Fortune Teller

Chapter 1557 Go to reincarnation

In the source space, a cyan figure sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

Not far away, a female cultivator in plain robes whispered to herself, and a series of mysterious and mysterious magic formulas came out of her mouth and spread throughout the space of a hundred feet.

While whispering, she was still quietly looking at the figure beside her. Once upon a time, they were like this, one was telling the secrets and the other was listening quietly.

That year, they were all mortals.

Under the cloud peak, in a small cave, there is a young man and a girl.

Maybe for Gu Xiuyun, those years were just a failed plan, but for Gu Yue, it was the strange poison of the ice snake in her body, and her only support at the end of her life. Although it was short-lived, it was unforgettable.

"Brother cherish your life."

Gu Yue whispered in her heart, wanting to say countless things but not knowing what to say.

Perhaps the two of them had gone through too much and waited for too long, so she didn't dare to question the other person with their true colors, so she could only use this method.

"If you don't want to see me, I won't see you. I just want to be a nameless person and stay with you, that's enough."

Time passes slowly.

The human race's real body and the killing real body have been immersed in epiphany, while the six western realms have been turned upside down and mourning is everywhere.

"Qilin beast, don't think that you have Taoist Qi Ming as your backer. I can't do anything to you. Hand over the treasure of my family, otherwise I will make your soul fly away and your body and soul will disappear."

The spirit master transformed into a sky-holding giant and stood high in the sky, his face so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

"What's the use of talking so much? If you have the ability, just take the treasure back by yourself," the black piggy said proudly, wagging its tail, "I will always avenge myself. From today on, I will change the name of the fox hunting realm. Steal the spirit realm and steal all your treasures to see how you practice? "

With that said, the Qilin beast jumped up and fled deep into the West Extreme Realm.

"What do you want to do?"

The Spirit Master quickly waved his palms, transforming his divine power into a true immortal Taoist technique, and pressed towards the black-patterned golden dolphin, but was instantly penetrated by seven-color light.

Qilin, the divine beast, is best at breaking restrictions, escaping, and hunting for treasures.

When it reaches the realm of the Black Patterned Golden Dolphin, the power of its supernatural powers is even more terrifying. Few people under the Realm Master can seal it, not to mention that it itself has mastered several true immortal arts.

Combining the two, the method of breaking the ban is unrivaled in this world.

"Lingzun, you can provoke me, too? Don't you want to crush me to death? Come on, come on!"

The black-striped golden dolphin jumped repeatedly in the West Pole realm, and from time to time it stretched out its claws and snatched away a batch of spiritual materials.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the Spirit Clan has accumulated a large amount of magical medicine crystals, and now most of them have been reduced. This is despite the Spirit Master's efforts to stop them. Without him, the entire West Extreme Realm would have been stolen.


The eyes of the Spirit Master were filled with anger, and the depths of his pupils were filled with layers of bloodshot eyes. But facing a Qilin beast that had entered the realm of the True Master, even though he had monstrous magical powers, he could only watch the opponent walking wantonly.

Time passes slowly.

Hundreds, thousands, ten thousand years.

At Gu Xiuyun's level, one retreat may last for millions of years. The black-patterned golden dolphin stole the West Extreme realm time and time again, even including the neighboring ghost clan and other void creature forces.

As long as you have good relations with the Spirit Race, they will patronize you all.

At the same time, the lifespan of a large number of disciples of the sect is approaching the extreme...

The main altar of the divine religion.

Ji Wenshan sat cross-legged, his whole body filled with a faint air of death, which was a sign that three disasters and nine disasters were coming.

Three disasters and nine difficulties are overcome, and it is an opportunity.

If you can't get through it, it will be a disaster.

"Junior brother, have you really decided? With the techniques taught by our master, we can avoid three disasters and nine difficulties and concentrate on practice. Why go through reincarnation?" Lan Chonghe said.

"Life and death are destiny," Ji Wenshan shook his head slightly, "I am destined not to achieve enlightenment in this life, so why bother lingering in the world? It is better to go through reincarnation."

"After reincarnation, it will be difficult to become a revered person."

Lan Chonghe continued to persuade, "Although there are a lot of demon spirit blood in the sect, if you want to refine it into a deity, your mind and will must reach at least the ninth level peak. Your reincarnation may not be able to reach that point."

"I have made up my mind, senior brother, there is no need to persuade me."

Ji Wenshan shook his head slightly, came outside the main hall of the divine sect, knelt down and said, "Disciple Ji Wenshan is stupid in nature and has failed his teacher. Please forgive me."

He knelt quietly in front of the palace, but no sound came out.

"Junior brother..."

Lan Chonghe sighed.

Ji Wenshan is right. He is destined not to achieve the great path in this life. The path of cultivation is about cultivating the heart. No matter how many resources there are, if the Dao heart is not strong enough, the achievements will not be too high.

Ji Wenshan is already a Sannan Venerable, but until today, he has not understood the true immortal Taoism, which shows that the Venerable realm has reached its limit.

If you want to go further, you must obtain a heaven-defying wonder like the Tianxin Stone.

A few days later, three disasters and nine disasters struck, and Ji Wenshan was wiped out.

The edge of Moro Realm.

A figure sat cross-legged, his breath rising and falling.

"Yan Lu, you have a strong Taoist heart and you have the opportunity. Do you really want to give up all this and reincarnate and cultivate again?"

Monk Shouxin looked at the person in front of him and frowned slightly.

Since the death of the Taoist protector and the loss of the Samsara Heart Formation, Zen Buddhism has no longer been what it used to be. Among the few sages left, Yan Lu is considered to be the one with the highest level of cultivation and the most sophisticated Taoist methods.

"Master, please forgive me."

Yan Lu shook his head and sighed, but had no explanation.

Throughout his life, he had a knot in his heart that he could never untie. Patriarch Xianyun gave him the opportunity to help him achieve enlightenment, but at the same time, he also destroyed Zen Buddhism.

On one side is the senior who was reborn by En Tong, and on the other is the sect that raised him.

Yan Lu didn't know whether he should be grateful or hateful?

You know, to this day, there are still many disciples of Zen sect who curse the Taoist who cherishes his life, even the venerable master and the ninth-grade patriarch, let alone the low-level practitioners.

As for the Insensible Arhat and the Mind-Shou Monk... one of them is regarded as a soul body by the guardian of the Tao, and the other is dust-free and dedicated to the Buddha. They are not people who care about such things, so naturally they will not care.

But Yan Lu couldn't do it.

As time goes by, he has become a demon.

"If you cut off this life, your next life will be clean and you won't have to worry about these things."

Yan Lu closed his eyes and said his last words, "Master, after my disciple dies, don't look for me. Whether you will become enlightened or not depends on your fate!"

"Okay." The monk guarding the heart nodded slightly.

The chessboard realm is a place where the turbulent currents of Gangsha are surging.

The sky was covered with thunderclouds, and a figure moved forward slowly.

"After searching for so many years, I finally found it!"

Looking at the ruined space in front of him, memories, sadness, and desolation flashed through Shen Qi's eyes, "Ning'er, I thought everything had changed. It wasn't until I became the ninth-grade patriarch and venerable that I suddenly understood that nothing in the world can go back to the past? No one can change the past.”

"I don't hate Master. Without Master, I would have been nothing but dust..."

"The high priest told me that the past cannot be changed, but the future can. I have asked the high priest to choose a good place for me, where you and I can start over."

Shen Qi clenched his fists tightly.

No matter how high your cultivation level is or how profound the Taoism is, the thorns in your heart will always be thorns that can never be pulled out, especially at his level.

Every time I understand the rules of living beings, scenes from the past flash through my mind.

Shen Qi understood that there was something missing in his heart, and no matter how hard he tried to gain enlightenment, it would be difficult to get rid of the shadow of the past.

In this case, it is better to face it and make up for the shortcomings in my heart.


The sky and the earth were churning, yin and yang tribulation enveloped the void, and thunder struck down, hitting Shen Qi's head directly.

"You once told me that we should sleep together in life and die in the same hole."

Shen Qi closed his eyes.


The lightning flashed, smashing the humanoid figure into pieces.

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