Fortune Teller

Chapter 1540 Changes in the Realm of the Heavens

"Walking through the barrier of the Holy Realm for millions of years, Bai Ze has already passed through the karma without even realizing it!"

The bloody figure stood in the sky, looking at the old man in white robes at the top of the void.

The flow rate in the Holy World of Reincarnation is one thousandth of that outside. The real body of Killing has been traveling for millions of years, while the Holy World has only passed for a thousand years.

Thousands of years are neither long nor short.

But for practitioners in the Holy World of Reincarnation, it is an earth-shaking change, because for thousands of years, Bai Zejie Zun has been preaching at the top of the void.

The sound of the Tao resounds throughout the realms of the heavens, and everyone from the supreme being to the mortals can listen.

"This guy must have been holding it in for too long." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

For hundreds of millions of years, Zhenzun Baize has always walked around the world with a transcendent attitude, without caring about worldly affairs or entering the mortal world. Apart from the battle monument selection once every three thousand years, he has almost no disciples.

It looks detached, but in fact it is fear and timidity, for fear of being contaminated by cause and effect.

Now he has finally become a Realm Master, and his behavior is completely opposite to before. Not only does he preach without any cover-up, so much so that in just a thousand years, a large number of sages have emerged.

"Everything that goes too far is too little. If you preach like this, I'm afraid the world of heaven will be in chaos." Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled.

Which cultivator in the world has not gone through many difficulties and dangers before finally achieving the great path.

The road is difficult and dangerous, and at the same time, many people with insufficient character and weak Taoism have been eliminated, and the remaining ones are all real heroes.

But now, a Seven Dilemma Realm Master, who is also a powerful man who has understood Xuanxian Taoism, is preaching publicly for a thousand years.

What concept?

As long as you sit at home and listen to a few words occasionally, your realm will advance by leaps and bounds. There are many people who have become eighth-grade powerful men, ninth-grade ancestors and even venerable people.

This opportunity is much more powerful than the residual world and relics.

It is conceivable that in the future there will be many venerable and true lords from the human race, demon race and void creatures. With their nature of mind, they will never understand the rules of creatures, but they will make the world a mess.

"Bai Ze, I am here to welcome you, please follow me!"

Gu Xiuyun spoke quietly.

The top of the void.

Zhenzun Bai Ze turned his head and looked towards the distant sky.

I saw a figure standing hundreds of millions of miles away, blood-colored mist filling the whole body, and the appearance was extremely familiar.

"Cherish your life!"

Bai Ze's pupils shrank sharply, "Are you the messenger from Qingxiao Palace?"

"What else?" Gu Xiuyun said softly, "They are not willing to cross the Holy Realm, so I can only pick you up. Let's go, your old friends are still waiting outside!"

"How long has it been," Bai Zelian shook his head, "I remember a Realm Master said that only the Supreme Master of Qiankun can cross the barrier of the Holy Realm. You have only been away for less than two thousand years, how can you possibly step into the Qiankun Realm?"

Gu Xiuyun didn't bother to explain. With a wave of his hand, he took Baize Jie Zun into his palm and flew to the edge of the holy world.

It is difficult to enter the holy world of reincarnation, but it is much easier to get out.

Thousands of miles of barriers can be crossed in a moment.

Of course, this is for the Supreme Lord of Heaven and Earth. Bai Ze is just a Seven Dilemma Realm Lord, and the collision of the void tide is enough to wipe him out.


The barrier of the holy world was forcibly torn open by the power of the avenue, revealing the scene outside the holy world.

The bloody figure was divided into two parts, one part flew to the secret realm of the Source Realm with Bai Ze Jie Zun, and the other part stayed in the Holy Realm of Samsara.

He hasn't gone to the underground abyss to understand the Law of Heaven's Heart, so naturally he won't leave in a hurry. Besides, he has another important thing to do.


The bloody clone disappeared at the edge of the holy world.

at the same time.

The practitioners in the realm of heavens raised their heads one after another and looked at the vast world.

"The sound of the Tao disappeared? Could it be that Baize Realm has left the Holy World of Samsara?" Deep in the West Extreme Realm, the eyes of the Spirit Clan True Master flashed with brilliance, "Gu Ximing has left, Bai Ze has also left the realm, and there is no peak true master in the world. Lord, the opportunity for the Spirit Race to rise has finally arrived.”

Thinking of this, he was secretly excited.

Although the Six Realms of the West are stable, they are too barren and have an extreme shortage of elixir resources. If they can be relocated to the Langhuan Realm, the number of spiritual practitioners will definitely increase a hundred times.

In the chessboard realm, in the deepest palace of the divine religion, Yan Sushi raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Bai Zejie Zun is gone?"

"So, there are only a few true masters left in the realm of the heavens, and the most powerful one is undoubtedly the spiritual master from the six western realms. It seems that the realm of the heavens is going to be in chaos again."

While he was thinking, two figures entered the palace.

"High Priest, Bai Ze Jie Zun's Taoist voice suddenly disappeared. I'm afraid he has been taken away by the envoy." Shen Wu Yao Zun looked a little solemn. "Over the years, the Six Realms of the West are about to move. Bai Ze Jie Zun has left. I'm afraid ——”

"It doesn't matter."

Yan Sushi said softly, "The realm of the heavens is vast and endless. Let alone a spiritual clan, even more forces can be accommodated. Let him go!"

"What if he sets his sights on the cult's territory?" Lan Chonghe asked.

"Dispose of them at the first sight," Yan Sushi said calmly, "Spirit Master is not Zhu Yan, so he doesn't dare to do anything too extreme. As long as he doesn't come to seize the core secret realms such as Black Lock Mountain, our sect can give in."


Lan Chonghe and Shenwu Yaozun turned around and retreated.

After the two left, Yan Sushi's face showed some worry. With the ambition of Lingzun, how could he not attack Black Suo Mountain?

"I didn't expect that Zhenzun Bai Ze could break through so quickly!"

"Today, there are only three true masters left in the heaven realm: Qing Ming, Yin Shan and Ling Zun. The two people in the ghost mansion have the protection of Yinhun, so they will definitely not care about the outside world."

"I can only hope that Senior Gengyang will survive the Yin-Yang Tribulation as soon as possible and become a True Master. Maybe he can withstand one or two."

While he was thinking, a wisp of blood wave came.

"This is--"

Yan Sushi's eyes widened...

"To understand the heart of impermanence, it is best to find a place that is free from external interference and has its own system. There is no place more suitable than the Holy World of Samsara. There will never be any top experts in the destiny system there."

In the Xihuang Taoist platform, Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself, "It's a pity that I can't go there in person. I can only rely on the killing body to observe from a distance. I don't know how effective it will be."

Hundreds of thousands of years of selflessness have made him realize the impermanence of the mind, and he has entered the fifth level.

But if you want to go further, you can only rely on external forces.

The impermanent mind is also one of the rules of fate. It must rely on the power of all living beings to make a breakthrough, and this road is far more difficult than Zhuge Changming and Yi Ning.

"Forget it, there's no rush in this matter, hurry up and learn the other rules."

The human true form closed his eyes.

What an opportunity Xihuang Daotai was, and how short a hundred million years were. He had already wasted hundreds of thousands of years and could not waste any more.

Time passes slowly.

As expected, after Bai Ze Jie Zun left the realm of the heavens, the spirit tribe really started to take action.

The Spirit Master first focused on the Langhuan Realm, which is the source of Taoism, the entrance and exit of the realm of the source of all dharma, and many secret treasures in the world of cultivation.

Facing the powerful Spirit Clan, the Eight-Eyed Divine Cult retreated without any resistance.

Soon, the Spirit Clan focused on several surrounding realms. A large number of powerful people left. The strength of the cultivation world was far less than before. How could it resist the powerful Spirit Clan and Ghost Clan?

As the territories under their command increased, the strength of the two major ethnic groups also continued to grow. In just tens of thousands of years, they had become one of the most powerful forces in the realm of the heavens.

At the same time, the disasters of Bai Zezhenzun's preaching gradually became apparent.

A large number of monsters and void creatures have entered the realm of the Venerable. Monsters are nothing more than monsters. Without the blood of the monster gods, their strength is not much stronger than that of human practitioners.

Void creatures are different. They have powerful talents and no bloodline restrictions. Once they break through, they will immediately become venerable masters of both bloodlines.

"The realm of the heavens is getting more and more chaotic."

In the palace of the Divine Religion, more than a dozen venerable-level priests sat opposite each other, with heavy expressions on their faces.

"High Priest, news came from the critical area a few days ago that there are two venerable-level void creatures causing trouble in the world. The disciples of the sect are unable to resist and can only retreat one after another." Lan Chonghe bowed and said, "With the magical power of the blood of the void creatures, , once you step into the True Master Realm, no one in the world can control you, and this matter may be a greater threat than the Spiritual Clan."

"There are also many void creatures around the Moro Realm. Fellow Daoist Buse has asked us for help several times, but the sect is too busy to take care of itself and can't muster any more strength." Shenwu Demon Lord continued.

"There is also the Demon God Realm. Emperor Ming is unable to defeat it alone, and the Phoenix Clan also suffers heavy casualties."


One by one the priests spoke.

World Master Bai Ze said that disciples of all major sects have gained a lot, but don't forget that there are more void creatures and ancient beasts in the endless void.

They also heard the voice.

Bai Ze said, "I don't care what ethnic group you are from. After all, you are an ancient divine beast and not from the human race."

As a result, a large number of void creatures staying in the ninth level broke through the realm barriers and stepped into the realm of the venerable.

Some of the more talented ones even understood the mysteries of true immortal Taoism.

"I already know about this, please step back!" Yan Sushi waved her hands with a calm look on her face.

"High Priest, the situation in the realm of the heavens is already very serious. I'd better agree to the Spirit Master's request!!" said a divine priest.

"How can you agree?"

Yan Sushi sneered, "What he wants is the control of Heisuo Mountain. Do we have a core disciple of Heisuo Mountain here? No, we can't give it to him at all."

"But if you don't agree to his request, you can only watch the void creatures causing trouble in the world."

"The realm of the heavens has been peaceful for so long, and it's time for chaos," Yan Sushi said softly, "A pool of stagnant water is destined not to give birth to top powerhouses. Those void creatures should be regarded as the whetstones for the disciples of the god's sect!"


The priests on both sides looked at each other with some confusion.

How could the high priest have such confidence? She is not afraid of a few true master-level beings emerging from the void creatures. At that time, with their bloodline magical powers and Taoist realm, even the spirit masters will have difficulty suppressing them.

"Back off!"

Yan Sushi turned and left.

"It's too risky for the high priest to do this." A venerable shook his head and sighed.

"Perhaps that Lord left some treasure that can easily wipe out the void creatures, so the high priest is so calm." Another venerable said.


Everyone looked at each other and exited the palace.

In the side hall of the divine sect, a bloody figure sat cross-legged, and as his eyes moved, countless scenes vaguely flashed through.

That is the picture of the realm of the heavens.

clatter! ! clatter! clatter! !

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and Yan Sushi appeared in the side hall, "Priests from all sides sent messages. Several more venerable-level beings emerged from the void creatures. The realms of the heavens were becoming more and more chaotic. The realm of Moro and the realm of demons and gods... Both the Mongolian and Mongolian critical areas are facing crises.”

"Oh?" The bloody figure raised his head, "Is that just that?"

"They are the biggest scourge," Yan Sushi continued, "As for those eighth-grade powerful men and ninth-grade patriarchs who travel everywhere, as long as the divine sect joins forces with several other sects, they can be wiped out easily."

The bloody figure looked at the woman and shook his head, "I know what you want to say, but I can't take action. The Qingxiao Palace has expressly prohibited it. The Supreme Qiankun is not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the heavens, and is not even allowed to appear in front of others."

"But..." Yan Sushi looked anxious.

"Don't worry," the bloody figure said calmly, "Those void creatures can't accomplish anything. Once they step into the realm of true respect, they will be punished by heaven. Qingxiao Palace will not allow void creatures to destroy the practice world."

"Even if there is no divine punishment, I will still take action."

"The most important thing now is your own practice. There are many books in Black Lock Mountain, but whether you can understand the rules of living things still depends on yourself."

"God's punishment!" Yan Sushi's eyes lit up slightly.

As long as the void creature cannot become a true master, this matter will be much easier. Others will do what the spiritual master is unwilling to do.

For example, Venerable Gengyang.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, Gengyang's strength is far greater than before, and he is not far from the True Master Realm.

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