Fortune Teller

Chapter 1468 Descendants of the Qiankun Realm

Bamboo Sea Realm.

The third descendant of Hun Ming was fighting fiercely with Zan Hen and He Du when he suddenly swayed and fled into the depths of the void. When he reappeared, he had already crossed tens of billions of miles and flew towards the outside of the universe.


Tianjun Canhen looked puzzled, "How many hours are left until the Supreme Arrival, is it so careful?"

"Perhaps there was some accident that prevented it from staying." He Du guessed.

While he was talking, a message came, 'Supreme Ling Xu came to the Luo God Realm and beheaded two descendants of Hun Ming. ’

"No wonder, Lord Lingxu is here in person. Not to mention that this Hunming descendant is only half-step to the supreme level. Even if he breaks through the realm and enters the universe, he is still no match for you." Tianjun Canhen breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Xu Supreme, in the late stage of Yan Zhen Realm, his simple realm is much higher than that of the descendants of Hun Ming, and he is also the most terrifying practitioner of the Way of Killing.

"You still have to be careful, lest the descendant of chaos comes back," Hedu said.

In the void, the strange bat beast flashed and appeared, its leaf-like wings waving slightly, it was billions of miles away.

"Both Jie and Yao are actually dead?"

"It's only been an hour. It's only been an hour. How could the supreme cultivator come so quickly? He's still a murderous cultivator."

"It's all because of that destiny!"

"If he hadn't rushed into Wulang Reef, the emperor's plan would not have failed, and Jie Heifeng would not have died!"

The eyes of the descendants of Hun Ming flashed fiercely.

They did not dare to tell the Origin Beast Emperor about the appearance of Gu Xiuyun and Xin Mo Tianjun at Wulang Reef. If the Emperor knew about it, it would be because they did not stop the practitioners in time, which led to the failure of the plan. Not to mention the credit, even their lives would be lost. Gotta lose it.

"When the war at the border of the heaven domain stabilizes, those practitioners will definitely sweep away the source beasts everywhere. This emperor will inevitably die. In this case, why stay in the realm of the realm? At worst, after resurrection, he will slowly accumulate military merits and repay the losses."

The bat beast whispered to himself.

Resurrecting the Universe Supreme and resurrecting the Half-Step Supreme are completely different concepts, and the cost is ten times different.

The Origin Beast Emperor only promised to resurrect a half-step supreme, and the excess consumption could only be borne by themselves. Although these descendants of Chaos Ming were emperors of the Origin Beast lineage, they did not have much wealth in their hands.

Once he breaks through, it means that he will have to work for the emperor for endless years in the future.

"If you don't kill this person, my emperor's hatred will never go away."

The eyes of the descendants of Hun Ming flashed brightly, and messages passed through the mind space to the surrounding source beasts.

Soon, a large number of Nine Difficulties Origin Beasts and Heavenly Lord Level Origin Beasts arrived.

"Sir, what are you calling me for?"

The Origin Beasts bowed their heads, appearing extremely obedient. There was a huge gap between the Heavenly Lord and the Peak Heavenly Lord, and they were suppressed by their bloodline. Facing the descendants of Hun Ming, they could not think of any resistance.

"The emperor wants you... to help me break through!"

The descendant of Hunming opened his mouth wide, and the violent virtual and real supernatural powers enveloped all the origin beasts.

"not good!"

Several Heavenly Lord-level origin beasts reacted and wanted to escape, but they were enveloped by the omnipresent power. The virtual and real magical powers combined with the will of the inner state made all the origin beasts trapped in a cage, making it difficult to escape.

Gulu! ! Gulu!

One after another, the source beasts were devoured, and the inner world, life core, and physical body were all integrated into the bodies of the descendants of Hunming.

Gradually, the inner world of the descendants of Hun Ming began to undergo its final evolution, and the divine power of the bloodline also increased sharply. Invisible power enveloped the whole body. The special rules originating from the void of Hun Ming caused it to transform and evolve at an incredible speed.

Compared with practitioners, the beasts from outside the world are the favorites of Hunyuan Void. They are born as true masters. After a little training and swallowing a few of their own kind, they can become world masters.

After breaking through the realm and entering the universe, the practitioner's strength increases by up to 50%, while the origin beast's strength increases several times.

I saw the descendant of Hun Ming panting violently, and the divine power of his bloodline rapidly transformed under the influence of the supreme rules. The divine power merged with the material rules and evolved into a special power that was unique to him.

The Qiankun realm source beasts that have just broken through can directly enter the early stage of acting without even having to comprehend Taoism. One can imagine how talented they are.

For countless practitioners, it takes one step from the early stage of the Qiankun Realm to the early stage of the True Realm, but it takes hundreds of millions of years, even tens of billions, or hundreds of billions of years.

These source beasts... don't need anything, the mixed source void directly gives them power.

"The early stage of acting!"

"With my current magical powers, if I encounter the three previous Supreme Beings of Heaven and Earth again, except for Luo Shen, the other two will be able to compete head-on."

"Jie and Yao have been dead for almost two hours. The Killing Supreme must have left. The war on the border is urgent and he cannot stay nearby forever."

"It's time to take action!"

A bloodthirsty sneer flashed in the eyes of the descendant of Hunming.


The huge bat body flew towards Luoshen Realm.

The beasts outside the world do not have a world of heaven and earth. In other words, the world of heaven and earth is their own body. There is no world of heaven and earth in the world. It is completely evolved by practitioners imitating the heaven and earth.

The life in the mixed source void - initially there were only source beasts and no practitioners.

Xi Palace.

The master of Yi Ming Palace sat cross-legged with an extremely stern look on his face.

"Palace Master, the number of Qiankun Realm source beasts is increasing, and there are also many Hunming descendants wreaking havoc everywhere. In just a few days, five Qiankun Realms have collapsed."

"Without the protection of the Qiankun Realm, those supreme beings would be helpless when fighting, and it would be difficult for them to compete with the source beasts at the same level."


Listening to everyone's replies, Master Yi Ming shook his head and sighed, "It seems that Xihuang Tianyu will also learn from Qingxiao Palace and build some immeasurable worlds."

"Master Mingjian." The elders on both sides said respectfully.

The world of immeasurable species was created to deal with the power of the source beasts. The world master who practices this method only needs to reach the Eight Dilemma Realm to open up the world of heaven and earth.

Countless species of worlds are spread all over the heavens, and can even serve as a base for cultivators on battlefields outside the territory.

And those who are the true Supreme Beings of the Universe can keep the Universe Realm in the core area, and their chances of saving their lives are much greater.

clatter! ! clatter! clatter!

With a rush of footsteps, the deacon of the branch hall hurriedly walked into the meeting hall, "Palace Master, the Observation Mirror found extremely strong fluctuations in the universe near the Bamboo Sea Realm. It is suspected that the peak Heavenly Lord-level Origin Beast has broken through. According to previous intelligence, it has The only one with this level of the descendant of Hunming."

"What? Descendants of Hun Ming?" Palace Master Yi Ming's face changed drastically, "When are these Hun Ming descendants no longer afraid of death? How dare they break through in the Xihuang Heavenly Domain? The cost of resurrecting a Qiankun realm source beast is higher than that of practitioners at the same level. too much."

Being talented has powerful advantages and disadvantages.

Practitioners rely on the realm of Taoism, and there are many restrictions on reincarnation, but the price of resurrection is very small.

Because after reincarnation, he is just an ordinary mortal and needs to practice on his own and recover step by step.

The beasts from outside the world are different. They are true masters when they are born, with no lack of mind, will, magical power and memory. Resurrecting a beast from the universe realm is enough to make the infinite saints vomit blood.

"Palace Master, the descendant of the Qiankun realm is a hundred times more dangerous than the ordinary source beast. If it is allowed to wreak havoc in the void, it will be enough to destroy most of the Xihuang Heavenly Domain. I am willing to go and kill it." Elder Tiandu stepped out.

"The descendants of Hun Ming in the Qiankun Realm are extremely difficult to deal with. I'm afraid you can't do it alone," Palace Master Yi Ming frowned and thought for a moment, "Since we are near the Bamboo Sea Realm, let Ling Xu help you."


Elder Tiandu turned and left.

As soon as he walked out of the Xihuang Realm, a silver-white spell enveloped his whole body, and then, the flesh and blood energy surged like a frenzy.


Elder Tiandu fled away so fast that even Luo Shen, Zhu Hai and others looked at him and sighed.

"Tiandu cultivates the power of Yaojin. He is best at escaping and penetrating. With the help of the emperor-level void talisman, he can get there in up to three hours."

"With him and Ling Xu, it should be enough to deal with the descendants of Hun Ming."

Looking at the retreating figure, Palace Master Yi Ming nodded slightly.

Suddenly, a roar echoed throughout the world.

The expressions of everyone in the hall suddenly darkened. In the distant sky, a vague shadow of Qingtian appeared, fighting hard with the two Emperors of the Universe.

Only the shadow can compete with the two emperors. Apart from the existence above the universe, there is no other possibility.

"When Lord Xihuang returns, we must kill all these evil beasts." Palace Master Yi Ming clenched his fists.

Luo Shen Realm.

Except for the Nine Difficulties Realm Master, the remaining Realm Masters, Yan Suqing, Gu Xiushu, Yu Qianhu and others are all in the main hall of Luo Shen.

Compared to Hunyuan Void, Luoshen Realm is undoubtedly much safer.

"Not long after, the Supreme Lord of the Universe will come and take you to the Xihuang Realm. No matter how rampant the Origin Beast is, you will never dare to go there."

Gu Xiuyun said with a smile.

At this moment, this clone is only 10% of its peak state, and its strength is not much stronger than that of the Nine Difficulties Realm Master, but as long as a crisis comes, it can recover quickly.

"It doesn't matter to us."

Yan Suqing looked at the person in front of her with tears in her eyes, "It's you, there are so many Origin Beasts on the border of the Heaven Realm, and the Supremes of the Universe are emerging one after another. You must be careful."

"I will."

Gu Xiuyun nodded heavily, "Even if I really die, as a peak heavenly king, great beings such as Taiyi Immortal Emperor and Emperor Xi will resurrect me. The value of a peak heavenly king is not comparable to that of ordinary heavenly kings."

"Even so, you still have to be careful. I heard that the source beast forces have many methods to prevent practitioners from reincarnation forever." Yan Suqing continued to warn.

"Brothers and sisters, just relax!!"

Gu Xiushu came over and said, "My third brother has always been witty. He has always been the only one who plots against others. When anyone else plots against him, he will definitely be safe and sound."

Gu Xiuyun smiled and was about to say something when his face suddenly changed. "No, the descendant of Hun Ming who escaped has broken through. It will definitely destroy all the surrounding Qiankun Realm. Go quickly, get out of here quickly."

"What, the descendants of Hunming broke through?"

Luo Fangtianjun's shocked voice came from above the palace.

Gu Xiuyun raised his hand and put Yan Suqing and others into the cave flying boat, preparing to fly out of the Luo Shen Realm——

Suddenly, the world trembled.

A huge and vast phantom of the universe shrouded the Luo Shen Realm. The vast phantom looked like a bat.

"how so??"

Gu Xiuyun's heart felt cold. Only then did Lingxu Supreme get the message. The descendant of Hunming rushed to the Luo God Realm. Did it come specifically to the Luo God Realm?

Infinite power to suppress.

There was almost no resistance in the Luoshen Realm, countless states began to collapse, and the void collapsed everywhere.

In a world without the control of the Lord of the Universe, and without a top formation like the Demon Palace, how can one resist the Origin Beast of the Universe?

What's more, this is not an ordinary source beast.

Descendants of the Qiankun Realm's Hun Ming are powerful enough to compete with Zhuhai Supreme and Timing Supreme.

In an instant, countless creatures were annihilated.

Gu Xiuyun's martial arts body disintegrated inch by inch, and his causal powers even affected the other two clones.

The cave flying boat also collapsed and was annihilated at an extremely fast speed.

The entire Luoshen Realm turned into ruins in just a few breaths...


Beside Lingxu Supreme, the cyan figure quietly disappeared.

The karma and magic powers of the descendants of Hunming in the Qiankun realm have far exceeded the limit of Gu Xiuyun's endurance. Lingxu Supreme is not good at isolating the karma of heaven and earth, and cannot protect him.

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