Fortune Teller

Chapter 1501 Conversation in the Palace

In the meeting hall.

The farmer sat high at the end of the palace, his eyes as cold as a cold pool, "Junior Brother Wusheng, your sword almost penetrated the Source of Ten Thousand Dharma Realm."

"Junior brother knows his mistake."

Gu Xiuyun bowed and clasped his fists.

"In my opinion, he did it intentionally," the bald man curled his lips and said, "Breaking through the situation with a murderous spirit shows that he has an unstable mind and is domineering. I beg you, senior brother, to punish this person."

"Senior Brother Huiguo, there must be a limit to telling lies," Gu Xiuyun responded indifferently, "It's not that I don't want to follow the three rules of killing the body, killing the soul, and killing the mind to become a Taoist, but I can't. The killing aura is the only thing I have. choose."

"How do you say that?" The farmer raised his eyebrows.

"To be fair to you senior fellow apprentices," Gu Xiuyun explained quietly, "Pindao's sword mark is a fusion of four rules. Except for the killing aura, there is no requirement. The other three rules must be at the same level in order to be perfectly combined and exert amazing power. "

"You senior fellow apprentices are core disciples. You must know very well that the minds and wills of transcendental cultivators are suppressed by the void of mixed sources, and they can only withstand three kinds of perfect rules at most."

"I have reached the pinnacle of killing energy, and there is no way I can withstand the other three perfect rules. Instead of immersing myself in hard work, it is better to break through directly and seek greater opportunities."

"So you decided to use your killing energy to break through the realm in order to understand the secret skill of Jianhen?" The farmer nodded slightly, "Although this approach is a bit impatient, it is still a way out. The most important thing for killing practitioners is to be brave and diligent. , being fearless is in line with your Taoist heart.”

"Bald man, do you have nothing to say?" Slaughter Supreme smiled.

"Elder brother, what we should be thinking about now is not why he broke through the realm," the bald man continued, "He dared to use his killing skills in the secret realm of the source world and almost destroyed the secret realm. How can he be spared?"

"Is the secret realm of the source world destroyed?"

Gu Xiuyun sneered, "Are you doubting the senior brother's ability by saying this, or are you belittling the other senior brothers? Can I destroy the Source of Ten Thousand Dharmas Realm in front of all the senior brothers? Or are you saying that if you don't have the ability, just Do you think others are like you?"

"Presumptuous." The bald man was furious.

"shut up."

The farmer scolded coldly.

"Senior Brother Huiguo, please stop saying a few words!" Another Supreme couldn't help but speak.

No one is stupid, who can't see that Supreme Huiguo is targeting Gu Xiuyun?

If Gu Xiuyun was weak, they would just turn a blind eye and be too lazy to care. But he mastered multiple rules at the same time and had a special skill in killing. Sooner or later he would become the pillar of the Source World lineage.

If the two of them faced each other, it would be harmful rather than beneficial to the sect.

"The enlightenment of the Killing Qi does have a lot of impact on the foundation, but it is not irreparable," the farmer said solemnly, "Many practitioners only start to understand other rules after they reach the Qiankun Realm. It is a little slow, but as long as If you have a firm mind, you will have the possibility of success.”

"Elder brother is right."

The Supreme Master of Huanshan nodded in response, "Why do the Qingxiao Palace and the Xi Palace hide those secrets in the core main hall? They are afraid that ordinary practitioners will see them and delay the path. After becoming the Supreme Master of the Universe, there will be endless years to slowly Why should you rush into practice? You can see that this is the right path.”

"Not every cultivator can become the Elder of Acting and the Emperor of the Universe. If you are too ambitious, you will harm yourself. I also think that Junior Brother Wusheng is doing the right thing. Break through the realm first and then practice. It is not a bad thing."

Everyone in the hall nodded slightly.

In the Source World lineage, except for Senior Brother Nongfu, who is the elder of the acting method, the others are all enlightened by a kind of rules. Could it be that they will never be able to enter the acting method forever?

Not necessarily, there is always a glimmer of hope in practicing Taoism.

Moreover, since they are in charge of the Source Realm lineage, their status is comparable to that of the elders of the Bi Palace, and they have the Infinite Art in their hands, they have many more opportunities to gain credit than ordinary supreme beings.

In this regard, other branch palaces cannot catch up.

After all, they all come from the Holy World of Reincarnation and have unique advantages. No matter how high others are, they cannot reach here.

"Junior Brother Wusheng," the farmer continued, "I am a little confused. When did you enter that secret realm? I have also been in it, but my cultivation level at that time was no more than Five Difficulties, and I couldn't understand many Taoist books. Then It is difficult to even approach the blood lake within a thousand miles, let alone comprehend the Taoism."

"Senior Brother, if you don't mention it, I was just about to ask!"

Huanshan Supreme looked curious, "No matter how powerful the inheritance is, it must be supported by realm. You actually integrated four rules?"

After the words fell, the white-haired man pricked up his ears.

Among all the Supremes, he is the one who cares most about this matter. After all, he is the only one who practices killing, and he is the only one who knows best how difficult it is to integrate the four rules.

"To be honest with you senior fellow apprentices, I entered that secret realm by mistake only after I passed through the karma of cause and effect. As for how many years I spent in it, I can't figure it out," Gu Xiuyun explained in a deep voice, "I only know one thing. After leaving and entering, the cloud of karma has not dispersed yet, and it will probably be like this in the blink of an eye."

"Your luck is much better than ours."

The Supreme Master of Huanshan swallowed his saliva and said, "We entered after passing through the karma of cause and effect. No wonder we can integrate the four rules."

"Those who help themselves, God will help them," the farmer nodded slightly, "Throughout the ages, eight or nine people have entered the secret realm, but only three have become realm masters. This shows that chance means nothing."

"Junior brothers such as Tu Mi, Yin Ping, and Zhou Xu have never entered, but they are already the supreme masters of the universe."

"Junior Brother Wu Sheng didn't become enlightened by relying on the secret realm. He used the body of the True Lord to kill the World Lord, and also used the underground abyss to prove the Way. His strength is not comparable to that of his peers. It is not surprising that he has learned the secret skill of killing."

"It's just that I have to remind junior brother," the farmer's face condensed slightly, "don't use the killing skills easily in the future. Your current cultivation is too weak and your realm is not enough. Once you are targeted by the source beast forces, the consequences will be unpredictable."

"Yes, senior brother." Gu Xiuyun bowed and clasped his fists.

"Fortunately, Junior Brother Wusheng only performed this move in front of all the disciples. The Secret Realm of Origin Realm is located on the edge of the Holy Realm of Samsara, and the hands of the Origin Beast forces cannot reach here. Otherwise, you would have been on the list now!"

The Supreme Master of Huanshan smiled and said, "Among us, only Senior Brother and Senior Brother Tu are listed on the must-kill list by the source beast forces. The rest are not even qualified, so you can be proud."

Gu Xiuyun blinked.

He really hasn't considered the power of the Origin Beast. After all, he is only in the early stage of the Qiankun Realm. He can only exert power close to the level of acting by relying on the bloody sword marks. He is not strong in other aspects.

"Junior Brother Wusheng has such ability, which is also a blessing to this palace," the farmer waved his hand, "Now that the matter has been concluded, please disperse!"

"Junior brother, please retire."

Everyone flew out of the palace.

Wusheng side hall.

As soon as Gu Xiuyun sat down, a bloody figure appeared outside the hall, "Brother, I just got some jars of good wine not long ago. Junior brother, would you like to taste it?"

"Fine wine, delicious food, and great events in the world are naturally a pleasure."

Gu Xiuyun looked outside the hall. He saw the Supreme Killer, who was wearing white hair and looked like an ape, but he had a human face and exuded a terrifying aura in his every move.

Practitioners of the Way of Killing have always been the top figures among their peers.

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