Fortune Teller

Chapter 1734 Dragon Seal

Northern city.

Jiaolong Linkong was lying in the center of the tower with a contented look on his face. His huge tail swept to both sides from time to time. Every time he swept, he could make a whirring sound.

"Master Lin Kong's Dragon Transformation Seal is getting more and more powerful."

The surrounding Lin clan disciples were a little envious when they saw this scene.

The Lin clan's entire body is made of blue ice crystals and has no fixed form. It can look like a human, a lion, a tiger, or a wild wolf, and Jiaolong Linkong is a blue ice dragon.

But not every descendant of the Lin tribe can transform into an ice dragon.

The reason why Jiaolong Linkong appears in dragon form all the year round is because he has practiced a secret skill of magical power - Dragon Transformation Seal. This secret skill perfectly matches his innate magical power. The deeper the practice, the more powerful the magical power becomes, until finally, the magical power becomes Combined with secret techniques, it is almost ten times more powerful than gods and demons at the same level.

"I heard that the Dragon Transformation Seal is divided into four levels. The first level is to refine dragon scales, the second level is to transform into dragon blood, the third level is to gather dragon bones, and the fourth level is to light up the dragon's eyes. I don't know which level Master Ling Kong has reached! "

"At least the second level."

"No, I think it's the third level. Lord Lin Kong's dragon tail swing is so powerful. It's no different from a real dragon. If there is no dragon bone to support it, how can it be so powerful?"

The gods and demons of the Lin tribe talked quietly.

Their voices were very low, but Jiaolong Linkong was so powerful that almost every word fell into his ears.

"How did you know that I have already cultivated the Dragon Transformation Seal to the third level? As long as I advance to the fourth level, I can enlighten the dragon's eyes and cultivate the body of a true dragon."

Jiaolong Linkong was secretly proud, and at the same time also looked forward to it.

Only by reaching the fourth level of the Dragon Seal can the power of this secret skill be truly unleashed.

By then, his bloodline magical power will be ten times stronger than that of gods and demons at the same level, and people like Bei Yan will be like ants in front of him.

"Hurry, hurry!"

"At most three chen years old, I can enlighten the dragon's eyes and cultivate the body of a true dragon."

"At that time, with my magical powers, it will be a sure thing to become an elder, and I may even have the opportunity to follow the first-generation clan leader."

Jiaolong Linkong's heart became increasingly hot.

At this moment, a harsh sound echoed through the sky.

"The city defense formation is warning that a divine power of unknown origin has broken into the ancient city of Zhenjie."

"It must be the Si Crocodile Clan. Please notify the gods and demons in each area quickly and ask them to take precautions."

The gods and demon guards of the Lin clan suddenly became confused.

One hour is equivalent to a million years, which is too long for the descendants of gods and demons. Except for the guards who have reached the realm of divine power, the ordinary guards are only at the level of the World Master. They have never experienced the attack and killing of the Scrocodile Clan. At this moment, their faces are full of... Panic and uneasiness.

"The Crocodile Clan!"

Jiaolong Linkong opened his eyes, with evil energy steaming in his eyes, "Well done, this city lord has not killed anyone for a million years. I will use you this time to test the power of the third level of the dragon seal."

The first two layers of the Dragon Transformation Seal, the refining dragon scales and the dragon transformation blood, are only changes in form and have little impact on the strength.

Only at the third level, when the dragon bones are condensed and supported by the dragon bones, can the body of a true dragon be brought into full play, and his natal magical power also needs the help of the power of the dragon bones to fully display it.


Thunder rumbled outside the city.

One after another, 'peaks' tower into the sky. If you look closely, you will see where the peaks are. They are clearly the million-foot sea crocodile gods and demons.

"Little Lin Kong, your ancestor is here again, why don't you kneel down to greet me!"

"Brother Crocodile Hun, I heard that Lin Kong's son has practiced the Dragon Seal of Transformation. How about we cook him so that he can have a taste of dragon meat."

"He's not a real dragon. What's the use of boiling it? It's not just a puddle of water in the end."

"That's right, that's the only bad thing about the Lin clan. They are covered in ice cubes and don't even have a place to mouth."

The gods and demons of the Si Crocodile tribe said unscrupulously.

"How dare a group of savage beasts act arrogantly in front of our Lin clan!"

Jiaolong Linkong roared angrily, and endless divine power surged out from the depths of his scales. "The Jie Zun-level guards obeyed the order and set up the Ten Thousand Spirit Demon Slaying Array with the Jie Zhen Tower as the core. They must kill all the idiots of the Si Crocodile Clan. The rest of the divine power realms will follow me out to meet the enemy."


One by one in the realm of divine power soared into the sky.

As for those world-level divine and demon guards, they were stationed in various parts of the city, cooperating with the large formation in the city, turning the entire city into an iron barrel.

Boom, a thunderous sound!

Jiaolong Linkong has already fought against the gods and demons of the Si Crocodile tribe...

Fire ant desert.

Ye Xin sat cross-legged, with a thin layer of ice shards all over his body.

In two months, she had completely stabilized her bloodline, and the power of gods and demons in her body had more than doubled compared to when she first broke through.

"Submit a warning... It seems that the Crocodile Tribe has arrived. I wonder if they will choose the Fire Ant Desert."

Ye Xin lowered his head and glanced at the communication charm on his waist.

According to past rules, the Scrocodile tribe would send half of their teams to attack each area, including about five to six in the late stage of the divine power realm, thirty in the middle stage of the divine power realm, plus a group in the early stage of the divine power realm.

When this team joins forces, no one can stop them.

However, the Si Crocodile Clan will not use all their power in one area, because their goal is not to attack the Lin Clan, but to destroy the Zhen Clan's guard selection, so they must massacre as much as possible the descendants of the gods and demons who go to the Lanhai area.

To do this, the Scrocodile Clan's team must spread out.

"The Fire Ant Desert is not conspicuous among many areas. Even if there are gods and demons from the Crocodile Clan, they are probably not powerful figures. The Water Dragon, Cloud Snake Formation and Puppet Beast should be enough!"

Ye Xin stood up, waved his right hand lightly, and four tall puppet beasts flew out from the storage treasure.

"Meng Yi (Meng Er, Meng Three, Meng Four), pay homage to the master."

The four puppet beasts knelt down, their bodies filled with powerful aura.

"I'm going out for a trip. You guys should guard the Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation. If someone from the realm of divine power of unknown origin appears, kill them without mercy. If they are juniors below the realm of divine power, don't worry about them."

Ye Xin said in a deep voice.

In this period, all the gods and demons who dare to enter the Lanhai area have bad intentions. Regardless of whether they are from the Si Crocodile tribe or not, they only have one word: kill.


The four puppet beasts showed hesitation, "We are humble in Taoism. Even with the help of the Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation, I am afraid we can only deal with the early stage of the divine power realm. If we encounter the middle stage of the divine power realm..."

"It doesn't matter."

Ye Xin flipped his palms, and four Taoist talismans appeared in front of him, "You each hold one talisman. If you encounter a strong enemy that you cannot resist, pull him into the formation. With the power of this formation, support the three Five days is a no-brainer.”


The puppet beasts took over the talismans one after another.


The light flashed away, and the woman in green disappeared without a trace.

"In just a few months, Master's strength has improved a lot."

"My master is extremely talented. If he hadn't devoted all his attention to understanding the rules of fate, he would have entered the realm of divine law long ago."

"Let's go quickly and seize the time to refine the array."

The four puppet beasts dispersed in different directions.

They are all puppets made by Ye Xin himself, and each one contains the mystery of destiny. Although their killing power is not high, they are first-class experts in controlling the divine formation.

In just a moment, the Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation started to move again.

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