Fortune Teller

Chapter 1729 Shock

call out!

The brilliance quietly disappeared into the distance.

The cyan figure lowered his head and continued to understand the application of space secrets in Taoist restrictions.

The secret knowledge of space is profound and profound, and it is not just as simple as compressing the true energy and physical strength. Its real power lies in its higher-level application.

Gu Xiuyun has compressed his true energy and physical strength to the fifth level, and even has the ability to break the rules of heaven and earth. However, he knows that he is far from reaching the ultimate level of space secrets... Only by compressing the Taoist restrictions to the fifth level can he Truly unleash the power of this peerless secret technique.

As for Lei Yuanze's matter, he had already forgotten about it.

Not to mention that he is currently practicing in the core secret realm of Taishang Sect. Outsiders cannot find it here. Even if they can find it, with Gu Xiuyun's strength, he will not be afraid of those gods, demons and emperors.

The gods and demon emperors are not real emperors after all.


The wind roared.

Deep in the formation of water dragons, clouds and snakes, a pretty figure sits cross-legged, her whole body covered with blue ice slag, and between the ice slag and the flesh, there is a dense layer of golden threads.

The blood becomes silk, and the silk becomes cocoon!

This is the hurdle that all gods and demons must go through after the divine power realm to break through. Every time the silk is condensed into a cocoon, it is a leap in blood and a leap in the essence of life.

For the descendants of gods and demons, the resources of magical medicine are one aspect, but what is more important is the transformation from cocoon to butterfly when breaking through the realm. The route of condensing silk into cocoon is different, and the future achievements are also completely different.

For example, the ordinary guests of the Lin clan are all composed of low-level cocoons. No matter how many magical medicines they have, they will never be able to break through to the late stage of the divine power realm in this life; while Bei Yan broke through the realm with medium cocoons, so He can reach the late stage of the divine power realm, and even has a slight chance of stepping into the divine law realm;

As for Jiaolong Linkong, as a core member of the Lin clan, he has the blessing of the elders of the divine realm and the guidance of countless classics. Naturally, what he has condensed is a high-quality cocoon, which can be said to have unlimited potential.

It is precisely because of this that Bei Yan is particularly humble in front of Jiaolong Linkong. The gap between silk and cocoon means that they are not on the same level.

At this moment, Ye Xin also began to turn into silk and cocoon for the first time in his life!

The power of fate fills the void and evolves into various hexagrams.

Ye Xin's bloodline threads changed according to the hexagrams, protruding from the skin, flesh and blood, muscles and bones, and even every inch of bloodline nodes, forming overlapping thread patterns.

If you observe carefully, you will find that these lines contain the ultimate mystery of the water movement, even beyond the rules of water movement itself, and have a mysterious and indescribable meaning.

"After hundreds of millions of years of practice, I have completely understood the original rules of the water element...but I can't understand the blood veins and patterns in front of me at all."

Ye Xin silently sensed the changes all over his body and was amazed in his heart.

Although the five elements, wind and thunder, and time and space have elucidated the mysteries of the world, it is far from enough to only be the mysteries of matter and involve the level of life.

Life is an extremely special existence. It is part of the material in the world, but it is also transcendent from material. They have souls, thoughts, desires, fears, greed, emotions, and the separation of life and death.

As the most noble beings in life, gods and demons are even more special.

The improvement of the bloodline of gods and demons is actually the evolution of the rules of life. The power of gods and demons is similar to the power of rules. However, this kind of power does not need to be understood by the descendants of gods and demons. As long as there is enough accumulation, you can naturally break through. .

This is probably called being blessed by nature.

"The transformation of the bloodline of gods and demons is actually the evolution of the divine power of the rules. Even though I have understood the rules of water and have deduced the secrets of heaven to the true realm, I can still only adapt to the changes in the bloodline and condense the bloodline threads step by step."

Ye Xin sighed in his heart.

With her Taoist realm, it would be easy to gather high-grade cocoons, but it would take ten times more time than medium-grade cocoons.

Today, she simply doesn't have that much time.

"That's all. The bloodline defects can be made up for in the future. Dealing with the old ghost Bei Yan first is the top priority right now."

Ye Xin took a deep breath and began to gather cocoons along with the blood flow.

At this moment, a ray of light descended from the void and penetrated the water dragon cloud snake formation in an instant.


Before Ye Xin had time to react, the light had penetrated into her body. The next moment, her mind and even soul were boiling, and an indescribable power penetrated her whole body.

"What's going on? I can actually see through the changes in the bloodline of gods and demons?"

Ye Xin's face was full of shock.

At this moment, her Taoist realm seemed to have been improved a thousand times, her mind was clear, and she understood everything, including the blood fluctuations in her body.

How to turn silk into a cocoon in the most perfect way, how to evolve the purest bloodline, are no longer problems.

Thoughts flashed.

Ye Xin waved his fingers, and the bloodline threads connected with each other at an extremely fast speed, turning into veins. One layer, two layers, three layers... a total of 129,600 layers of veins were connected to each other to form The most complex cocoon in the world.

You must know that the lower cocoon has only one hundred and twenty layers, which is also the lowest threshold for bloodline transformation.

Medium cocoon with 360 layers.

The best cocoon has one thousand and eighty layers.

After a thousand layers, each additional layer increases the power of the bloodline by one point, but the danger also increases by one point, so few people dare to continue trying.

One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred levels are unheard of, and are not even recorded in the ancient books of Taiyuan.

At this moment, Ye Xin condensed.


Deep in the Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation, thunder roared and water waves surged.

One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred layers of blood veins surrounded Ye Xin's body, causing her blood to transform rapidly in some incredible state. Not only that, there were also massive water gods in the thundering waves. Demonic power was surging from the depths of the continent, pouring into Ye Xin's body like a tide.

"what happened?"

"Who inspired the origin of gods and demons in Lichao Continent?"

In the center of the continent, a humanoid god-demon covered in black armor opened his eyes with shock on his face.

Lichao Continent is one of the seals of the ancestor of water-moving gods and demons.

Except for the core area of ​​the continent, no one can directly absorb the original power of the ancestors of gods and demons. They can only slowly collect the floating divine power scattered in the sky and the earth. But at this moment, he clearly sensed that the origin of gods and demons at the bottom of the continent was affected by some kind of power. Driven by force, it rushes toward the southeast like a rolling tide.

"Brother, something big has happened. The origin of gods and demons has changed -" Another god and demon wearing purple armor came quickly.

"I already knew it."

The black-armored gods and demons stood up, "Since our clan occupied the core area of ​​Lichao Continent, there has never been any change in the origin of gods and demons. This is the first time... Something big must have happened in the southeast of the continent, maybe it was a certain peerless person. The gods and demons are breaking through, maybe some kind of rare treasure has come to the world... No matter what it is, we must rush there immediately. "

"Brother, the changes in the origin of the gods and demons are so violent, I'm afraid the other two clans have also noticed it," the purple-armored gods and demons frowned, "Should we ask the clan leader to come back and take charge, lest any treasures really get robbed by them."

"you're right."

The black-armored god and demon nodded solemnly.

At the same time, the elders of the other two major divine clans also came out of seclusion.

The three top-level gods jointly control the core area of ​​Lichao Continent. Naturally, the changes in the origin of gods and demons cannot be hidden from any one of them.

In just a few moments, hundreds of gods and demons flew into the air and rushed toward the southeast.

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