Fortune Teller

Chapter 1530 Accident and Anger

At the edge of the Xihuang Realm, the old man with the black jade crown appeared quietly.

"According to the records of the Merit Hall and the Mission Hall, this person has not gone to any secret realm and has been practicing in seclusion in the main hall cave."

"You want to use the power of the main palace to resist the karma of heaven and earth? You are too naive."

"If there were no clones or countless worlds as a medium, I might not be able to kill you, but with this medium, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you will only die."

Elder Xin Xiang sneered.

The protective ability of the main hall of Xihuang Palace is limited. What it really relies on is the Qiankun Realm itself. The formation restriction weakens most of the power. Coupled with the protective power of the Qiankun Realm itself, it is enough to fight against the elders.

As for the emperor...the cause and effect of the source beast's power, the destiny emperor is rare and is not considered by the Xi Palace and Qingxiao Palace.


The old man Mo Yuguan tore through the world barrier and entered the Xihuang Realm. An invisible force passed through him. After confirming his identity, he ignored him.

"Is Fellow Taoist Barbarian here? I came here uninvited. Please don't take offense to me." Elder Xin Xiang read the message through his soul.

"Why did Brother Xin Xiang come to Xi Palace?"

A figure wearing an animal skin grass skirt flew out of the palace and greeted him from afar.

This man was unusually tall, more than two feet tall, with an animal skin skirt surrounding his waist and the rest exposed. His bronze skin was engraved with images of exotic animals, just like a savage in the mountains.

Between the opening and closing of his eyes, there was a vague aura of wildness, and one could even hear the roar of wild beasts.

"We haven't seen you for many years. Brother Man is more imposing than before. He must be not far from the second level of acting." Elder Xin Xiang's eyes flashed with envy.

Acting in the Dharma Realm, one level of realm and one level of heaven. Every step you take, your strength will make a qualitative leap.

"A reckless man like me has nothing to do but practice," the beast-skin savage said with a smile. "No one can compare to Brother Xin Xiang. He can see the past and the future in just one thought. I don't know how many people beg for him every day."

"Having other things on your mind may not be a good thing."

Xin Xiang shook his head slightly.

At their level, the influence of Taoist heart is a hundred times greater than resources and external objects. Elder Xin Xiang's status is indeed very high, and he has a wide network of connections. There are several emperors of the universe who owe him favors.

But at the same time, he spent too much energy on this aspect, so how could he have the time to immerse himself in hard work?

Taoist practice is basically sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If your mind is defeated, it will be almost impossible to make brave and diligent progress.

"Brother, you shouldn't just come here to chat with me, right?" the beast-skin savage said with a smile.

"That's natural," Xin Xiang clasped his fists and said, "Brother Man, as the elder of the main hall, can freely enter and exit the cave space of the core disciples. I would like to ask Brother Dao for help to open the cave quiet room of a core disciple for me, so that I can take it. Take his relics.”

"If it's just a relic, it wouldn't be difficult."

The beast-skin savage didn't hesitate at all.

In his eyes, the so-called core disciples are just weeds that die one after another. One after another they die. In the end, there is no telling how many of them will become the acting elders!

How could he turn against Elder Xin Xiang because of a fallen disciple?

"Thank you, Brother Dao."

Elder Xin Xiang showed a smile on his lips and whispered in his heart, "Junior Xianyun, do you think you can compete with me as a core disciple of the Xi Palace? You have no idea about my magical powers. In terms of killing methods, I may not be as good as Taoist Wu Sheng. , but when it comes to connections, he is far behind me.”

Practitioners of destiny and cause and effect have never focused on fighting.

The two chatted while walking towards the main hall.

After a while, they appeared in front of the long corridor. Stone doors stood on both sides, and one cave after another stretched toward the depths.

"Brother Xin Xiang, does he know which room this person belongs to?" the beast-skin savage asked with a smile.

"It should be that one."

Elder Xin Xiang moved his fingertips slightly and looked deep into the corridor.

"The mind brand has collapsed. It seems that he is indeed dead." The savage nodded slightly, "There is still a little bit of the brand breath. According to the rules, this cave must be kept for at least three Taoist years before it can be reopened. But Brother Xin Xiang said it himself, I It’s just an exception.”

"Thank you, Brother Man." Xin Xiang quickly clasped his fists.

"It's just a small matter, no need to be polite."

The beast-skin savage walked to the cave and waved his hand. The restriction was activated. The huge stone door moved slowly, and a vast space appeared.

Elder Xin Xiang couldn't wait to pass through the stone gate, and his soul thoughts filled the entire space like a frenzy, sweeping everything from the sky to the ground.

"How can it be?"

The next moment, Elder Xin Xiang's face showed shock and confusion.

"Didn't find it?"

The beast-skin savage walked into the cave, and his thoughts filled the air. A moment later, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Tianxin's magic bead? No wonder the Taoist brother came to the door in person. This junior actually has a Tianxin's magic bead in his hand. Now How did he get the treasure?"

"Why is the Tianxin Yanfa Pearl here? Where is the thing I want? Why isn't it? Why isn't it?"

Elder Xin Xiang was filled with confusion.

He originally thought that Taoist Wusheng was helping each other to save lives for some benefit, but now it seems that the relationship between the two is a hundred times more complicated than he guessed.

What benefit is greater than Tianxin performing the Dharma beads?

This is the top cultivation treasure. Although Wusheng Taoist is a cultivator of killing, and the cause and effect line in the treasure is of no use to him, it is also a great opportunity to use the power of Tianxin to understand the Taoism.

Such a valuable treasure was given to Gu Ximing? ? What is the relationship between them?

"The thing is not here. Has it fallen into the hands of Taoist Wu Sheng?"

Elder Xin Xiang's eyes flashed coldly, "This is very possible. Even Tianxin's magic beads can be entrusted to me. What else can't be entrusted to me? Okay, very good. Since you don't give me a chance, don't blame me for not giving it to you." You're welcome."

As his thoughts flashed, he turned to look at the beast-skin savage, "Thank you so much, Brother Dao, for your help. I will definitely repay you for this kindness in the future."

"Brother Xin Xiang, you're welcome. We have a lot of friendship between you and me. This little thing is nothing!" The beast-skin savage chuckled, "The main hall is often visited by core disciples. If Brother Dao is seen here, I'm afraid he will say Such gossip, let’s leave quickly!”


Xin Xiang raised his hand, pocketed the Tianxin Performing Magic Pearl, and then flew out of the Xi Palace.


The void barrier was torn open.

The old man with the black jade crown flew into the void of Hunyuan. In an instant, his face was so gloomy that he almost dripped with water. When he thought that he had accumulated merits for hundreds of millions of years, but he had benefited from junior Xianyun in vain, he felt a fire in his heart, but I can't find a place to vent.

"Wusheng, Xianyun, how dare you play tricks on me, I will repay this debt a thousand times a hundred times."

Elder Xin Xiang's veins popped out in his hands, and the anger in his heart almost turned into flames, burning the void.

Since he became the acting elder, when had he ever suffered such humiliation?

Now it seems that Gu Ximing's victory in the Hundred Battles Stage is probably due to his contribution.

"Wu Sheng, no matter how capable you are, you are just a small wind and thunder warrior. I don't believe it. You dare to go against the Emperor Qiankun?"

At the same time, Xi Palace.

The beast-skin savage was about to return to his palace when he suddenly frowned and looked deep into the main hall.

"its not right!"

"If that person dies, the palace-guarding puppets should seal the cave and affix it with a talisman to prevent new disciples from arriving in the future and causing trouble."

"The brand on the stone gate has disappeared for two days. The puppet beasts should have been affixed with the talismans long ago. Did they leave their posts without permission?"

There are two possibilities for the Shimen brand to dissipate.

First, the practitioner has traveled far away and has not returned, and has no mind or will to maintain it, so the brand spreads.

The second is the death of practitioners.

It often happens that practitioners travel far away, so there are no talismans on the stone doors of such caves. The mark cannot be re-imposed until the owner returns.

When a practitioner dies, he or she will be affixed with the Dark Talisman, and after three Taoist years, it will be changed to the Spirit-Sealing Talisman.

The rules of the Xi Palace are strict, and the puppet beast always abides by the rules and has never made any mistakes.

"Is it possible that this person is not dead, but is just hiding in a secret place? Xin Xiang doesn't know, but the Xi Palace knows??"

The beast-skin savage quickly flew towards the Taoist Hall.

"Find out the cave archives of Geng Zi Yinwei. I want to check it." The savage said solemnly.


The deacon disciple left in a hurry. After a while, he held several Taoist volumes in his hands and said, "All the information about the cave of Geng Zi Yin Wei is here. Please check it, elder."

The beast-skin savage looked out his soul thoughts, and then showed surprise.

"It turned out to be his cave?? This man broke through the Hundred Battles Platform and defeated three core disciples of the Qiankun Realm in a row. It is said that the senior officials of the Xi Imperial Palace specially gave him the opportunity to go to the Xihuang Dao Platform for meditation."

"So, he should be in the Taoist platform now? This is troublesome."

The savage looked bitter.

Living core disciples and dead core disciples are completely different concepts.

One hundred million years later, this person returns from the Xihuang Taoist platform and finds that his cave has been opened and the spiritual treasures and treasures have been swept away. He will definitely go to the chief elder to inquire.

At that time, the beast-skin savage will inevitably be punished.

What about acting elders? Those who clearly violate the sect's rules will still be punished. Only Emperor Qiankun can ignore the laws and orders and transcend them.

"This guy Xin Xiang, who is he looking for? Why should he look for Gu Ximing? But that person went to the Xihuang Taoist platform, and I can't tell anyone."

The beast-skin savage shook his head.

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