Fortune Teller

Chapter 1471 Ancient Immortal Body

"Biyu, don't mess around."

The white-haired young man scolded in a deep voice, looking deeply at Gu Yue, "There is indeed a glimmer of hope between heaven and earth. I have been waiting for so many years, and I thought it was impossible."

"Master, she had no hope of becoming enlightened, just because the fate of heaven and earth went wrong. That kid was an accident, and her fate also went wrong," a maid reminded quietly, "Can the same method be used on the mistress... "

"It's impossible."

The white-haired young man shook his head, "Nothing can be done again. If Hunyuan Void is vigilant, how can it give me another chance? Besides, Hun Ming can't help me."

With that said, he looked at Gu Yue again, "If you don't mind, call me big brother and come and sit in my cave!"

"Thank you, fellow Taoist. The little girl has something important to do, so I won't go." Gu Yue looked extremely wary.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Moreover, these three people dared to make fun of Taiyi Immortal Emperor, which was simply disrespectful. Which disciple of Qingxiao Palace would dare to do this?

It can be seen that the person in front of me is not a member of the Qingxiao sect.

"I can't go," the maid Biyu's smile grew thicker, with dimples forming on her cheeks. "My master has been stationed in the Holy Realm of Reincarnation for tens of thousands of years to wait for you. We have also prepared a lot of fruit tea. If you don't drink it, wouldn't you be letting it down? "

"Little girl," another maid said, "With your current level of cultivation, if you leave the holy world of reincarnation, you will definitely die, so you might as well come with us!"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yue's eyes darkened, and she disappeared into the world of the source of all laws.

The other three also disappeared.

As for the void passage, it gradually closed without the support of divine power.

At the same time, the disciples of the divine sect walking in the world of the source of all laws received a message, 'Priest Gu Yue was escorted by the Qingxiao Palace and left through the boundary. ’

"Uncle Yue was taken away by Qingxiao Palace?"

Lan Chonghe's eyes widened.

The Source Realm of Ten Thousand Dharmas has only been opened for a year. Even if you practice in Kalachakra Mountain, it will only last a thousand years. Gu Yue has already become a Realm Master?

"Uncle Master has the magical power to calculate heavenly secrets. His predecessor was probably a venerable person. Perhaps he had reached the peak of the Six Difficulties in his previous life. In this life, he became enlightened. The rules of life and the rules of matter are consistent, and he can break through the realm directly!"

"No, no matter how high the realm is, the soul and the inner world still need enough time to transform. From the early stage of the Venerable Realm to the peak of the Six Difficulties, it will take at least hundreds of thousands of years!"

Lan Chonghe rubbed his head, feeling extremely puzzled.

"Uncle Yue was taken in by Qingxiao Palace?"

Ji Wenshan stood on the vast snow, his eyes widened, "How is it possible? Isn't it said that only by becoming a Realm Master can one leave the Holy World of Reincarnation?"

"In just one year, Master must still be waiting outside. If he knew that Uncle Yue had left the Holy World of Reincarnation first, he would probably be shocked."

Thinking of this, Ji Wenshan secretly looked forward to it.

Master, who has always been very knowledgeable and calm, how will he react when he hears this news?

He really wanted to see it.

"Master, have you been picked up?"

Somewhere in the Source World of Ten Thousand Dharmas, Shen Qi looked toward the sky in the distance.

For tens of thousands of years, Gu Yue has never recognized him, but he has always regarded Gu Yue as his mentor, and that has never changed.

Thinking of his master's departure, Shen Qi felt inexplicable loss in his heart, but then he showed joy and excitement.

"Master, if you don't understand the rules of life, how can you stay in the true state of mind if you don't understand the rules of creation? Now, once you become enlightened, it is natural to break through the state and ascend."

"Master, I don't dare to compare myself to you. I just hope that I can step out of the holy world of reincarnation and enter your sect again in this life."

Shen Qi knelt down and kowtowed three times towards the depths of the source world.

Time is like running water.

Unconsciously, nine years have passed, and the source world of ten thousand dharma has finally been closed.

The disciples of the Eight-Eyed Sect, Zen Sect, Tao Dao Pavilion, Tianxing Palace... each sect flew out from the Source Realm and returned to the Langhuan Realm.

The end of the void.

The bloody figure opened his eyes, scanned the sky above the realm, and then his expression changed.

Among the dense crowd, there was no trace of Gu Yue.

"What happened? Where did the Moon Priest go?"

Gu Xiuyun took a few steps and arrived at the Langhuan realm, his cold eyes covering everyone.

In an instant.

A biting chill filled everyone's bodies. Everyone felt their blood flow backwards, their spiritual power almost collapsed, and their souls felt trembling.

If it's just the true artistic conception, that's it.

Even Zhenzun Dongyan and Zhenzun Longyang feel this way. One can imagine how far Gu Xiuyun's will has reached.

"Master, this disciple received a message nine years ago. Master Yue received guidance from Qingxiao Palace and broke through the boundary." Lan Chonghe said respectfully.

"Disciple has also received a message." Ji Wenshan said, cupping his fists.

"High Priest, this disciple can testify that what the two senior brothers said is absolutely true." Another priest of the divine religion said.

Immediately afterwards, all the disciples of the divine sect who entered the world of the source of ten thousand laws bowed and knelt down, "The disciples have all received the message..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Gu Xiuyun's face softened slightly.

With his level, he can easily tell whether the disciples of the cult are lying. With so many people receiving the summons, it seems to be true.

"Girl Gu Yue was actually accepted by Qingxiao Palace. So, she is already a core disciple?" Zhenzun Long Yang's eyes widened.

"It's impossible," Dong Yan shook his head slightly, "No matter how talented Gu Yue is, she can't break through all the bottlenecks and become a realm master in just ten years. What's more, there are no three disasters or nine disasters, how can she survive the disaster? "

"It should be because of the Six Illusion Realms, Huanshan Realm Master sent an envoy to pick him up in advance." Venerable Gengyang guessed.


Everyone looked at each other and nodded slightly.

It was more than 300 million years ago that Huanshan Taoist opened up the Shenhuan Continent. It has been a long time, and no one knows where his cultivation has reached now.

It must not be difficult for people like this to recruit their own direct disciples.

"Now that Priest Yue has left the Holy World of Reincarnation, the next high priest of the Eight-Eyed Sect will be replaced by Yan Sushi," Gu Xiuyun said quietly, "The envoy from Qingxiao Palace sent a message not long ago, because I need to bring a few items with me. Things have left the Holy Realm, so he can't guide me and let me break through the realm on my own. You should be prepared. We will meet at Black Suo Mountain in half a year."

"Half a year!"

The Venerables and True Venerables above the realm looked at each other and nodded slightly.

A place embraced by mountains.

Gu Yue sat in a shallow pool with rippling blue waves. Countless mysterious forces seeped into her body along the flowing water, slowly changing the essential structure of the black hole particles.

Not far away, a white-haired young man stood in front of a stone wall, holding a wine bottle in one hand and writing pen and ink in the other.

A full half an hour passed before he smiled and said, "Although the Path of Destiny and Illusion is a middle-vehicle path, it does not belong to any of the Ways of Ten Thousand Dharmas. This path is compatible with both fate and illusion. It seems powerful, but in fact it is gone." Off the beaten path."

"Here are all the rule changes of the Destiny Path and the Illusion Path. If you can cultivate it, you have a 30% chance of entering the Infinite Realm."

"Girl, which way do you want to go?"

Gu Yue opened her eyes and looked at the stone walls on both sides.

There are many illusions on the stone wall, containing endless mysteries. Each one is the top inheritance that points directly to the end of the road, and it is extremely perfect.

Those secret techniques and skills are enough to drive the Supreme Lord of the Universe and even the Emperor crazy.

However, they were all clearly placed in front of Gu Yue, and even the secret techniques were tailor-made without any barriers.

"Girl, if you are willing, you can also cultivate both veins," the maid Biyu came over with a jade plate, "With the master's method, this matter is not difficult."

"Cultivation of both meridians?"

Gu Yue blinked, "Can I practice the Path of Destiny and the Path of Illusion at the same time?"

"Of course," the maid Biyu said with a smile, "Since Hunyuan Void allows practitioners to have two true bodies, it also allows cultivators to cultivate both meridians. However, most people cannot do it. Even if they can do it, they will violate the taboos of heaven and earth and be subject to punish."

"What punishment?" An anxious look suddenly appeared on Gu Yue's face.

The maid covered her mouth and chuckled, "Why are you so anxious, girl? Are you worried about your lover? Don't worry, he won't die. The master has eaten a lot of rotten fruit for him!"

"Bisu, don't talk nonsense." The white-haired young man's face darkened.

The maid quickly shut her mouth and brought the jade plate to the edge of the pool, "Girl, these are the fruit teas I brewed carefully. It took a lot of effort, and the emperors outside were crying and making trouble to get even a drop."

"You drink it slowly. With these fruit teas and the Immortal Source Spirit Pond, it shouldn't be difficult to cultivate the Ancient Immortal Body."

Ancient immortal body? ?

Gu Yue looked confused.

With the guidance of the Half-Step Supreme Master of Black Suo Mountain, she knew a lot about the cultivation of immortality, but whether it was to cultivate two meridians or the ancient immortal body, it was far beyond the understanding of the Lord of Black Suo Mountain, let alone her. .

The maid Biyu didn't explain, she just put down the jade plate, then turned and left.

"The ancient immortal body is a special physique. It is not only extremely powerful, but also has the magical power to isolate the cause and effect of heaven and earth." The white-haired young man explained quietly, "When you refine this body and step into the realm of heaven and earth, you can leave this place. "

"Qiankun Realm? How is it possible?" Gu Yue took a deep breath.

That was the legendary Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth, the most powerful person in the outer world. The other party actually wanted her to become Supreme Supreme of Heaven and Earth before she could leave?

"The tricks of confusion are too powerful. It knows the relationship between me and you very well, and will definitely try to attack you." The white-haired young man shook his head slightly, "Only by refining the ancient immortal body and leaving the world of heaven and earth here, I Only then can I let you leave with confidence.”

"It's not difficult to understand a perfect rule. There are six cultivation treasures here, corresponding to the path of destiny and the path of illusion. You can slowly understand it. If you don't understand anything, you can go to the pavilion outside the mountain to find me."

The white-haired young man turned and left.

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