart for thousands of years. Just use it to understand the rules of killing!"

Such a precious opportunity must of course be used in the most critical place.

As the thoughts flashed, the four rules of killing the body, killing the soul, killing the heart, and killing the source appeared in the depths of his mind. Traces of the fifth rule also appeared faintly, but they were extremely vague and seemed to be beyond Gu Xiuyun's current realm.

"The classics of Black Suo Mountain only record five rules: murderous aura, murderous body, murderous soul, murderous intention, and the source of murder. There is no record of the last rule. It seems that this rule cannot be practiced in the transcendent realm."

Gu Xiuyun gathered his thoughts and began to understand the rules of killing.

The foundation left by the blood-colored thoughts, coupled with Bai Kongze's years of accumulation and the killings in the underground abyss, made him deeply aware of the method of killing, and he has reached the peak of the seventh level of mystery.

At this moment, looking at the killing rules evolved by the power of Tianxin, an idea suddenly appeared in my heart.

After a long time.


An invisible muffled sound.

Gu Xiuyun's sea of ​​consciousness trembled, the power of rules surged out from the depths of his mind, and the rules of killing...had been understood.

At this time, the power of Tianxin quietly changed.

The rules of killing have disappeared from the abyss world, leaving only three rules: killing soul, killing heart, and killing source.

"What's going on? I've just understood a little bit, but I don't want to understand it anymore?" Gu Xiuyun blinked, "Forget it, there are three other killing rules, which are enough for me to practice."

Gu Xiuyun turned to look at the soul-killing rules.

Endless mystery permeates it, and every change is related to the soul. Killing the soul is naturally aimed at the soul.

Every life has a soul.

The soul is not only the carrier of the mind and will, but also the basis for all methods used by practitioners. Without a physical body and an inner world, one can also perform soul secrets.

But if even the soul is gone, even if the mind and will remain in the world, it is no different from death.

Black Suo Mountain's half-step supreme means that the soul collapses, leaving only the mind and will.

His will is extremely strong, so he can stay alive, but if he wants to be resurrected, he can only ask the Supreme Lord of Universe to take action and send him to reincarnation.

If it is an Eighth Difficulty Realm Lord, a Seventh Difficulty Realm Lord, or even an ordinary True Lord whose cultivation is slightly weaker, his soul will be shattered and he will definitely die.

"The rules of killing souls are a hundred times weirder than killing bodies, and their cultivation is much more difficult. Even with the help of the Law of Heaven's Heart, it is still unknown whether they can be understood."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and began to meditate.

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