Fortune Teller

Chapter 1544 The conspiracy behind the scenes

"You, junior, are so lucky." Envy flashed in the eyes of Palace Master Yi Ming. "You have received the blessing of the Infinite Saint, allowing you to break the constraints of the Supreme Rules in advance and cultivate both veins... With this kind of opportunity, I have been able to I can’t even think about it.”

"Fighting against the Supreme Rules is not an easy task. Master Xihuang has only done it twice since he started practicing. Now that the Origin Beast forces are eyeing it, all the Holy Saints will never dare to try it. You are probably the only one. "

The long-bearded man sighed for a moment and said loudly, "Tell me, how do you understand the nine rules?"

"Destiny is twisted and perfect, and the mind, entanglement, evolution of heavenly secrets, and the source of destiny have reached the peak of refining the mind... The understanding of the rules of the impermanent heart is the lowest, and it is still at the sixth level of mystery."

Gu Xiuyun bowed and told.

The other party made it so clear, how could he dare to hide it? Obviously, the master of Yi Ming Palace knew the secret of cultivating both lines.

"The rules of internal cultivation are almost perfect, and the three foundations have become two, which is barely okay." Yi Ming nodded slightly, "With your current level, it is not difficult to break through the rules of internal cultivation. The trouble is the rules of external cultivation. There aren’t many suitable places for foreign cultivators!”

While thinking about it, Master Yi Ming waved his palm and threw the Mustard Seed Palace in front of Gu Xiuyun, "Put it away quickly and don't let anyone discover it again in the future."

"The Sky of Destiny!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes widened, "Palace Master, will you give me this thing?"

"if not!"

The long-bearded man snorted, "Do you really think that I am so stupid to trade a piece of heaven-level merit for this thing? I am not Qi Shen, and having Master Xihuang's guidance is not enough. Why am I coveting this thing of yours? Of course. You can only hold this treasure for one year at most, but when the time comes, you still have to hand it over to Old Ghost Qi."

"I will give you his heaven-level achievements, cloud stones, and edicts later. As for what I promised, don't think about it."

So that's it... Gu Xiuyun suddenly realized.

The master of Daqing Yi Ming Hall is borrowing flowers to offer to the Buddha. No wonder he said it so readily. Opening the mouth is a heaven-level achievement. There is no need to give it anyway, you can say as much as you want.

He finally understood why Master Yi Ming opened the Yuxu Tower.

Only by letting the strong men of the Xi Palace witness what happened and clearly see the treasure being taken away by the master of the Yi Ming Palace, would no one pay any attention to Gu Xiuyun.

Who would have thought that this treasure bag would go round and round and end up in his hands again.

"It stands to reason that you should be allowed to stay at the Xihuang Taoist platform so that you can understand the rules of destiny as quickly as possible," the long-bearded man said quietly, "but you are different from others. You have cultivated both meridians and have stepped into the immeasurable realm. There is a possibility that once the source beast forces are aware of it, those holy level source beasts will never show mercy."

"They will use all means, even if they forcefully attack Xihuang Daotai, they will destroy your true spirit."

"So Master Xihuang has always ignored you, and even asked me to treat you deliberately. The benefits given to you are all earned by your own efforts, such as Baizhantai——"

Palace Master Yi Ming smiled slightly, "Between Seven Thousand Xi Zhu and Xihuang Daotai, even a fool should know which one to choose."

I see!

The confusion in Gu Xiuyun's heart was completely solved. No wonder it was such a coincidence. Just when he was about to find a place to retreat and practice, the Xihuang Taoist Platform came crashing down on him.

"It's logical to let you practice in Xihuang Daotai for 100 million years. It just so happens that you have to avoid Junior Xin Xiang and Master Qi Temple, so this matter will not attract the attention of the Origin Beast forces."

The long-bearded man continued, "But if you still go in... you will definitely arouse their suspicion. A junior who has practiced the supernatural power of the ancient sage and has no way to enter the realm of Taoism, why would you go to the Xihuang Taoist platform if you have nothing to do?"

"As long as suspicion is aroused, a holy-level source beast will come to investigate in person. By then, you will definitely die."

"So, I used the power of Master Qi Temple to help you defraud you of a heaven-level merit, and let the elders from all parties witness it. In this way, no matter where you go next, the source beast forces will not pay too much attention. "

"The master of the palace has foresight and foresight, and I admire him." Gu Xiuyun bowed and saluted. In addition to gratitude, he also felt a sense of fear in his heart.

He thought he was doing it secretly.

Unexpectedly, Lord Xihuang and Master Yi Ming had already seen through everything. From Baizhan Terrace to Yuxu Tower, they were all acting.

A good show for the source beast forces.

"You can't be careful," the long-bearded man sighed, "Did you know that there are at least hundreds of acting elders in the cultivation world who have colluded with the source beast? These people think they are two-faced and can live forever, but they don't know. When the Holy Saint falls, they will all become the playthings of the Origin Beast."

"These idiots will destroy the spiritual world sooner or later."

Senhan's murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Palace Master Yi Ming, "I'm just an elder of Yanfa, there are even a few Emperors of the Universe——"

At this point, the long-bearded man seemed to remember something, shook his head, and returned to the original topic, "Your top priority now is to understand the three methods of external cultivation and the impermanent mind."

"The impermanent mind can only rely on yourself. I can't help you. As for the three external cultivation methods, there are two places that are more suitable. The Xihuang Space will inform you about the specific situation later. You can figure it out yourself!"

"By the way, after today, don't stay in Xihuang Realm anymore."

"This place is not as safe as you think, especially in the Sky of Destiny. The emperors of the universe of the destiny system may be aware of it..."

Master Yi Ming waved his hand, and with a bang, the stone door opened, and the entire palace lit up.

"Disciple resigns."

Gu Xiuyun put away the sky of destiny and walked outside the palace.

Master Yi Ming did not refine this treasure, nor did he erase the imprint of his mind. As soon as the mustard seed touched his body, it merged into the depths of his mind and will.

"Junior, I have done everything I should do. As for how far you can go, it still depends on you." Looking at the blue back of the retreat, Master Yi Ming sighed slightly, "In the world of cultivation, we really need a few more steps." A strong person, Senior Sister Ning... Junior Brother is useless and cannot avenge you."

A hint of cold murderous intent permeated the entire palace.

A few days later.

Gu Xiuyun left a clone in the Xihuang Realm, and the real body of the main battle left with Destiny Tianqiong.

Even the master of Yi Ming Hall said that this world is unsafe, which shows that there is a real problem. How many of those elders and emperors who are usually selfless are colluding with the source beast?

No one knows.

The so-called knowing people and faces but not their hearts, even the supreme beings of fate and karma may lie. After all, they are already the supreme beings of the universe, and it is difficult to follow the rules of Taoism and law, so they may not care about the constraints of oaths.

Soon, a cyan figure appeared near Green Leaf Lake.

"According to Palace Master Yi Ming, Qingxiao Realm and Xihuang Realm are easy to attract attention, and they are not as good as some remote Qiankun Realm."

"Although the Wuyang Sea Realm is one of the thirty-six main realms, the ancient divine city has been restored, the Evil Spirit Ruins have also been included in the Tianyu, and the void passage has been abandoned and closed, and no Supreme Lord of the Universe will be able to pass through it."

"Go back to Wuyang Sea Realm!"

As his thoughts flashed, the cyan figure walked into the teleportation array.

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