Fortune Teller

Chapter 1470 Mistress?

"Junior, do you really think I don't dare to touch you? Just a word from me, just a mere World Master, and I can prevent you from reincarnation forever."

A murderous intent flashed in the corner of Xin Xiang's eyes.

As the elder of the Qishen Temple's acting method, his status is second only to the masters of the various palaces, and he can be called the top of the immortal world. In front of them, the Tianjun and the Half-Step Supreme are not even qualified to stand.

Even the veteran supremes such as Qingling, Luoshen, and Zhuhai have to retreat three points.

When a person like this gets angry, destroying several worlds is a trivial matter, let alone killing a world leader?

"Then you can try it."

Gu Xiuyun looked indifferent, "I'm afraid that if you lose your wife and lose the army, you won't get any benefits, and you will get into trouble."

Supreme Xin Xiang narrowed his eyes and made secret calculations in his heart.

Indeed, as an elder in the Acting Realm, even if he really kills Gu Xiuyun, he will only receive some punishment and will not lose his life.

But you must know that once Gu Xiuyun dies, the world of Qiankun will collapse, the plan to repair the ancient divine city will fail, and tens of millions of years of efforts will be in vain.

Supreme Qingling can't hide such a big thing even if he wants to. The master of the Demon Dang Palace and the law enforcement elders from all parties will definitely be held accountable, and even the Taiyi Immortal Emperor will intervene.

At that time, the inheritance of the mortal immortal will be exposed to the world. With Xin Xiang's supreme status, can he keep this inheritance?


The Sky of Destiny will only fall into the hands of another Emperor of Destiny, and Supreme Xin Xiang will have no benefit except being punished.

Supreme Xin Xiang has been practicing for endless years, how could he not understand this truth?

"Elder Xin," Supreme Qing Ling whispered, "no matter how much you hate Junior Xianyun, you should not do anything in this situation. After all, he is the core disciple of Qingxiao Palace. In full view of everyone... I can't turn a blind eye."

"If you really want to do something, you can wait until the city of God is restored. By then, no one will care about his life or death."

"Okay, I'll give you this face," Supreme Xin Xiang took a deep breath, "When the divine city reappears, I will come to the Evil Spirit Ruins in person. By then, anyone who dares to stop me will only die."

The old man with the black jade crown turned around and flew into the void passage.


Looking at the disappearing figure, Gu Xiuyun's body trembled slightly and he almost fell to the ground.

Just a moment ago, the endless pressure of will swept through his body. As long as he showed any sign of being unable to hold on, Supreme Xin Xiang would seize the opportunity.

Fortunately, Gu Xiuyun's mind and will were strong enough, and he could barely maintain it in his own universe.

"Xianyun, how could you offend Elder Xin Xiang??" Supreme Qingling came outside the stone palace, frowning, "Do you know how powerful he is? How high is his status?"

"The elder of the Acting Dharma Realm is so famous, how could he not know about it?" Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled.

"No, he is not just an acting elder," Qing Ling Supreme looked at him with serious eyes, "He is also a practitioner of destiny. Many important people in Qingxiao Palace rely on this person, and there are even several palace masters who owe him favors."

"If it weren't for the ancient divine city, with his status, even if he killed you in public, it wouldn't cause any trouble. Even the law enforcement elders would cover it up for him, and even I can't help you."

Supreme Qingling took a deep breath and said, "Now that this person has spoken, if you can't get what you want before the divine city appears, you will really be doomed."

"Thank you, senior, for delaying for me," Gu Xiuyun bowed and clasped his fists, "There are only a million years left before the divine city is completely restored!"

"That's not necessarily the case," Qing Ling Supreme shook his head slightly, "I have been reporting to Qingxiao Palace according to Bai Lu's progress. You are much faster than him. According to the current situation, it will take tens of millions of years to truly complete the project."

Tens of millions of years... Gu Xiuyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the time is short, one more day is better than one less day. With the sky of destiny in hand, it is much easier to understand the path of destiny. Even if the inheritance of the immortal is lost by then, the hope of entering the realm of heaven and earth will be much greater than before.

"Xin Xiang has a very high status and has many friendships. If you have offended him, it is best not to walk outside." Qing Ling Supreme pondered for a moment and warned, "Especially in Qingxiao Tianyu, once this person notices, he will definitely take advantage of it. It will take your life and even prevent you from being reincarnated.”

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me."

Gu Xiuyun bowed slightly, with a sad smile on his face.

All his relatives, friends and tribesmen have perished. Even if he is allowed to leave, where can he go? ? Now, he just wants to stay quietly in the world of heaven and earth, comprehend the sky of destiny, and practice Taoism.

No one is sure whether Taiyi Immortal Emperor can comprehend the Way of Ten Thousand Dharmas.

In this case, he can only try it on his own.

The true form of the human race does not know the taboo of cultivating both lines, nor does he know how to understand it, but he understands that only if his cultivation level is high enough can he protect his loved ones around him.

Putting aside the simple words, just asking the Infinite Holy One to resurrect his mother and daughter would cost a lot of money.

"You can take care of yourself." Supreme Qingling shook his head and left.

Gu Xiuyun walked back to the stone palace silently.

The palace was empty and extremely cold. In the past, he never felt it was deserted, but now, there was an inexplicable chill.

No matter how cold the world is, it can't compare to the coldness in my heart.

"There is no one in this world that I can miss anymore!"

Gu Xiuyun sighed softly and waved his palms.

The entire stone palace collapsed, countless rubbles formed a low hill, and a courtyard exactly like the Wushan courtyard appeared on the top of the mountain.

The breeze stirred.

The mountain echoed with the sound of the wind, emitting a sad low roar.

The green figure sat motionless in the courtyard, as if he had turned into a statue.

At the same time, in the ghost purgatory of Jiuzhongyuntian, a messenger in wooden clothes shrouded in fog walked into it. Since then, he has never left...

The source world of all laws.

Deep in the wind and snow, at the top of the steep Kalachakra Mountain, a female cultivator in plain robes sat cross-legged, practicing with her eyes closed.

This is the only secret realm of time and space in the entire Wanfa Origin World, and it is also the most suitable place for a breakthrough.

If it weren't for the dense gathering of venerable-level beasts around and the many dangers, I don't know how many ninth-grade ancestors would have broken through here.


Rays of electric light shuttled around the body, and the black hole particles in Gu Yue's body became more and more concentrated.

Finally, countless particles collapsed and crossed over to an unprecedented level.

In the entire Holy World of Samsara, there has never been a martial arts master of the particle route. The strongest one before was Gu Xiuyun - the twelfth level of true meaning.

As for Zhenzun Baize, he cultivates the world route, and his mental and will requirements are much lower, so he cannot be considered a true warrior.

Each black hole particle expands and collapses, and its power becomes more and more powerful. There are faint signs of transcending the world and forming a system of its own.

Ten years, twenty years, fifty years... More than six hundred years have passed.

The black hole particles finally complete their final transformation.

The shackles of heaven and earth disappeared. In an instant, traces of broken memories emerged from the deepest part of the true spirit. The long-lasting memories actually had a sense of simplicity and desolation, as if they spanned endless years.

Those memories are short and incomplete, fleeting in my mind and then disappearing completely.

"Only those above the Venerable level can leave a mark in the deepest part of the mind. It seems that my predecessor was also a Venerable." Gu Yue opened her eyes with some confusion on her face, "But why is there only a little bit of memory, and not even the specific scene? I can’t see clearly, this has never happened in the realm of heaven.”

While he was thinking, a hundred-foot crack appeared in the void ahead.

The space in the Source World of Ten Thousand Dharmas is so stable, but at this moment, the cracks are getting bigger and bigger, even forming a wide channel.

In the passage, a white-haired young man and two maids walked through.

"Void Passage? Who are you?" Gu Yue looked wary.

A maid smiled and said, "You can freely walk in the world of the source of all laws, what do you think? There will be a prize for guessing correctly!"

"Qingxiao Palace??"

Gu Yue's expression moved slightly. Before breaking through the realm, she had already passed through the Six Illusion Realms and obtained the inheritance of Huan Shan Taoist.

Could it be that Taoist Huanshan sent his disciples to pick him up?

No, she is just a Venerable. She does not have a perfect path among the five elements, wind and thunder, time and space, so what qualifications does she have to leave the holy world of reincarnation? ?

"You guessed it right!"

The maid's eyebrows arched as she smiled, "This is the Taiyi Immortal Emperor, and also my master. From now on, you will be our mistress!"


Gu Yue's face suddenly turned cold.

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