Fortune Teller

Chapter 1733 The Crocodile Clan is Coming

After a while.

The dragon beast withdrew its magical power, and there was a vague white mist puffing out of its mouth and nose, and its aura was much weaker than before.

It can be seen from this that using the Eternal Light Mixing Mirror once will cause a lot of damage to the Lord Chi Zhi.

"There is no life outside the world, and there are no rare treasures." The dragon and strange beast shook its head, "Brother Hantang, you guessed wrong."

"There's none?"

The one-horned god and demon sighed softly, "It seems that the rare treasure has been taken away. That's right. Lichao Continent is just an ordinary continent. If there is no top expert who deliberately cultivates it, how can there be one that can absorb massive amounts of original power? Treasure!"

"There is another possibility. The source of power is not an artifact, but a god and demon." The dragon and beast said in a deep voice.

"It's unlikely." The One-Horned God Demon shook his head slightly, "The original power of the Lichao Continent is not pure, and its level is extremely low. It only has an effect on people below the level of divine law. Those who are capable of mobilizing the original power are not very likely." People don’t like this place at all, except for cultivating rare treasures and refining spiritual treasures, I can’t think of any other reason.”

The dragon and beast pondered for a moment and nodded.

No matter how low the level of the Lichao Continent is, it is still one of the seals placed by the Supreme Saint of Taiyuan himself. It can mobilize so many gods and demons. It can be seen that the person who took action is at least a half-step god king, and he is also a strong man who is proficient in breaking the seal.

For people like this, even if they want to absorb the original power, they must find a secret realm of gods and demons, not an ordinary continent.

While speaking, Lord Han Yuan looked down.

The gods and demons of the three major god clans looked at the two god kings with excitement on their faces, respectfully and expectantly. They wanted to know what kind of treasure it was that caused the origin of the gods and demons to move, and even swallowed nearly two points of the entire continent. The power of origin.

"There are no rare treasures here, just wait... and leave!" Lord Han Yuan raised his voice.


"How can it be?"

The gods and demons looked shocked.

The original power at the bottom of the continent has disappeared by nearly two points. Even the power of gods and demons itself is no less than hundreds of top-level magic medicines! !

Lord Han Yun actually said no?

"Master Shen, are you kidding?" The elder headed by the Konglan clan couldn't help but speak.

"Huh? Do you dare to question me?"

Lord Han Yuan's face suddenly darkened, "What kind of status do I have? Even if I really have a rare treasure, I can just take it. Do I need to cover it up?"

The hearts of the gods and demons trembled, and they knelt down quickly.

"A mere treasure will not cause me and Brother Chi to lose their identities. If Konglan and Haoyan ask, this is how you will answer."

As he spoke, the two mountain-like figures disappeared into the depths of Qingming.

"The Lord God personally vouched for it. It seems that there is no lie. The rare treasure that triggered the origin of gods and demons is really missing!"

"It's normal. There can be any treasures in the Lichao Continent. Even if there are any, they were cultivated by top experts personally. It is estimated that the treasures were taken away by that expert as soon as they took shape. How could it be our turn?"

"Report this to the clan leader first."

The Konglan tribe and the gods and demon elders of the Haoyan tribe talked in low voices.

As for the Hantang tribe, they have already flown back to the God Clan's base under the leadership of Elder Hanwen.

It didn't take long.

The other two tribes of gods and demons also left one after another, and peace returned to the Lanhai area. Even the Lin tribe and the Si Crocodile tribe did not know that so many powerful gods and demons had come to their territory.

Of course, even if they knew, they wouldn't dare to say anything nonsense.

After all, the strongest members of these first-class ethnic groups are only in the middle stage of the Divine Dharma Realm. Compared with the Half-Step Divine Lord, they are two full levels behind.


Bei Yankeqing sat deep in the formation, his face uncertain.

"how so?"

"I have obviously refined the fragment of the stone bead into my body, and even completely covered it with my blood, so that no one can detect the trace, but why... I still disappeared silently?"

Bei Yan felt vaguely that he seemed to have been controlled by an extremely powerful being, but he could not remember what he had experienced. It was like a big dream. After waking up from the dream, he had completely forgotten everything. .

But the dream was false, but the missing stone bead fragments were real.

"My greatest opportunity...the stone bead fragments are just gone?"

"Without that fragment, how could I step into the divine magic, how could I condense silk into a cocoon? Do I, Bei Yan, really want to be a guest of the Lin clan for the rest of my life?"

"No, you can't."

Thinking of this, Bei Yan's eyes turned red, "I still have a chance. That woman Ye Lan has the pure ancestor essence hidden in her body. As long as I get the ancestor essence, I can break the shackles of blood and reach a higher level. When the time comes, , I can also create a clan and become the emperor!"

"When the selection of the town guards is over, the woman will be skinned and boned..."

There was murderous intent in the cold words.

time flies.

Before I knew it, two months had passed.

The waves caused by the Eternal Light Mixing Mirror have subsided from the hearts of countless creatures. For those low-level gods and demons, the Half-Step God King is too far away from them.

Like the bright moon in the sky and the beasts on the ground.

No matter how bright the moon is, it only makes the beasts raise their heads and take a look. What really makes them care... is always the cattle and sheep in front of them.

Whoosh! Whoosh! ! Whoosh!

Rays of escaping light passed through the boundary of the Lanhai Territory and rushed towards the Linhai clan's land - Lanhai City.

Those figures are either strong or weak. The strongest one has reached the peak of the Realm Master, and the weakest one is only around the True Master. Each one's eyes are full of desire and expectation.

The Lin clan selects the guards of the Zhen clan, not based on cultivation, but only on talent, bloodline, and understanding.

Those with strong talents can be selected.

Those with pure blood can be selected.

Those with outstanding understanding can be selected.

This is the rule set by the first generation leader of the Lin clan.

Strong talent means that the magical power is superior to that of peers, so it is naturally worth cultivating; pure blood means that the potential is amazing, and it will be easier to enter the realm of divine power in the future, which is also worth cultivating; as for outstanding understanding, it is to find geniuses suitable for practicing the rules of destiny.

After all, the first generation leader of the Lin clan was a strong master of the destiny system, and he was also a follower of a certain disciple of the Taishang Sect.

With these two identities, how could the Lin clan leader not pay attention to destiny?

At the same time, a team of gods and demons came to the northern border of Lanhai area.

"For countless years, the Lin Clan has conducted a selection of guards for the town every one hour. They have Old Ghost Lin as their backing, and they have a background from the Supreme Sect. Even Lord Shenjun must show courtesy."

"The Lin tribe is rich in resources and has astonishing wealth. This is unmatched by other first-class tribes. Only they can select and train the guards of the town tribe without restraint."

"But we can't just watch the Lin clan grow stronger."

At the front of the team, the elder of the Divine Law Realm of the Si Crocodile Clan had cold eyes, a solemn breath, and every word he spoke was filled with murderous intent.

Although the Lin clan is not much stronger than other clans, their resources and wealth are ten times or a hundred times greater.

Because they have a first generation patriarch who is proficient in the rules of destiny.

Everyone in the world knows that the Destiny System is best at hunting for treasures. As long as they are willing, they can collect a large number of magical medicines at any time. Not only that, there are countless gods and demons who want to get the guidance of the strong Destiny people to break through the barriers of cultivation.

Therefore, even if a person with strong destiny does not go out, countless people will take the initiative to offer treasures.

"The Lin tribe can select guards and train tribesmen unscrupulously. We can't do that, but we can stop it," the elder of the Sichuan tribe said with a cold look. "You all listen to the order. After entering the Lanhai area, kill all the creatures you see. We want the world to know that anyone who dares to seek refuge with the Lin clan will only die."

"In addition, destroy all formations and palaces to weaken the Lin clan's heritage to the greatest extent possible."

"The Lin clan is the old enemy of our Si Crocodile clan. Only by killing them all can the Si Crocodile clan survive. Go ahead, kill and destroy everything!"

"Yes, elder."

The team of gods and demons dispersed into dozens of escaping lights, speeding away in all directions.

However, the elders of the Divine Law Realm of the Si Crocodile Clan stayed where they were.

He also wanted to make a sneak attack and kill, but he didn't dare.

Fighting in the realm of divine power can be considered a small fight at best, but once the realm of divine power takes action, it will be a full-scale declaration of war against the Lin clan.

And that consequence is not something that the Si Crocodile Clan can bear.

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