Fortune Teller

Chapter 1545 The Supreme Elder

Wuyang Sea Realm has almost no changes compared to hundreds of millions of years ago. Cangyan Clan, Red Wolf Palace, and Luo Xingzhou are still powerful.

In addition, there is another Changhe Sect.

One hundred million years have passed, and Qu Zhonghe has become a half-step supreme. His strength is no less than that of the Cangyan Heavenly Lord and the Red Wolf Heavenly Lord, and he controls several states around the Fuling Sea Area.

Inside the majestic palace.

Qu Zhonghe was sitting cross-legged, practicing with his eyes closed, when suddenly his heart trembled slightly, and the communication talisman in his body lit up at some point.

"Supreme communication? Could something big happen?"

He quickly thought out his thoughts, "There is a fellow Taoist who will be stationed in the Changhe Sect. This person has amazing strength and outstanding cultivation, comparable to the peak heavenly king. Remember, you must treat him with the courtesy of a supreme elder without any mistakes." ’

"A person as powerful as a peak heavenly king?" Qu Zhonghe's eyes widened with a look of shock on his face.

What are these powerful people doing in Wuyang Sea Realm?

There are many secret realms and treasures in the Qingxiao Heavenly Territory. Even if that is not enough, you can go to the edge of the Heavenly Territory to fight, or go to the battlefield outside the territory.

Wuyang Sea Realm... except that it is vast and vast, has no benefits at all, and the spiritual energy is not very rich, and the top experts are only half-step to the supreme level.

"In any case, there is a peak Heavenly Lord who even Lord Wusheng values ​​​​is sitting in the sect, and I don't have to be wary of those Heavenly Lords all the time." A smile appeared on Qu Zhonghe's face, "Maybe I can get some benefits. "

Before he finished speaking, a mighty power filled the air from the sky, and the huge power of destiny swept across the entire Floating Sea, but it did not attract the attention of any cultivator...except Qu Zhonghe.

"Lord of Destiny?"

Qu Zhonghe's eyes flashed with wonder and he hurriedly greeted him.

Above the clouds, I saw a cyan figure with one hand behind his back, exuding deep and mysterious regular fluctuations, and his eyes seemed to contain shocking power when he opened and closed them.

"I met the Destiny Lord in Xia Qu Zhonghe, but don't you know the name of the Lord?" Qu Zhonghe asked cautiously.

"I am a poor Taoist, Yunxiu, I have met fellow Taoist Qu." The green figure clasped his fists and bowed.

"Don't dare."

Qu Zhonghe quickly turned sideways to avoid the other person's return gift. He could clearly remember that Supreme Wu Sheng said that this person had strength comparable to the peak Heavenly King.

How could such a strong person be his equal?

"Tianjun Yunxiu, let's go back to the sect to rest for a few days. Later, I will hold a celebration for you to enter the sect. How about that?" Qu Zhonghe said.

"No need, Pindao won't be able to stay long, just arrange a small courtyard for me to live in."

The cyan figure waved slightly.

On the way from Xihuang Realm to Wuyang Sea Realm, he had already taken a rough look at the two secret realms introduced by the master of the Hall Yi Ming.

Both of these places are unusual places. Not only are the barriers to entry extremely high, but one has to wait for a special time to visit, and it may take millions of years at the earliest.

"Whatever Tianjun says is what it is."

With a smile on his face, Qu Zhonghe led Gu Xiuyun to Changhe Sect.

Not long after, a mysterious hill appeared in Changhe Sect.

The mountain is low, with a small courtyard at the top. It is quite simple, but it exudes a faint and shocking wave.

"It is said that there is an additional Supreme Elder in the sect, who is extremely powerful, no less than a Half-Step Supreme. Have you heard about it?"

"I've heard about it too, but it seems that he's not only at the half-step supreme level, but even the sect master respects this person."

"Stronger than the Half-Step Supreme? Is he the Qiankun Supreme??"

The disciples of Changhe Sect talked quietly.

Pieces of news not only reached the ears of the disciples, but also reached the ears of the holy world practitioners living nearby.

"A mysterious and powerful man appeared in the Changhe Sect, and was honored as Supreme Elder by Sect Master Qu?" Dong Yan and Long Yang looked at each other.

One hundred million years have passed, and both of them have reached the peak of the Six Difficulties, and may break through the realm barriers at any time and become the Seven Difficulties Realm Masters.

The rules of the outer world are chaotic, and the difficulty of cultivation is much greater than that of the Holy World of Reincarnation. They don't have any cultivation treasures in their hands. It is already amazing that they can make such progress in 100 million years.

How many talented practitioners need one or two years to break through!

If Gu Xiuyun had not focused on cultivating internal rules, and had received many opportunities from Emperor Ziyang, Waning Moon Pool, and Sky of Destiny, he would not have been able to break through the realm barrier so early.

"I heard that he is a practitioner of the destiny system. Two disciples once climbed a mountain to sweep, and were given some advice by him." Long Yang shook his head and said, "The destiny practitioner is definitely not a Taoist who cherishes his life, but maybe someone from Sect Master Qu. Friends.”


Dongyan Zhenzun’s eyes flashed brightly.

He also has a destiny system, and he has always stayed at the peak of the six difficulties. If he can get the guidance of a destiny king, he might be able to break through the bottleneck and become a realm master.

Over the past 100 million years, many realm masters have appeared in the Changhe Sect, and even some descendants of the divine sect have successfully broken through, but the two of them have yet to break through.

It wasn't that Qu Zhonghe deliberately obstructed it, but that the rules for the two of them to comprehend were too difficult.

The difficulty of practicing superior Taoism is extremely high. How is it possible to break through in a short time?

"I have to pay a visit to the senior of Destiny System. Maybe he can give you some advice."

Dongyan Zhenzhen whispered in his heart and walked out of the cave.

Inside another majestic palace.

Beihai Zhenzhen sat cross-legged, his whole body filled with mysterious fluctuations. Ever since he entered the outer world, he had given up his previous spiritual enlightenment and turned to practice the lower vehicle.

It has to be said that the difficulty of the inferior path is indeed a hundred times lower than that of the superior path.

In just 100 million years, this person has broken through from having no foundation to the peak of the Six Difficulties. Compared with Dong Yan and Long Yang, he is not weak at all.

"Is there a Destiny Lord who is in charge of the Changhe Sect?" Zhenzun Beihai's eyes flashed, "Qu Zhonghe looks down on me. I can't say that the Destiny Lord is not good. Although my status in the sect is not high, I am just an ordinary person. You are a guest, but you are also qualified to meet the Supreme Elder."

Thinking of this, Zhenzun Beihai quickly walked out of the palace and headed towards the headquarters of the Changhe Sect.

Whoosh! !

Escape light like electricity.

As the True Master of the Six Difficulties, and one who specializes in swordsmanship, his escape speed is even better than that of Dong Yan and Long Yang. In just a moment, he arrived at the entrance at the foot of the mountain.

"My lord Beihai, what's the important thing for you?" asked the sect disciples on both sides of the entrance.

"I am going to have an audience with the Supreme Elder. You guys should quickly lead the way." Beihai Zhenzun looked stern.

"Meet the Supreme Elder?!"

The disciples of the Changhe Sect looked at each other and then shook their heads, "Please forgive me, sir. The sect master has a strict order and does not allow anyone to disturb the Supreme Elder unless approved by the elder."

"No interruptions allowed?"

Beihai Zhenzhen's face suddenly darkened, "As a guest, I have the qualifications to meet the Supreme Elder. You guys dare to stop me without even passing a message. Do you want to be punished?"

"Please forgive me, sir." The Changhe Sect disciple quickly bowed.

At this time, another figure came from a distance, "Fellow Daoist Beihai, what made you so angry?"

"Tom Yan, what are you doing here?"

When Beihai Zhenzun saw the figure in the distance, his face sank slightly.

Dong Yan is also a True Master of the Six Difficulties. Dong Yan practices the superior Taoist method - Destiny, but he practices the inferior Taoist method - Swordsmanship. In the future, when he enters the Realm of Realm Master, the status of the two of them will be the same.

But Beihai had to do that.

To practice superior Taoism, you must have enough resources. Dongyan Zhenzhen was accepted as a direct disciple by Qu Zhonghe, and he received his full guidance. It is said that he can go to the Enlightenment Hall at any time.

As for Beihai Zhenzun... he has no benefits except for the false reputation of a guest. Every time he goes to the Enlightenment Hall, he consumes a lot of merit and does not allow time to accelerate.

"I heard that there is a Supreme Elder in the sect. I want to meet him. We are both in the destiny system. Maybe that senior can give me some advice." Dong Yan said.

"Huh, then your trip here was in vain," Zhenzun Beihai looked at the disciples of the sect with disdain, "These people are not allowed to enter. They say that the sect master issued an order and no one is allowed to visit, including guests and ministers. Elder of the sect, you are naturally among them."


Zhenzun Dongyan walked to the foot of the mountain, clasped his hands in his fists, "I want to pay my respects to the Supreme Elder, but please let me know."

"Uncle Dongyan, please!!"

The disciples on both sides quickly let go of the restrictions, revealing the passage behind them.


Beihai Zhenzun's face suddenly changed, "What do you mean?? Why can he go up the mountain, but I can't?"

"Sir, this is the elder's order, and we are only following the order." The disciple guarding the mountain bowed and explained, "As soon as Master Dongyan came here, the elder sent a message, asking me to lead the way and take him to the top of the mountain. Small courtyard."

"Fellow Taoist Beihai, Pindao goes first."

Dongyan Zhenzun clasped his fists slightly and walked towards the mountain road.

"How could this happen? Why does even the Supreme Elder look down on me?" Zhenzun Beihai's face changed. "It must be because of Qu Zhonghe, who deliberately allowed the Supreme Elder to instruct his direct disciples and alienate me. It's hateful, hateful... …”

Beihai Zhenzun was extremely angry.

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