Fortune Teller

Chapter 1539 Ask yourself

In the chaotic air flow.

The real killing body moves slowly with the two clear and turbid qi, sometimes rising, sometimes retreating, sometimes moving sideways, without any pattern.

At the same time, the space of thought turned into the land of China, and figures condensed and formed.

Starting from the first generation of the Destiny Clan, every life has followed the same path as before. Gu Xiuyun did not interfere at all and just watched quietly.

These lives are the spiritual wisdom of generations of horoscopes and the predecessors of Gu Xiuyun from generation to generation.

Countless generations of the Destiny Clan, each one has the supernatural power to see into the past and the future, plus talents and extraordinary means, and their temperaments are also different.

Either they establish a territory and establish a business, claim the title of emperor and ancestor, or they live in the world without being known, or they pursue the path of immortality and aspire to live forever.

Different lives have different perceptions.

In the past, Gu Xiuyun just glanced at it and never really understood it. Now, killing the real body was extremely boring, so he continued to watch scene after scene.

"The so-called destiny is actually the human heart."

"Perhaps everyone has a different origin, some are high up in the clouds, some are as difficult as a piece of grass, but everyone has the possibility to reach the highest place."

Looking at the scene in the mind space, Gu Xiuyun whispered.

He understands the truth.

But how to understand the rules of the impermanent mind is still a mystery. How can the superior rules be understood so easily? There is no direction, no method, and no guidance from the ancestors. It is an extremely difficult thing to explore completely on your own.

Before you know it, more than ten thousand years have passed.

Gu Xiuyun didn't gain anything, but he still read on quietly.

Doing it is better than not doing it.

The clear and turbid air currents are erratic. There are no sun, moon, stars, wind, thunder and lightning. Even time and space seem to not exist.

There is just endless chaotic void.

Time passes slowly, and before you know it, hundreds of thousands of years have passed.

Looking at the hard work of generations of the Destiny clan, Gu Xiuyun's eyes gradually brightened. He did not find the method of the impermanent mind, but discovered the power of another kind of mind.

Never give up, keep the fire going!

Generations after generations of the Destiny Clan are always pursuing the road to immortality and looking for opportunities for immortality. Especially after Peng Zu, each generation can only survive for ten or twenty years, and this desire becomes even more intense.

"Although the people of the Destiny Tribe failed time and time again, they left behind a lifetime of experiences and told their own insights and experiences to the younger generations. From generation to generation, they passed on the fire and never gave up."

"And I am just one of the Destiny clan. If I fail, new clan members will come and continue to walk forward and keep trying."

"Destiny is unpredictable, but your attitude toward fate and never give up has never changed."

A flash of realization came to my mind.

Gu Xiuyun's eyes became brighter and brighter. He didn't know what the impermanence of fate was. He just saw the spirit passed down by the Tianming Clan - the Foolish Old Man moved the mountains, and the fire was passed down from generation to generation.

Maybe everyone has their own selfish motives, to dominate the world, to be carefree, to be content with being mediocre, to be rich, to pursue immortality... But if you look at the entire Destiny Clan and even the entire human race, you will find a heart that does not want to surrender to fate.

"The reason why people bear the greatest karma in the world is because they never succumb to destiny. Maybe many people have failed and given up, but at least they have tried hard."

"Destiny is unpredictable, and people's hearts are unpredictable. I don't care how much you change. I just want you to have a clear conscience and not change your original intention."

The words fell.

The mental space deep inside the mind and body of Killing True Man collapsed.

In the Xihuang Taoist platform, the real body of the human race closed its eyes, and a vague fluctuation of fate filled the whole body.

That was a power that he had never noticed before. He had already possessed it but had never discovered it.

At the same time, the void in the Lihuo area suddenly sank, and the rules of fate that were running at all times came to a standstill, as if time and space had been stopped.

However, the other seven areas were still in the normal state of time and space. Only the Lihuo area around Gu Xiuyun was completely silent.

"The mind of impermanence is inherently impermanent, so why should it be constrained by others? Unexpectedly, it only took this young generation a few hundred thousand years to realize its secrets."

"Even so, it's just the beginning. If you want to understand the rules of the impermanent mind, you are still far away."

"And his path is far more difficult than that of Zhuge Changming, Yi Ning and others. Do you think he can succeed?"

“It’s better to do it than not do it.”

A faint sound filled the sky over the plain, coming and going with the wind.

Time passes slowly.

The true form of the human race has been sitting on the plain, forgetting the Tao, forgetting the rules, and even forgetting itself, leaving only a pure heart.

A state of selflessness.

This is not a state, but a state that can be encountered but not sought.

The state of selflessness, the higher the cultivation level, the harder it is to encounter.

Because the practitioner's mind and will are too strong, countless thoughts flash through his mind every moment, so how can he forget everything?

The three methods of destiny are following the laws of heaven, cultivating the human body, and questioning one's own heart.

If you don't fall into selflessness, how can you understand your own heart? Only when everything returns to peace, erases the influence of all things in the world, and abandons the previous rules of Tao, can we understand the direction of the soul.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

The killing avatar trembled suddenly, and the repulsive force surrounding his body completely dissipated, causing him to wake up from his daze.

This weak fluctuation also awakened the true form of the human race in a distant place.

"It turns out that this is the mind of impermanence, which is impermanent, indefinite, and directionless. In other words, any direction is right, but it's just different directions and the difficulty is different."

"Zhuge Changming, Yi Ning and others are all based on the various emotions of the human heart, and their own Taoist hearts are consistent with this. They understand the rules of the soul through the fate of the world, and unknowingly achieve the Tao."

"And my road is undoubtedly much more difficult."

If the impermanent mind is a mountain that holds up the sky, and the human mind's various states of mind are the cornerstones, Zhuge Changming and Yi Ning can pile up all the stubborn rocks in the world and condense the perfect rules. But Gu Xiuyun is different. He has only one direction in his heart - to control his own destiny and never succumb to destiny.

If you want to achieve the rules of the impermanent mind, you can only borrow this spiritual power. But how many people in the world can stick to their hearts and never give up?

Very few.

This road is destined to be much more difficult than that of Zhuge Changming and others.

"Perhaps, I have already been on this path, but I just didn't understand it until today."

In the Holy World of Reincarnation, the true form of Killing stands at the edge of the world, with endless void frenzy behind him. The forces of void inside and outside the Holy World collide with each other, forming a monstrous power, but even the corners of Gu Xiuyun's clothes cannot be touched.

The holy barrier is only about a thousand miles long, but this small thousand-mile barrier has allowed him to walk for millions of years.


Soul thoughts swept across the heaven and earth, covering the entire endless void and the underground abyss.

A single thought of the universe can cover a trillion miles in an environment like the outer world, let alone the Holy World of Samsara, where the pressure of the void is even weaker, and the soul thought can directly penetrate layers of space and cover the entire world.

In an instant, all the scenes in the realm of the heavens fell into view.

In the northern Moro realm, after the Zen sect experienced decline, it gradually regained its prosperity. With various Arhats taking charge of the Zen sect, and with the help of the monks who guarded the heart, the status of the Shingon Temple was much higher than before.

However, the eyes of the killing avatar did not fall on Bu Se and Shouxin, but looked at Yan Lu to one side.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and Yan Lu has already been promoted to the ninth rank of Patriarch.

"Impermanent heart... In fact, I have embarked on this road a long time ago, but I don't know it. Yan Lu is mediocre in talent, but he can stick to his heart and never give up. Isn't it just because of this that I gave him this gift?" Brand of destiny?"

"Lan Chonghe, born in the ordinary world, but has a heart for the Tao."

"Ji Wenshan, I don't seek eternal life and freedom, I just seek a clear conscience."

Looking at the scenes in every place in the Holy World of Reincarnation, Gu Xiuyun smiled. He originally gave the mark of destiny in order to understand the entanglement of fate, but this rule does not require deliberately selecting the target.

In fact, these people are not willing to accept their fate, and they have the determination and courage to fight against destiny, so they are valued by Gu Xiuyun.

At that time, he had already begun to understand the impermanent mind, but he didn't even know it.

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