Fortune Teller

Chapter 1738 Doubts

"it's over."

Ye Xin looked ahead.

Bei Yan's body of gods and demons has been chopped into pieces, and even the power of his bloodline has completely dissipated, leaving only some broken spiritual treasures and weapons in the void.

It can be seen that the three major pool masters have indeed forced out all the trump cards of the old ghost Bei Yan. With four Taoist talismans, two spiritual treasures, seven supernatural bones, and one more peak divine magic realm bone, Bei Yan is already a master. All means of Yan.

"Strange, where did that destiny treasure go?"

Ye Xin suddenly frowned.

Among the many fragments, there was no artifact related to destiny, but she knew clearly that Bei Yan had a treasure in his hand that could withstand the deduction of heaven's secrets. If it hadn't been for that treasure, she would not have been quietly approached by the other party. The secrets deep within the bloodline will not be exposed.

"Forget it, even if you die, the light will be extinguished. With Bei Yan's character, he probably won't leak this matter to others." Ye Xin whispered.

The fewer people who know about the ancestral essence, the better.

Because once it is leaked, it may be discovered by the Lin clan. Old ghost Bei Yan is determined to get the ancestor's energy, so how can he tell others?


Divine power swept through the void.

Twenty-three corpses of gods and demons, together with fragments of weapons, all disappeared, leaving only an empty Jingjiao Heaven-cutting Formation above the Beiliang River.

A few days later.

A piece of news shocked the northern border: Beilianghe had fallen, and more than a dozen gods and demons from the Scrocodile tribe passed through, massacring the creatures in the Lanhai area.

Although this accident was quickly suppressed by the powerful Lin clan who came to support, Bei Yan and the twenty divine and demon guards died silently, which became the biggest unsolved case of the entire Lin clan.

"Bei Yan is actually dead??"

"He is a powerful person in the late stage of the divine power realm, and he has the help of the Jingjiao Heaven-cutting Formation. How could he fall into the Beiliang River?"

"Did the Si Crocodile Clan send more than one pool master? But why didn't we encounter any attacks?"

The gods and demons in various areas on the northern border were shocked and confused.

The disappearance of Bei Yan and the twenty divine and demonic guards was like a huge dark cloud, firmly hanging over everyone's heads.

In comparison, Jiaolong Linkong was much calmer.

Because he had received a summons from Elder Linshan and knew the causes and consequences of the Beilianghe incident.

"Crocodile Li, Crocodile Fang, Crocodile Chun... the Si Crocodile tribe is really ruthless. They actually sent three pool masters in order to take revenge."

"No matter how much you deny it, Bei Yan's request for help is true, but why don't you continue to take action? The three great pool masters plus the gods and demons besieging the ancient city of Zhenjie are enough to destroy the entire northern border. Even I can only do it reluctantly. Protect yourself.”

Jiaolong Linkong was a little confused.

Based on the way the Si Crocodile Tribe behaves, once they take action, they will definitely do something absolutely right. But now, they only killed one god and demon guest, which is really strange! !

Lanhai City, meeting hall.

Seven Lin clan elders sat opposite each other.

Among them, there are five in the early stage of the Divine Law Realm and two in the middle stage of the Divine Law Realm. It is only a first-class ethnic group, but there are so many elders in the Divine Law Realm. This shows how powerful the Lin clan is!

"What do you think of the changes in Beilianghe?"

The white-bearded god and demon sitting at the head of the table spoke in a deep voice.

"Great Elder, there are two things that are beyond doubt about this matter," Elder Linshan replied. "The first is Bei Yan's message asking for help. The Si Crocodile Clan sent at least three pool masters to attack Beilianghe; the second is those gods and demon guards. , Each of them has the fate of their own race in their bodies, so I am sure that they are really dead. "

"As for Bei's hard to say whether this person is dead or alive."

"But his soul lamp has indeed gone out!" Another elder said.

"What does the extinguishing of the soul lamp mean?" Elder Linshan sneered, "There is just a trace of his soul mark in it. As long as he takes the initiative to dissipate the mark, the soul lamp will go out, but who can be sure that Bei Yan will definitely be dead? ?”

The extinguishing of the soul lamp can only mean that the mark of the soul has dissipated, but no one can say whether it is dead or alive.

With Bei Yan's strength, he can completely destroy the soul mark across half of the state, and it is his own mark, and others can't detect it at all.

"There's something weird about this."

The white-bearded god and demon said in a deep voice, "Beilianghe fell, and Bei Yan and the twenty god and demon guards disappeared. However, the Si Crocodile clan did not admit that it was the three pool masters. With their behavior, such a thing would not happen. It is necessary to conceal it and publicize it in a big way to suppress our clan’s momentum.”

"More importantly, according to the information from the spies, the soul lamps of the three pool masters of the Si Crocodile clan have all been extinguished, and they may have died... With the strength of the three pool masters, who below the realm of divine law can kill them? ?”

The elders nodded slightly.

It was precisely for this reason that they gathered in the meeting hall. A mere Beiyan was not enough for the Lin clan to hold an elders meeting.

"There is a problem with Bei Yan's death."

"The Si Crocodile Clan has kept the news of the three pool masters' deaths secret, which is also problematic."

"In addition, you should all remember the light that enveloped the Lichao Continent two months ago. I have already found out the news from the Han Yuan family. It was the work of the legendary Lord Chiji, the master of the Ice Wave Sea."

The white-bearded god and demon spoke slowly.

"God Chi Chi!"

All the elders suddenly looked shocked.

The Bingbo Sea is a very high-level secret realm. It is famous throughout the ancient world of Taiyuan. There are countless water-line gods and demons who want to enter the Bingbo Sea secret realm and absorb the ancestral divine power.

Such a precious secret realm is controlled by a half-step god king, which shows how powerful he is.

"Why did God Chi Chi come to Lichao Continent?" Elder Linshan couldn't help but ask.

"How can you and I ask about the secret of the God King?" The white-bearded God Demon raised his brows, "Besides, even if I asked, my friend from the Hantang tribe might not know it. But apart from that, my friend also Said something important——"

Having said this, the white-bearded god and demon's eyes narrowed slightly, and when he turned his palms, a stream of divine power filled the void, completely sealing off the entire meeting hall.

"Two months ago, the origin of gods and demons at the bottom of the Lichao Continent suddenly changed, and a massive amount of origin power surged to the southeast... The god Chiji used his sky-reaching method just to find that rare treasure that absorbed a massive amount of origin power. , but ended up with nothing.”

"And now, Bei Yan and the Scrocodile Tribe's Pool Master disappeared quietly in the same place. Don't you think it's weird?"

As soon as the words fell, the entire palace fell into silence.

Every elder couldn't help but gasp in a low voice. Even the three major gods tried their best to search for this rare treasure, which even attracted the half-step god king. What kind of treasure is it? ? Could that treasure be related to the disappearance of Bei Yan, the owner of Avocado Pool and others?

Although it was only one in 10,000 chance, it still made everyone's blood rush and they were inexplicably excited.

"Great Elder, do the three major divine clans know about Beilianghe's affairs?" the Lin clan elder asked repeatedly.

"Don't worry, the three major protoss won't care about such a trivial matter, let alone deliberately investigate the life and death of Crocodile Li, Crocodile Fang and others. Besides, this is our speculation. Whether it is related or not is a matter of speculation." The white-bearded god and demon said solemnly, "Even if it has nothing to do with that rare treasure, there must be some kind of secret hidden there, which is worth our efforts."

"The great elder is absolutely right."

Everyone nodded.

A secret that can kill all three pool masters must involve beings above the realm of divine law. No matter what the reason is, it is worthy of careful investigation by the Lin clan.

On the other side, the elders of the Si Crocodile Tribe also gathered together.

They knew far more about the deaths of Crocodile Li, Crocodile Fang, and Crocodile Chun than the Lin clan. The most important point was that the three Pond Masters died at the same time, and no news was spread before their deaths.

"Looking at the world, only masters in the middle stage of the Divine Law Realm can do this," the Great Elder of the Siggo Clan said solemnly, "But according to the deduction from Xuanji Mountain, the one who killed the three of them... was the guest minister of the Lin Clan. Find him, as long as you find this person, all mysteries will be solved."


One after another figures flew in all directions of Lichao Continent.

Unfortunately, they were destined to gain nothing. Xuanji Mountain could only identify the murderer of the three pool masters, but could not judge Bei Yan's life or death, and no one believed that Bei Yan had died.

After all, he was also a powerful person at the peak of divine power.

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