Fortune Teller

Chapter 1457 Xin Mo Tianjun

"This is... the realm of the heavens? Am I back?"

The bloody figure looked around, and his expression suddenly changed.

The thunderclouds in the sky have not yet dissipated, and the aura of Karma is still strong. It seems that Gu Xiuyun has only left for a moment, but he clearly remembers that he has been in the secret world for more than ten thousand years.

In one thought, ten thousand years?

How can it be? ?

No matter how powerful the secret realm of time and space is, it is impossible to achieve such a flow rate, and it is completely different from what Peng Zu said.

"It's not an illusion, nor a space of thoughts. It's a real world." Gu Xiuyun couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. "What is the extent of the master of the secret realm's time and space attainments? In just a short moment, I have experienced thousands of years, and There is no sense of mind or will..."

"That's right, only such existence can allow me to avoid the supreme rules of the Hunyuan Void."

Gu Xiuyun didn't have the slightest doubt about what the master of the secret realm said.

Why do such beings need to calculate against themselves? Like a blue dragon soaring in the sky, how can it covet the benefits of ants on the ground?

The Patriarch Tianji plotted against him for the life of the Star Pan Instrument Spirit. The two were equally matched and had enough benefits.

What is the master of the secret realm for?

"When the messenger from Qingxiao Palace arrives, you can leave the Holy World of Reincarnation."

The bloody figure sat cross-legged and meditated with his eyes closed.

During the tens of thousands of years in the secret realm, he understood more than 600 sword marks, but each of them was just the beginning, and there was still a long way to go before he could truly understand them.

Qingxiao Realm.

The strong wind surged, and figures walked out of the teleportation array. Two of them were filled with fluctuations of fate, and their aura was particularly cold.

"I didn't expect that this battle lasted for tens of millions of years. The emperor of the source beast force is really scary." The old man walking in front had eyebrows like snow and his eyes were shining brightly. "Fortunately, we have the protection of our master, otherwise we They all have to die under the source beast’s magical power.”

Behind the old man, Han Yujun bowed and clasped his fists, "Thanks to Master's help, this disciple can gather the credit and get out of the predicament."

"It's your own good luck. Not long after you arrived in Guyang Domain, you encountered a large-scale attack by the Origin Beast forces. Even the emperor participated in the battle. You don't have such a good opportunity to earn credit on weekdays."

The old man looked around, pondered for a moment, and walked towards Qi Temple in the distance.

Mr. Han Yu followed behind him, following suit every step of the way.

After a while.

Deep in the temple, two figures sat opposite each other. Han Yujun stood far outside the temple door, his face full of respect.

"Xin Mo, do you want to borrow your heart plate??"

The figure on the left is wearing a robe, and there is a golden cloud pattern on his forehead, which exudes an unspeakable mysterious flavor. "The finger heart plate is the master's most precious treasure, and it contains the power of heaven. I can't make the decision on such a big thing."

"Brother Wu, don't say such polite words to me," Xin Mo Tianjun smiled and shook his head, "How about eighty pieces of marble, borrowed for a million years?"

"It seems that you have gained a lot of benefits in Guyang Domain. Eighty cloud stones are enough to go to the Hongchen Mingxin Terrace three times. Even if you are a peak heavenly king, it will cost a lot to collect so many cloud stones!"

The envoy from Qishen Temple was somewhat moved.

No matter how powerful the finger heart disk is, it is just a spiritual treasure that can be traced and traced. The emperor is practicing in seclusion, so there is no harm in lending it out.

"I can borrow it from you, but it's best not to step outside the scope of the practice world. The finger heart disk contains the emperor's divine power. If you go too far, you may be discovered by the master." The temple messenger warned in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I'm not that crazy yet."

Xin Motianjun said calmly, "I will not joke with my life until I understand the source of destiny."

"That's good."

The temple messenger nodded slightly.

Outside the door, Han Yujun glanced cautiously into the palace, feeling extremely excited. With the help of his fingers and heart, no matter how deep the Black Tooth Immortal hid, he could not escape.

After all, this is the supreme treasure of the Master of the Qi Temple, containing the Taoist and magical powers of the Emperor of Cause and Effect for endless years. Coupled with the fateful means of Lord Xin Mo, there is absolutely no possibility of avoiding it unless the Black Tooth Immortal enters the Qiankun Realm.

Luo Shen Realm.

In an ordinary city, Gu Xinning sat on a jade platform and talked loudly, "The five elements and space have two sides, one becomes tangible, the other becomes intangible..."

Below, hundreds of practitioners are sitting on the ground, ranging from the true state of mind to the venerable state.

Over thousands of years, they had traveled to countless places in the Luoshen Realm. Gu Xinning's mind gradually became calmer and she no longer wandered around. Instead, she became obsessed with teaching the Dharma.

Relying on the fossils created by Tianxin, Gu Xinning's understanding of the rules of matter is far better than that of her peers. Although she only has four difficulties, she has evolved twelve kinds of ultimate Taoist techniques for true immortals.

Not far away, Gu Xiuyun and Yan Suqing were sitting opposite each other, each holding a chess piece in their hands.

"This girl's cultivation is not high, but she insists on preaching and preaching, and has created countless causes and effects." Yan Suqing glanced into the distance, "If this continues, how will she understand the rules of living beings?"

"Everyone has their own fate, so why do you have to force it? There are thousands of avenues in the world, and there is always a path that suits her."

Gu Xiuyun smiled and was about to say something when he suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?"

Yan Suqing noticed something was wrong with him.

"There is a warning sign in the sky of destiny. It seems that some kind of danger is approaching," Gu Xiuyun whispered. "Since refining this treasure, this situation has only happened a few times. I don't know what the reason is this time."

"Could it be related to the Evil Spirit Ruins?" Yan Suqing guessed.

"It is very possible that most of the ancient divine city has been restored, and the rest can be completed by relying on the city's own restrictions." Gu Xiuyun frowned, "Once the divine city is repaired, my universe will have to be destroyed, otherwise I will have to face it sooner or later. The attack and killing of the Origin Beast Emperor."

"Without the Qiankun Realm, wouldn't you be missing a life-saving trump card." Yan Suqing looked a little solemn.

The world of Qiankun is different from the inner world. After the evolution of Qiankun, the natal world has been recognized by the Hunyuan Void. Once it collapses, only the true fruit of salvation or the rules of the source of Taoism can allow him to practice again.

It is not difficult to rebuild, but what is difficult is the Infinite Seeds and the Divine Rainbow of Time and Space.

Without these two treasures, even if the inner world evolves, it will only be the most common prototype of the world and will be of no use to him today.

"Forget it, with my current Taoist skills, I can break through the bottleneck at any time and step into the Dharma Sui Realm. Whether there is a Qiankun Realm or not is not that important."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled, "Let's continue playing chess!"


Yan Suqing nodded slightly.

Before the chess piece fell, spiritual energy fluctuated from his waist, and a green talisman appeared in front of him.

"Green Leaf Lake?? Why did you summon me?" Gu Xiuyun looked surprised.

There have been many Origin Beasts that have attacked Green Leaf Lake over the years. Even Luo Fang Tianjun has received a message asking for help, but he has never received one. In the hearts of the Green Leaf Lake garrison, he is just a Eight Difficulties Realm Master, and he does not carry the inner world. If you go there, you will die.

Never thought that he would be summoned now? ?

"Have a look, maybe something big happened." Yan Suqing said.

Gu Xiuyun detected a wisp of soul thoughts, and after a moment, he laughed in astonishment, "I'm not asking for help. Recently, many origin beasts of unknown origin have appeared between the Qingxiao Tianyu and Xihuang Tianyu. Their intentions are evil. The leader of Green Leaf Lake sent a message to the surrounding practitioners. , let’s be careful.”

"That's it." Yan Suqing breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how many source beasts are around, can they still break into the Luo God Realm? This is Luoshen's territory. The power of Qiankun is endless, and Luofang Tianjun and a dozen Nine Difficulties Realm Lords are sitting here. Even if the Qiankun Realm Origin Beast takes action personally, it will still fail.

at the same time.

In the main hall of Luo God, Luo Fang Tianjun is sitting on the throne, looking at the practitioners on both sides, "pass the order, the surrounding patrol teams should try to be vigilant. If there is anything wrong, send a message immediately to report back. I suspect that the source beast forces are plotting against the Xihuang Heavenly Domain. "


The practitioners on both sides bowed and clasped their fists.

"It seems that the source beast forces are making big moves again."

Tianjun Luo Fang looked at the communication talisman in the palm of his hand and frowned, "I don't know what the reason is this time. Is it because a certain emperor is about to break through, or is there some change in the practice world?"

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