Fortune Teller

Chapter 1558 Awakening

Time passes.

One by one, the disciples of the divine sect died at the end of their lives, including the Venerable, the ninth-grade Patriarch, the eighth-grade Great Master... except for Lan Chonghe, Yan Sushi, Geng Yang, and Minghuang.

They all got Gu Xiuyun's escape secret.

The refuge method came from the Qingxiao Palace and should not have been introduced into the Holy World of Reincarnation. However, due to his status as a Taoist Wusheng, he occasionally made exceptions and the farmer would not say anything.

In addition, the non-se arhats, the monks who guard the heart, and those venerables who help the divine religion to guard the time and space circle all have magical secrets to protect their bodies.

"If I had known this, I should have taken refuge in the Eight-Eyed God Sect and guarded the space-time formation."

In a certain realm, several old-looking void creatures looked around the sky, their faces full of despair. No matter how talented they were, what? You will not be able to become a Realm Master until you die, you can only watch the three disasters and nine disasters coming, your body will perish and your path will disappear.

"Before you die, go to the God's Religion!"

A void creature said, "Force them to hand over the magic formula to avoid three disasters and nine disasters. We are all going to die anyway, so what is there to be afraid of?"

"Go to the divine sect? Can we afford to offend the divine sect today?" Another void creature shook his head and sighed, "Not to mention what state Yan Su Shi and Geng Yang have reached, among those in charge of the divine throne, which one is not the true master state? Chong He Zhenzun is said to have reached the peak of the Five Difficulties."

"How can we intimidate the cult of God with just us people?"

"You are timid and fearful, but I am not. Why are you still hesitating when you are about to die? Who wants to go to the chessboard realm with me?"

Several other void creatures looked at each other with ferocious looks on their faces, "Let's go."

Whoosh! !

One after another, the huge beasts flew towards the southern void.

Before he even got close to the chessboard boundary, he was already stopped by an invisible barrier.

"The high priest has an order that void creatures are not allowed to enter the southern void. I will give you three breaths to leave here, otherwise...die!"

Lan Chonghe put his hands behind his back and looked ahead indifferently.

After Yan Sushi mastered the art of time and space, she already had the magical power to see all the worlds and understand all things. How could the attacks and killings of void creatures be hidden from her?

This group of void creatures had already caught her attention when they gathered.

"So fast?"

The void creatures looked at each other, their expressions changing.

"One." Lan Chonghe said quietly, "You still have two breaths."

"What should I do? I heard that Zhenzun Chonghe is the great disciple of Taoist Xi Ming. He is extremely powerful and has practiced the rules of killing. He has few rivals in the same realm."

"There are few opponents... I am just saying this to scare you. In my opinion, he is like a silver-like wax spearhead. When the Spirit Master was still alive, he could be killed with a flick of his hand."

"Since the death of the spiritual master at the end of his life, there is no one in the heavens who can compete with the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect. The Qilin Divine Beast has also become more and more unscrupulous. I have long been sulking in my heart. Whether I live or die today, We all have to compete with the divine religion.”

"Two." Lan Chonghe said calmly, "You must think clearly about what will happen if you go against the divine religion!!"

"At most, it has been sinking for tens of millions of years. I don't believe it. How can a mere divine religion continue to be strong forever?"

As soon as the words fell, several void creatures rushed forward at the same time.


Lan Chonghe raised his right hand, and in an instant, the five elements of wind and thunder merged to form a soaring divine sword.


The sword edge fell and swept past several void creatures. The venerable-level void creatures were all terrifying beings with both abilities. However, at this moment, they were like broken rubber balls, shattering one after another.

True immortal Taoism also has strengths and weaknesses.

The Tao Technique that Lan Chonghe understood was the most powerful one. It was based on the Five Elements of Wind and Thunder to form the killing sword energy. When combined with the Tao of Killing, it was so powerful that it was almost terrifying.

"All dead?"

At the edge of the River of Life and Death, an old void creature was hiding on the edge of the death aura, with fear on its face.

It is the only void creature that opposes going to the chessboard realm and the only survivor.

"The true immortal Taoist technique that combines the five elements of wind and thunder, and it is a secret killing technique. How could he be so strong? How could he be so powerful?"

The void creatures trembled and fled into the distance.

Soon, a piece of news spread.

Several void creatures who were dying of their lifespan went to the southern void, trying to force the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect to hand over the evacuation techniques, but in the end, they didn't even take a single move in front of Zhenzun Chonghe.

You know, those void creatures have all reached the peak of the three difficulties, and their strength is almost terrifying.

Even so, he still couldn't survive a move.

One can imagine Lan Chonghe's strength.

And he is just one of the top powerful men in the divine religion. In addition, there are Geng Yang, Yan Su Shi, and the Black Pattern Golden Dolphin, all of whom are extremely terrifying.

The bottom of the religion.

The bloody figure had long been covered in dust and had even condensed into a stone statue.

A million years have passed since he fell into epiphany.

You must know that this is a million years in the realm of the heavens. When converted into the outer world, it has been a billion years.

Over such a long period of time, the disciples of the sect have changed one after another.

Suddenly, a soft sound came from the statue's eyebrows.


The statue opened its eyes, revealing dark and clear eyes. This was a pair of eyes that a killing cultivator would never have.

Clear and pure, as if it had never been affected by the aura of killing.

"No wonder the killing system has six kinds of rules, but only five are spread in the world. The sixth kind cannot be practiced at all." The real body of killing shook his head slightly, "If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will become shades. Things in this world are really... not sure."

at the same time.

In the ancient world of Taiyuan, the cyan figure awakened from enlightenment. Compared with the millions of years of killing the real body, the real body of the human race has experienced longer years.

A full billion years.

The extremely long years have left no trace.

"The heart of impermanence... If you see your nature clearly, you will achieve something. It turns out that I was wrong all along." Gu Xiuyun raised his head and looked at the sky. "Zhuge Changming was wrong, and so was Yi Ning. The heart of impermanence does not need any external help at all. When you ask about your own heart, you are asking about yourself. Why do you need to observe the world?”

"No, no, they were right and I was wrong."

He shook his head again, "Zhuge Changming and Yi Ning were both low-level practitioners when they realized Taoism. They could not condense the complete rules of the impermanent mind by themselves alone, and had to rely on the help of others."

"And I am already the Supreme Being of the Universe, and my mind and will have reached a level comparable to the realm of acting. I can do things they cannot do."

As thoughts flashed, a voice came, "Are you awake?"

Gu Xiuyun looked to the side. The female cultivator in plain robes was still sitting next to her. Her whole body was filled with the power of gods and demons. Her aura was deep and far-reaching, several times more powerful than his rhinoceros power.

For a billion years, she has been absorbing the power of gods and demons and feeling the signs of gods and magic. How could it be possible that the ancient saint's supernatural powers had not improved in such a treasured place of cultivation? ?

"Thank you, girl," Gu Xiuyun stood up, "Without the help of the girl's magic technique, I would never have been able to understand the rules of the impermanent mind in just one billion years."

"Then how far have you reached in your cultivation?" Gu Yue couldn't help but ask.

"The law follows the situation." Gu Xiuyun responded in a deep voice.

"Fa Sui Jing!?!"

After a billion years of enlightenment, he actually broke through from the sixth level of mystery to the state of Dharma in one fell swoop? How can it be?

"The impermanent mind cultivates the heart. Everyone's mind is different," Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and explained, "Those techniques are indeed very suitable for me, but they also caused me a lot of trouble. Fortunately, My other true body cultivates the completely opposite way, and the combination of the two helped me get out of trouble."

"Girl, you better not tell anyone about those magic tricks in the future. Just because I can survive it doesn't mean that others can too."

As he spoke, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

Only he himself understands what he has experienced in a billion years. If he had not killed the real body, he might have really sunk forever.

"Are those magic techniques dangerous?" Gu Yue frowned.

The maid Biyu never said there was anything wrong with the techniques, she only said that these techniques were of great benefit to the mind of impermanence.

"It's very dangerous. It's better to practice less in the future," Gu Xiuyun continued, "I don't know who told the girl these secrets, but you'd better not try to practice. You have already understood the rules of the impermanent mind, and you can rely on yourself. Slowly cultivate your strength to the extreme, there is no need to take such risks. "

"very dangerous……"

The female cultivator in plain robes frowned, and a look of anger flashed across her face.

She has always known the temper of the life-loving brother best, and even him saying this shows how dangerous it is.

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