Fortune Teller

Chapter 1456 Killing Rules

"Taiyi Immortal Emperor cultivates both avenues?" Killing Avatar's eyes suddenly lit up, "The avenue of cause and effect, and the avenue of ten thousand dharma? What is that path?"

"No matter what Taoist method it is, since Taiyi Immortal Emperor can cultivate both meridians, it shows that this path is not completely impenetrable."

"Infinite Realm..."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath.

He had no idea about the immeasurable realm mentioned by the two maids, but since someone succeeded, then he had the possibility of success, so he just had to pick more fruits...

Countless thoughts flashed in my mind, and before I knew it, the night passed.

Gu Xiuyun returned to the forest, and kept searching the branches with his arms, looking for those wild fruits. The fruits were as erratic as usual, sometimes disappearing and sometimes appearing. In the whole day, he only picked two.


When the wild fruit enters the mouth, it turns into bitter bitter water and blends into the mind and will.

Somewhere along the way, he felt that he was further away from his true form. Apart from sharing the power of will, he couldn't sense anything else. It was like two completely unrelated strangers.

"Even the supreme rules of the Hunyuan Void can be deceived. It shows that the power is extraordinary, and it is not surprising to block the communication of will."

Gu Xiuyun glanced around and walked out of the forest.

The two maids said that there is a inheritance of killing hidden in the secret realm. As for where it is, you need to find it yourself.

The bloody figure flew through the void and moved along the secret realm.

Soon, he sensed fluctuations in the killing energy.

In the depths of a blood-red lake, the aura of killing surged and undulated, and countless regular fluctuations filled the void. At the bottom of the lake, a red sword could be vaguely seen.

The surface of the divine sword is covered with rust, but it reveals extremely sharp fluctuations.

"Could this magical weapon, which contains the rules of killing, be the weapon of the master of the secret realm?"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes and looked ahead.

The lake is calm and extremely peaceful, but you must know that these currents are filled with violent killing rules.

The endless killing energy did not cause any disturbance, which is a very strange thing in itself.

The bloody figure stepped forward cautiously, and as soon as it touched the edge of the lake, a murderous aura penetrated into the mind and will. In an instant, the two major rules of murderous aura and murder surged like a frenzy, tearing the entire sea of ​​consciousness apart.

At the same time, the mud and sand at the bottom of the lake surged violently, and sword marks appeared under the water. Each sword mark revealed shocking murderous intent.

"Is this... a method of fusion between different rules?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath.

There are 352 sword marks on the edge alone. Each sword mark combines two rules, either murderous intention and murderous body, or murderous body and soul, and even the fusion rule of murderous intention and source of murder. .

That's all. The deeper you go, the deeper the sword marks are, and the more rules are integrated. Three rules are integrated, four rules are integrated, and even five rules are integrated.

Gu Xiuyun looked up at the center of the lake. The red divine sword was emitting faint waves, and six completely different killing rules permeated it. The sixth rule was so obscure that he knew nothing about it except that he could sense the incredible power in it. .

"The six rules merge?! This should be the end of the path of cultivation!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with excitement, "The Zen protector is right, this is indeed the top killing inheritance."

The next moment, he sat down directly and began to comprehend from the nearest sword mark in front of him.

"Master, you can just teach him the Dharma, why bother giving him those wild fruits to eat?" A maid stood beside the white-haired young man, "No matter how powerful the Hunyuan Void is, with your protection, the supreme rules can't do anything. ?”

"You can only fight for the benefits in the world by yourself, not by others." The young man shook his head slightly, "I gave him these benefits because he helped me with two small favors and reciprocated. As for whether he lives or dies, it has nothing to do with me. What's the matter?"

"It's a pity that so many fruits have to be harvested by him alone." The maid said with a look of reluctance.

"It's just a wild fruit, why bother? It will grow back after a while!"

The young man stepped towards the depths of the void, "If he can really cultivate both paths and enter the immeasurable realm, there will be a top figure in the world of cultivation, and it will be much easier to deal with those origin beasts. The Taiyi Immortal Emperor alone is still a little behind."

"Stepping into the immeasurable realm?" The two maids looked at each other with some disbelief. "He alone can become an immeasurable saint? It's unlikely!"

"Now that the master has spoken, it shows that he has some hope. Besides, after eating so many fruits, it should be much easier to understand the rules of killing."

In the secret realm.

Gu Xiuyun travels through the void every day, picking wild fruits in the island forest during the day, and going to the lake to practice the rules of killing at night.

As time passes slowly, there are fewer and fewer wild fruits on the trees, and it becomes much more difficult to pick them.

Those wild fruits seemed to move instantly. One moment they were on the tree, and the next moment they were hundreds of feet away. Without the ability to use Taoist secrets, it would take Gu Xiuyun three to five days to pick one.

The further back you go, the longer it will take.

In contrast, his understanding of the rules of killing is increasing day by day.

It only took more than two thousand years to understand most of the three hundred and fifty-two sword marks, and then walked into the depths of the lake to understand the sword marks at a higher level.

The fusion of the three rules is undoubtedly much more difficult.

Fortunately, in addition to the fluctuations of the rules, these sword marks also contained the inexplicable heavenly sound of the great avenue. Sitting in the lake, the mystery of the rules continued to flow into his mind, and his understanding of the rules became deeper and deeper.

Six thousand years later.

Gu Xiuyun went deeper.

There were only nine sword marks in front of him, each of which incorporated four rules. Six of them he was not even qualified to comprehend.

Those sword marks all contain the sixth rule. If you want to understand it, you must first understand the rule itself before you can try to fuse it.

If you don't even understand the rules, how can you possibly master them?

"There are five rules of the killing system. Only the source of killing has nothing to do with fighting. The other four are pure avenues of killing. In this case, I will focus on the sword mark on the left."

The bloody figure looked at the half-foot-deep red sword mark in front of him and closed his eyes to comprehend.

The sword marks contain the four rules of murderous intent, body-killing, soul-killing, and intention-to-kill, which are extremely mysterious. With his Taoist realm, it is impossible to understand them. However, Gu Xiuyun himself does not seek to fully master them. As long as he understands a little bit and steps into the threshold, Even if it is successful.

In Taoist practice, the most difficult thing is undoubtedly getting started and reaching perfection.

After crossing the threshold, there is plenty of time to slowly comprehend and improve the realm until the last step. Without the guidance of these sword marks, it would be impossible to integrate the two rules even if it takes millions or tens of millions of years, let alone thousands of years.

These sword marks can be called the most perfect master in the world, starting from the simplest two rules, then three rules, four rules, and various changes in between, making his understanding of the fusion rules more profound.

"Fortunately, I understood the four rules of killing the body, killing the soul, killing the heart and the source of killing in the underground abyss. Otherwise, even if I saw these sword marks, I would not be able to understand them."

Looking at the red sword mark in front of him, Gu Xiuyun secretly felt happy in his heart.

Then he thought again, could the Law of Heaven's Heart be controlled by the master of the secret realm and guide him to understand all the rules?

If this is true, many speculations in the past will be overturned.

"The Lord of Black Suo Mountain once said that the Holy World of Reincarnation is related to the Qingxiao Palace, and the person who opened up the Holy World is most likely Taiyi Immortal Emperor."

"But if this is really the case, how can the master of the secret realm explain it? According to the two maids, the master of the secret realm is not the Taiyi Immortal Emperor, but another powerful person at the pinnacle of immortality."

Gu Xiuyun's mind flickered with thoughts.

Time passes slowly.

Gu Xiuyun's mind was completely immersed in Taoist practice. During the day, he went to the island forest to pick wild fruits, and at night he sat in the lake to practice.

The white horse passed by, and thousands of years passed without realizing it.

Finally, he understood the red sword marks in front of him. The four rules blended into each other, exuding unprecedented terrifying power.

"Try it!"

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath. The invisible sword mark blended with the true energy. It was only half a wisp of true energy. The breath was extremely weak, but it exuded awe-inspiring power.


The bloody sword light swept across the sky and the earth, directly tearing open the stable void. The surrounding area collapsed instantly, and a devouring force filled the whole body, completely covering Gu Xiuyun. Before he could react, he had disappeared into the depths of the secret realm.

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