Fortune Teller

Chapter 1482 Making things difficult

"Just win like this?"

In the mind space, the practitioners watching the battle were a little surprised.

Yi Xingshui is a half-step supreme master. This person can easily break through the Tianhe Divine Formation with a heavy weight. Even if he is a destiny practitioner, he shouldn't be so powerful?

What's more, he hasn't carried the inner world yet, so he can't exert the physical rules.

"The martial arts cultivation level is extremely high, and he has the true form of an ancient beast. He is good at close combat. He is also a practitioner of destiny and is proficient in the secret arts of the soul. This person...has no weaknesses at all."

"No wonder he dares to try the Hundred Battle Platform, the Nine Difficulties Heavenly Lord, and the Half-Step Supreme Lord. Some of them are good at both material means and soul attacks. Based on this alone, he can be invincible unless the Peak Heavenly Lord takes action. "

"It seems that the first forty levels are not a problem for him!"

Everyone was talking about it, with a look of expectation on their faces. Such strong men were indeed qualified to enter the Hundred Battle Stage.

"How can this junior's soul secret technique be so powerful?" Pu Fan's eyes were slightly focused, with a bit of surprise in his expression.

A man of destiny who is proficient in the secret arts of the soul and good at frontal fighting, but he didn’t have any fame in the past?

Where did he come from?

"Don't worry, no matter how powerful this person is, there is no way he can pass the fifty levels," Guo Nujun said solemnly, "The fifth disciple sent by the Xi Imperial Palace majors in cause and effect, and understands the two perfect rules of cause and effect entanglement and cause and effect curse. , The curse-killing method is not weaker than this person, and the two sides will be tied at most."

"The entanglement of cause and effect, the curse of cause and effect."

Pu Fanzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

The two major systems of fate and cause and effect have always been the pinnacle of soul methods, and they are equal to each other.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming must not have used his unique skills."

In another place in the mind space, Luo Fang Tianjun whispered, "Tens of thousands of years ago, when dealing with the descendants of Hun Ming, his unique skill severely damaged the opponent's mind, and he could not even use his magical power to escape."

"These people think that this is the only way my life-saving brother can do it. How naive!" Taoist Qian Ming sneered.

"Since Master Luo Shen dares to let Taoist Taoist Xi Ming break through the Hundred Battles Stage, he must have the confidence to break through. Let's watch the show quietly."

Hua Jing blinked and looked forward.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, "The Hall of Wonders is open. Taoist Xi Ming has passed fifty levels, and you will pay two for one. Everyone, go and have a look."

"Is the market open?"

"Let me tell you, every time the Baizhan Platform is opened, the Hall of Wonders will release a handicap. Why is there no movement at all this time? It turns out that I am observing Taoist Xi Ming's magical powers."

"Come on, let's go make a bet, maybe we'll make a profit!"

The practitioners walked towards the palace not far away.

"Is the handicap open?!" Luo Fang Tianjun, Qian Ming, Du He, Hua Jing and others looked at each other with fiery eyes.

This is a good opportunity to make money.

"I'm going to hit him hard once, maybe I can get all the credit and break through the realm." Taoist Hedu clenched his fists.

"How many Xi Pearls do you have? I worked with fellow Taoist Xi Ming to suppress the descendants of Hun Ming, and got fifty Xi Zhus. I also received a reward from Lord Luo Shen, which adds up to nearly sixty."

Lord Luo Fangtian looked proud, "If we suppress them all, we will make a lot of money."

Several people followed the flow of people and entered the Hall of Strange Objects.

A round disk appeared on the wide stone wall, with different handicap clearly written on it, 'Below fifty levels, one pays one point and two points. ’

‘If you pass fifty levels, you will get two for one. ’

‘If you pass eighty levels, you will pay ten for each one. ’

‘If you pass ninety levels, you will pay thirty for each one. ’

‘If you pass through a hundred battles, you will pay a hundred for one. ’

"The highest odds are actually a hundred times?" Luo Fangtianjun couldn't help but take a breath, "It seems that even the Palace of Rare Objects is not optimistic about Fellow Daoist Xi Ming."

"Every time the Wonderful Objects Hall opens a handicap, most people still make money, which is considered a benefit given by the sect. But in the end, some people will lose all their money." Taoist Duhe frowned slightly, "I have also accumulated a lot of money over the years. A lot of credit, let’s get to the 80th level!”

Eighty levels, one pays ten.

At the ninety pass, one loses thirty, the difference is huge. It can be seen that the disciples guarding the ninety pass are by no means ordinary people.

Luo Fang Tianjun also showed hesitation.

If the odds of getting through the Hundred Battle Platform were only ten times, he would still dare to try, but at a hundred times - it was almost certain that Gu Xiuyun would never be able to get through.

He was also afraid.

Sixty Xizhu, it was because of the chaos of the Origin Beast, the descendants of Hun Ming invaded the Luo God Realm, Lingxu Supreme killed two of the descendants of Hun Ming in a row, so that he got a lot of credit in vain.

Normally, how could there be so many Xi beads?

"I'm also going to reach the 80th level," Luo Fangtianjun said after hesitating for a long time, "Since Master Luo Shen dares to let him pass the Hundred Battle Stage, he must be quite confident. The 80th level shouldn't be a big problem."

"I have two Xi beads, let's go to the Eighty Levels and the Hundred Battle Platform respectively!" Taoist Hedu nodded.

Most practitioners are betting on levels below fifty, and some are betting on levels fifty and sixty. Beyond that, there are almost no bets.

A little-known inner sect disciple suddenly broke through the Baizhan Terrace, just like a beggar who inexplicably became the richest man. Who can believe it?

Practitioners of superior Taoism need long years of hard training, which cannot be achieved overnight. It takes long years and requires collecting external resources. The reputation has long been resounding in the world of cultivation. How can it be possible to borrow an unknown name?

After a while, most of the practitioners in the Wonderful Object Hall dispersed.

Luo Fang and others came to the palace deacon, "The poor Taoist pressed fifty Xi beads, betting that the Taoist who cherishes his life can pass the eighty level."

"Fifty Xi beads."

The deacon nodded slightly. There were many Supremes of the Qiankun Realm participating in the bets.

Although those people were in the early stages of the Qiankun realm, they had accumulated a lot of wealth by virtue of their ability to fear life and death, and the number of Xi beads in their hands was no less than that of Luofang Tianjun.

Fifty Xi beads are not many.


The palace steward suddenly raised his head, "What did you just say? Press eighty?"

"Eighty levels." Luo Fang Tianjun nodded slightly.

"Have you thought clearly?" The deacon narrowed his eyes, "Once you lose, you will lose everything."

"Press it!"

Luo Fang Tianjun looked calm, "In addition, there are ten Xi beads that can make him pass the Hundred Battle Platform."


The surrounding practitioners couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Passing the eighty level can be said to be a desperate struggle for a miracle.

Break through the Hundred Battle Platform? How can it be? ?

Even among the core disciples of the main hall of Xihuang Palace, few can do it, and this time the Hundred Battle Platform is obviously different from the past. The opening scene is Du Ang and Yi Xingshui, and Guo Nujun has made a bet with Luo Shen. Not to mention a hundred levels, even seventy levels are enough to make most core disciples despair.

If the Palace of Wonders dares to make a handicap, it will naturally be certain.

"It seems that you think you have too many Xi beads in your hand," the deacon shook his head and sneered, removed the Xi beads from Luo Fang Tianjun's identity jade tablet, and took out two jade chips, "If you win, use the jade chips to get it Change it to Xi Zhu, of course, you can also throw it away now."

"Twenty-three Xi beads, all placed at the eighty level." The Taoist man who crossed the river stepped forward.

"What? You also want to pass the 80th level?"

The palace deacon blinked his eyes in disbelief.

If it were beings like Luo Shen and Guo Nujun, it wouldn't be surprising to throw away dozens of Xi beads. But the person in front of him was wearing the attire of a messenger. He was clearly a Kanshui messenger. How could he be so wealthy?

"I am already the Supreme Being of the Universe. Even if I lose these Xi Pearls, I can still accumulate them again. At worst, I will have to fight on battlefields outside the territory for hundreds of millions of years."

Said the Taoist crossing the river.


The palace steward curled his lips slightly and took away the Xizhu from the jade medal.

Afterwards, several people passed the eighty level, especially Taoist Qian Ming. All 20 Xi Zhu bet that Gu Xiuyun could pass the Hundred Battle Platform. The practitioners around him were dumbfounded.

Twenty Xi beads, one pays a hundred.

If you win, you will get two thousand Xi beads, but how can this happen?

"I don't know where these people came from. Each one of them covered their appearance with mist. There are quite a few Xi beads in their hands."

"They are burning too much money, so why bother? No matter how talented Taoist Xi Ming is, there is no way he can pass the fifty level. Otherwise, the Hall of Wonders would not set such odds. I'd better stay below the fifty level!"

"I'm not sure whether this person can pass the fiftieth level, but I am certain that he will definitely not be able to pass the eighty level. The last three sent by the main palace of the Xihuang Palace... are simply making things difficult."

"Oh?? Do you have any inside information?"

"Those three... are all supreme beings of the superior Tao, Dharma, and Universe. You understand, right!!"


There was a sound of inhalation coming from the Hall of Strange Objects.

The Supreme Dao Dharma of the Universe is at its weakest in the early stage of the Universe Realm. Before the breakthrough, he was already the peak Heavenly King. After the breakthrough, he became even more terrifying.

Isn't it just a matter of embarrassment for such a strong man to be sent to Baizhantai?

"I heard that it was because Elder Wu Shang spoke up and wanted the junior to lose more embarrassingly, so Tianjun was sent out in the first few levels. According to the rules, the further back, the stronger the practitioners sent, so we can only hang on that Several names.”

"Actually, it's just a name, people will definitely not go."

"So that's it. It seems that those practitioners don't know about this. Otherwise, how could they dare to bet on the 80th level?"

The faces of the practitioners showed pity.

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