Fortune Teller

Chapter 1458 Xin Mo arrives

In the sea of ​​clouds, two figures walked towards the teleportation array.

"This junior is really well hidden. I asked the Lord of Cause and Effect to take action, and I calculated it back and forth so many times, but I still couldn't calculate my whereabouts. In the end, I had to use the finger heart disk." Xin Mo Tianjun glanced around and his eyes fell. In the teleportation array pointing to Green Leaf Lake, "The closest to Xihuang Heavenly Domain is Green Leaf Lake, go there first."

"Master, there are two directions guided by the finger heart disk. One points to the Xihuang Heavenly Domain, and the other points to the battlefield outside the territory. Could it be that the Black Tooth Immortal has also entered the battlefield outside the territory?"

"It's not impossible. After all, he is a practitioner of destiny. Even if his cultivation level is low, he will be recruited by Qingxiao Palace. Qingxiao Palace has strict rules and does not allow fighting with the same forces. He can only go to Xihuang Heavenly Domain to try "

Xin Mo Tianjun's face turned pale and pale.

If Immortal Black Tooth really becomes a disciple of Qingxiao Palace, this matter will be troublesome. Supreme Xin Xiang came from the disciples of Qingxiao Palace and was once the core disciple of the palace. As a supreme disciple, Xin Mo Tianjun can also be regarded as a subordinate of Qingxiao.

Once this matter comes to the forefront, he will not be able to live with it.

"I hope this junior has nothing to do with Qingxiao Palace, otherwise we can only do it secretly, and we must not leave any clues to the sect."


The teleportation array erupted with bright light, and the figures of Xin Mo Tianjun and Han Yujun disappeared.

Not long after, the two appeared above Greenleaf Lake.

The rules of the world enveloped the void, and the Black-armored Realm Master came up to him with a smile on his face, "I don't know which master is here, but Tang Bai, the little old man, has met the messenger."

"I'm Xin Mo."

"Xin Mo Tianjun?" The eyes of the black-armored Realm Master suddenly lit up, "Lvye Lake is honored to be here in person, sir. Please wait a moment, sir. I will ask the commander to come out of the customs right now."

"No need."

Xin Motianjun waved his hand, "I'm here to look for some spiritual materials. I won't be here for long. There is no need to give me your communication talisman. Disciple, let's go!"


Two rays of light disappeared into the sky.

"The Peak Heavenly Lord, you have such a bad temper," the Black-armored Realm Master's face darkened, "It is a troubled time in Greenleaf Lake now, but these Five Elements practitioners are unwilling to help. If the station is lost, each of you will have to bear the responsibility."


From the palace not far away, the golden-armored commander stepped out, "Tang Bai, don't talk about the peak king behind his back. He is a practitioner of destiny. If what you say is heard, I can't protect you."


The black-armored Realm Master quickly shut his mouth.

In the void, the escaping light sped towards the Luoshen Realm at a staggering speed.

As the pinnacle Heavenly Lord, Xin Mo Tianjun's strength is far superior to Luo Fang, Can Hen and others, even compared with the original descendants of Hun Ming, he is no different.

Only the will of the mind is like an endless frenzy, causing its own escape speed to rise sharply. Coupled with the rules of fate, every step taken is hundreds of millions of miles away.

If we were in the Holy World of Reincarnation, billions of miles would not be that far away, but here is the mixed source void, the space is extremely stable, and there is only one layer, and one step can span billions of miles, which shows that his control over the space is astonishing.

"Master is worthy of being the pinnacle heavenly king. The field of destiny is unpredictable, and with the cooperation of the only mind and will, it may not take a hundred years to span the entire Qingxiao Heavenly Domain." Han Yujun exclaimed.

"After all, the field of destiny is not a means of killing," Xin Mo Tianjun shook his head and said, "This Taoist method is very good for escape, but when it comes to fighting, the twist of fate is the most powerful."

Han Yujun nodded slightly.

The twist of fate combined with Taoist secrets can instantly increase the killing power several times. Based on this alone, no other method can compare.

As he spoke, the escaping light passed through the distant void.

In the Luoshen Realm, Gu Xiuyun's chess pieces had just been settled when he suddenly frowned again.

"It's strange, why are you so restless?? It doesn't seem like a problem with the Evil Spirit Ruins," Gu Xiuyun suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, "This sense of crisis is getting closer and closer. What is the reason for this?"

"Husband, what happened?" Yan Suqing asked.

"I don't know either. I feel an inexplicable uneasiness in my heart. The Sky of Destiny is also warning me, but I still can't figure out the problem." Gu Xiuyun shook his head. "The Sky of Destiny is in the body of the Evil Spirit Ruins. It's too far away from the Luoshen Realm. I want to It’s not easy to figure out what’s going on here.”

"It's not the Evil Spirit Ruins. Could it be that the inheritance of the Red Dust Immortal has been leaked?" Yan Suqing's face turned pale.

"I will send you to the main hall of Luo Shen first. There is the divine power of incense and fire there to protect you. Even the Supreme Lord of the Universe cannot harm you."

With a wave of his hand, Gu Xiuyun collected Yan Suqing and Gu Xinning into the cave spiritual treasures, and then flew to the main hall of the temple at the deepest part of the Luo God Realm.

In the void, Tianjun Xin Mo escaped while observing the spiritual treasure in his hand.

"The fluctuations in the finger heart disk are getting stronger and stronger, and we are not far away from this person. It seems that he is hiding in the Luo Shen Realm."

"Luo Shen is also a very powerful figure in the spiritual world, no less than Master Xin Xiang. Master, you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, I am also the fire-clothed messenger of Qingxiao Palace and the peak heavenly king. Luo Shen doesn't dare to do anything to me."

Xin Mo Tianjun walked forward quickly, walked two more sticks of incense, and finally came to the edge of the world barrier.


The world barrier was forcibly penetrated by the power of fate, and the vast and endless mind and will surged out like a frenzy, spreading toward the depths of the universe.

"Who dares to act so recklessly in the Luoshen Realm!!"

A sharp shout came from the temple, and the power of the universe condensed into the silhouette of Luo Fang Tianjun.

"I, Qingxiao Palace Xin Mo, are here to seek justice for my apprentice," Tianjun Xin Mo said quietly, "This matter has nothing to do with the Luo God Realm. Please don't interfere."

"Xin Mo Tianjun?"

Luo Fang's expression suddenly changed.

He had heard of the name Xin Mo Tianjun of Qingxiao Palace.

It is said that as early as half a year ago, this person had broken through the bottleneck and entered the mind-only state. However, he had never understood the source of destiny, so he stayed at the level of the World Master and has not yet made a breakthrough.

The peak heavenly king, who is rarely seen on weekdays, now appears outside the Luoshen world?

While the two were having a conversation.

Xin Mo Tianjun's eyes fell on a certain place, and the palm of his hand trembled slightly, "It's quite hidden, but unfortunately, it can't escape the detection of the emperor's treasure."


Han Yujun looked excited.

At the same time, a gaze shot from a distance.

The four eyes looked at each other, and almost instantly, Han Yujun confirmed the identity of the other party, "Master, it is him, this person is the Black Tooth Immortal."

"I know."

Xin Mo Tianjun frowned, "I thought he was hiding himself with the help of spiritual treasures, but I never thought that he was actually a warrior who has transcended the sixth level. Based on this alone, his strength is no less than that of Tianjun. If the realm of Taoism is higher, It’s a bit stronger, and it’s quite troublesome to deal with.”

"Beyond the sixth realm?"

Han Yujun couldn't help but take a breath.

Isn’t the Black Tooth Immortal the Master of the Seven Difficulties Realm? How can one reach the sixth level of transcendence? How terrifying is his mind and will? ?

"It must be because of the immortal inheritance," Han Yujun's face was full of jealousy, "Master, that mortal immortal is most likely the owner of the Red Earth Mingxin Terrace. Without the immortal inheritance, how could he have made it in just tens of millions of dollars?" Reaching this point within the year?”

"The inheritance of the mortal immortal."

Desire flashed in Xin Mo Tianjun's eyes.

The Red Dust Immortal is recorded in the Qingxiao Palace. He was a terrifying existence who reached the pinnacle of his destiny system. Although he has fallen, he has left countless secret books in the world.

Almost half of the methods of destiny were created by him.

Shit! !

Xin Mo Tianjun waved his hand and led Han Yujun to Gu Xiuyun.

The world domain cooperates with the destiny field, coupled with the will pressure of the only state of mind, completely covering the surrounding area for hundreds of millions of miles.

The astonishing oppressive force has almost isolated all power, and even Luo Fang Tianjun, who is in charge of the world of heaven and earth, cannot peek into the scene.

"Yuhe Ancient World, fellow Taoist has gained a lot," Xin Mo Tianjun said softly, "My disciple was put in danger by you and almost lost his life. How should we calculate it?"

"Don't you blush when you say this?" Gu Xiuyun sneered indifferently, "If you want to seize the treasure, just say it clearly and don't use these useless excuses to cover it up."

"That's fine. In that case, I won't be polite to you."

Xin Mo Tianjun nodded slightly, "The inheritance of the Immortal can be obtained by those who are capable. It is thousands of miles west of the Luo God Realm, waiting for you to fight."


Xin Mo Tianjun turned and left.

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