Fortune Teller

Chapter 1737 Completely destroyed


Quietly, the three pool masters and the eighteen gods and devils guards all fell.

Facing the indiscriminate attack of black ripples, any life will only die...except Bei Yankeqing, who controls the magical relics.

"Haha, dead, all dead."

Bei Yan looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "Aren't you the masters of the pool? Aren't you awesome? You didn't end up dying at my hands in the end."

"Twenty-eight Pond Masters, the secret skills of the Scrocodile Clan, what do they mean in front of my magical relics?"

At this moment, the entire Jingjiao Heaven-cutting Formation was quiet. Except for the twenty-three corpses of gods and demons, there was nothing there. Even the broken formation platforms and formation flags were crushed into powder by the supernatural remains.

"I gave you a chance."

"It's a pity that you are too stupid to force me into this dead end."

Bei Yan looked around fiercely, "Guli, you can guess that I got a great opportunity, but you never thought that I still have a bone from the peak of the divine law realm in my hand. Not to mention you, even the Lin clan Elder Linshan had a narrow escape from this move."

The remains of the peak of the Divine Law Realm are also the top treasures in the entire Taiyuan Ancient World.

After all, magical relics cannot be formed casually.

Only the gods and demons who have fallen into the natural dangers of the secret realm can condense this thing. If they were killed by other gods and demons, the power of their bloodline would have been drained away long ago. There would be no excess divine power left, and it would be impossible to form a magical legacy. bone.

The peak of the divine realm is already the highest level of life that can be killed by the secret realm.

Further up, there are the Half-Step Divine Lord and the Divine Demon Emperor.

Thoughts flashed.

Bei Yan took out the messenger talisman and conveyed the message to Elder Linshan who was far away in Lanhai City, 'Elder, the three masters of the pond have done nothing and have left Beilianghe. Now their whereabouts are unknown. ’

‘Very good, you continue to guard Beilianghe. ’ Elder Linshan responded.

Bei Yan had a smile on his face.

Elder Linshan said this, which means that reinforcements will not come. In this way, he will have enough time to clean up the mess. There are twenty-three corpses of gods and demons, including three in the late stage of the divine power realm. Not to mention anything else. The bloodline power alone is also a considerable fortune.

Just then, the sky suddenly lit up.

A blue beam of light traversed the void, directly splitting the Jingjiao Sky-cutting Formation.


Bei Yan was slightly startled.

Before he could react, the cyan beam of light had already arrived in front of him. With a loud bang, the beam of light transformed into a sky-searing sword edge, cutting Bei Yan's natal spirit shell in half.

Immediately afterwards.

Another golden talisman fell in the air, and invisible webs emerged from the talisman, trapping him layer by layer, and even his bloodline divine power was completely blocked.

"Who? Who is it?" Bei Yan's face was full of horror.

He never expected that there would be gods and demons hiding in the dark, and each Taoist talisman in his hand was stronger than the other. Only two talismans trapped him.

"We haven't seen you for a few days. Brother Bei Yan has forgotten about my little sister?" Outside the Jingjiao Formation, the woman in green slowly approached.

"Ye Lan?!"

Bei Yan's eyes widened, "How could you appear here? No, your cultivation level——"

Bei Yan was horrified to find that the woman in green in front of him had extremely strong divine power, which had far exceeded the early stage of the divine power realm, and even showed signs of approaching the late stage of the divine power realm.

How could there be such a big change in just two months?

"Are you surprised?" Ye Xin smiled slightly, "The ancient world of Taiyuan is vast and endless. You can get the opportunity, why can't I? Bei Yan, the grudges between you and me should be settled today."

"You want to kill me!"

Bei Yan's pupils shrank sharply, and he was about to activate the communication talisman in his hand, but found that it was empty.

The moment the cyan beam of light hit him, it had already crushed the communication talisman to pieces, and no more fragments could be found.

"I didn't expect that I would die in the hands of a junior like you," Bei Yan said with indescribable grief and anger in his eyes. "Ye Lan, if you didn't have the Taoist talisman in your hand, no matter how sneaky you were, you wouldn't even be able to hurt me even a hair. I really don’t want to be in your hands!”

"Then I'll let you rest in peace."

Ye Xin raised his right hand.

In an instant, the twisted rules of fate were operating at an extremely fast speed, and the power of gods and demons around him condensed into blue sword light at an incredible speed.

Cold water thorn, one of the bloodline magical powers of the Yelan tribe.

It was also Ye Xin's innate talent.

This magical power is not considered powerful in the ancient world of Taiyuan, and can only be classified as medium. But at this moment, it is exuding astonishing fluctuations. Coupled with the twisting rules of fate, its power is unimaginable.

"A supernatural power comparable to the late stage of the divine power realm? And...the rules of fate?"

The unwillingness in Bei Yan's eyes disappeared instantly, leaving only fear and despair, "It turns out that I have offended such a person."


Cold water pierced the heart.

Bei Yan's body of gods and demons was smashed to pieces by the mighty power, and the blood in his body turned into flying smoke, completely disappearing from the world.

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