Fortune Teller

Chapter 1466 The Descendants of Chaos Arrive

Deep in Waveless Reef.

The three supreme masters Luoshen, Zhuhai, and Timing kept taking action, and each secret technique contained ultimate power. At their level, many of the methods could not be understood beyond the realm of transcendence.

For example, material rules have long been integrated with one's own divine power and true energy to form special power.

With a wave of his hand, there was the mighty power of heaven, which suppressed Hun Ming's descendants in agony.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

After repeated bombardments, one of the descendants of Chaos was finally completely annihilated.

No matter how powerful the virtual and real magical powers are, they cannot stop the endless bombardment unless they completely hide in the world of nothingness and never show up again, but that is obviously unrealistic.

Descendants of confusion who have reached the half-step Supreme Realm can only stay away from this world for more than a hundred breaths at most. No matter how long they stay, there is a risk of getting lost.

Even Emperor Qiankun will not last more than a month.

"Damn it!"

The source beast emperor's heart burned with anger.

According to previous calculations, four descendants of Hun Ming were needed to build a bridge and allow him to touch the Holy Pill. Now that one of Hun Ming's descendants was missing, there was no hope of entering the depths of Waveless Reef.

"You don't have to stay here anymore. Go outside to the void and destroy all the practitioners along with the universe."

The black tide formed a huge wave, throwing the descendants of Hun Ming far away.

"Want to leave!"

Luoshen, Zhuhai, and Timing turned around to catch up.

As for Elder Yi Gong, he is still fighting fiercely with the Emperor's projection. Nothing is more dangerous than the Source Beast Emperor. Once this beast is allowed to escape, no matter where it goes, it may shake the Xihuang Formation and destroy the foundation of the heaven.

As long as the black craze is suppressed, it will be Elder Yi Gong's greatest achievement.

call out!

The descendants of Hun Ming are extremely fast and have no restrictions on the Wanlang Reef. Their bodies are constantly changing between reality and reality. Every time they escape, they are tens of billions of miles away.

With such a fast escape speed, even the three Supreme Beings of the Universe could not catch up.

"Among the various systems, the Void and Reality lineage is the best at preserving life and escaping. These descendants of Hunming have extremely high Void talents. When the two are combined, the escaping speed is really fast."

"As the emperor of the origin beast force, wouldn't it be ridiculous if he didn't even have this means? Try your best to chase him down!"

"It's a pity that the Wind-riding Supreme Lord is not here. With his wind-riding power, he can cross the distant void in one step. It is easy to hunt down these descendants of Chaos."

The three supreme beings looked at each other and chased each other in three directions.

After entering the Realm of Acting, each practitioner has formed his own unique rules, and his methods in a certain aspect have also been sharply enhanced. They are also practitioners of the Lower Way, and have similar rules for living beings. Maybe one person is good at frontal killing, The other person is good at escape.

Because their material rules are completely different.

Chengfeng Supreme is a strong man who has evolved the power of Chengfeng and is proficient in escape.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Roaring sounds were heard from time to time in the void, and the three supreme beings tried their best to chase and kill them, but they were unable to do anything to the descendants of Hun Ming.

After all, this is not Waveless Reef.

Those descendants of Chaos fled so fast that they could consume a large amount of spiritual power and recover from their injuries in a matter of seconds.

Tens of days later, the three Supremes received summons from the Xi Palace at the same time.

"Go to the eastern border immediately. The Origin Beast army is starting to fight. Every position is in danger." The voice of the master of Yi Ming Palace was quite anxious.

"The source beast forces really took action?!" Luo Shen's pupils shrank sharply.

"These Origin Beasts really want to destroy the Xihuang Heavenly Domain in one fell swoop." The Supreme Master of the Bamboo Sea looked cold.

"The war started so soon," a flash of fear flashed in Supreme Timin's eyes, "I'm back on the battlefield outside the territory."


The three supremes no longer paid attention to the descendants of Hun Ming and rushed towards the border.

Compared with the descendants of Chaos, the loss of the territory is the real big crisis. No matter how many practitioners die, as long as the territory is not destroyed, they can be re-cultivated.

But if even Xihuang's Heavenly Territory fell, rebuilding another Heavenly Territory would be as difficult as ascending to the sky.

Those Origin Beasts would not just watch the practitioners expand their territory and deploy the Heavenly Domain Divine Formation.

Soon, the three Hunming descendants noticed the problem and gathered together again.

"The Supreme Practitioner actually stopped chasing you?"

"The Lord must have made a new move. In addition to Wulang Reef, there are two other places that are also the emperor's targets. Perhaps those two places were successful in planning, or maybe the Lord mobilized the army to contain the power of the cultivation world."

"No matter what, we finally saved our lives. I don't want to waste the resurrection quota promised by the emperor."

"Where to go next?"

"I heard that there are still two nearby teleportation array stations that are still intact. You go over there. I will go to the Qiankun Realm for a walk. These practitioners are in great trouble. We must kill them all to be clean."

"By the way, those who were chasing us just now were Supreme Luo Shen, Supreme Zhuhai and Supreme Timing. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have failed. We will go to those three universe realms first and destroy all the practitioners."

"Okay, let's go there first!!"

The three Hunming descendants scattered and fled everywhere.

With the strength of the Peak Heavenly Lord, as long as he does not encounter beings like Luo Shen, he is almost invincible and does not need to join forces at all.

The main hall of Luoshen Realm.

Tianjun Luo Fang sat cross-legged, with a water mirror in front of him, completely reflecting the surrounding scenery of the Qiankun Realm.

The power of the universe surged violently, and the endless spiritual power kept the formations in motion, sealing the world's barriers.

Compared with the Void Secret Realm and the Teleportation Formation Station, the defensive capabilities of the Qiankun Realm are undoubtedly much stronger.

If the world barrier had not had a great impact on the cross-domain teleportation array, deploying the teleportation array within the universe would be the best choice.

But this is unlikely.

The world of Qiankun is the foundation for each Supreme to evolve his or her own Taoism, and it is also the source of gathering special power. If a teleportation array is to be deployed, all realms must be connected, and there will be no way to advance one's own Taoism.

This is the reason why only thirty-six main realm formations have been deployed in Qingxiao Tianyu.

Luo Shen, Zhu Hai, and Tim Ming all aspired to become acting elders. How could they be willing to cut off their own paths just to support a teleportation array of little use?

"There are more and more source beasts around, and I'm afraid it won't be long before there will be Qiankun realm source beasts. Such beings will be comparable to the peak heavenly kings, and it will be much more troublesome to deal with them."

“I don’t know how long the remaining Green Leaf Lake Station and Pinglan Island Station can last.”

Luo Fang Tianjun whispered to himself.

Suddenly, the water mirror in front of him trembled violently, and then the scene changed, and a strange bat beast hundreds of millions of feet tall appeared in the world of heaven and earth. Its huge wings were pitch black, its eyes were as red as fire, and it emitted shocking fluctuations.

"Hun... the descendants of Hunming!"

Luo Fangtianjun's expression suddenly changed.

In the whole world, only the descendants of Hun Ming can ignore the world's barriers and forcefully enter the Luo Shen Realm. The aura of this beast makes even the Qiankun Water Mirror tremble, and it is nine out of ten that it has reached the half-step supreme level.

"Fellow Taoist Cherish your life, come and support quickly. A descendant of Chaos Ming has entered the Luo Shen Realm. I am afraid that I alone cannot suppress it!"

After Luo Fang sent the message, he rushed out of the temple.

The mighty and endless power of the universe permeated his whole body, and the origin of the world shrouded his soul, causing his combat power to rise sharply.

In the Luoshen Realm, Luo Fang Tianjun is almost comparable to the peak Tianjun, but he is not afraid, which does not mean that those low-level practitioners are okay.

The fight between two peak heavenly kings is enough to turn the entire universe into scorched earth.


The descendants of Hun Ming looked around the void, and the huge power wiped out a state in an instant. In an instant, countless creatures fell, including the True Ideal Realm, the Venerable, the True Venerable, and even the Realm Venerable.

"Evil beast!!"

Tianjun Luo Fang roared angrily and came to the sky above the state. With the blessing of the world of heaven and earth, his material rules were also strengthened a lot. The palm seal of life and death was pressed down with a bang, directly smashing the descendant of Hun Ming into the dead space.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Fangtianjun took a step forward and walked in.

The dead space of the Qiankun Realm still belongs to the Qiankun Realm, and fighting there will not weaken his strength much.

The side hall of Luoshen Temple is a secret quiet room.

Yan Suqing, Gu Xiushu, Gu Xiuhan and others sat cross-legged, their faces a little solemn.

"Mom, what happened?"

Gu Xinning blinked her eyes.

"It's okay, a few enemies are coming to our door. Your father's strength is enough to handle them." Yan Suqing forced a smile.

Having said that, since the arrival of Lord Xin Mo, everyone has been staying in the quiet room for two months. There has been no movement outside, and the anxiety in their hearts has become more and more intense.

At this moment, a green figure rushed into the side hall, "The Luoshen Realm is no longer safe. I will take you to the quiet room of the main hall to take shelter, and then go to the teleportation array station later."

"Husband, could it be that the peak heavenly king has come to kill you?" Yan Suqing's face turned pale.

"Not him, but close enough."

Gu Xiuyun looked at everyone and secretly regretted it.

If I had known this, after regaining Green Leaf Lake, I should have brought everyone back to the Wuyang Sea Realm. Whether it was the Wuyang Sea Realm or the Evil Spirit Ruins Universe Realm, it was always safer than the Xihuang Heavenly Realm at the moment.

Of course, that being said, Wuyang Sea Realm may not be safe.

After all, it is not far from the Qingling Mountain realm where Xin Mo Tianjun lives. Xin Mo Tianjun has already met Yan Suqing, Gu Xinning and others. With the causal connection, he can easily figure out their whereabouts.

As for the Evil Spirit Ruins, those Qiankun Realm Source Beasts were attacking and killing them. Even if Yan Suqing and Gu Xiuhan could stop them, the rest of them couldn't.

Among the crowd, only the two of them have stepped into the Realm Master Realm.

"Suqing, the main hall of Luo Shen is protected by the divine power of incense and fire, and there is also a large formation in the main hall. You are proficient in the formation and should be able to control it. I will go and help fellow Taoist Luo Fang first. It's up to you here."

"Remember, if you have no choice, save your own life first. Even if others fall, you can still ask the strong to resurrect them. But you are practicing the Middle Way. Once you fall... you have truly fallen."

Gu Xiuyun repeatedly warned.

"Don't worry, I understand." Yan Suqing nodded heavily.

In the dead space, two figures collided back and forth.

The descendants of Hunming are full of blood, and every bombardment can severely damage the foundation of the world through the dead space. With the collision again and again, the Luoshen Realm will collapse sooner or later.

Without the protection of Qiankun Realm, Luo Shen might fall.

"You evil beast, take my punch."

Luo Fangtianjun's eyes flashed with black and white light, and the rules of life and death turned into fists, smashing towards the bat beast.


The descendant of Hun Ming was hit and flew out, but there was no damage on his body.

The Source Beast Emperor is too powerful.

It is also a martial arts true body based on the virtual system and in line with the world's routes. Its life-saving ability is almost terrifying.

"Just you? An ordinary heavenly king only relies on the protection of the Qiankun Realm to fight against this emperor. If he were outside the Qiankun Realm, he would only need three moves to kill you." The descendant of Hun Ming showed disdain.


A voice came, "What if you count me again!"

The descendant of Hun Ming turned his head and saw a thousand-foot rhinoceros standing in the sky. The aura around his body was as cold as fire. The power of fate fluctuated violently and turned into a blade.

"It's you!!"

The descendant of Hunming suddenly widened his eyes, a look of madness flashed in his eyes.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, this descendant of Hun Ming seems to know you?" Tianjun Luo Fang whispered.

"It is one of the four descendants of Hunming hidden in Wulang Reef. I still remember the fluctuations of this beast's aura."

Gu Xiuyun responded.

"Why did the Hun Ming descendant of Wulang Reef end up here? Could something have happened there?" Luo Fang Tianjun's expression changed.

"Wilang Reef has nothing to do with us. We must suppress this beast first. If it fails, we will have to drive it out of the Qiankun Realm. If it is allowed to wreak havoc, the Luoshen Realm will not last long." Gu Xiuyun said seriously.


The next moment, the rules of life and death filled the world and turned into black and white palm prints.

Gu Xiuyun's true energy surged around his body, forming an extremely complicated secret pattern. The power of fate shrouded the void, making the descendants of Hun Ming a little uneasy.

"No matter how powerful they are, they are just two peak heavenly kings. I am born with virtual and real supernatural powers and am the best at saving lives. How can I still be afraid of you?"

The descendant of Hunming's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he suppressed the uneasiness in his heart. He merged his bloodline magical power with his sharp claws and slashed at the two of them.


The sharp claws tore open the barrier of heaven and earth in front of Luo Fang Tianjun, and even a crack appeared in his tough body.

Gu Xiuyun was not much better either.

The void domain was useless in front of the claws, and the true form of the rhinoceros was forcibly torn apart, with some cracks in the sixth-level physical body.

These two claws are no less powerful than Xin Mo Tianjun's Heavenly Sword of Destiny. Even if it is not 100% powerful, it is close to 80% powerful.

at the same time.

The secret pattern diagram penetrated into the system of the descendants of Hun Ming. In an instant, the aura of the beast soul mind was sharply weakened, the vision was blurred, and the aura was much weaker than the previous moment.

Immediately afterwards, the black and white palm prints that manifested the rules of life and death were pressed down with a bang.

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