Fortune Teller

Chapter 1483 Five Breaths

"Forty off!"

"I wonder which disciple the main palace of Xihuang Palace will send?"

"Definitely not the peak Heavenly Lord. No matter how powerful the ordinary Heavenly Lord is, he is no match for this person. He is proficient in the soul secret technique and the true form of ancient beasts. The Heavenly Lord level secret technique poses almost no threat."

In the mind space, countless practitioners looked at the Hundred Battle Platform from a distance.


The wind roared.

An oasis passed through the fog and floated from the distant sky. In an instant, the entire battlefield space expanded ten thousand times, reaching a radius of one trillion miles.

"It's actually it?"

"Do demon spirits live alone?"

"The Imperial Palace of Xi would actually send this monster to join the battle. How can we fight against it? Even the Supreme Heavenly King may not be able to withstand beatings better than it!"

The practitioners watching the battle repeatedly exclaimed.

In the Hundred Battle Platform, the endless oasis covers the entire battle platform, with a radius of a trillion miles. The huge body is endless, and the green vines tower into the sky, forming a world realm.

The demon spirit in the Nine Difficulties Realm, and it practices the rules of life and death, is almost immortal. Even if the peak heavenly king personally takes action, he may not be able to kill this demon spirit.

"The fourth one turned out to be a demon spirit living alone. How can we fight this?"

Luo Fang, Duhe, Qian Ming and others looked at each other with shock and deep worry on their faces.

At level 40, the demon spirit can survive alone. At level 50, it is conceivable that it will not work without inviting the peak heavenly king.

Countless vines surrounded the sky and the earth, covering all the space in front of Gu Xiuyun, behind him, and even what he could sense.

With a radius of trillions of miles, it is simply a small universe.

"I am a demon spirit from the Nine Difficulties Realm who lives alone and is a core disciple of the main hall." A booming voice came from the vines. "According to the rules, each level can last up to a hundred years. They all say that this emperor can only rely on his majestic vitality to survive." By the end, I think three days is enough!”


A vine that penetrated the sky struck towards Gu Xiuyun.

The rules of life and death are combined with magical powers, and their power is almost terrifying.

The Nine Difficulties Realm demon spirits can compete with the powerful Tianjun level in terms of their own strength, and they have Xiu's rules of life and death. Add the two together, and ordinary Tianjun is far from their opponent. Even a figure like the Slaughter Lian Tianjun can support It won't be long.

This demon's strength is already close to the peak of the Heavenly King.

when! !

The vines collided with Qianzhang's palm print, causing a harsh roar.

"It doesn't take three days, five breaths is enough!"

The cyan figure had an indifferent expression, and his eyes were like cold sharp swords. "Pindao has a secret soul skill. Every time he uses it, he will either die or be injured. Please ask the Lord of Karma and Destiny Palace of the Xi Palace to protect this demon as much as possible to prevent it from being lost." If you lose your life, your whole life will be wiped out."

"What a loud tone!"

The lone living demon spirit looked up to the sky and roared, endless divine power filled the world, forming heavy restraints, and then, countless spikes turned into heavy rain and fell in the sky.

"One." Gu Xiuyun said quietly.

hold head high!

A cow roars.

The cyan figure was completely enveloped by the true form of the rhinoceros, and the martial arts energy combined with the true form of the ancient beast blocked all the heavy rain.

Having transcended the seventh level, he could kill the Heavenly Lord with his physical body alone, not to mention the cooperation of the true form of a rhinoceros. If even this could hurt him... the single-living demon spirit would be the real peak Heavenly Lord.


The voice came out again from within the rhino's true form.

At the same time, true energy filled the void, forming complicated secret patterns. The power of destiny surged and undulated, exuding astonishing power.

Compared with tens of thousands of years ago, the power of the secret pattern map is completely different.

The complete perfection of the rules of fate twisting has brought this secret technique to a higher level. In addition, the seventh level of martial arts true energy has also made the power of this map reach an almost terrifying level.

All Taoist methods in the world are based on energy. The same moves have different levels of energy, and their power is extremely different.

The Qi of the seventh level of martial arts is already close to the regular divine power of the Supreme Yan Zhen.


The complete secret pattern finally appeared, and then, the twisted rules of fate shrouded the void, and the second secret pattern condensed and took shape.


Deep in the true form of the rhinoceros, Gu Xiuyun waved his palm, and two secret patterns crossed the void, ignoring the obstruction of the vines in the sky, and directly bombarded the demon spirit's independent mind and will.

In an instant.

Heaven and earth trembled.

The trillion-mile oasis seems to have been uprooted by some force, and all the vines are in chaos. The two secret images are hot sun stars, which are constantly evaporating the fate of the demon spirit alone, annihilating its mind and will.


Gu Xiuyun dispersed the true form of the rhinoceros and looked at the endless oasis with cold eyes.

The two secret patterns containing the ultimate power are definitely not something that a demon spirit can withstand on its own. If this demon cultivates fate and cause and effect, it can barely survive.

But the rules of life and death...can never stop the bombardment directed at the mind and will.


The aura of the demon spirit dissipated rapidly, and the fluctuations of soul thoughts turned from the vast ocean into broken rivers, and became weaker and weaker. Just when it was on the verge of falling, a force of fate that changed the world swept across the world.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun couldn't see clearly the fate of the demon spirit living alone, as if the other person's fate line had disappeared.

An instant later, the River of Destiny appeared again, with a majestic and vast aura. It had returned to its peak period. The two secret patterns exuded amazing power, but they could no longer hurt the demon spirit's life.

“Twist of fate??”

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes, "At the critical moment, he forcibly reversed the fate of the demon spirit and brought it back to its peak. How powerful is the fate of the Nine Difficulties Demon Spirit, and it was reversed like this? It must be the Emperor of Destiny who took action. Legend has it that The emperor in the really powerful."


The awakened demon spirit was extremely angry, and its divine power surged like a frenzy, "Human race, I want you to die without a burial place!"


A roar like the power of heaven suppressed the demon spirit's independent supernatural power. "You are not as strong as humans, but you still dare to speak arrogant words. I will punish you to wall on the ice seabed for hundreds of millions of years. Without orders, you will not be able to come back."

The vine branches all over the sky suddenly shrank.

"Did I read that correctly? With five breaths, you can kill the demon spirit and live alone?"

"I've also seen it. Just five breaths, just five breaths. What kind of secret soul technique can't even be endured by the Nine Difficulties Realm demon spirit??"

"The Emperor of Destiny takes action personally. Even if this person fails to enter the Hundred Battle Platform, he will still be at a loss."

"I'm afraid even the emperor didn't expect that he only used five breaths to forcibly kill the demon spirit and survive alone!"

The faces of the cultivators watching the battle were filled with amazement.

"Is now the time to discuss these? Hurry and go to the Palace of Strange Objects to place your bets." A voice sounded, and everyone's eyes suddenly brightened.


The crowd rushed straight to the palace not far away. When they entered the palace, they could no longer find the handicap of level 50. The lowest handicap was to pass level 70.

Obviously, from the perspective of the Palace of Wonders, Gu Xiuyun could no longer be stopped in the first seventy levels.

For markets above 70 levels, the odds have also been lowered a lot.

"It's a big loss this time!"

"My Xi Zhu, a total of six Xi Zhu...all weighed below fifty levels, my God!"

"Fortunately, I gave it a try and passed the fifty level with three Xi beads. I lost two for one, which is considered a small profit."

The practitioners in the hall were either happy or sad, some were smiling, some were beating their chests and stamping their feet, all different.

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