Fortune Teller

Chapter 1531 Defending the City

Evil Spirit Ruins, the ancient divine city.

The bloody figure stood on the city wall, flanked by Qing Ling and a dozen Supremes of the Universe.

In front, the elder in yellow robe put one hand on his back and said loudly: "After the divine city is restored, we will set up a formation to merge all the void behind the city into the Qingxiao Heavenly Domain. Although the beasts from outside the sky do not value the territory, they will not Let us succeed easily.”

"The Demon Emperor is leading the practitioners to attack this area. They have formed formations all the way. What we have to do is to rely on the divine city to resist the siege of the Origin Beast."

The yellow-robed elder turned to look at everyone, "You all have the strength of Yanzhen or above, and combined with the power of the divine city, you are enough to fight against the Yanfa elder. I will sit in the center to deal with the possible arrival of the Qiankun Emperor, and I don't have much spare time to help you. "

"Master Panshan."

A Supreme Actor frowned and said, "There are so many extraterrestrial beasts. Just a few of us might be a bit lonely."

"Every battlefield needs top-notch experts to guard it. It is not easy to recruit this group of people." Elder Huangpao shook his head helplessly, "What's more, the emperor has to lead the practitioners to sweep away the source beasts and arrange the formations, which requires more manpower... …”

Everyone nodded helplessly.

Although all the branch halls are under the command of Qingxiao Palace, they also have their own selfish motives. The restoration of the divine city and the expansion of territory are under the supervision of Dangmo Palace, and the credit also belongs to Dangmo Palace.

How could other branch halls be willing to come and fight?

Of course, there are various reasons to shirk it.

When the Dangmo Palace couldn't hold on any longer, they took the opportunity to take action and ask for a sum of credit.

"Fortunately, as long as we guard the divine city and maintain the boundless divine formation in the Qingxiao Domain, we will be successful," Huangpao Elder continued, "If we were to fight head-on with the Origin Beast, let alone this small number of people, even if there were several times more people, we would be done. It may not be possible to defend it.”

Everyone nodded slightly.

The ancient divine city itself is a super formation.

Only with the Divine City as the foundation can the Infinite Divine Array be connected to the Qingxiao Domain and extend all the way.

By that time, invisible restrictions shrouded the void, and no Qiankun Realm source beast dared to invade. This area naturally became the territory of Qingxiao Palace.


In the vast void, the power of mixed sources surged and surged. The ancient divine city was like a giant beast holding up the sky, wildly devouring the surrounding source power.

This devouring force spreads to millions of billions of miles, and the scope is so huge that even the Emperor Qiankun sighed.

The ancient divine city can be called the most powerful formation fortress in the world of cultivation. Its structure is so exquisite that even the source beast forces are unable to do anything about it.

"Wusheng, I heard that you used to display sword energy comparable to the peak of Yanzhen in the secret realm of the source world?" The elder in yellow robe looked at the bloody figure.


Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

"The divine city has the effect of blessing one's body, which can increase the power several times, and the mind and will are like a vast ocean, inexhaustible," the elder in yellow robe said solemnly, "Use your killing methods to cooperate with Supreme Mouton's The secret defense technique should be able to block the attack on the left side, so you two will guard that place."

"As you command!"

"Qing Ling, Luo Sha, you two are good at painting and shooting. Go to the right!"

"As you command!"


"As for the main entrance of the divine city, this is the area where the formation is the weakest and the easiest to be broken through. Elder Zong Jiang guards it."

"The few remaining people rush to help various places to guard against attacks by the descendants of Chaos Ming."

Soon, everyone dispersed.

Above the city wall on the left.

The ancient formation was moving slowly, and two figures stood at the top of the formation, their auras powerful and powerful.

"The ancient divine city is still absorbing the power of the mixed source. The longer the time goes by, the greater the power and the stronger the blessing for us," Supreme Mouton said, "My fellow Taoist is practicing killing, and the means of saving lives are slightly inferior. The source beast attacks Try not to stay too far away from me when you are in the city.”

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

The real body of Killing nodded slightly.

"Although this battle is dangerous, it is also a good opportunity for us to make meritorious deeds," Mouton's eyes flashed, "With Elder Panshan in charge, as long as two Emperors of the Universe do not appear at the same time, there should be no big problem."

"Elder he in the third level, right?" Gu Xiuyun pondered for a moment and asked.

He didn't know very clearly about the information from the senior officials of Qingxiao Palace.

Xin Xiang's acting skills are in the first level, and he can easily detect them.

Elder Panshan has a very high status, second only to the Lord of the First Hall, and even has the hope of being promoted to a law enforcement elder. The Taoist information of such a powerful person is not qualified for Fenglei to consult.

"The pinnacle of the third level!"

Mouton's eyes flashed with brilliance, "After the performance, one realm and one heaven are different. Each realm is very different. Elder Panshan's strength is close to the emperor level. With the ancient divine city, he can resist the source beast emperor for a long time. "

He is indeed a strong person in the third level!

Gu Xiuyun secretly took a breath. When he faced Elder Panshan, he felt a vague sense of oppression, as if he was not facing a cultivator, but a vast sky.

You know, his will is extremely strong now.

When he fought with Elder Xin Xiang, he was already a transcendent eighth-level warrior.

After practicing for another 650,000 years, my Taoist realm increased day by day, my mind and will became stronger and stronger, and there was even a tendency to approach the ninth level of transcendence.

Eighth level warriors need four perfect rules to break through.

Ninth level warriors need eight perfect rules, which is almost doubled.

It stands to reason that few people in the world can understand the eight perfect rules, and naturally there will be no ninth-level warriors.

But the real body of the human race only understood the rules of fate and did not integrate.

After integrating the rules, one must become the Supreme Being of the Universe and condense the imprint of the rules before he can try to practice, otherwise he will end his own path.

In terms of mind and will, Elder Panshan, who is in the third level of acting, has integrated nearly four kinds of rules, and is much stronger than Gu Xiuyun.

Time passes slowly.

Supreme Mouton and the true form of Killing sat on both sides of the city wall, waiting silently.

Finally, a monstrous wave of madness rushed from the end of the void, and the terrifying power turned into the power of God and was suppressed with a crash.

At the same time, a black and white palm that was a trillion miles long appeared out of thin air and crashed towards the craziness.


The earth shook.

The Qiankun Supremes at the top of each city quickly stood up and looked into the distance.

I saw endless sources of beasts showing their heads in the frenzy of the waves, each head was in the Qiankun realm, and their auras were cold and formidable.

"so much?"

Gu Xiuyun couldn't help but take a breath.

This was the first time he saw so many Qiankun Realm source beasts. With just a glance, he saw more than 7,000 source beasts.

"The source beast forces have no other ability, they are just in large numbers," Mouton explained. "Of course, they don't dare to let their subordinates die at will. If there are too many casualties, the source beasts below will escape separately, so this kind of source beast Behind the army there is a top strong man who protects the life core of the source beast army. "

"This can be regarded as the only weakness of the source beast!!"

Gu Xiuyun nodded.

Origin beasts are naturally powerful, and are born with true master-level power. After entering the Qiankun realm, they can directly condense the divine power of the rules without even needing enlightenment and practice.

But at the same time, there is a fatal flaw.

Their world of heaven and earth cannot be separated from their physical bodies, and ordinary avatar means can be at most trillions of miles away from their original world.

Such a short distance makes no difference to Qiankun Supreme.

The same is true for the life core, which must be within a trillion miles. Therefore, every time the Qiankun realm source beast goes on a battle, there will be a top powerhouse guarding the life core and protecting all living beings.

"Of course there are some drawbacks to natural talents," Mouton said with a smile, "It's not like us practitioners, who stay in the sect in the Qiankun Realm and fight in clones. As long as they don't encounter special circumstances, they will not perish."

As he spoke, the frenzy above the divine city had collided with the black and white palms more than ten times, and terrifying power swept through the void.

"Elder Panshan is the supreme master of life and death in the third level of acting, and with the blessing of the divine city, he is unable to stop the frenzy. The opponent must be the Origin Beast Emperor." Mouton reminded in a deep voice, "Those Origin Beasts will launch an offensive soon, as long as They are approaching tens of billions of miles away, and we will take action immediately.”

"Besides, be careful with those things from the Descendants of Chaos. They may pass through the city walls and sneak attack on us."

As soon as he finished speaking, hundreds of source beasts rushed out from the frenzy and rushed towards the left city wall.

The beasts from outside the world are so huge that even if they gather together, they cannot jointly attack the main gate and can only fight separately.

The Qiankun realm is not the inner world.

The internal structure of the evolving universe is completely stable, and it is no longer possible to shrink it at will!

Therefore, these origin beasts are all majestic and can easily reach hundreds of millions of miles away.

"Wusheng, kill!"

Supreme Mouton took one step forward, his divine power surged, and his regular divine body turned into a thousand barriers. The color of the wood filled the air, as if it were layers of tough steel. After reaching the peak of Yanzhen Realm, his divine tree rules have reached their peak, and his defense power is almost terrifying.

Gu Xiuyun followed closely behind, the dark divine sword slung on his shoulder, but there was no sign of it being unsheathed.


There was a sword cry.

The bloody sword light spanned the void and struck towards one of the Qiankun realm source beasts.

In an instant, the sword light tore through the sky and the earth, penetrated the source beast's body, and forcibly cut off the opponent's inner world.

Sixty-five thousand years later, the true form of Killing struck again, much stronger than before.

Although the three major rules of killing the body, killing the soul, and killing the heart have not reached the late stage of the concentration state, they have also improved a lot. More importantly, his mind and will have improved a lot.

Only the state of mind and will can form secret techniques to fight and attack.

"What a powerful killing sword energy."

When Supreme Mouton saw this scene, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "With just one sword, the Qiankun realm source beast was seriously injured. Even with the blessing of the divine city, it is not easy!"

Shit! !

Another sword beam passed through the void.

The other source beast rushing in front was split through its body. The violent rule divine power and bloodline magical power were combined, but it still couldn't stop the edge.


Two turtle-like extraterrestrial beasts rushed forward angrily. Their tortoise shells were as black as ink and looked particularly thick.

"Don't worry about those two turtles. They are best at defending and saving lives, and their killing methods are extremely weak. Let me deal with them while you continue to deal with other source beasts."

Mouton Supreme shouted loudly and waved his hand, and a heavy wood-colored stone wall blocked the turtle source beast.

"Good at defense?"

Gu Xiuyun's fingertips moved slightly, and the sword light struck at other source beasts. Every sword light looked particularly sharp.

Compared with the other three city walls, the number of source beasts on the left city wall is not large, and the offensive is not considered fierce.

Almost all of the origin beasts participating in the battle were in the early stage of the real realm, and even the magic-level origin beasts did not appear.

Obviously, the other party was just testing to observe the defensive power of the ancient divine city.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Sword rays slashed across the void, falling on the outer source beasts one after another. Those seriously injured source beasts retreated one after another, and were replaced by other source beasts to attack and kill.

Even Gu Xiuyun was unable to do anything for a while.

"These origin beasts are very cunning, their skin and flesh are tough, and their vitality is extremely large. Killing them is no less than killing a Supreme Being of Life and Death in the early stage of the Qiankun Realm."

Mouton shook his head and said, "Even if you try hard to kill them, they will come alive again in hundreds of thousands of years, unless the life core can be destroyed."

"What if you are a practitioner of fate and karma?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

The fate practitioner takes action and directly destroys the fate line.

When a Karma cultivator takes action, the power of the curse sweeps through every body, and can forcibly annihilate the source beast.

Although the opponent is protected by a top powerhouse, it is obvious that that person is definitely not the Emperor of the Universe. Otherwise, he would have killed him long ago. Why hide behind him?

A beast with a third level of acting skills may not be able to be blocked.

"If you are an elder of the fate and cause and effect system, you can forcefully annihilate them, but it will also cause the source beast emperor to attack madly."

Supreme Mouton shook his head and said, "Emperor-level beings, whose strength reaches the heavens and the earth, can completely tear apart the true spirit of a practitioner. It is not worth losing an elder of the destiny and causal system for a few source beasts."

"No wonder there is no supreme destiny or karma here." Gu Xiuyun nodded suddenly.

What they have to do is to guard the city until the Demon Emperor comes over. As for killing the source beast, it is not important. Moreover, this place is indeed dangerous, and there is no need to let the superior Taoist practitioners take risks.

In the eyes of Panshan and others, the killing avatar is just an ordinary supreme being who is proficient in killing and will not arouse the hatred of the Origin Beast Emperor.

Of course, this is without using all his means.

Once the dark divine sword is unsheathed, the killing body, killing soul, and killing heart will turn into bloody sword marks, and it can completely annihilate the source beast by force.

The rules of murderous intention have destructive power comparable to fate and cause and effect.

But he didn't.

Why did he have to fight so hard in the battle at the Demon Palace? ? Just guard your city walls.

In the vast void.

Beasts from outside the world appear one after another, frantically bombarding the formation of the divine city.

The restrictions in the ancient divine city are particularly tough. During the circulation of divine power, the collapsed restrictions are restored instantly, and their power is even greater than before. At the same time, the power of hybrid sources continues to pour into the depths of the city to make up for the consumption of the formation restrictions.

Peng! Peng! ! Peng!

The giant beast-like body hit the wooden stone wall, but was blocked by Mouton Supreme.

With the blessing of the divine city, Mouton Supreme's strength is comparable to that of the acting elders, and he is a purely defensive acting elder. Mountain walls rise one after another, completely cutting off the source beast's footsteps.

At the same moment, Gu Xiuyun kept waving his sword light, seriously injuring the source beasts rushing in front.


The bright sword light streaked through the void, tearing apart the beast's body and annihilating the world's barriers.

A large number of source beasts gathered towards Gu Xiuyun, intending to seriously injure him with their bloodline magical powers, but were blocked by the city's restrictions.

The ancient divine city not only blessed oneself, but also had means of defense.

"These origin beasts are too ferocious, fellow Taoist Wusheng, retreat immediately!"

Mouton Supreme shouted out from time to time, and at the same time stepped forward to resist the siege of the source beast.

Gu Xiuyun didn't hesitate at all, and stepped back quickly, but the sword light in his hand was swung again and again, slashing the surrounding source beasts. With the blessing of the divine city, his mind and will were like a vast ocean, endless, and his divine power and true energy were also extremely huge, no matter what No matter how you use the secret technique, it will never be exhausted.

"This is an extraterrestrial battlefield. The Realm Master is not qualified to participate in the war at all. Even the Supreme Master of Qiankun must reach the stage of acting before he can reluctantly participate."

Gu Xiuyun sighed in his heart.

It took several months for the source beast army to finally retreat, and the ancient divine city returned to peace.

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