Fortune Teller

Chapter 1538 Try it

In an instant, the peaceful void turned into a mighty frenzy.

The entire celestial wall erupted with unparalleled terrifying power, seeming to be trying its best to repel him from entering.


The endless power shook the killing body directly away, its tough flesh and blood cracked, and even the mind and will were severely damaged.

However, just a hundred feet away, a piece of spiritual treasure fragment flew into the celestial wall along the frenzy of the void, seemingly without any hindrance.

"The holy world of reincarnation excludes all living things."

Gu Xiuyun suddenly felt enlightened.

No wonder there are so many rare treasures and spiritual treasures entering the Holy World of Reincarnation, but few foreign creatures invade. Occasionally, they are low-level practitioners such as the Spirit Race and Ghost Race who hide in independent worlds.

It is said that when the spirit tribe and ghost tribe came to the realm of the heavens, there were not even venerable ones, and the highest level was only eighth grade.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Holy World, practitioners of this level do not pose any threat, so the repulsive power is very weak. However, Gu Xiuyun is a genuine Supreme Being of the Universe, and the repulsion he receives is billions of times stronger than that of ordinary beings.

"I don't believe I can't get through."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and rushed towards the holy barrier again.


Just like before, the holy world erupted with shocking power, just like a tree sweeping away ants, knocking him away.

"Come again!"

The bloody figure only rested for a moment before rushing towards the holy barrier again.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Try again and again, in addition to failure, still failure.

Gradually, he discovered the rules of operation of the celestial body wall. The celestial body continued to expand. Every moment, a large amount of mixed source power was absorbed and decomposed into clear and turbid energy.

Wherever the clear and turbid air flows, the repulsive force will be much weaker.

If you follow this airflow, you may be able to pass through the Holy Barrier.

"I see, you can't forcefully collide, you must move forward along the clear and turbid qi," the bloody figure's eyes brightened, "the clear and turbid qi are constantly changing, and are affected by the power of the holy world. Even the fate practitioners cannot advance in advance. Prediction, we can only move forward step by step until we pass through the holy barrier."

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun looked bitter.

No wonder several senior brothers are unwilling to enter or leave the Holy World of Reincarnation. The clear and turbid air currents are unpredictable and irregular. If you want to follow it through the distant barrier of the Holy World, you may not be able to do so in tens of thousands of years, let alone thousands of years. past.

Moreover, during this period of time, the body was enveloped by a terrifying repulsive force every day, and the body, soul thoughts, mind and will were constantly impacted by invisible forces, which was even more uncomfortable than staying in ghost purgatory.

"Forget it, just sharpen your mind!"

Gu Xiuyun found the right opportunity and dived deep into a stream of clear air.

Sure enough, the repulsive force of the celestial wall was much weaker, and it was already within the range of his endurance. The clear and turbid air flow moved with the wind, and the bloody figure followed closely, heading towards the depths of the Holy World barrier.

Not long after, several figures appeared at the edge of the secret realm of the Source Realm, staring at the celestial wall from a distance.

"Entering and entering the Holy World of Reincarnation is not just about repulsion."

"The last time I entered the Holy Realm of Reincarnation was five years ago. It took me a million years. That feeling..."

"I have not entered the Holy Realm of Reincarnation for thirteen years. I can only comprehend the Law of Heaven's Heart for ten thousand years at a time. What can I do with that little time? We are not Realm Masters. We are affected by the mind-only state, and the effect of enlightenment is much worse."

"This trip is also a training for Junior Brother Wu Sheng."

Everyone looked at each other, smiled, and dispersed.

The vast celestial wall seemed to be a wall. After entering it, I discovered that it was a chaotic ocean with no distinction between up, down, left and right.

There is no sun, no stars, no light and darkness, and even time has lost its meaning.

We can only move forward slowly along the clear and turbid air, day after day, year after year.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun finally understood why Slaughter Supreme said that entering the holy world of reincarnation was a training.

Nothing more than endless repulsion.

The world is chaotic, nothing can be seen, not even color. What is it like to suffer in this environment for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years?

More importantly, you have to bear the impact of invisible forces at all times and cannot relax at all.

"In this state, the other two clones cannot even practice cultivation. They can only suffer slowly in loneliness."

"And if it lasts for tens of thousands of years, who can bear it?"

The bloody figure shook his head slightly, memories of the past flashing through his mind.

I can't practice, I can't enlighten, and I can't see any scene. What else can I do except look through my past memories?

Scenes passed through my mind.

The obedient astrolabe was feared by the rules of heaven and earth and turned into a living being. Generation after generation of clan members have always been pursuing the path of immortality.

The original Destiny Clan has not lost half of its lifespan yet, but they have the magical ability to see into the past and the future and understand people's hearts, so they can easily expand their territories and dominate the mountains and rivers.

The stronger the strength, the higher the status, and the greater the ambition.

The Tianming people began to pursue the immortal way, and after generations of accumulation, they finally gave birth to Peng Zu.

However, after entering the Immortal Sect, Peng Zu began to discover the crisis in himself...

"Peng Zu, as a member of the Destiny clan, should have practiced the path of destiny, but he chose to practice cause and effect instead. He probably didn't want to have too much involvement with his predecessor."

"Speaking of which, I'm a bit similar to him."

"The human race's true body is based on fate, but the second true body is a killing system."

At this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in Gu Xiuyun's heart.

After all, he only saw the experiences of the Destiny Clan from generation to generation through the Ancient Palace of Reincarnation, rather than experiencing it personally.

If I could experience it for myself, would it have any effect on understanding the impermanent mind?

"Zhuge Changming once said to fellow Taoist Yi Ning that fate is impermanent and the human heart changes. The impermanent mind cultivates destiny, but its essence is the human heart."

"People have different attitudes. If you don't experience it yourself, how will you know whether you can succeed?"

"I haven't even tried, so why do I say I will fail? Isn't this a joke?"

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun frowned again.

The true form of the human race is stuck in the Xihuang Taoist platform and cannot come out for a while. The true form of killing mainly focuses on killing. How can we understand the impermanence of the destiny system?

"It's better to try using the mind space. Being idle is also idle. It doesn't hurt to try."

As the thought flashed, a ray of sharpness passed through the depths of the will, opening up an illusory space of thought.

Only those with a strong mental state can open up space of thought at any time and evolve many scenes.

With Gu Xiuyun's current will power, it is easier to open up a space of thought. He can even build a large space as vast as the universe and form various rules.

"Starting from the first generation of the Destiny Clan!"

After the words fell, mountains, rivers, flowers and plants appeared in the mind space, countless figures gradually condensed, and the land of China, which was tens of thousands of miles away, appeared between heaven and earth.

at the same time.

The human real body far away on the Xihuang Taoist platform moved its fingertips slightly, and its eyes fell to the end of the long river of destiny.

Countless scenes passed through his eyes, and the pictures, experiences, laughter and curses of every living creature all appeared before his eyes.

It's so easy to observe one's past experiences with the calculation ability of the human race's real body.

"Impermanent mind, since there is no direction, no method, no fixed route, it doesn't hurt to give it a try. Even if it fails, it won't waste much time!"

The human real body whispered, "Besides, the killing real body can't do anything now."

Every experience of the Destiny Clan is a real past. If you can experience it personally, it may be helpful to your practice.

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