Fortune Teller

Chapter 1518 I want half

"A sword cuts through the invisible body of an elephant? Or is it in a state of fusion with the treasure of life?" Qing Ling Supreme felt his throat was dry and his whole body's divine power was a little unstable.

As for the blade that kills cultivators, it is invincible among its peers.

Taoist Wusheng's sword will make even a strong man at a higher level retreat. Even the invisible body of an elephant can be cut in two. What else can't be cut?

"Will Elder Xin Xiang lose to Taoist Wu Sheng?"

Supreme Qing Ling had a thought in his mind, and then shook his head, "Impossible, absolutely impossible. Elder Xin Xiang is so powerful, how could he lose to a junior who is in the early stage of Qiankun Realm? No matter how powerful his sword is, how many times can he use it?"

"Besides, Elder Xin Xiang will not give him a second chance to take action."

Qing Ling Supreme looked ahead from a distance.

Sure enough, Elder Xin Xiang was just stunned for a moment, and then woke up from the shock. The terrifying murderous aura swept through the snake-shaped ancient ruler, constantly annihilating the regular divine power, soul, and will.

But Xin Xiang is too strong.

What is the concept of playing the role of an elder in the Dharma Realm? The divine power is comparable to the ninth level true energy, and the divine body is not much different. The vast and endless divine power of rules is as solid as lead and mercury. Even the ultimate killing skill can only annihilate part of it.

"Junior Wu Sheng, you really surprise me all the time."

An extremely cold voice came from the snake-shaped ancient ruler, "Unfortunately, no matter how powerful the sword energy is, it is only in the early stage of the Qiankun Realm. Go to hell!"

The void roared, and countless phantom chains fell from the sky.

Each chain is no less than a full blow from the Heavenly Lord at the pinnacle of the life and death system. It is comparable to the regular divine power of the ninth level of true energy. Coupled with the Taoist secrets, these chains are extremely powerful.


The heavy chains fell on the bloody figure, exploding into a cloud of golden sparks. The eighth-level warrior's physical body was actually scratched with clear scars by the chains.

At the same time, hundreds of chains descended.

That’s all.

There is also a Huanghuang Mountain and a Soul Heavenly Sword emerging from the void and chopped down at the same time. The Huanghuang Mountain can suppress the will of the mind, and the Soul Heavenly Sword can destroy the soul.

The three of them broke out at the same time, and even the killing supreme was at a loss for a while.

However, Taoist Wu Sheng did not lose the slightest hint of panic.

I saw him holding the sword in his right hand, slashing towards the divine power chain, and condensing the silver seal in his left hand to face the Soul Heavenly Sword.

As for the mountain, it was blocked by an invisible edge.


After the jet-black divine sword was launched, it was so powerful that it directly cut through the heavy chains and even affected Elder Xin Xiang's true body.

The silver seal on the left hand looks ordinary, but it is extremely tough and can forcefully suppress the Soul Heavenly Sword.

Huanghuang Mountain was also forced to break free by the edge of will.

"Jialan Seal? You actually practiced Jialan Seal??" Elder Xin Xiang became more and more shocked, "How can you, a junior, have such a huge contribution?"

The jet-black divine sword can also be interpreted as good luck, obtaining precious spiritual materials from a certain secret realm, and refining the most precious treasure of life. However, the silver seal on the left hand of the true body of Killing can only be cultivated with massive cloud stones. A magical power, Just getting started requires more than two million marbles.

The other party had just broken through, so where did he get the credit?

"Of course it was a gift from a certain emperor."

Gu Xiuyun responded indifferently.

At the same time, he wielded the dark divine sword and continuously chopped at the snake-shaped ancient ruler. Every time the sword fell, it annihilated a little of the elephant's invisible body.

One sword after another, sooner or later Elder Xin Xiang will be completely killed.

At the same time, Elder Xin Xiang's will attacks and soul secret techniques continued in an endless stream, and divine power chains came in the air again and again, but they were all blocked by the sword energy and Jialan Seal.

Destiny practitioners are not good at fighting after all.

Xin Xiang doesn't focus on twisting the rules of fate. He borrows at most twice the secret skill. He can't suppress the strong-willed killing real body. He can only watch the other party wield the divine sword and annihilate the rule body.

"Taoist Wusheng, are you really going to fight me to the death for a junior who has transcended the realm?" Xin Xiang said angrily, "Don't forget, I have friends all over the world, and I can always ask for help to suppress you."

"You dare?"

Gu Xiuyun sneered, "I only promised not to tell others about this, but I never said I wouldn't ask for help. If this matter gets serious, it will be of no benefit to you or me."

Elder Xin Xiang's expression froze.

Indeed, he did not dare.

He did so much just to get the immortal inheritance from the world of mortals. Once things got serious and spread to the ears of Emperor Qiankun, the immortal inheritance would have nothing to do with him.

"What should I do?? If Taoist Wu Sheng blocks me, I can't evolve the world of countless species. It's meaningless to cultivate more Eight Difficulties Realm Masters."

Elder Xin Xiang was furious.

"Elder, as things stand now, we can only wait for the restoration of the ancient divine city to be completed," Supreme Qingling whispered, "As long as the divine city is not affected, you can completely bypass Taoist Wu Sheng and directly destroy Junior Xianyun. By then, Isn’t everything solved?”

"Taoist Wusheng has promised not to leak this matter. No matter what you do, he can only endure it."

"It's too long. I don't want to wait tens of millions of years." Elder Xin Xiang responded with a frown.

The night is long and there are many dreams. The longer it is delayed, the more likely things will happen.

Who knows what will happen tens of millions of years from now?

"If this is the case, I can tell you something, but I have to ask the elders to do me a favor," Qingling Supreme continued, "Actually, over the years, junior Xianyun has been in charge of the restoration of the underground divine city. Most of the divine city has been repaired, and only the remaining It will be over in a matter of hundreds of thousands of years or millions of years."

"Oh?" Elder Xin Xiang was thoughtful.

He knew very well that Gu Ximing's deduction ability was no less than that of the Qiankun Realm Supreme.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to escape the desperate situation and lead Xin Mo Tianjun to Wulang Reef.

Even Xin Mo couldn't calculate the danger there, but Gu Ximing could actually calculate it out of thin air, which is enough to explain the problem.

"You must have gained a lot by concealing this matter," Elder Xin Xiang sneered through the message, "You want me to cover it up for you and fool you?"

"As long as this can be done, the villain can make the ancient divine city appear in the world ahead of schedule," Qingling Supreme said. "In up to a million years, the elder can kill Junior Xianyun and take away what is needed."

"A million years is too long."

Elder Xin Xiang pondered for a moment, "I will ask Xin Mo to help you take charge of the restoration of the divine city. As for the time in this world, the shorter the better. I will take care of the above matters for you."

"Thank you, elder."

Supreme Qingling showed joy on his face.

With Elder Xin Xiang supporting him, he no longer has to worry about being frightened, and he can slowly enjoy the huge wealth.

At the same time, streaks of bloody sword light crossed the void.

Elder Xin Xiang's aura is getting weaker and weaker, and the wounds on the snake-shaped ancient ruler are getting more and more serious.

"Junior Wusheng, I have remembered this account. Just wait for me."

The snake-shaped ancient ruler swept across the sky and the earth, penetrated into the depths of the universe, and disappeared at the end of the void passage.


Gu Xiuyun raised his eyebrows slightly, "I thought this person would take the risk and attack the real human body directly, but I never thought that he would hold back!"

"Fellow Taoist Wusheng," Supreme Qingling stepped forward with a smile, "Fellow Taoist God, through human beings, can actually compete with Elder Yanfa. With fellow Taoist here, I feel relieved."

"What are you worried about?" The bloody figure raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Of course it was the attack and killing of the source beasts from outside the sky," Qing Ling Supreme's face was filled with a smile, "With the killing sword energy of fellow Taoist Wu Sheng, if those source beasts dare to invade, three or five swords can kill them."

"Is that so? I thought it was because I was afraid that I would know that you were enriching your own pockets and would spread the news by the way!" Gu Xiuyun sneered.

Before, he would have been willing to save some face for Supreme Qing Ling, but the conversation between Qing Ling and Xin Xiang made him see this person's face completely.

Qing Ling Supreme is extremely cold and cold, and his actions seem to be benevolent, but in fact they are all for his own consideration. That's it. Who doesn't live for themselves?

But just now the Eight Difficulties Realm Master transformed into the Qiankun Realm, Qingling couldn't even wait for three days, so he asked Elder Xin Xiang to take action immediately and kill Gu Xiuyun.

And this is just to please Elder Xin Xiang.

The two faces in front of him and the one behind him really disgusted him.

It’s no wonder that the Qingling Supreme has gone through countless years and has not yet entered the realm of Dharma performance. He can be called one of the veteran supremes with the lowest cultivation level in the spiritual world.

"Friend Wu Sheng, what do you mean by these words??" Qing Ling Supreme's forehead trembled slightly, and an imperceptible panic flashed in his eyes.

"Do you still need me to say it?"

Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly and said, "Everyone who has seen it has a share in it. Qingling Supreme has been practicing for so many years, so he doesn't understand it, right?"

"In my opinion, even if Elder Xin Xiang doesn't pursue the case afterwards, you probably won't let Taoist Xianyun be resurrected again. In that case, you don't have to give up the reincarnation quota, just exchange it for hush money!"

"I want half."

After the words fell, Supreme Qingling's face suddenly turned pale.

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