Fortune Teller

Chapter 1517 The elephant has no body

"It seems that everyone in the world underestimates you!"

"In addition to the aura of killing, you should also have understood another perfect rule, right? The source of killing?"

The anger in Elder Xin Xiang's heart dissipated a little. Facing an eighth-level warrior with a killing system that was as powerful as him, he couldn't help but be afraid of him.

The true form of Killing remained indifferent.

"Huh, so what if you don't admit it," Elder Xin Xiang's eyes flashed, "Eighth level warriors must understand at least two perfect rules or even three perfect rules before they can reach the threshold. What you practice is killing, the power of rules The increase in mind and will far exceeds other superior Tao methods. Two perfect rules, plus several incomplete rules, it is no wonder that you can enter the eighth level. "

"I see."

Supreme Qing Ling's face showed surprise, "Taoist Wusheng is actually a core disciple of the Qiankun Realm. With his strength, he can definitely be more dazzling, but he still wants to hide himself. He must be worried that the source beast forces will secretly attack him."

For countless years, the source beast forces have killed countless peerless geniuses, especially the core disciples who understood the two perfect rules.

It’s okay if you don’t enter the Qiankun realm.

Once you enter the Qiankun Realm, you will be included in the assassination list by the source beast forces and you will be monitored at all times.

Taoist Wusheng has only been practicing for a very short period of time, and he comes from the Holy World of Samsara. If the source beast knows his true strength, he is likely to attract the attention of the emperor-level source beast.

"You understand the two rules of perfection and you think you can fight against me?" Elder Xin Xiang stared at the bloody figure, "Do you know that I have been practicing for 143 years and have mastered several secrets, whether it is magical powers or not? , Lingbao are far beyond your imagination.”

"I'll give you one more chance. Hand over the Tianxin Dharma Pearl and leave here. I can forget about this matter, otherwise -"

"Otherwise, so what." Gu Xiuyun looked indifferent.

"So you don't agree?"

Elder Xin Xiang's mouth oozed a ghost-like smile, "I endure it again and again, but you, a junior, have to push your limits, so today I will let you know how powerful the Supreme Actor is!"


The vast and endless divine power of rules surged out of Elder Xin Xiang's body. At the same time, the snake-shaped ancient ruler expanded rapidly, reaching a million miles, like a mountain lying across the void of the chaotic source.

"Junior, do you really think that slap just now is all I can do? That's just the tip of the iceberg in the realm of acting."

Elder Xin Xiang spread out his body and merged into the depths of the snake-shaped ancient ruler like smoke. The mountain-like ancient ruler became transparent, somewhere between illusion and reality.

"The elephant has no body!!"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes.

Long before coming here, he had already found out about Elder Xin Xiang's magical powers through Tu Mi and others. The divine body that this person cultivated was called the Elephant Invisible Body. As the saying goes, the sound is great and the elephant is invisible. Elder Xin Xiang's The regular divine body is intangible and can ignore almost all material secrets.

Coupled with a natal treasure, it can be said to be indestructible.

"Even the regular divine body and the natal spiritual treasure have been used. It seems that Elder Xin Xiang is completely angry and vows to kill Taoist Wusheng here."

Qing Ling Supreme's heart trembled slightly, and he retreated again. At the same time, he used his divine power to carefully protect the world behind him.

The world of the Eight Difficulties Realm Master has collapsed, leaving only Gu Xiuyun's world. If this world is also destroyed, the ancient divine city will be completely exposed to the power of the source beast.

By then, not only will he fail his mission, but he will also be found to have enriched his own pockets. He will be punished for both crimes, and he will have to lose half his life even if he does not die.

"What the hell, how did Junior Xianyun get acquainted with Taoist Wusheng? And Taoist Wusheng actually went against Elder Xin Xiang for him. I hope this matter won't cause too much trouble, otherwise I will really have to go around without food."

The bloody figure is in front.

Infinite divine power of rules completely envelopes the billions of miles of void. Each strand of divine power is like a chain, penetrating both ends of the world, filled with astonishing fluctuations.

"Sure enough, old ghost Xin Xiang has merged the two living creatures' rules, and his divine power is comparable to the ninth level of true energy."

Looking at the chain of divine power in front of him, Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, and an endless stream of killing energy poured into the depths of the dark divine sword. Every moment that passed, the breath in the dark divine sword became colder, and the pressure on the physical body's true energy also increased. One point stronger.

And his mood continued to rise.

The four major rules of murderous aura, murderous body, soul, and murderous intention, together with the murderous thoughts accumulated over many years, are on the verge of reaching their extreme.

This sword is not only a life-cutting sword, but also a sword that kills the real body with all its strength.

In the way of killing, there is death but no life. If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent.

Elder Xin Xiang seemed to have sensed the aura of the bloody figure, and he suppressed the impact of his will one after another, but was continuously chopped into pieces by the invisible edge.

In terms of mind and will, Gu Xiuyun is by no means inferior to Elder Xin Xiang. His tyrannical will combined with his killing skills are enough to break through the secrets of the soul.

"Junior, even if you have terrifying murderous intentions, you are only in the early stage of the Qiankun Realm. In terms of means, I am a hundred times better than you. Go to hell!"

The snake-shaped ancient ruler was like a mountain holding up the sky, and it smashed towards the bloody figure.

The Million Mile Ancient Ruler is so tyrannical. Once it comes, any life will be smashed to pieces. Coupled with the combination of the divine power of rules and the secret skill of destiny, this move is already beyond the tolerance of Supreme Qingling.


A cold light flashed in the eyes of the killing avatar, and the murderous intention of the whole person instantly climbed to an unprecedented peak. At the same moment, the dark sword rose from the sky.


The sky-shattering sword light spurted out from the dark divine sword. Wherever the sword light went, all the chains of divine power were broken. No matter how invisible the elephant was, no matter how secret the rules were, they could not stop the sharp edge of the killing skills.

Finally, the sky-searing sword light collided with the snake-shaped ancient ruler.

At the moment of contact, billions of miles of void fell into stasis. The two forces had reached incredible levels, even exceeding the endurance limit of the mixed source void. In an instant, the vast void collapsed, revealing layers of dead space.

Just the aftermath of the collision destroyed hundreds of layers of dead space.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound, and the mountain where the snake-shaped ancient ruler appeared was split into cracks of about ten feet, and the dark red blood could be vaguely seen.

However, this is only the prelude to the explosion of the Life-Destroying Sword.

How could the Divine Sword be just a sword light when it opens?

The bloody figure stepped forward, holding the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, "Xin Xiang, take my sword!"


The dark divine sword spanned thousands of miles of void and slashed down along the snake-shaped ancient ruler.

"What can you do to me, a mere junior?" A disdainful sneer came from the ancient ruler, "My elephant's invisible body can only overcome the rules of matter. It is indestructible and cannot be hurt by any means. How can a junior like you be able to hurt it?" of?"

Before the voice fell, the snake-shaped ancient ruler had turned into a phantom, somewhere between illusion and reality.

This is the unique magical power of the snake-shaped ancient ruler. It comes from the spiritual material itself, and combined with the regular divine body, it is truly indestructible.

However, Elder Xin Xiang's ridicule only lasted for a moment.

The next moment, a long and narrow crack appeared in the snake-shaped ancient ruler, cutting across the surface of the mountain, splitting the entire spiritual treasure into two pieces.

"How can it be??"

Elder Xin Xiang looked horrified. The snake-shaped ancient ruler combined with the invisible body of the elephant was actually penetrated by the opponent?

"No, it's not just the rules of killing, but also the power of killing souls and hearts. This person actually understands the five rules of killing?"

Elder Xin Xiang's face was filled with disbelief.

That day in the secret realm of the Source Realm, Qu Fang and Lian Xi fought against the true form of Killing. Although he took a few glances from a distance, he did not get close due to his identity, so he only saw the sword light that tore through the sky and the earth, and did not know its power.

Now he finally understood why the farmer, Tu Mi and others took action in a panic, even joining forces to resist!

This sword is terrifying.

Coupled with the Eighth Level True Qi and the power of the Dark Divine Sword itself, it has reached an unimaginable level.

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