Fortune Teller

Chapter 1730 Chi Chi and Strange Beasts

Deep in the void, the waves surged, and countless cyan light rain drifted between the sky and the earth.

"Brother Hanteng, I haven't seen you for so many years, but you still look as charming as before!"

A thunderous sound echoed across the sky.

Vaguely, you can see the head of a strange beast that's billions of miles in size, half floating on the water, with star-like eyes looking far ahead.

Opposite the alien beast, a skinny humanoid god and demon stood in the sky, with a single horn standing on his forehead, and his eyes were extremely dark, "How can I not be as carefree as Brother Chi, who alone controls the ice wave sea, and can come and go freely, unlike me?" , I have to guard the secret realm of gods and demons, and I have to run around every day. No, I have come to ask Brother Chixiao for something on the orders of the emperor!"

"Begging me? The dignified leader of the Hantang Clan, the first divine monarch under Emperor Jiuyi, would actually ask for help from others. This is really a big joke." The alien beast's head roared with laughter, "Tell me, what's the matter!"

"The emperor hopes that you will help him find someone, an outsider who is good at destiny."

"Life outside the realm?"

The eyes of the alien beast deep in the waves sank slightly, "Most of the extraterrestrial beings that can come to Taiyuan Ancient World are extremely powerful. What's more, this person is also a destiny system. It's almost impossible to find him."

Every destiny practitioner knows how to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, especially when it comes to oneself.

The moment those gods and demon emperors had thoughts, Gu Xiuyun felt something in his heart, so even if there were countless gods and demons walking in the world, no one could find his traces.

"If this thing was easy to handle, would I still need to find you?"

The one-horned god and demon shook his head and said, "This person is very important to the emperor, so the emperor wants to ask you for help. Only your brother Chi Zhi's eternal light mixing mirror can break the cover of the rules of fate, forcibly spy on the past scenes, and find this person's whereabouts "

The alien narrowed his eyes.

The Eternal Light Mixing Mirror is the most proud magical power of the Chi Chi God and Demon, and it is also its most powerful method. When the mirror light falls, all the scenes in hundreds of millions of years will appear before your eyes, but it is not easy to use this magical power.

Every time it is activated, a huge amount of divine power is consumed, and there will also be backlash depending on the object of the spy.

The stronger the opponent is, the more severe the backlash will be.

If it were a being like the God-Devil-Emperor, just one look at it and the backlash would cause it to lose half of its life.

"How strong is the extraterrestrial being that Emperor Jiuyou is looking for?" The alien beast pondered for a moment and asked.

It dare not deny Emperor Jiu's face.

But if the opponent is too strong, even if it risks offending the emperor, the Chi Chi God Demon will not do it, such as tracking down an emperor...


The one-horned god and demon hesitated, "According to the information given by the emperor, when this person first entered the Taiyuan Ancient World, his cultivation level should be at the second level of acting. In just a few hundred million years, he should not have improved much. "

"The second level of acting."

The Chi Chi God and Demon nodded slightly.

After all, it is a half-step god. It can track down the whereabouts of a second-level actor. The backlash should be very small. This matter can be agreed to.

"Finally, I got over it." The One-Horned God Demon sighed secretly.

As the most powerful god and demon under Emperor Jiuyi, he naturally knew Gu Xiuyun's strength, but he did not dare to tell the other party the real situation. If the god and demon Chiji knew, Emperor Jiuyi asked him to track down a super person who was comparable to the emperor. A strong person might not even know how to speak, so he turns around and runs away.

Track down the emperor? Looking for death!

"In that case, let's leave early!"

The one-horned god and demon smiled slightly, and was about to leave with the strange beasts, when he suddenly frowned, "Strange, why would Cold Plague send a message to me at this time??"

Deep in the bloodline, a message came, 'Clan Chief, the origin of the gods and demons at the bottom of the continent has changed, and a large amount of original divine power is flowing towards the southeast... The three major gods and demons have all sent gods and demons to investigate. This matter is very strange, please The clan leader returns quickly. ’

"There is a change in the origin of gods and demons? How is it possible?"

The one-horned god and demon couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The Lichao Continent is one of the seals placed by the Supreme Saint of Taiyuan himself. The origin of water-moving gods and demons is suppressed underneath. Even the Half-Step Divine Lord cannot absorb the original divine power through the seal and can only wait for the divine power to overflow on its own.

Now that the origin of gods and demons has actually changed, even the one-horned gods and demons are a little shocked at this moment, thinking that they heard it wrong!

"Brother Hantang, what happened?" The strange beast asked in a loud voice.

"Some changes have happened in the clan," the one-horned god-demon frowned, "The origin of the gods and demons at the bottom of the Lichao Continent has changed, and the clan members suspect that a rare treasure has appeared in the world."

“What kind of rare treasures can there be in an ordinary continent??”

The alien beast showed disdain, smiled and said, "Since your clan has something to do, you might as well deal with it first. It won't be too late to track down the life outside the world in a few days. Anyway, I have plenty of time."

"No need." The one-horned demon shook his head.

If it were normal times, it wouldn't be a big deal to wait for a few days, but tracking down the creatures outside the world was of great importance. In addition to Emperor Jiuyi, other emperors of gods and demons were also dispatching troops. Those people would probably send their men to ask for help from alien beasts.

If you wait a few more days, I'm afraid the strange beast will be taken away by others.

"The emperor's matters are the most important," the One-Horned God-Devil said solemnly, "Anyway, the exploration is the same everywhere, let's start from the Lichao Continent!"

"Okay, I'll go take a look with you and see what the so-called rare treasure is!"

The strange beast chuckled and flew into the distance with the one-horned god and demon.

Not long after, two more Half-Step God Lords came to the Bingbo Sea, but there was no trace of the chili beasts.

"Damn it, someone got there first!"

"The Chi Chi is the best at finding traces. With it around, it will definitely be much easier to find the destiny practitioners. It's a pity that I don't know which emperor invited him away."

"It is not the only god and demon who is good at tracking. If Chiji is not here, I will ask other gods and demons for help."

The two gods turned and left.

Inside the Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation.

Ye Xin sat cross-legged, his dense blood veins condensing into a cocoon, surrounding his body heavily.

Every moment, her bloodline is undergoing rapid transformation.

The ancestral essence deep in the bloodline also continued to grow, increasing dozens of times in just a few moments.

"With 129,600 levels, I can actually condense so many blood veins and veins? According to the Lin clan's classics, the most powerful gods and demons in the history of Lichao Continent only have 13,800 levels. How can I condense so many blood veins? Out ten times?”

Ye Xin was shocked.

One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred levels, just thinking about it is enough to make ordinary gods and demons despair.

You must know that the condensation of silk into a cocoon in the realm of divine power is very time-consuming, and every layer of silk threads must be carefully scrutinized, because one careless step will cause the blood vessels to collapse and the body to disappear.

Therefore, ordinary gods and demons only dare to deduce 120 layers to condense inferior cocoons.

A slightly more powerful person, such as the old ghost Bei Yan, only dares to deduce the 360-layer condensed medium cocoon, and no longer dares to do so.

Every additional layer brings more danger.

Only people like Jiaolong Linkong, who are protected by the elders of the Divine Dharma Realm and guided by countless classics, dare to evolve 1080 layers of silk threads and condense the finest cocoons.

But now, Ye Xin has gathered 129,600 layers!

"My mental state... was raised a thousand times in an instant, as if I could do anything. I could even see the evolution of the bloodline of gods and demons clearly. What is that beam of light... exactly?"

"Could it be that the adults are helping me secretly??"

"No, it's impossible. Although your Excellency is proficient in the Tao of Destiny, your cultivation level is only in the middle stage of the Divine Dharma Realm. How can you have such magical powers?"

Let a person's Taoist realm soar a thousand times, and even easily evolve into 129,600 layers of blood veins.

This kind of thing is unheard of.

Even if it could really be done, I'm afraid it would have to be an existence like the Gods, Demons and Emperors! !

But which emperor would help her junior when he has nothing to do?

Ye Xin thought hard in his heart.

At the same time, massive amounts of original divine power surged out from the ground and merged into bloodline threads.

One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred layers of silk threads required so much divine power that it was far beyond Ye Xin's endurance limit. Not to mention twelve drops of the essence of gods and demons, even ten times more would not be enough.

Only with the help of the mighty origin of gods and demons at the bottom of the continent can the transformation of bloodline be supported.

Gulu! Gulu!

It's like being swallowed by a whale.

Endless source of divine power poured into the bloodline threads, and then merged with the bloodline, allowing Ye Xin's bloodline level to continuously improve.

Time passed slowly, and half the incense stick passed.

The blood in Ye Xin's body was finally saturated, and the threads and veins began to converge. The original divine power in the ground lost its traction and returned to the bottom of the continent.

The gods and demons of the three major divine clans also arrived near the Lanhai area at this moment.

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