Fortune Teller

Chapter 1467 Lingxu Supreme


The black and white palm prints smashed the bat beast to pieces like a piece of wood. Under the suppression of the secret pattern, the bloodline magical power was almost destroyed, and most of the mind and will were annihilated. How could it be possible to withstand the full blow of the Lord of Life and Death?

The cooperation between Gu Xiuyun and Luo Fang Tianjun is far more powerful than the simple cooperation of the soul system or the material system. It is absolutely impossible for two Tianjuns of life and death to hurt the descendants of Hunming to such an extent!

"Don't let it have a chance to breathe, suppress the seal as quickly as possible." Gu Xiuyun said urgently.

If a Origin Beast that is comparable to a peak Heavenly King were to wreak havoc in the Luoshen Realm, the entire Qiankun Realm would collapse within three to five days at most.

"Don't worry, it can't escape!"

Luo Fang Tianjun's eyes flashed with coldness, "Everywhere in the Qiankun Realm is blocked by restrictions, and suppressed by the power of Qiankun. Its flying insect clones cannot escape. It just has to trouble fellow Taoists to continuously display the secret patterns. Don't let it A chance to escape."


Gu Xiuyun turned his palm, and the twisted rules of fate filled the void, forming a new secret pattern.

Martial arts energy combined with the rules of fate, the two methods are used in turn, which is enough to stun the descendants of Hunming indefinitely. As for killing this beast... don't even think about it.

It is not the descendant of confusion trapped in Waveless Reef.

The source beast was trapped deep in the reef and could not reveal its true form at all. It could only rely on flying insects to connect to the world.

Everyone can use soul attacks with confidence.

The Descendant of Chaos in front of him would not just stand there and wait for death, not to mention that Gu Xiuyun did not carry the Sky of Destiny, and his mind and will could not bear too many secret patterns.

After a few breaths, a wisp of blood fluctuation appeared.

Before the virtual and real magical power could be activated, the secret pattern suddenly fell down, striking at the fate line in the dark, and attacking directly at the essence of life. Even the descendants of Hun Ming were helpless.

I can only bear it forcefully.

"You dare to break into the Luo God Realm, you will suffer," Luo Fang Tianjun laughed, "I have already sent a message to Lord Luo God. Soon, a Supreme Being will come and completely destroy this beast. Let's forget it. Even if I get all the credit, I can share half of it.”

"Half... twenty-five Xi beads." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Killing the peak heavenly king is worth a hundred Xi Zhu. The two of them will take half, and the Qiankun Supreme will take half. Evenly divided, he can also get twenty-five Xi Zhu, which is equivalent to killing twenty-five heavenly kings. It’s quite a gain.

At this moment, Luo Fang's expression suddenly changed, "The two descendants of Hun Ming attacked and killed the teleportation array station. Pinglan Island and Green Leaf Lake were destroyed, and all the garrison troops perished."

"What? Green Leaf Lake is gone?" Gu Xiuyun's heart trembled suddenly.

"Those garrison commanders are all warriors, and they are in the Nine Difficulties or above. With the ability of the descendants of Hun Ming, they will not kill them. If they know that the beast is suppressed here and come to support...then it will be troublesome! "

Luo Fang Tianjun frowned.

"When will Supreme Qiankun arrive?" Gu Xiuyun asked anxiously.

"It would take half a day at the fastest for the teleportation array to collapse, but at the speed of the descendants of Hun Ming, it would not even take three sticks of incense to get from Green Leaf Lake to Pinglan Island." Luo Fang Tianjun said.

The descendants of Hun Ming are most powerful at saving their lives and escaping, and their fighting methods are far less powerful than those of other peak heavenly kings.

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, turned his fingers, and began to calculate silently.

After a moment, his face showed a hint of paleness, "The cause and effect of the Xihuang Heavenly Domain has been disrupted, and I can't figure it out. I'm afraid we have to prepare for the worst."

"Luo Fang, I will release some of my strength first and lead the clan members out of here. I will leave the descendants of Hun Ming to you."

After the words fell, Gu Xiuyun's body was split into two. Both bodies were at about 50%, and their aura was much weaker than before.

"Fellow Taoist Cherish your life, take away those Realm Masters as well!"

Luo Fangtianjun sighed, "If the descendants of the two Hunmings really come, the Luo Shen Realm will definitely not be saved. I have the source of life and death, so there is no harm in protecting myself. I am afraid that not many of my subordinates will be able to survive."


Gu Xiuyun nodded in response.

A moment later, a flying boat rushed into the void, randomly chose a remote direction, and sped away.

In the vast void, beasts from the Seven Difficulties Source can be seen everywhere.

In order to attack the Xihuang Heavenly Domain, the Origin Beast forces captured countless Origin Beasts, including tens of thousands of Heavenly Lords, not to mention the Seventh and Eighth Difficulties? ? In comparison, the Qiankun Realm is much safer than the void outside the realm.

If Luo Shen Realm hadn't been targeted by the descendants of Hun Ming, there would be no need to flee to the void.

"I'm afraid no place in the vast world is safe."

Looking at the boundless void of chaos, Gu Xiuyun's expression was extremely heavy.

The changes in the heavenly secrets of the Xihuang Heavenly Domain have been completely disrupted. Countless powerful people have gathered around the territory, each of them is blocking the secrets of cause and effect and guarding against powerful enemies. Not to mention Gu Xiuyun, even the Emperor Qiankun may not be able to calculate anything at this moment.

"Husband, life or death is up to you, so you don't have to worry too much," Yan Suqing smiled slightly, "At the beginning, I was just a small pulse-opening practitioner, and I would be satisfied if I could live for three to four hundred years. But now I have stepped out of the holy world of reincarnation. , became a Realm Master, and spent hundreds of millions of years of leisurely life in the Luoshen Realm. Compared with the creatures in Wuxiangtian, I should be content. "

"Stop talking nonsense."

Gu Xiuyun shouted in a low voice, "If I can't even protect you, wouldn't my practice in this life be ridiculous?"


The flying boat rushed into the depths of the void.

In the Luo God Realm, Gu Xiuyun and Luo Fang Tianjun looked solemn, suppressing the descendants of Hun Ming while waiting for the other two descendants of Hun Ming who might come.

After a long time.

Luo Fangtianjun's eyes brightened slightly, "There is a message from Zhenhen that a descendant of Hunming appears in the Bamboo Sea Realm."

"With the strength of Tianjun Canhen and Taoist Hedu, combined with the Qiankun Realm, they are enough to deal with the descendants of Hunming." Gu Xiuyun showed a relaxed look on his face.

At this moment, the violent power enveloped the world, and bloodline fluctuations swept across all states. All living creatures felt the oppression from the depths of the void.

"The second descendant of confusion!"

Luo Fang Tianjun's face turned dark, "Fellow Daoist Xi Ming, you have to deal with this beast. I will suppress its companions. I must hold on until the Supreme Lord of the Universe comes."


Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

At this moment, he only had 50% combat power, which was not enough to suppress the seriously injured descendant of Hun Ming, let alone deal with the second descendant of Hun Ming who was in peak condition.


Luo Fangtianjun turned and left.

Not long after, there was a roar in the distance, and the second Hun Ming descendant fought fiercely with Luo Fang Tianjun.

The surrounding void trembled violently, and cracks appeared in the world's barriers. According to this situation, the Luoshen Realm will collapse in three or two days at most.

"As long as the descendant of Hun Ming survives, I don't know how many worlds will suffer. This beast must be suppressed here." Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with sharp light, and his whole body's true energy circulated rapidly, and his aura increased from 50% to 70%.

The other clone can only maintain 30% of its combat power.

This is his limit.

With 30% combat power, the rhinoceros can barely move in its true form. Even if it encounters a Tianjun-level source beast, it is still sure to deal with it.

One secret pattern after another passed through the flying insects, destroying the sea of ​​mind and consciousness of the descendants of Hun Ming, and tearing apart the long river of destiny.

Time passed slowly, the sound of fighting in the distance became more and more intense, and even the dead space began to crack.

And the flying boats wandering in the void of Hunyuan were also in danger one after another.

The Seven Difficulty Origin Beasts and the Eight Difficulty Origin Beasts were no match for Gu Xiuyun, so they sent messages for help. In just a moment, the Nine Difficulty Origin Beasts came to attack and kill them.

"When will the Supreme Lord of the Universe arrive? Just half an hour after leaving the Luoshen Realm, several Nine Difficulties Origin Beasts appeared. I'm afraid the Heavenly Lord Level Origin Beasts are not far away either."

Gu Xiuyun raised his head and looked at the sky, feeling extremely anxious.

The Hunyuan Void is indeed more dangerous than the Luoshen Realm. Facing the Nine Difficulties Source Beast, he is still sure to isolate the impact of cause and effect and will.

But if a Heavenly Sovereign-level source beast appears, and its will impact is pervasive, mother, eldest sister, Gu Xinning... will almost certainly die.

This is another reason why Gu Xiuyun has not taken his tribe to Green Leaf Lake for a long time.


A majestic soul thought came to the world, and the soul thought enveloped tens of billions of miles of void, forming a phantom of the universe.

The supreme supernatural power...a thought of the universe! !

"So fast?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes widened, "Didn't you say it would take at least half a day?"

From the time Luo Fang Tianjun sent the message to the present, it has only been about an hour, and the Supreme Lord of Heaven and Earth has arrived?

The moment it sensed the aura of the Supreme, the second descendant of Hun Ming hurriedly hid in the world of nothingness, his bloodline magical power violently running, and fled towards the outside of the Luoshen Realm.

"Want to leave? I am not an inferior practitioner like Zhuhai and Timing."

A sneer came from the depths of the Qiankun phantom, "You have two descendants of Hunming here, and you can still persist until now. It's not easy!"

Before he finished speaking, a streak of bloody sword light passed through the void.


The descendant of Hun Ming, who had been arrogant just now, lost all his vitality, his mind and will were sharply weakened, and then, another sword fell.

The aura of the Descendants of Hunming weakened again.

Then comes the third sword.

With just three sword strikes, a peak heavenly king fell completely.

"Supreme Killer." Gu Xiuyun and Luo Fangtianjun swallowed.

Killing practitioners are indeed the most terrifying group of people in all major systems. Other systems fight with each other and can still come and go.

When encountering a cultivator of killing, if you are not careful, your body will perish and your Tao will disappear.

Shit! !

The bloody sword light came in front of Gu Xiuyun, and with just two sword strikes, the suppressed Hun Ming descendant also fell.

"You two are also lucky. The teleportation array I was riding in was destroyed by the source beast. I was about to go to the border for support. When I received the message asking for help, I took a detour. If I waited for the Supreme from the Xi Palace to arrive, the Luo Shen Realm would be on the verge of collapse. Not far away either.”

The shadow of the universe dispersed, and a young Taoist carrying a heavy sword appeared in the dead space.

"Junior Luo Fang, I have met Lord Lingxu." Tianjun Luo Fang saw the Taoist's face clearly and bowed quickly.

"Junior cherishes his life and has met Lord Lingxu." Gu Xiuyun then bowed.

The sword-carrying Taoist nodded slightly, "Besides your place, there are two Qiankun Realms in danger, namely the Bamboo Sea Realm and the Hongliu Realm. Those two places are slightly closer, but compared to the Qiankun Realm Origin Beast, the descendants of Hunming are more It’s dangerous, so I came here first.”

"The two descendants of Chaos Ming died one after another. Those origin beasts must have gotten the message and fled in all directions. You two are quite strong. You don't need to both guard this world. Just leave one person behind."

With that said, the sword-carrying Taoist looked at Gu Xiuyun, "I have just seen you use the secret art of destiny. Without the blessing of material rules and the world of heaven and earth, you can actually suppress the descendants of Hunming. This method is no less than the peak heavenly king. Who are you?" How come I’ve never heard of him?”

"This junior comes from the Holy World of Reincarnation," Gu Xiuyun bowed in response, "It was not long ago that I realized the secret of destiny, so not many people know about it."

"I see."

The sword-carrying Taoist had a look of surprise on his face, "There happens to be a shortage of destiny practitioners on the border, so just follow me!!"


Gu Xiuyun hesitated.

If he goes to the border, he won't be able to distract himself from protecting his relatives and friends.

"What, you don't want to?" The sword-carrying Taoist looked slightly cold, "The cultivation world can grow step by step, and it has gone through many sacrifices and fights. If everyone is as timid as you and lives in an ignoble way, the cultivation world will be gone long ago."

"I don't care about others. You are the pinnacle heavenly king and a practitioner of destiny. There is no room for retreat."

"Senior has misunderstood," Gu Xiuyun explained, "Senior, there are several close relatives nearby. If I am not here, what if there is a Qiankun realm source beast that attacks and kills..."

"That's it!"

The face of the sword-carrying Taoist became slightly softer.

There are not many practitioners who value the descendants of their clansmen, not to mention they are close relatives, so it is not surprising that the other party has such concerns.

"You come with me. As for your clansmen, wait until another Supreme Lord of the Universe arrives and he will take them to the main realm of the Heavenly Realm. It will still be safe there." The sword-backing Taoist said softly.

"Thank you, senior."

Gu Xiuyun's face showed joy.

"Let's go!"

The supreme aura filled the void, and in an instant, another world of heaven and earth was formed tens of billions of miles around, coinciding with the Luoshen world, but not interfering with each other.

The sword-carrying Taoist waved his hand and took Gu Xiuyun to the frontier.

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