Fortune Teller

Chapter 1500 Bloody Sword Marks

In the square, all the disciples looked into the sky from a distance.

After Qu Fang made one move in a row, he stopped taking action. The two of them had already tried their best. The use of the curse-killing secret technique consumed a lot of their mind and will, and would also suffer from the backlash of cause and effect.

Even if you want to take action, you have to wait for several breaths.

"Senior brother, half a breath has passed, why is there no movement from Taoist Wu Sheng?" Lian Xi asked quietly.

"The Karma Killing Curse is invisible and formless, and it directly targets the soul and the will of the mind. He must also be using the secret soul technique to resist. Such methods are inherently innocuous, so it's not surprising if you don't see them." Qu Fang said calmly, "The Karmic Curse Killing It takes a little longer than the secret killing technique of the Destiny System to take effect. He will definitely die within three breaths at most."

Just as they were talking, the two of them noticed that the bloody Taoist opposite them blinked.

"How can it be?"

There were huge waves in Qu Fang's heart.

Under the curse of karma, his soul collapsed and his mind collapsed. How could he still have the strength to blink his eyes?


The bald man far away in the sky also caught this, "Is he okay? How could he be okay? Those are two kings at the top of the causal system, and they are proficient in soul curse killing."

"He's okay?"

The white-haired man couldn't help but blinked, as if to make sure he had seen correctly.

The kings at the pinnacle of the causal system join forces to perform secret techniques. No matter how proficient Gu Xiuyun is in the secret techniques of the soul, he should not have any reaction at all.

Unless this person does not become the Supreme with the spirit of killing, but with the rules of killing soul and heart.

"This is interesting!"

The corner of Taoist Huanshan's mouth curled up slightly, "The causal curses of the two peak heavenly kings didn't even have the slightest impact. This shows that this person has a very strong mind and will. With such a terrifying will, how can he be weak in strength?"

He remembered the scene when he met Gu Xiuyun in the Holy World of Reincarnation.

At that time, the opponent was already a transcendent fourth-level warrior. He could possess a fourth-level physical body without even passing through the karma. One can imagine how powerful his mind and will were.

He was so tyrannical back then, he joined the Qingxiao Palace and became a core disciple, and how much he has improved, who knows?

"Is this person really enlightened by the aura of killing?" Supreme Xin Xiang narrowed his eyes, thoughts flashing in his mind, "If this person does not rely on the mind and will of a treasure, his strength far exceeds the level of the peak heavenly king, and his will has reached an astonishing level. "

When everyone was surprised.

The bloody Taoist said quietly, "Is this your method? It is enough to deal with others, but it is not enough to deal with the Supreme Lord of the Universe."

The cold voice echoed throughout the world.

The disciples couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. They all saw Gu Xiuyun blinking, but they couldn't believe themselves.

Two peak heavenly kings cast the Karma Killing Curse at the same time, can they still catch it easily? It was simply impossible, but now, when Gu Xiuyun spoke, his expression was so calm that even if they didn't believe it, they had to believe it.

"It's okay?"

The farmer opened his eyes, with surprise and confusion on his face, "It seems that I sometimes make mistakes. Taoist Wusheng is interesting."

"Hui Guo, what were you talking about in the palace just now?" The white-haired man laughed loudly, "Arrogant and domineering? Unable to be reused? In my opinion, this person is no weaker than you. He is still in the early stage of the Qiankun realm. When he enters the stage of acting, I'm afraid you will suffer."


The bald man was silent and stared at the bloody figure in the air.

"You're okay, you're okay??" Qu Fang frowned, and then said in relief, "Uncle Master, if you had saved your face, you could have asked me to give up this battle. Why use the Taoist talisman and waste a treasure in vain?"

Taoist talisman?

The disciples in the square all looked astonished.

Yes, Taoist Wu Sheng must have used Taoist talismans, otherwise how could he have been able to silently block the Karmic Curse with the foundation of his Taoism based on his killing energy, and it was two peak heavenly kings?

"Being smart."

The farmer shook his head slightly.

The other Qiankun Supremes also looked indifferent.

Others couldn't tell whether Gu Xiuyun had used Taoist talismans. How could they not tell? The Qiankun Supreme is extremely sensitive to the fluctuations between heaven and earth. If a spell is used, the rule aura will definitely conflict with his own Taoism.

But these supreme beings did not sense any unusual rules.

"One move has passed, are you ready to take Pindao's sword?" Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly, "For the sake of the two of you who have just used the curse-killing secret technique, I allow you to rest for a while and save some time to understand the cause and effect. The Taoist bald man said that I used the big to bully the small."

The bald man's face suddenly turned dark.

The white-haired man on one side couldn't help laughing, "That's right, a bald man is a bald man, so what kind of wisdom fruit is called? Such a narrow-minded guy doesn't even have the root of wisdom, how can he be qualified to get wisdom fruit??"


The bald man was furious.

"Shut up, you two," the farmer shouted angrily, "What are you talking about in front of my disciples!"

At the same time, Qu Fang and Lian Xi had circulated their true energy, exerted the rules of cause and effect to their extreme, and even quietly condensed the secret technique of killing.

Taoist Wu Sheng's calmness made them more solemn.

No one knows whether the other party has used Taoist talismans or not. It is just Qu Fang's guess.

If it is used, it will be nothing, but if it is not used, it means... Taoist Wu Sheng is extremely powerful.

Looking at the two people, Gu Xiuyun's fingertips trembled slightly, and a bloody sword light quietly condensed. At the same time, the soul thought enveloped the world, forming a virtual shadow of the universe.

"Pindao's sword originates from the depths of the secret realm of the Holy World of Reincarnation. It combines the four major rules of killing energy, killing body, killing soul, and killing intention. Combined with my Zhenqi Dao method, it depends on you whether you can survive. good fortune!"

The words just fell.

The expressions of the seven supreme beings sitting in the sky suddenly changed.

Without any hesitation, the farmer appeared in front of Qu Fang and Lian Xi. With a thought, the universe exploded, and the rules of cause and effect swept across the world.

At the same time, the white-haired man, the bald man, the Huanshan Taoist... the six supreme beings protected the disciples in the surrounding palaces and squares.

Just by relying on Gu Xiuyun's words, they already understood where the bloody sword light came from.

After all, the farmer, the bald man and the Huanshan Taoist priest had all been there before.


The bloody sword light streaked across the sky.

The sky was torn open in an instant, and the blood-colored sword marks combined with the rules of matter, coupled with the true energy of martial arts and the will of the only mind, the terrifying power made the seven supreme beings change their expressions.

Even Supreme Xin Xiang, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"How is it possible? Didn't he become enlightened with the aura of killing? How could his strength reach such a level?" Supreme Xin Xiang was inexplicably shocked, "This sword... is almost close to acting!!"

Not only Xin Xiang, but also several other supreme beings were extremely shocked.

Even Xiao Sha, who understands the two perfect rules, may not be as good as Gu Xiuyun after becoming the Supreme of Qiankun.

You must know that Gu Xiuyun's mind and will are on the verge of reaching the limit of transcendence.

According to the records of the sacred monument, practitioners in the transcendent realm can only endure three or four kinds of perfect rules. Generally, there are only three kinds. Some people who are blessed by nature and have great opportunities can achieve four kinds.

Before the killing aura broke through, Gu Xiuyun had reached the seventh level of transcendence. It can be seen that the nine rules plus the twist of fate are no less than two perfect rules.

After that, the murderous aura broke through from the early stage of refining his mind to the realm of law, and he was equivalent to mastering three perfect rules.

Stepping into the mind-only state again, the mind and will surged again.

After people like Xiao Sha entered the mind-only state and became the Supreme Being of the Universe, they were no less than the Supreme Supreme Being of the Bamboo Sea.

The Killing Avatar is superior to it in both will and Taoism, so it is naturally superior. Its current strength is almost comparable to that of Luo Shen.

"The killing body, killing soul, and killing intention are only in the middle stage of the Concentration Realm. My strength should be slightly inferior to Xiao Sha who has entered the Qiankun Realm," Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart, "But that bloody sword mark made up for the difference between me and him. The gap between Taoism and Dharma.”

The four rules merged, and the increase was too great.


The sword light tore through the sky and the earth.

The farmer roared, his body swelling rapidly, and the terrifying aura almost condensed into a solid substance, filling the entire secret realm of the source world.

At this moment, Qu Fang and Lian Xi deeply felt their own weakness.

Whether it was the earth-shattering sword or the sky-supporting giant that filled the entire void, neither of them could compete.

Karma practitioners are not good at fighting. Even if the two become the supreme masters of the universe, they are far inferior to Xiao Sha.

At the same time, the six supreme beings were running Taoism at the same time to block the aftermath.

Among them, Huan Shan, the bald man, and the white-haired man are the most powerful. They have superior Taoism and unique skills, and are in the real realm. Their strength is comparable to the elders of Tiandu.

The cultivation of the other three is a bit weaker, and they are only at the early stage of the Qiankun realm. Even with the help of the emperor's secret knowledge, they are still inferior to the Zhuhai Supreme.

"The top inheritance of the Holy Realm's secret realm is indeed extremely powerful."

Looking at the sword marks tearing apart the sky and the earth, the white-haired man swallowed, "Unfortunately, the Holy One rarely appears in front of people, and even the inheritance of Taoism rarely appears. There is only a vague statue of the Holy One."

Qingxiao Palace has countless causal inheritances, but other systems are rare.

Especially the killing path.

I haven't felt the Qiankun realm before. After all, there are many Qiankun Supremes with killing systems in the world, and there are holy statues to guide them. It is not difficult to understand the rules of killing.

But after the Qiankun realm, every step is extremely difficult.

Therefore, whether it is the Qingxiao Palace, the Xi Palace, or the Ancient Ancestral Platform, there are very few acting elders who practice the way of killing, and the Qiankun Emperor is even rarer.

"You still think about this now?? Hurry up and suppress the sword energy. This guy dares to attack in the secret realm of the source world. He is really not afraid of destroying this world." Taoist Huan Shan shouted angrily.

"Who would have thought that his mind and will would reach such a state," the white-haired man curled his lips, "In my opinion, he did not break through recently at all. In all likelihood, he broke through in a certain secret realm and practiced again. It’s been a long time, otherwise how could the mind and will be so strong?”

Taoist Huan Shan nodded slightly.

Indeed, such a terrifying mind and will either comes from comprehending the three perfect rules, or after becoming the Supreme, he has gone through a long period of tempering and the strength of his will has increased rapidly.

Otherwise, it would never be possible to reach such a situation.


With a roar that echoed throughout the world, the bloody sword energy collapsed.

Everyone looked up at the sky and saw the farmer holding a long stick, holding up the vast secret realm like a giant. His two eyes were dazzling, hotter than the scorching sun.

"That's it for today, everyone should go back to the cave," the farmer ordered in a deep voice, "In addition, no news about what happened in the square in front of the palace is allowed. Who dares to say anything? Don't blame me for being ruthless. Huiguo, Yin Ping, you two One is responsible for cleaning up the funeral affairs. Remember, this matter must not be leaked to the source beast forces. "


The bald man and another Supreme Karma bowed and clasped their fists.

Gu Xiuyun's sword was definitely not as simple as shocking the disciples, it would also arouse the killing intent of the source beast forces.

You must know that the source beast forces have been targeting geniuses in the cultivation world. If they knew that Taoist Wusheng had just entered the Qiankun realm, they would be able to exert a killing sword energy close to the performance level, and they would most likely attack and kill him.

No matter how powerful a genius is, if he dies, he is no longer a genius.

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